OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

According to you and your argument now, the fact that the liar didn't get arrested for perjury, means they weren't lying.

Sorry, I have to pull out the snowflake yellow flag and throw it on your bullshit.

US AG Eric Holder was caught dead-to-rights committing perjury, was protected from indictment by his own DOJ and Obama but was Censured by a bi-Partisan congress, making him the 1st Presidential Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured....AND SNOWFLAKES STILL CLAIM HOLDER NEVER LIED / NEVER COMMITTED PERJURY...

Former CIA Director Brennan was caught dead-to-rights lying about illegally spying on US citizens, the media, and US SENATORS. When evidence was provided the Democrats and Republicans (illegally) cut a deal to keep him from being indicted - he had to go before Congress and admit he illegally spied on the Senate and that he lied. The link and stories - with photos - showing him standing before Congress doing so have been posted many times....AND SNOWFLAKES STILL CLAIM BRENNAN NEVER LIED / NEVER COMMITTED PERJURY/ NEVER ILLEGALLY SPIED ON THE SENATE.....

Going by the same Democrat / snowflake standards, rules, and definitions Kavanaugh never lied.....

Don't get mad at ME or KAVANUGH - embrace the hypocritical suck of tour own making.
Nope....this is not a court....because they chose to run it like a court, does not make it one. It is a job interview......a very very very very very very important job interview.
A job interview with witnesses testifying under oath against the candidate?

Nobody is buying that bullshit.
Absolutely it's a job interview......he's applying for a very very very very very important government job.

And yet he already has a very very very very important government job. So I guess he has to be impeached right?
Well, and I've already answered this once, if you have a very important job...and while interviewing for an even MORE important job they find out something bad from your past that would (hopefully) disqualify you....don't you think your current job would be in jeopardy?
Notice how the Dems keep pushing for an FBI investigation? That seems to be the only thing they really care about. Wonder why that is? :9:
Because a rapist might be seated on the Supreme Court.

Clinton is being considered for the seat?

or are you talking about Cosby
Obviously, no. Are you drunk?
Well, Cosby is in jail for rape,

Clinton had far more believable accusations of rape,

and NO ONE in this mess has accused Kav of rape.

But YOU keep claiming he is a rapist.

No, I'm not drunk, haven't been for over 25 years.

But you are proving you are stupid by continuing to claim he is a rapist.
He is stupid, but he knows he's lying. He doesn't post lies accidentally or out of ignorance. He does it because he thinks it's his job to push a false narrative.

If he isn't drawing ssi or shooting up in a friend's bathroom on a regular basis and living off foodstamps, he's probably a federal employee using federal computers to print garbage meant to turn the US into a commie shit hole.
Orin Hatch's facial expression before the break just now looked liked he was thinking "What the HELL did we just DO!?!?!?"

Notice how the Dems keep pushing for an FBI investigation? That seems to be the only thing they really care about. Wonder why that is? :9:
Because a rapist might be seated on the Supreme Court.

Clinton is being considered for the seat?

or are you talking about Cosby
Obviously, no. Are you drunk?
Well, Cosby is in jail for rape,

Clinton had far more believable accusations of rape,

and NO ONE in this mess has accused Kav of rape.

But YOU keep claiming he is a rapist.

No, I'm not drunk, haven't been for over 25 years.

But you are proving you are stupid by continuing to claim he is a rapist.
You keep claiming no one has accused him of rape when one victim actually has, and act as if attempted rape is completely fine. Cosby and probably Clinton should be in jail for rape, so should Kavanaugh.
Given Kavanaugh's drinking problems and his being a bad and agressive drunk, I expect that when he testifies he will tell the Senate committee that he will upon confirmation go to the Betty Ford Clinic for rehabilitation. Isn't this where all these elitist derelicts go?
What drinking problems? Did Kav rape you too?
What drinking problems???!!!! LOL.

The man is Otis Campbell with a Yale education.
when did you see him?
Oh c'mon, more than enough circumstantial evidence to show the man can't hold his booze.
In addition to Dr. Ford's testimony and the statements of the other women, you have Kavanaugh's college roommate's statements as well. I find them all credible.
Absolutely it's a job interview......he's applying for a very very very very very important government job.
It is a job interview

We either hire him or we don’t. Kavenaugh does not need to be criminally convicted to decide he is not worth the chance

What a weasely rationale for character assissination.

This isn't just a job interview. This is judgement about Kavanaugh's character and his entire life. If this were a real issue, it should have come up before he was appointed to the 2nd Highest Court in the country. It wasn't because this is made up crap from a psychological mess.
so why didn't she go after kavanaugh in 2012.? why didn't her husband track his ass down to punch him out in 2012?

Was it before or after Romney put Kavanaugh on his list of potential nominees?

Why on earth did a fight about a second door lead to recalling alleged sexual abuse?
Weird how this didn’t happen for Gorsuch, huh?

Gorsuch took the Scalia seat, so a conservative replaced a conservative.

The Dems are fighting dirty to keep a conservative from taking a swing vote seat.

See the difference?
OMG- FOX just endangered Kavanaugh and his family by showing his house! How stupid!
As dumb as the entity known as FOXNEWS is, Kavanaught will be fine.

Unless he's ravaged by a slew of disgruntled rightwing Republicans for botching this whole thing, you have nothing to worry about.
Rush Limbaugh did that for the Obamas when they were on vacation. Not only did he show the house the address but also an aerial view from a helicopter. I remember writing about it right here on the USMB.
Too bad the Republicans refused to allow an FBI investigation. It would have been the best way of finding out the truth.

That's a decision that totally back-fired on them.
A job interview with witnesses testifying under oath against the candidate?

Nobody is buying that bullshit.
Absolutely it's a job interview......he's applying for a very very very very very important government job.
It is a job interview

We either hire him or we don’t. Kavenaugh does not need to be criminally convicted to decide he is not worth the chance

What a weasely rationale for character assissination.

This isn't just a job interview. This is judgement about Kavanaugh's character and his entire life. If this were a real issue, it should have come up before he was appointed to the 2nd Highest Court in the country. It wasn't because this is made up crap from a psychological mess.
so why didn't she go after kavanaugh in 2012.? why didn't her husband track his ass down to punch him out in 2012?

Was it before or after Romney put Kavanaugh on his list of potential nominees?

Why on earth did a fight about a second door lead to recalling alleged sexual abuse?

I know I know!

Because she's a LOON.
Yup. My thoughts exactly.

The Reps don't seem to want to take the gloves off and go after Ford. So why waste time as the Dems congratulate her all over the place.

Dismiss her and take the vote. This whole thing is a as phoney as a three dollar bill.

It doesn't matter if you think Dr. Ford is credible or not, most people have made up their minds, and she hasn't offered anything more compelling. If the Democrats, or Republicans want to make anything more of it, they can just vote the way they want to vote. The grandstanding aside, let the Democrats drag it along as something that can help them in November, and let the Republicans do the same thing by keeping the ability to appoint Supreme Court Justices a key point in their platform.

The circus is part of the problem, shit or get off the pot.
Ford did not have to show up....she could have shown up, been a prostitute with her Pimp and George Soros sitting next to her, and Democrats would declare Kavanaugh to be the lying rapist he is accused of being.

This is literally the 'Herman Cain'ing of Kavanaugh, and it - like the Mueller investigation - will not come down to evidence but the PR / SPIN war, the war of emotional manipulation waged by Democrats and their media.
It is a job interview

We either hire him or we don’t. Kavenaugh does not need to be criminally convicted to decide he is not worth the chance

What a weasely rationale for character assissination.

This isn't just a job interview. This is judgement about Kavanaugh's character and his entire life. If this were a real issue, it should have come up before he was appointed to the 2nd Highest Court in the country. It wasn't because this is made up crap from a psychological mess.
so why didn't she go after kavanaugh in 2012.? why didn't her husband track his ass down to punch him out in 2012?

Was it before or after Romney put Kavanaugh on his list of potential nominees?

Why on earth did a fight about a second door lead to recalling alleged sexual abuse?
Weird how this didn’t happen for Gorsuch, huh?

Gorsuch took the Scalia seat, so a conservative replaced a conservative.

The Dems are fighting dirty to keep a conservative from taking a swing vote seat.

See the difference?
No, because there is no difference.
It is a job interview

We either hire him or we don’t. Kavenaugh does not need to be criminally convicted to decide he is not worth the chance

What a weasely rationale for character assissination.

This isn't just a job interview. This is judgement about Kavanaugh's character and his entire life. If this were a real issue, it should have come up before he was appointed to the 2nd Highest Court in the country. It wasn't because this is made up crap from a psychological mess.
so why didn't she go after kavanaugh in 2012.? why didn't her husband track his ass down to punch him out in 2012?

Was it before or after Romney put Kavanaugh on his list of potential nominees?

Why on earth did a fight about a second door lead to recalling alleged sexual abuse?
Weird how this didn’t happen for Gorsuch, huh?

Gorsuch took the Scalia seat, so a conservative replaced a conservative.

The Dems are fighting dirty to keep a conservative from taking a swing vote seat.

See the difference?
The bigger difference being multiple rape accusations

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