OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

OMG- FOX just endangered Kavanaugh and his family by showing his house! How stupid!
As dumb as the entity known as FOXNEWS is, Kavanaught will be fine.

Unless he's ravaged by a slew of disgruntled rightwing Republicans for botching this whole thing, you have nothing to worry about.
Notice how the Dems keep pushing for an FBI investigation? That seems to be the only thing they really care about. Wonder why that is? :9:
Because a rapist might be seated on the Supreme Court.

Clinton is being considered for the seat?

or are you talking about Cosby
Obviously, no. Are you drunk?
Well, Cosby is in jail for rape,

Clinton had far more believable accusations of rape,

and NO ONE in this mess has accused Kav of rape.

But YOU keep claiming he is a rapist.

No, I'm not drunk, haven't been for over 25 years.

But you are proving you are stupid by continuing to claim he is a rapist.
Looks like the bitch lied about her fear of flying. If not lying then trying to manipulate to get her way. Typical for a Liberal.

She has been exposed as a liar.
Shows what an idiot you are. I have an extreme fear of flying and yet I flew to Germany when I was in the military and I flew back from Germany when I was in the military. I’ve done it when I have to but I’m terrified the whole time, white knuckle terrified.

Sometimes you just have to overcome your fears.

Republicans fear the truth.

Which, of course, is why the Republicans are asking questions to establish facts while the Democrats are grandstanding.
Given Kavanaugh's drinking problems and his being a bad and agressive drunk, I expect that when he testifies he will tell the Senate committee that he will upon confirmation go to the Betty Ford Clinic for rehabilitation. Isn't this where all these elitist derelicts go?
What drinking problems? Did Kav rape you too?
What drinking problems???!!!! LOL.

The man is Otis Campbell with a Yale education.
when did you see him?
Oh c'mon, more than enough circumstantial evidence to show the man can't hold his booze.
No it was Kavanaugh facilitating the rapes. You should probably look up info about this before commenting.

Not even accuser #3 makes that claim. But of course, you could only know this as a fact is you were involved in facilitating these rapes.

What are you telling us?
She did make that claim. Your willful ignorance is a poor defense.

Nope, and I don't believe anyone who admits knowledge of underage girls being raped and stands by and does nothing
You don’t believe any rape victim so no surprise there

I've been a crime victim advocate in the past. Ask the rape victims I assisted if I believed them as they put those bastards in the pen.
You must have been horrible at that job.
So far it is only the lying TDS afflicted Moon Bat bitch's word.

You DO realize this isn't a court of law, it's a job interview, right?

How many people you don't know were allowed to sit in and accuse you of things you didn't do at your job interview?
I know one thing.....if I claimed there was a witness, I'd expect them to bring that witness there.

How can there be any viable witnesses when the accuser can't remember when and where?
Why would you expect specific details of an event from 35 years ago

I remember parties and bars I went to when I was in college where something had happened like a bar fight or someone getting incredibly drunk

I don’t remember the date, how I got to the bar, what I was drinking, everyone who was there, the exact location of the bar.........but I remember the fight

Ms. Ford can't remember the person who gave her a ride home from THE MOST TRAUMATIC EVENT OF HER LIFE, Winger! How is that possible? Does that make sense to anyone?

It's kind of interesting that everything she has forgotten about that night are the items that would allow others to fix both the date and the location of the accusation.
Rachel Mitchell rightwing Hitwoman

Be interesting to see if she is called on to question Kavenaughs account with such detail

How can Kavenaugh's account include any detail when the accusation doesn't include details like when and where?
She can ask about his statements on Fox that he never got drunk and only studied hard and went to church

That was his exact statement?
Yeah, let the trained GOP pit bull chick who's covering for men who don't have the balls to ask their own damn questions have at it nonstop! :rolleyes:
Way to demean a professional, highly trained, experienced WOMAN, douche bag..... Thanks for the demonstration of how it is ok for liberals / snowflakes to disrespect women and how they project their disrespect and hatred for women onto others....
Odd...I missed your posts to Flash. Very odd.
I have a feeling that Rachel Mitchell is probably thinking to herself right now that "This is a job I should not have taken."

No it was Kavanaugh facilitating the rapes. You should probably look up info about this before commenting.

Not even accuser #3 makes that claim. But of course, you could only know this as a fact is you were involved in facilitating these rapes.

What are you telling us?
She did make that claim. Your willful ignorance is a poor defense.

Nope, and I don't believe anyone who admits knowledge of underage girls being raped and stands by and does nothing
You don’t believe any rape victim so no surprise there

I've been a crime victim advocate in the past. Ask the rape victims I assisted if I believed them as they put those bastards in the pen.
Oh you didn’t try to villify them and destroy their lives? Wish I knew you back then instead of now.
god, can she ever give a straigh yes or no answer? all i hearing is,,,uh,,im not sure,,dont remember, dont recall,,,,i feel as if i am watching another Hillary grilling
He is not a PROVEN liar.

Your proof is based on some people not getting the answer they want, not lying.

Considering your evidence is based on him being under oath, the lack of a perjury charge vacates your accusation.
According to you and your argument now, the fact that the liar didn't get arrested for perjury, means they weren't lying.

So, if after today, Dr. Ford isn't leaving the proceedings in cuffs, does that mean she was telling the TRUTH!?!?

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