OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

A woman whose life is destroyed (which it wasn't), even in theory, because she went to a party and was groped by a drunk teen boy while his friends a piss poor example of a female.

If that is the worst thing that has even happened to her, she's not a woman. She's a fucking child.
Especially coming from a woman who fucked more than 53 guys inside a 5 year time span...
This bitch has voluntarily done shit that would make the Devil blush...

She's been manipulated and used by men all her life...who give her money for claiming to be victimized by other men.

It's disgusting.

She's a leftist slave. And this is entirely a hoax.
Gorsuch took the Scalia seat, so a conservative replaced a conservative.

The Dems are fighting dirty to keep a conservative from taking a swing vote seat.

See the difference?

Quotas on the Court? No seat on the Court belongs to an ideology

What is dirty about asking the FBI to do what they did with Anita Hill?

Anita Hill testing during the hearing.

This fake accusation was brought up after the hearing concluded.
'I didn't want to come to New York/DC by plane because I'm afraid of flying. With many friends encouragement, I did fly here many times. I've also flown to many places, many times' WTH?

Yeah there have been a lot of statements like that during this hearing—so contradicting I’m left wondering if I heard it correctly.
so why didn't she go after kavanaugh in 2012.? why didn't her husband track his ass down to punch him out in 2012?

Was it before or after Romney put Kavanaugh on his list of potential nominees?

Why on earth did a fight about a second door lead to recalling alleged sexual abuse?
Weird how this didn’t happen for Gorsuch, huh?

Gorsuch took the Scalia seat, so a conservative replaced a conservative.

The Dems are fighting dirty to keep a conservative from taking a swing vote seat.

See the difference?
The bigger difference being multiple rape accusations

Correction: The bigger difference being a ANY MEANS NECESSARY assault to prevent his nomination.
calling bullshit

the Optics (set up in a dirty way) of having a supposed prosecutor

Ford is NOT on trial
I know one thing.....if I claimed there was a witness, I'd expect them to bring that witness there.

How can there be any viable witnesses when the accuser can't remember when and where?
Why would you expect specific details of an event from 35 years ago

I remember parties and bars I went to when I was in college where something had happened like a bar fight or someone getting incredibly drunk

I don’t remember the date, how I got to the bar, what I was drinking, everyone who was there, the exact location of the bar.........but I remember the fight

Ms. Ford can't remember the person who gave her a ride home from THE MOST TRAUMATIC EVENT OF HER LIFE, Winger! How is that possible? Does that make sense to anyone?

It's kind of interesting that everything she has forgotten about that night are the items that would allow others to fix both the date and the location of the accusation.

Or her state of mind as she was leaving the party?
She said she stormed out immediately.

That is consistent with victimology.
So far the first woman is credible at the Senate hearings.

This is not good for Kavanaugh.

He may have gotten away with this back then, but it has come home to haunt him now.

She has created enough doubt to where Kav will
Likely not be confirmed.
'I didn't want to come to New York/DC by plane because I'm afraid of flying. With many friends encouragement, I did fly here many times. I've also flown to many places, many times' WTH?

Yeah there have been a lot of statements like that during this hearing—so contradicting I’m left wondering if I heard it correctly.
My mom was terrified of flying, but we'd get her on a plane. I never wanted to be seated next to her LOL
I have a feeling that Rachel Mitchell is probably thinking to herself right now that "This is a job I should not have taken."


I think Rachel Mitchell is doing just fine. She'd have an easier time if she didn't keep getting stopped by 5 minutes of Democratic grand standing but she's slowly but surely getting Ford to go on the record with answers. It's what a good prosecutor does.
Yup. She's awesome.

It looks like Fox is ending up on her side.

Will Kavanaugh fall apart when Democrats start interviewing him?
"My attacker is going to be on The Supreme Court some day"

I thought she told that to her husband years ago during remodeling, wanting TWO front doors to "keep Brett out", but either way, an amazing bit prescience to remember a kid who groped and fondled her through her clothes decades earlier (apparently the only one) might someday be a SC judge!

Apparently she was OK with his being a US Circuit Judge most of his life though. If every guy who ever groped a girl was suddenly fired from his job, we would have a real crisis on our hands. As if every girl who ever got felt up carried it through her entire life wanting to destroy the guy 40 years later!

These Democrats are setting a new precident here. We need to change the way background checks are done from here on out for men especially. If this is really what they want. we should start clearing out Washing DC now, go through all their high school and middle school records find out if there ever was a complaint about unwanted touching or kissing which would make any one accused a sexual predator until they can prove otherwise. We need to let the hearings begin until we can be sure society is safe.

It is becoming ever clear many women ARE NOT fit for the workplace or the world and need to crush and destroy men and hold the rest down to a standard they can deal with that they don't get their delicate feelings rumpled.
Again, this is NOT a court of law, it's a job interview.
I have participated in job interviews before. None of them involved witnesses testifying against me.

The allegation makes it a Court, not an interview.

The consequences make it a court as well, and not just an interview.
And the consequences are that he either gets the job or not.

You really think that is the only consequence?

If you really believe all the stories about him, wouldn't you want him Impeached from the DC Circuit?

You really think his career would keep going if he is turned down from the SC because of this?

Oh, wait, character assassination in the pursuit of politics is OK for political hacks like you because the ends justify the means.
No more no less than anyone else who has unpleasant stuff pop up during their job interview. If you are being interviewed for a job and they find that you've done X bad thing.....don't you think your current job should be in jeopardy?

Do they have te person lying about you attend your job interview and lie about you in person?
A woman whose life is destroyed (which it wasn't), even in theory, because she went to a party and was groped by a drunk teen boy while his friends a piss poor example of a female.

If that is the worst thing that has even happened to her, she's not a woman. She's a fucking child.

She is actually very childlike and immature for her physical age and education/profession. She is answering in such a way that a 15yo would. Did she never grow up during those 32 years?
Well this is all taking her back to her 15 year old persona.

Very consistent.
Kavanaugh, the virgin rapist – The New Neo

Cracks me up all this shit. Indelible in the hippo-campus. But I can't remember who's house I was at, who brought me to the party, what month is was, what day it was, or how I got home.


Not One Woman has stepped forward and Refuted Kavanaugh's claim of being a Virgin until he met his wife.

That in itself is enough to throw this out, and throw these assholes and their accusations out on their ass.

They ought to be hauled out in handcuffs, because what is being done is criminal.

She hosts "Google Interns" in her house. Awful Trusting for someone who was s"o traumatized"

But this is the best line of this whole circus.....

At 15 she recalls saying to herself:

"My attacker is going to be on The Supreme Court some day"

Brett Kavanaugh Claims Past Virginity As Defense Against Sexual Assault Claims | HuffPost
Why do you right-wing nutters hate women so much?

The gop war on women continues unabated.

It's a war on leftist stupidity

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