OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

You are comparing apples and tactical nuclear warheads.

Just admit you see character assassination as a viable political tool, regardless of the evidence at hand.

Three witnesses have come forward about his character

Republicans seem content to overlook it as long as they get their conservative on the bench

Why did that drunk whore lie about flying?

What was the point except try to delay, her character is shot to hell

Kavanaugh accuser's fear of flying comes under scrutiny at hearing

She didn’t lie
She is uncomfortable flying....many people are
Doesn’t mean she doesn’t do it

By the way, she did not fly to the party

No, her attorneys claimed they needed to delay her testimony by one day because she was afraid to fly and they had to DRIVE to Washington DC.
RWer will ignore your post and ask another dumb ass question.

That's the M.O.
Face it folks, the Republican Party is in deep excrement, and it is their own fault. The hysteria expressed by Lindsey Graham was laughable, and the comments on Fox News at the moment is nitpicking minutia; their talking heads are trying to convince their base, that Kavanaugh will tell the real truth.

Boy are you funny.

The Reps aren't in trouble over this. Its still a he said, she said just like it was before this ridiculous meeting.

The Dems fell all over themselves congratulating Ford but never asked her any questions. The Reps should have taken the gloves off and really gone after her.

She has no witnesses. No proof and couldn't remember where the house was or how she got home. In fact she couldn't remember anything.

The only truth we found out was that she couldn't remember most of what happened.

This happened 30+ years ago and should have been reported THEN. Not 30+ years later. It would have been investigated then. To late now.

You really are a biased hack.
How very convenient that she can't pinpoint the date of the occurrence.
Absolutely no chance Kavanaugh can pull some real evidence out that he couldn't have been there.
If this is all a sham, it'll eventually come out.
That would be bad, huh?
IMO Dr. Ford was credible, honest, cooperative and fair in her testimony.
She was also clueless, could not remember extremely critical details, her story changed, she admitted to changing her story, had named witnesses who say this never happened, and in the end presented no EVIDENCE to support her claim.
dude, she couldn't remember things just in the last two months that happened and now we're all supposed to believe her after your fine articulated list:

Has No Idea Where The Party Was
Has No Idea When The Party Was - not even the YEAR
Not sure how she got there
No idea how she got home
Claims to have been intoxicated, which effects memory
The 4 Witnesses she named say IT NEVER HAPPENED
Never told her family
Never told her friends
Never filed charges
Never intended to file charges
Never came out about it
Never wanted to come out about it
Says her therapist 'got it wrong' in their therapy notes
Claims she 'corrected therapist' in her story to the Washington Post
Has no idea who paid for her polygraph test


'Ford: I'm '100 percent' certain Kavanaugh assaulted me'? yeah ok, color me stupid if you think I believe this nonsense from this slut.
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Why the fuck is her looks continually pointed out?

That is more than pointless.
Thats the next progression. She handed the repubs a bag of explosives so now they are deconstruction mode. They have to find something to break her down. :21:
It looks like Kavanaugh is up next.

The GOP won't take any shots at the lady-professor.
Not now but you can bet they are going to talk about how ugly she is.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beer holder.
I too think the lady-professor is pretty. I have no problem with her looks.

She is a credible witness. Her testimony seems factual.

Kavanaugh is between a rock and a hard place now.
She's stupid and very insecure. She can't tell us where or when. She's a nutcase.
You are comparing apples and tactical nuclear warheads.

Just admit you see character assassination as a viable political tool, regardless of the evidence at hand.

Three witnesses have come forward about his character

Republicans seem content to overlook it as long as they get their conservative on the bench

Why did that drunk whore lie about flying?

What was the point except try to delay, her character is shot to hell

Kavanaugh accuser's fear of flying comes under scrutiny at hearing

She didn’t lie
She is uncomfortable flying....many people are
Doesn’t mean she doesn’t do it

By the way, she did not fly to the party
Fly 6 miles to a party?
Are you an idiot?

Then why is her fear of flying relevant ?

Guess it's not if your a brain dead liberal, I never pictured you as a brain dead liberal, say it's not so.

It is extremely relevant to her character.

If I were Kavanaugh who is a powerful judge(on trial himself so to speak) I would say: Let the police in Maryland and a special investigation by non Mueller FBI investigate you will find nothing!

Republicans will not even allow witnesses to be called

Gets in the way of steamrolling the nomination
How in the hell did this serial rapist make it through six FBI background checks?
He had a NICS background check (like with gun background checks) and fingerprints. They interviewed some unspecified people.
Animal House was a movie.

You mean to tell me that none of these supposed "gang rapes" would have been outed??

Get real. No one keeps their mouths shut about stuff like that.

It would have been all over the campus, the restaurants, the bars and anywhere people met up.

Nothing like that could have been kept secret. People blab. They always have and always will.

Also where are the other women that Swetnick says were raped?? She's the only one who came forward 36 years later??

Get real.
Actually...women keep their mouths shut a lot about that kind of least they used to. Now, thanks to movements like #MeToo, fewer and fewer women are keeping silence. That is a good thing....tho I know it threatens men who like to be in control.

These were kids at a college party. They wouldn't keep their mouths shut. Kids never do. They aren't smart enough.

Not to mention the other people who were a the party. They would have told others and those others would have spread the gossip everywhere.

Everyone in every bar, restaurant and pizza parlor would have been talking about this if it actually happened.

That's the reason I think its all a crock of shit.
It was HIGH SCHOOL, not college. In high school, we did go to great lengths to make sure our parents didn't know what we were up to, but I'll tell you what I would have done if anything like that ever happened at a party I was at:
I would have gotten every non-involved girl and hopefully some boys with brains to rush the gang rape room and give them 5 seconds to clear out or someone downstairs posted by the phone was going to call the cops.
And I would have meant it.

I wasn't the person raped it happened to a friend of mine I have known since kindergarten.

I wasn't in the room or the part of the house it was happening but when I found out I went and got friends, we went in that room, got my friend out and all the boys ran. There wasn't a long line of boys but it was a handful. We all knew them.

I know I didn't tell an adult nor did anyone I know tell an adult. For the main reason was we were teenagers. No one would believe us. That is reality now and it was in the 1970s when I was in high school. Plain and simple.

Girls weren't taught back then to speak up. We were taught to be quiet. That the best thing was to stay very far away from boys like that.

The boys who did that were shunned. Not just by my group of friends but by most of the kids in school. At least the ones who knew about it and everyone knew about it.

A high school rumor mill is faster than one at a beauty salon or locker room. However kids are very good with making sure adults don't find out.

Oh BS I was taught I could tell my parents anything and most of my friends were as well. Who in the hell raised these morons?

Yeah, I'm with you. I am within a couple of years in age of Brett Kavanaugh and all of his accusers. I would not have "went and got friends" if a woman was being raped, and I certainly wouldn't have just said to myself, "Well, I'll avoid drinking the punch" and gone on with my night, as Swetnick apparently did. I'd have called the cops. Even as a teenager, I can't imagine putting "I might get grounded" ahead of someone else's physical safety. And I don't even want to imagine what motivation a legal adult could have had for blowing it off.

Whether or not the victim chose to then press charges, I couldn't tell you. But I can't wrap my brain around the kind of choices we're supposed to believe these women made. I don't even speak that language, and never have.

And as both a former teenaged girl, and the mother of a former teenaged girl, I can tell you that kids think they're better at keeping secrets than they actually are.
Kavanaugh has just started his testimony and he is doing himself no favors by his attitude and approach.

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