OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Somebody sure took that lady attorney to the woodshed during that break, she came back with a VENGEANCE!!!!

I'm waiting for her to ask the witness if is she's staying at a George Soros safe-house next.

It didn’t help.
They had months and months to investigate this. Feinstein had the information TWO MONTHS before the official hearings were held.

So we should keep trying people until we find the guilty? How Fascist of you.

Actually trying to prosecute him would be better because you would be held to a far higher standard of evidence, and any judge would throw out the charges in a heartbeat.

They are asking for "An investigation" as cover to vote no and use Ford's accusation as a shield, at least the Dems from Red States are.
-So now you jump from the process of background checks to, "the Democrats use this as a political weapon". Probably... It says nothing about the truth of the claims more about how unethical politics is. Something that Republicans have done on more then a few occasions.
-As to how unfair it is. The picking of a SCOTUS nominee IS a political process not a judicial one. I find it the height of irony that a Republican asks for a nomination process were there is no political gamesmanship and the standard of the nominee in question should be no higher then whether or not he has committed sexual assault beyond reasonable doubt. Garland wasn't even allowed a meeting let alone a hearing when he was put forward. Kavanaugh had no compunction trying to get Clinton impeached for lying about a blowjob between CONSENTING ADULTS. Here's a tip. When asking for not just fair but unreasonable fair behavior. Which, not holding a higher standard that there is doubt that he committed a crime is. It's probably a good idea to have a proven track record of fairness yourself. Otherwise what is it but blatant, self-serving hypocrisy?

I have always been of the opinion that this is nothing more than a political weapon. And the Garland thing has nothing to do with this. He was denied hearings, his whole life wasn't turned upside down in an attempt to ruin him. He wasn't accused of unprovable acts done 30+ years ago.

How many Democratic SC appointments have gone though this much acrimony and outright hatred?

Everything else in your response is bullshit fluff.

How about we ruin your life with accusations with this level of evidence?
Where was Kavanaugh objections on the Clinton impeachment? You call it irrelevant. I call it highly appropriate. If I hit you in the face, would you, hitting me back be unjustified? I don't know for certain certain these accusations are true. I very much suspect they were. She has to be the best actress in the world to give that account she did during the hearing. You don't know for certain that they are untrue. Yet you are perfectly willing to assert that Kavanaugh doesn't deserve this. In the end can't you guys just pull this guys name and nominate someone equally dreadful?

he was a mid level drone at that point. And with Clinton HE WAS ON RECORD AS LYING.

And well all know the next one will face the same type of attack, any little thing rumored in their past will be brought up.

And you didn't answer my last question.
I actually have personal experience on your last question. My wife has been assaulted before. She didn't report it, what she did do is call this guys fiance. Took some doing since she didn't have much to go on for his identity. She couldn't prove it happened to that woman but still told her her story. You think that action was unjustified?

Sorry about your wife. But she did it right away , not 30 plus years later.

Kavanaugh is giving his opening statement.

Whining and crying out loud. Screaming and ranting. He looks like he’s about to cry.
Very true

Gives credence to her story

Missed she needs more than just an allegation didn't ya?

It's nothing without proof but assholes don't want proof that's obvious
Avenatti says she's got proof.

Only a damned fool would believe Michael Avenatti if he said water was wet. When people talk about not trusting ambulance-chasing lawyers and used-car salesmen, he's the poster child for that sentiment.
Yeah, I don't understand why this newest woman didn't go to Ford's attorney. Why Avenatti? Was he out ambulance chasing and somehow found her? I dunno.

The other woman didn't go to Ford's lawyer either.

Why do they have to go to the same lawyer?

I think she's smart for hiring Avenatti. The man went up against cohen and trump and so far has won with the Stormy Daniels situation.

If it was me, I would find the lawyer who has experience with trump and that system and has a record of success which so far, Avenatti has.

Why wouldn't anyone believe Michael Avenatti? So far from what I've seen with the Stormy Daniels situation, he's been honest. His claims he's made about cohen and trump have been proven true so far. If he's been lying about something I would like to know about it.

You get that none of these women is actually accusing TRUMP of anything, right? That the man in question here is named Kavanaugh? Hello? Is anyone in there? Hello?
Three witnesses have come forward about his character

Republicans seem content to overlook it as long as they get their conservative on the bench

Why did that drunk whore lie about flying?

What was the point except try to delay, her character is shot to hell

Kavanaugh accuser's fear of flying comes under scrutiny at hearing

She didn’t lie
She is uncomfortable flying....many people are
Doesn’t mean she doesn’t do it

By the way, she did not fly to the party
Fly 6 miles to a party?
Are you an idiot?

Then why is her fear of flying relevant ?

Guess it's not if your a brain dead liberal, I never pictured you as a brain dead liberal, say it's not so.

It is extremely relevant to her character.

Doesn’t answer my question
I bet you wont be saying that if one of his victims files charges with the po po.

I can't wait!

No idea where she was
No idea when it happened
No idea how she got there
No idea how she got home
No witnesses - 4 she named say it never happened

3rd Accuser: Police: 'Let me get this straight, You....
- Were in college and partied with HS students
- Were intoxicated
- Witnessed under-aged drinking and drug use - never reported it
- Witnessed boys drugging / raping girls - never reported it
- Were drugged, raped, didn't report it, & went back numerous times
- Were never touched by Kavanaugh
- Claim to see him dancing provocatively
- Saw his standing in line outside a closed door (Bathroom?)
.....and her investigation for witnessing under-aged drinking, drug use, rape, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, etc... begins....
If I were Kavanaugh who is a powerful judge(on trial himself so to speak) I would say: Let the police in Maryland and a special investigation by non Mueller FBI investigate you will find nothing!

Republicans will not even allow witnesses to be called

Gets in the way of steamrolling the nomination
She has no witnesses.
Republicans wouldn’t allow them to talk. You know that. Everyone knows that. Democrats mentioned more than once in they’re opening statement.

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