OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

The writing was on the wall with Garland, he wasn't going to get the votes.
How many times did Reid shelve Bills because there wasn't the votes. No difference
Then they should have had to put their vote on the record and be accountable for it
If Garland was voted down, Obama should have had the opportunity to name a replacement

Just like Trump will

You are comparing apples and tactical nuclear warheads.

Just admit you see character assassination as a viable political tool, regardless of the evidence at hand.

Three witnesses have come forward about his character

Republicans seem content to overlook it as long as they get their conservative on the bench

Why did that drunk whore lie about flying?

What was the point except try to delay, her character is shot to hell

Kavanaugh accuser's fear of flying comes under scrutiny at hearing

She didn’t lie
She is uncomfortable flying....many people are
Doesn’t mean she doesn’t do it

By the way, she did not fly to the party
Fly 6 miles to a party?
Are you an idiot?
Kavenaugh will receive an up or down vote
Something Garland never received
The writing was on the wall with Garland, he wasn't going to get the votes.
How many times did Reid shelve Bills because there wasn't the votes. No difference
Then they should have had to put their vote on the record and be accountable for it
If Garland was voted down, Obama should have had the opportunity to name a replacement

Just like Trump will

You are comparing apples and tactical nuclear warheads.

Just admit you see character assassination as a viable political tool, regardless of the evidence at hand.

Three witnesses have come forward about his character

Republicans seem content to overlook it as long as they get their conservative on the bench

Three vs how many that attest to his GOOD character?

Three saying bad things about him? Deny an SC Seat and ruin his reputation over this?

have you no shame?
How many have testified......he never tried to rape me
So if I investigate somebody 100 times but afterwards stuff comes out that I missed does that mean I don't have a right to investigate those things? The only thing I've seen the left, or anybody do is ask for an investigation. Show me one who is even suggesting prosecuting Kavanaugh?

They had months and months to investigate this. Feinstein had the information TWO MONTHS before the official hearings were held.

So we should keep trying people until we find the guilty? How Fascist of you.

Actually trying to prosecute him would be better because you would be held to a far higher standard of evidence, and any judge would throw out the charges in a heartbeat.

They are asking for "An investigation" as cover to vote no and use Ford's accusation as a shield, at least the Dems from Red States are.
-So now you jump from the process of background checks to, "the Democrats use this as a political weapon". Probably... It says nothing about the truth of the claims more about how unethical politics is. Something that Republicans have done on more then a few occasions.
-As to how unfair it is. The picking of a SCOTUS nominee IS a political process not a judicial one. I find it the height of irony that a Republican asks for a nomination process were there is no political gamesmanship and the standard of the nominee in question should be no higher then whether or not he has committed sexual assault beyond reasonable doubt. Garland wasn't even allowed a meeting let alone a hearing when he was put forward. Kavanaugh had no compunction trying to get Clinton impeached for lying about a blowjob between CONSENTING ADULTS. Here's a tip. When asking for not just fair but unreasonable fair behavior. Which, not holding a higher standard that there is doubt that he committed a crime is. It's probably a good idea to have a proven track record of fairness yourself. Otherwise what is it but blatant, self-serving hypocrisy?

I have always been of the opinion that this is nothing more than a political weapon. And the Garland thing has nothing to do with this. He was denied hearings, his whole life wasn't turned upside down in an attempt to ruin him. He wasn't accused of unprovable acts done 30+ years ago.

How many Democratic SC appointments have gone though this much acrimony and outright hatred?

Everything else in your response is bullshit fluff.

How about we ruin your life with accusations with this level of evidence?
Where was Kavanaugh objections on the Clinton impeachment? You call it irrelevant. I call it highly appropriate. If I hit you in the face, would you, hitting me back be unjustified? I don't know for certain certain these accusations are true. I very much suspect they were. She has to be the best actress in the world to give that account she did during the hearing. You don't know for certain that they are untrue. Yet you are perfectly willing to assert that Kavanaugh doesn't deserve this. In the end can't you guys just pull this guys name and nominate someone equally dreadful?

he was a mid level drone at that point. And with Clinton HE WAS ON RECORD AS LYING.

And well all know the next one will face the same type of attack, any little thing rumored in their past will be brought up.

And you didn't answer my last question.
I actually have personal experience on your last question. My wife has been assaulted before. She didn't report it, what she did do is call this guys fiance. Took some doing since she didn't have much to go on for his identity. She couldn't prove it happened to that woman but still told her her story. You think that action was unjustified?
Then they should have had to put their vote on the record and be accountable for it
If Garland was voted down, Obama should have had the opportunity to name a replacement

Just like Trump will

You are comparing apples and tactical nuclear warheads.

Just admit you see character assassination as a viable political tool, regardless of the evidence at hand.

Three witnesses have come forward about his character

Republicans seem content to overlook it as long as they get their conservative on the bench

Why did that drunk whore lie about flying?

What was the point except try to delay, her character is shot to hell

Kavanaugh accuser's fear of flying comes under scrutiny at hearing

She didn’t lie
She is uncomfortable flying....many people are
Doesn’t mean she doesn’t do it

By the way, she did not fly to the party
Fly 6 miles to a party?
Are you an idiot?

Then why is her fear of flying relevant ?
If I were Kavanaugh who is a powerful judge(on trial himself so to speak) I would say: Let the police in Maryland and a special investigation by non Mueller FBI investigate you will find nothing!
So, which other judge will be Trump's next pick for SCOTUS since Kavanaugh will obviously not be on the SCOTUS?
They had months and months to investigate this. Feinstein had the information TWO MONTHS before the official hearings were held.

So we should keep trying people until we find the guilty? How Fascist of you.

Actually trying to prosecute him would be better because you would be held to a far higher standard of evidence, and any judge would throw out the charges in a heartbeat.

They are asking for "An investigation" as cover to vote no and use Ford's accusation as a shield, at least the Dems from Red States are.
-So now you jump from the process of background checks to, "the Democrats use this as a political weapon". Probably... It says nothing about the truth of the claims more about how unethical politics is. Something that Republicans have done on more then a few occasions.
-As to how unfair it is. The picking of a SCOTUS nominee IS a political process not a judicial one. I find it the height of irony that a Republican asks for a nomination process were there is no political gamesmanship and the standard of the nominee in question should be no higher then whether or not he has committed sexual assault beyond reasonable doubt. Garland wasn't even allowed a meeting let alone a hearing when he was put forward. Kavanaugh had no compunction trying to get Clinton impeached for lying about a blowjob between CONSENTING ADULTS. Here's a tip. When asking for not just fair but unreasonable fair behavior. Which, not holding a higher standard that there is doubt that he committed a crime is. It's probably a good idea to have a proven track record of fairness yourself. Otherwise what is it but blatant, self-serving hypocrisy?

I have always been of the opinion that this is nothing more than a political weapon. And the Garland thing has nothing to do with this. He was denied hearings, his whole life wasn't turned upside down in an attempt to ruin him. He wasn't accused of unprovable acts done 30+ years ago.

How many Democratic SC appointments have gone though this much acrimony and outright hatred?

Everything else in your response is bullshit fluff.

How about we ruin your life with accusations with this level of evidence?
Where was Kavanaugh objections on the Clinton impeachment? You call it irrelevant. I call it highly appropriate. If I hit you in the face, would you, hitting me back be unjustified? I don't know for certain certain these accusations are true. I very much suspect they were. She has to be the best actress in the world to give that account she did during the hearing. You don't know for certain that they are untrue. Yet you are perfectly willing to assert that Kavanaugh doesn't deserve this. In the end can't you guys just pull this guys name and nominate someone equally dreadful?

he was a mid level drone at that point. And with Clinton HE WAS ON RECORD AS LYING.

And well all know the next one will face the same type of attack, any little thing rumored in their past will be brought up.

And you didn't answer my last question.
I actually have personal experience on your last question. My wife has been assaulted before. She didn't report it, what she did do is call this guys fiance. Took some doing since she didn't have much to go on for his identity. She couldn't prove it happened to that woman but still told her her story. You think that action was unjustified?
Did she wait 30+ years to get a book deal?
IMO Dr. Ford was credible, honest, cooperative and fair in her testimony.
She was also clueless, could not remember extremely critical details, her story changed, she admitted to changing her story, had named witnesses who say this never happened, and in the end presented no EVIDENCE to support her claim.
The writing was on the wall with Garland, he wasn't going to get the votes.
How many times did Reid shelve Bills because there wasn't the votes. No difference
Then they should have had to put their vote on the record and be accountable for it
If Garland was voted down, Obama should have had the opportunity to name a replacement

Just like Trump will

You are comparing apples and tactical nuclear warheads.

Just admit you see character assassination as a viable political tool, regardless of the evidence at hand.

Three witnesses have come forward about his character

Republicans seem content to overlook it as long as they get their conservative on the bench

Why did that drunk whore lie about flying?

What was the point except try to delay, her character is shot to hell

Kavanaugh accuser's fear of flying comes under scrutiny at hearing

She didn’t lie
She is uncomfortable flying....many people are
Doesn’t mean she doesn’t do it

By the way, she did not fly to the party

No, her attorneys claimed they needed to delay her testimony by one day because she was afraid to fly and they had to DRIVE to Washington DC.
ignores the fact that Kavanaugh was a virgin.
...and a choir boy too.
It is unfortunate that Kavanaugh had played the church card before all this.

He was a dirt bag drunk not a church mouse growing up.
oh come on. really? what a fking moron you are. you know if you can't act like a fking adult, there is no point in discussing this with you any fking longer. what a scumbag statement to make. don't you have any character?
You are comparing apples and tactical nuclear warheads.

Just admit you see character assassination as a viable political tool, regardless of the evidence at hand.

Three witnesses have come forward about his character

Republicans seem content to overlook it as long as they get their conservative on the bench

Why did that drunk whore lie about flying?

What was the point except try to delay, her character is shot to hell

Kavanaugh accuser's fear of flying comes under scrutiny at hearing

She didn’t lie
She is uncomfortable flying....many people are
Doesn’t mean she doesn’t do it

By the way, she did not fly to the party
Fly 6 miles to a party?
Are you an idiot?

Then why is her fear of flying relevant ?
She delayed giving testimony due to “fear”.
Thanks for admitting you didn’t watch it or read any posts here before posting.
Then they should have had to put their vote on the record and be accountable for it
If Garland was voted down, Obama should have had the opportunity to name a replacement

Just like Trump will

You are comparing apples and tactical nuclear warheads.

Just admit you see character assassination as a viable political tool, regardless of the evidence at hand.

Three witnesses have come forward about his character

Republicans seem content to overlook it as long as they get their conservative on the bench

Why did that drunk whore lie about flying?

What was the point except try to delay, her character is shot to hell

Kavanaugh accuser's fear of flying comes under scrutiny at hearing

She didn’t lie
She is uncomfortable flying....many people are
Doesn’t mean she doesn’t do it

By the way, she did not fly to the party

No, her attorneys claimed they needed to delay her testimony by one day because she was afraid to fly and they had to DRIVE to Washington DC.
RWer will ignore your post and ask another dumb ass question.
-So now you jump from the process of background checks to, "the Democrats use this as a political weapon". Probably... It says nothing about the truth of the claims more about how unethical politics is. Something that Republicans have done on more then a few occasions.
-As to how unfair it is. The picking of a SCOTUS nominee IS a political process not a judicial one. I find it the height of irony that a Republican asks for a nomination process were there is no political gamesmanship and the standard of the nominee in question should be no higher then whether or not he has committed sexual assault beyond reasonable doubt. Garland wasn't even allowed a meeting let alone a hearing when he was put forward. Kavanaugh had no compunction trying to get Clinton impeached for lying about a blowjob between CONSENTING ADULTS. Here's a tip. When asking for not just fair but unreasonable fair behavior. Which, not holding a higher standard that there is doubt that he committed a crime is. It's probably a good idea to have a proven track record of fairness yourself. Otherwise what is it but blatant, self-serving hypocrisy?

I have always been of the opinion that this is nothing more than a political weapon. And the Garland thing has nothing to do with this. He was denied hearings, his whole life wasn't turned upside down in an attempt to ruin him. He wasn't accused of unprovable acts done 30+ years ago.

How many Democratic SC appointments have gone though this much acrimony and outright hatred?

Everything else in your response is bullshit fluff.

How about we ruin your life with accusations with this level of evidence?
Where was Kavanaugh objections on the Clinton impeachment? You call it irrelevant. I call it highly appropriate. If I hit you in the face, would you, hitting me back be unjustified? I don't know for certain certain these accusations are true. I very much suspect they were. She has to be the best actress in the world to give that account she did during the hearing. You don't know for certain that they are untrue. Yet you are perfectly willing to assert that Kavanaugh doesn't deserve this. In the end can't you guys just pull this guys name and nominate someone equally dreadful?

he was a mid level drone at that point. And with Clinton HE WAS ON RECORD AS LYING.

And well all know the next one will face the same type of attack, any little thing rumored in their past will be brought up.

And you didn't answer my last question.
I actually have personal experience on your last question. My wife has been assaulted before. She didn't report it, what she did do is call this guys fiance. Took some doing since she didn't have much to go on for his identity. She couldn't prove it happened to that woman but still told her her story. You think that action was unjustified?
Did she wait 30+ years to get a book deal?
Do you know Ford did it for a book deal? There are plenty of easier ways to earn a buck IIMO.

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