OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Face it folks, the Republican Party is in deep excrement, and it is their own fault. The hysteria expressed by Lindsey Graham was laughable, and the comments on Fox News at the moment is nitpicking minutia; their talking heads are trying to convince their base, that Kavanaugh will tell the real truth.

How do you know what the "real truth" Is? WE didn't even get close in that testimony.

Gawd she is hideous....inside and out.
You sound jealous. Typical whorish catty behavior.
Typical of the way conservatives attack females

I think she may have been the aggressor, Lets see, All girls school, Sophomore Trying to fit in, tried to get the Prize Virgin From the all boys Jesuit School got turned down or rejected /drunk and ended up somewhere she can't remember I know it happens doesn't mean he did it
How do you know she was raped?
She managed to escape Predator Brett, remember?
How do you know she escaped Predator Brett?
You think he poked it in before she could fight her way free?
Oh yes...the harlot defense

Well, she didn't get the nickname Porcupine by accident.
There's a major problem with the whole setup of this hearing today. The sexual assault consultant hired by the 11 Repubs without balls, seems MORE INTERESTED in implicating a Demo conspiracy, than fact finding on Kavanaugh. This is because she's being PAID to be yet another political shill tossed into this cluster fuck.

Big mistake... This is a Congressional inquiry, not a rape counseling or legal interrogation. And as USUAL, the Repubs entirely FOLD and shrink from their duties..

No idea WHICH of 4 (now 5) kids present LIVED IN THE HOUSE. How she got there. Alone or with someone else and who they were.

No wonder these senile ball-less wonders need a surrogate questioner.

WATCH -- When Kavanaugh gets up there, the Demos are gonna pound him like an Abalone. If you don't answer that -- you're not nearer to ANY truth....
Republicans are handcuffed here

I agree that they are too often weak

But the game is to win in the court of public opinion

We have the ammo for that based on today

I keep telling y'all that this issue is about moderate voters in purple districts and states

We're winning with that audience, and I fully expect a floor vote on the nomination

This circus has done more to stop a blue wave than anything else to date
There are no Moderates in 2018.
I have always been of the opinion that this is nothing more than a political weapon. And the Garland thing has nothing to do with this. He was denied hearings, his whole life wasn't turned upside down in an attempt to ruin him. He wasn't accused of unprovable acts done 30+ years ago.

How many Democratic SC appointments have gone though this much acrimony and outright hatred?

Everything else in your response is bullshit fluff.

How about we ruin your life with accusations with this level of evidence?
Kavenaugh will receive an up or down vote
Something Garland never received
The writing was on the wall with Garland, he wasn't going to get the votes.
How many times did Reid shelve Bills because there wasn't the votes. No difference
Then they should have had to put their vote on the record and be accountable for it
If Garland was voted down, Obama should have had the opportunity to name a replacement

Just like Trump will

You are comparing apples and tactical nuclear warheads.

Just admit you see character assassination as a viable political tool, regardless of the evidence at hand.

Three witnesses have come forward about his character

Republicans seem content to overlook it as long as they get their conservative on the bench

Three vs how many that attest to his GOOD character?

Three saying bad things about him? Deny an SC Seat and ruin his reputation over this?

have you no shame?
Face it folks, the Republican Party is in deep excrement, and it is their own fault. The hysteria expressed by Lindsey Graham was laughable, and the comments on Fox News at the moment is nitpicking minutia; their talking heads are trying to convince their base, that Kavanaugh will tell the real truth.
Your a joke and please read my signature, rye.
You are fanatically biased and wouldn't tell the truth if you had it in your back pocket., you would just sit on it.
You know there are a lot of holes in her testimony, you know it wouldn't fly in a court of law, but your
bias is just overwhelming.
I have always been of the opinion that this is nothing more than a political weapon. And the Garland thing has nothing to do with this. He was denied hearings, his whole life wasn't turned upside down in an attempt to ruin him. He wasn't accused of unprovable acts done 30+ years ago.

How many Democratic SC appointments have gone though this much acrimony and outright hatred?

Everything else in your response is bullshit fluff.

How about we ruin your life with accusations with this level of evidence?
Kavenaugh will receive an up or down vote
Something Garland never received
The writing was on the wall with Garland, he wasn't going to get the votes.
How many times did Reid shelve Bills because there wasn't the votes. No difference
Then they should have had to put their vote on the record and be accountable for it
If Garland was voted down, Obama should have had the opportunity to name a replacement

Just like Trump will

You are comparing apples and tactical nuclear warheads.

Just admit you see character assassination as a viable political tool, regardless of the evidence at hand.

Three witnesses have come forward about his character

Republicans seem content to overlook it as long as they get their conservative on the bench

The problem is the other three have serious credibility issues and one has recanted her memory. Their memories are worse than ms. Fords. one is probably complicit to rape at least 9 times
I have always been of the opinion that this is nothing more than a political weapon. And the Garland thing has nothing to do with this. He was denied hearings, his whole life wasn't turned upside down in an attempt to ruin him. He wasn't accused of unprovable acts done 30+ years ago.

How many Democratic SC appointments have gone though this much acrimony and outright hatred?

Everything else in your response is bullshit fluff.

How about we ruin your life with accusations with this level of evidence?
Kavenaugh will receive an up or down vote
Something Garland never received
The writing was on the wall with Garland, he wasn't going to get the votes.
How many times did Reid shelve Bills because there wasn't the votes. No difference
Then they should have had to put their vote on the record and be accountable for it
If Garland was voted down, Obama should have had the opportunity to name a replacement

Just like Trump will

You are comparing apples and tactical nuclear warheads.

Just admit you see character assassination as a viable political tool, regardless of the evidence at hand.

Three witnesses have come forward about his character

Republicans seem content to overlook it as long as they get their conservative on the bench
Gawd she is hideous....inside and out.
You sound jealous. Typical whorish catty behavior.
Typical of the way conservatives attack females

I think she may have been the aggressor, Lets see, All girls school, Sophomore Trying to fit in, tried to get the Prize Virgin From the all boys Jesuit School got turned down or rejected /drunk and ended up somewhere she can't remember I know it happens doesn't mean he did it
She managed to escape Predator Brett, remember?
How do you know she escaped Predator Brett?
You think he poked it in before she could fight her way free?
Oh yes...the harlot defense

Well, she didn't get the nickname Porcupine by accident.

LIAR! Her nickname was Skippy! Easy to spread
Democrats have successfully made America look like a bunch of idiots again just like they did during the Clarence Thomas hearings. They dragged that good man through the muck just like they are doing with Brett Kavanaugh.
"Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Feinstein, and Members of the Committee: Eleven days ago, Dr. Ford publicly accused me of committing a serious wrong more than 36 years ago when we were both in high school.

I denied the allegation immediately, unequivocally, and categorically. The next day, I told this Committee that I wanted to testify as soon as possible, under oath, to clear my name.

Over the past few days, other false and uncorroborated accusations have been aired. There has been a frenzy to come up with something — anything, no matter how far-fetched or odious — that will block a vote on my nomination. These are last minute smears, pure and simple. They debase our public discourse. And the consequences extend beyond any one nomination.Such grotesque and obvious character assassinationif allowed to succeed — will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions from serving our country.

As I told this Committee the last time I appeared before you, a federal judge must be independent, not swayed by public or political pressure. That is the kind of judge I am and will always be. I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. This effort to destroy my good name will not drive me out. The vile threats of violence against my family will not drive me out.

I am here this morning to answer these allegations and to tell the truth. And the truth is that I have never sexually assaulted anyone — not in high school, not in college, not ever. Sexual assault is horrific. It is morally wrong. It is illegal. It is contrary to my religious faith. And it contradicts the core promise of this Nation that all people are created equal and entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. Allegations of sexual assault must be taken seriously. Those who make allegations deserve to be heard. The subject of allegations also deserves to be heard. Due process is a foundation of the American rule of law.

Dr. Ford’s allegation dates back more than 36 years, to a party that she says occurred during our time in high school. I spent most of my time in high school focused on academics, sports, church, and service. But I was not perfect in those days, just as I am not perfect today. I drank beer with my friends, usually on weekends. Sometimes I had too many. In retrospect, I said and did things in high school that make me cringe now. But that’s not why we are here today. What I’ve been accused of is far more serious than juvenile misbehavior.

I never did anything remotely resembling what Dr. Ford describes. The allegation of misconduct is completely inconsistent with the rest of my life. The record of my life, from my days in grade school through the present day, shows that I have always promoted the equality and dignity of women. I categorically and unequivocally deny the allegation against me by Dr. Ford. I never had any sexual or physical encounter of any kind with Dr. Ford.

I am not questioning that Dr. Ford may have been sexually assaulted by some person in some place at some time. But I have never done that to her or to anyone. I am innocent of this charge."

Judge Kavanaugh was clear, concise, and confident in the testimony he gave. At no time did he say, "I do not remember' about any of the details of such a monumental, life-changing event.

Judge Kavanaugh presented an incredibly EPIC point:

The record of his life shows he was committed to education, law, and the Judicial system. His beliefs in the core values and tenets of our judicial system is stressed in his comments above, a life dedicated to these beliefs. Kavanaugh stated that in high school he was not unlike many teenagers who drank - at times too much with his friends - but emphasized he never did anything close to what he has been accused of.

Such a person who had such a disregard for human life, for women, for innocent vulnerable people, and for the law - someone who would drug a female and not only have non-consensual sex with her but who would join in with several others to take turns raping their victim...or someone who would physically assault a female and force himself upon her - rape her - is NOT realistically the type of person who could simply flip a switch and turn into a completely different person 1 or two years later.

We are to believe that the man who has been praised, exemplified, and hailed by both Republicans and Democrats, by all those who knew for being such an outstanding man of faith, integrity, morals, ethics was just 2 years earlier someone who could / would drug, incapacitate, rape, and even engage in 'gang-rapes' / 'trains', committing heinous acts / crimes against women?

I have no doubt that the rabidly partisan left have no problem painting Kavanaugh of being capable of doing so, of being 'that' mane, but the fact is what he is being accused of is an aberration - something completely out of snych / step / flow with every other known aspect of his entire life. It does not add up.

The accuser's case was not proven. The details changed, the story changed, almost nothing she testified to was substantiated / reinforced by evidence - even her own 'witnesses' have stated the event she described did not happen.

She did not want to go public with this. Once it did she did not want to testify. Kavanaugh did IMMEDIATELY.

I truly believe that those who are adamant in their claims / belief that Kavanaugh is guilty are the same partisan individuals who thought the same thing before this hearing, that nothing was going to change that view.

I personally choose to look at the entire body of a man's life and work. Kavanaugh's entire body of work - his education, his work, his family, his life - does not reflect any of what he has been accused of. The entire body of work, which he confidently presents and defends, rejects the hazy, gap-filled memory of accusations presented today. Ford and her attorneys did nothing to prove otherwise, IMO.

While Ford protested, marched, chanted, and demonstrated her political hatred for Conservatives, Republicans, Donald Trump, and Conservative judges Kavanaugh studied law, perfected his trade, built a dedication to a fair and equal justice system...while working on soup lines to feed the hungry/needy and teaching sports to kids.

What we are left with after today's hearing is our own personal belief - our own decision to make of who we believe. No evidence was presented proving the accusations made against Kavanaugh. They remain just that - accusations.

As for me, I base my decision on EVIDENCE, and with the lack of any evidence supporting the accusations against him, I also base my decision on his overall body of work and his life.

IMO, it is time to hold the hearing and confirm Judge Kavanaugh as the next USSC Justice,
But her life was not effed up. She went on to school and multiple advanced degrees. Not only a successful life, but an exemplary career by all standards. She seems to be REALLY dwelling on something that happened a really long time ago, was very short, and did not rise to actual rape or even close.
I hear what your saying, but, just the incident that happened is enough to screw things up for her.....doesn't have to be noticed by people.
My point is that something probably happened, but, not with Kav.

I have no doubt that it was and can continue to be disturbing. What I dispute is the grandstanding and the drama we saw today. This woman has had a successful life in every arena of life. People who are deeply traumatized do not typically do that. I cannot say she was not disturbed or bothered. But I can say it did not have a deep traumatic impact on her life. I mean...objectively.
I disagree. There are lots of accomplished people that are deeply traumatized. In fact that trauma is often instrumental to them over achieving.

Well, she does seem crazy to me. If that comes with trauma, I'll give you that.

The little girl voice. I'm a small woman and I have a naturally high pitched voice (soprano) but I would never talk like that.
Her voice sounds to me like someone that has issues with various phobias.

I am telling you as a woman. That incident alone, when you were 15, and you recovered from it enough to have a long-term marriage, raise two sons, and get two master's degrees, a PhD, and have many articles published, does NOT count for phobias so bad your voice shakes like that.

Unless you are just crazy. Which she might be, she is a psychologist. For sure.
Wallace is not a Conservative and neither was his father.

I guess you missed this link, also in the post.

Kavanaugh confirmation vote should be delayed due to 'sickening' assault allegations, some GOP governors say
Governers?...are you retarded?

are you retarded?
You’re one ignorant jerk.

You’re one ignorant jerk.
Explain what Governors have to do with the SC.
Kavenaugh will receive an up or down vote
Something Garland never received
The writing was on the wall with Garland, he wasn't going to get the votes.
How many times did Reid shelve Bills because there wasn't the votes. No difference
Then they should have had to put their vote on the record and be accountable for it
If Garland was voted down, Obama should have had the opportunity to name a replacement

Just like Trump will

You are comparing apples and tactical nuclear warheads.

Just admit you see character assassination as a viable political tool, regardless of the evidence at hand.

Three witnesses have come forward about his character

Republicans seem content to overlook it as long as they get their conservative on the bench

Why did that drunk whore lie about flying?

What was the point except try to delay, her character is shot to hell

Kavanaugh accuser's fear of flying comes under scrutiny at hearing

She didn’t lie
She is uncomfortable flying....many people are
Doesn’t mean she doesn’t do it

By the way, she did not fly to the party
We need to get rid of the FBI they are as worthless as tits on a boar hog!
You bet. Rightwingers don't want a Federal Investigation service of any kind hanging around...snooping they?

It wasn't long ago that they claimed to be the "law and order" party.

Another republican lie. This one bit the dust faster than others though.

They're ok with kidnapping children then putting them in cages.

I'm not surprised that they have a problem with a legal investigative organization that investigates crimes and makes sure justice happens.


Here, sweetie. Next time you need to borrow it, just ask.
-So now you jump from the process of background checks to, "the Democrats use this as a political weapon". Probably... It says nothing about the truth of the claims more about how unethical politics is. Something that Republicans have done on more then a few occasions.
-As to how unfair it is. The picking of a SCOTUS nominee IS a political process not a judicial one. I find it the height of irony that a Republican asks for a nomination process were there is no political gamesmanship and the standard of the nominee in question should be no higher then whether or not he has committed sexual assault beyond reasonable doubt. Garland wasn't even allowed a meeting let alone a hearing when he was put forward. Kavanaugh had no compunction trying to get Clinton impeached for lying about a blowjob between CONSENTING ADULTS. Here's a tip. When asking for not just fair but unreasonable fair behavior. Which, not holding a higher standard that there is doubt that he committed a crime is. It's probably a good idea to have a proven track record of fairness yourself. Otherwise what is it but blatant, self-serving hypocrisy?

I have always been of the opinion that this is nothing more than a political weapon. And the Garland thing has nothing to do with this. He was denied hearings, his whole life wasn't turned upside down in an attempt to ruin him. He wasn't accused of unprovable acts done 30+ years ago.

How many Democratic SC appointments have gone though this much acrimony and outright hatred?

Everything else in your response is bullshit fluff.

How about we ruin your life with accusations with this level of evidence?
Kavenaugh will receive an up or down vote
Something Garland never received
The writing was on the wall with Garland, he wasn't going to get the votes.
How many times did Reid shelve Bills because there wasn't the votes. No difference
Then they should have had to put their vote on the record and be accountable for it
If Garland was voted down, Obama should have had the opportunity to name a replacement

Just like Trump will
Biden Rule
precedence. and OBTW, the fbi did get involved and they found nothing they didn't find before during their checks. so precedence is set and that after six investigations running a seventh wouldn't produce any additional finds. just wouldn't, and you know why? and I expect anyone's 12th grade education to answer.

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