"Bugs! BUUUUUUUUGS!" - "Starship Troopers" :)

Ok maybe not a bug and more of a glitch, but logging in and hitting Tab to go from username to password it's going from the login box to the longer version on the left-side. First time I didn't notice it until it resulted in a password-only attempt to log in. No username. Thought it might be related to my disabling all scripts but it does it with usmb scripts on as well.
"Bugs! BUUUUUUUUGS!" - "Starship Troopers" :)

Ok maybe not a bug and more of a glitch, but logging in and hitting Tab to go from username to password it's going from the login box to the longer version on the left-side. First time I didn't notice it until it resulted in a password-only attempt to log in. No username. Thought it might be related to my disabling all scripts but it does it with usmb scripts on as well.

I noticed that too. I guess it is time to develop new habits. Having to click on the password box is so retro it must be what all the cool kids are doing these days.
Well, I have to get to work now and don't have time to wait for a response to my questions, but I'll check back in later to see. If nobody responds, I will have to private message a moderator I suppose.
Here's a question I haven't heard brought up. If I click reply to this post:

thanks i just figured that out. Now where are the picture albums?

---- it quotes only that post, not the post it was answering (which in turn was answering an earlier post). Without the reference it doesn't make sense and requires clicking back on a circuitous path to find out what the poster "just figured out" and what the original question was.

That's going to negatively impact discussions in ongoing complex debates. A lot. Is there a way to enable quotes within quotes? Because doing it manually so that the post makes sense is gonna be a lot of work.

That's strange, my browser jumps down to the quick reply box automatically when I click Reply.

And it scrolls right to my post when I click Post Reply.

I think it actually scrolls to the first new post. Sometimes that happens to be mine, other times it is someone who posted while I was composing my post.
I've heard several previously firebrand "Capitalist" posters complaining that the board makeover was chiefly motivated by a desire of the owners to maximize the monitization potential of the site and not to improve the user's experience. Duh? Welcome to the real world.

What did y'all do, have an epiphany and suddenly cross over into the hated commie camp? How many of you newly hatched socialists were freeloaders all along? And now the hypocritical "takers" are whining about the quality of the free "stuff". Sheesh, unless you threw a few bucks into the pot once in a while I say you don't have standing to complain. But go ahead, try sueing.

Was that too political for this thread? Sorry. Neg me. Ha!

True capitalists understand a concept that routinely escapes communists, the customer is always right. Communists don't get that because they always think that people have no choice but to accept government degrees, which is why communism always fails.
Also, what is the deal with "conversations?" Are they like private messages? How do we delete conversations? That should be an option IMO.
you know, these have been addressed a few times already. Why don't you just mess around in the conversation section for a few minutes and you will figure it out, I promise. Leave=Delete, Conversation=PM

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