If a site doesn't allow an easy way to search through oldest posts can do so via google as well with strings like:

site:[(www.usmessageboard.com)] myusername subject

but without the brackets or parentheses, had to iinsert those to show the text without it becomming a link.


site:[(www.usmessageboard.com)] delta4embassy introduction

Should take ya right to your first post. If you remember key phrases or specific text you woulda entered, can use that instead of the thread title as with 'introduction'

site:[(www.usmessageboard.com)] delta4embassy "i like fat chicks" (just an example) :)

One of the selling points of the new system was not having to do that.

So much for a new and improved search feature.
Lots of cool new features, guys.

Explore it a bit - you might like it. Love how responsive it is.

Or I might not. I don't want features designed to catch the eyes of people with ADD, I want a forum that lets me post with the minimum of fuss and bling.
True capitalists understand a concept that routinely escapes communists, the customer is always right. Communists don't get that because they always think that people have no choice but to accept government degrees, which is why communism always fails.
You live in a dream world.

Otherwise Coca-Cola would have never switched from sugar to corn syrup
my sentiments exactly.

Besides, it was just done ystrdy so Admin needs time to familiarize w/ all the inner-workings and make necessary tweeks.

I guess you missed the post where they used this forum on other sites first, which means they had the time to do all of that. In fact, admin actually said that this would be the easiest conversion of all the ones they have done.

But, please, keep kissing ass to make yourself look good to the staff instead of offering actual useful comments.
Here's a question I haven't heard brought up. If I click reply to this post:

NYcarbineer said:
thanks i just figured that out. Now where are the picture albums?

---- it quotes only that post, not the post it was answering (which in turn was answering an earlier post). Without the reference it doesn't make sense and requires clicking back on a circuitous path to find out what the poster "just figured out" and what the original question was.

That's going to negatively impact discussions in ongoing complex debates. A lot. Is there a way to enable quotes within quotes? Because doing it manually so that the post makes sense is gonna be a lot of work.


You could always DIY.
Firefox has a thing under Tools/Options/Content where you specify your own colors for webpages. Might try experimenting with those settings to make things easier to see. By default a box is checked with 'allow webpages to use their own colors' try disabling it to use whichever ones you specify.

The problem with that option is it will break every site on the Internet except this one. Frankly, that is the road only idiots take.
Ass burger
You know what ropey, I disagree with your ass kissing.


OK, that's good. I disagree with your disagreeing.

We are in disagreement.

hit your browser's Back button.

Or, just a thought, click on the arrow next to the poster's name in the post you just made.

Or would that indicate that you actually know what the fuck you are talking about instead of just offering stupid advice in an attempt to make yourself look tech savvy?
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You could always DIY.

That's the whole point. By the time you jump through all the hoops the limitations of the present system require to do that, you've prolly lost whatever thought you came in with. It was hard enough on vBulletin, now it's going to be even worse.

If this is a discussion board, such a feature (lack thereof) is counterproductive to discussion. Even now, a reader coming upon this post will have to traipse through a morass of links (and back again) to figure out what we're even talking about. So QED.
That might explain it. If so it's kind of a useless default and begs a workaround.

I agree. I only figured it out because it goes to my post in some threads, but not in threads that are really busy. In those I have to scroll to read my post, which I always do in a final attempt to catch errors.
But, please, keep kissing ass to make yourself look good to the staff instead of offering actual useful comments.

Frankly, that is the road only idiots take.

Or would that indicate that you actually know what the fuck you are talking about instead of just offering stupid advice in an attempt to make yourself look tech savvy?

Three easy examples of why we need Negability.
What's up with this VIP Member thing?

How can we change our labels? I would like to restore my "Uppity Water Nymph" designation.

Thank you.
Three easy examples of why we need Negability.

I thought you didn't neg much. Quantum hasn't changed how he posts. He's been posting like this since I first came here.

I'm not sure if 'we' need to neg because you want to neg.
What's up with this VIP Member thing?

How can we change our labels? I would like to restore my "Uppity Water Nymph" designation.

Thank you.

I asked about that yesterday when my "Dematerializing Catatonia" disappeared and was told that's now a "supporting member" feature. Apparently they're removing them manually and haven't got to them all yet (see QW above). Yesterday somebody said, "hey I'm not a supporting member and mine still says "you suck". A few minutes later it didn't say that any more.
I agree. I want my personalized thing back too. And I want to be invisible. And I want my visitor page closed. Everything I customized has been undone. Grrrrr

What's up with this VIP Member thing?

How can we change our labels? I would like to restore my "Uppity Water Nymph" designation.

Thank you.

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