I thought you didn't neg much. Quantum hasn't changed how he posts. He's been posting like this since I first came here.

I'm not sure if 'we' need to neg because you want to neg.

I'm just pointing out the usefulness thereof. Much has been made on the question of whether we gain or lose something by discontinuing the rep system; this would be one instance where it might be useful.

I happen not to agree with endless spewing of ad hominem and see it as a waste of everybody's time. Your mileage may vary. Whatever.

[Edit: figured out the delete button for the duplicate
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I'm just pointing out the usefulness thereof. Much has been made on the question of whether we gain or lose something by discontinuing the rep system; this would be one instance where it might be useful.

I'm not so sure, Pogo. I like the disagree better than the neg although I do hope that they create a link on the page to send a quick pm to the member where one is in the process of liking/disliking or disagreeing with the contents of posts.

I do like the 1:1 connection at the post level. That I'll miss so much more than the rep function itself because I'm not going to create a pm in these cases and that moment of connection is usually fun whether negative or positive.
I'm just pointing out the usefulness thereof. Much has been made on the question of whether we gain or lose something by discontinuing the rep system; this would be one instance where it might be useful.

My rep was actually higher than yours, despite the fact that negative rep existed.
Because Pogo is never happy unless he can privately attack people? Now you have to be rude in the open, instead of hiding it behind hypocrisy. Get over it.

Being rude has always been in the open. I've been making that point the entire time. The posts I multi-quoted provided three perfect examples thereof. And the fact that they won't show up in a trail demonstrates my other point about quotes within quotes.
I happen not to agree with endless spewing of ad hominem and see it as a waste of everybody's time. Your mileage may vary. Whatever.

Here's another bug BTW -- this line above was supposed to be integrated into the previous post, not stand alone. On vBulletin I could have fixed it and deleted this one, but I don't see a place to delete a post.
Look at the bottom of your avie column.
Capstone said:
You could always DIY.
That's the whole point. By the time you jump through all the hoops the limitations of the present system require to do that, you've prolly lost whatever thought you came in with. It was hard enough on vBulletin, now it's going to be even worse.

Don't get me wrong here; I'm not a fan of the new software either; but one of my biggest peeves with the old board had to do with one-line responses to massive posts. Wading through threads to follow discussions in which the same content was quoted unnecessarily over and over again pretty much sucked ass, in my opinion.

...If this is a discussion board, such a feature (lack thereof) is counterproductive to discussion. Even now, a reader coming upon this post will have to traipse through a morass of links (and back again) to figure out what we're even talking about. So QED.

I think, as far as the ZenForo software designers were concerned, it was probably a question of picking their poison. And as far as I'm concerned, since there are ways around either configuration, it's six of one and a half dozen of the other.
Because Pogo is never happy unless he can privately attack people? Now you have to be rude in the open, instead of hiding it behind hypocrisy. Get over it.

Noting and/or disapproving of rudeness is not "attack". Your persecution complex that imagines "dislike" buttons notwithstanding.

People are gonna disapprove. You need to get used to it.
Oh YEAH! My rep was higher than yours even though I got ten negs to one pos. So there, goober.

Actually, yours was higher than mine because you had been posting longer, and actually dove into the rep whore threads on occasion, something I never did.

Feel free to pretend you didn't care about rep though.
Don't get me wrong here; I'm not a fan of the new software either; but one of my biggest peeves with the old board had to do with one-line responses to massive posts. Wading through threads to follow discussions in which the same content was quoted unnecessarily over and over again pretty much sucked ass, in my opinion.

Oh I agree there was redundancy that a responsible poster should have edited out. But when you have a pont that goes "A, therefore B".... "but B cannot be because C".... "but A involves D" etc, you need the entire course or there's no point to follow. The previous board had a limitation on that (four was it?) that had to be manually overridden and it was some amount of work, but this one is going to require even more unless it can be tweaked. But certainly one level of quote is not going to cut it when we get into complex political/philosophical discussions. It's going to work against that kind of depth. And if we're doing a discussion board, that's counterproductive to the mission.
Don't get me wrong here; I'm not a fan of the new software either; but one of my biggest peeves with the old board had to do with one-line responses to massive posts. Wading through threads to follow discussions in which the same content was quoted unnecessarily over and over again pretty much sucked ass, in my opinion.

I think, as far as the ZenForo software designers were concerned, it was probably a question of picking their poison. And as far as I'm concerned, since there are ways around either configuration, it's six of one and a half dozen of the other.

Except, as you can plainly see, simply replying to your post makes your comments look disconnected and out of touch.

In other words, context is everything, and we no longer have context.
Noting and/or disapproving of rudeness is not "attack". Your persecution complex that imagines "dislike" buttons notwithstanding.

People are gonna disapprove. You need to get used to it.

Which explains why your neg rep comments were never personal attacks, right? Would you like me to pull up a couple of examples to prove that you are lying?

By the way, I never said that your comment was an attack, I just pointed out that you prefer to act civil on the board and be rude in secret. I goaded you more than once to break that rule, but that was actually your preference. Now you can't get away with it, even if you try to send me a private conversation. Al your rudeness to me is going to have to happen where everyone can see it.
Actually, yours was higher than mine because you had been posting longer, and actually dove into the rep whore threads on occasion, something I never did.

Feel free to pretend you didn't care about rep though.
:rolleyes: I posted in a rep whore thread exactly once and got chased away by the whores.

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