Halp. HOvering over my name or avie on the upper right side does nothing. Clicking my avie or my name shows just the mundane stuff...not preferences like it did before.
look again, i see more options than before the "NEW" USMB was born.
I understand that some folks are having difficulty adjusting to the new format. While I most certainly can abide in helping folks if they are having difficulty (not that I'm some kind of expert or anything) I'm appalled at the overall lack of temerity.

It's kind of unsettling that some folks are threatening to not renew membership; seems rather disloyal to me.

As a mere hitch-hiker (non-paying member) I am extraordinarily thankful to have this cyber-amphitheatre to post my silliness and converse with friend and foe alike; however, I'm always free to walk away from the larceny and take a powder at my choosing and vice-versa.

Because of that, I have a strong sense of gratitude for being allowed to visit as a guest.

It's only 'my' site, in as much as I belong to it - It's not my site with regards to ownership.

Some of you guys might consider rethinking your self-important, amplitude in this matter.
I understand that some folks are having difficulty adjusting to the new format. While I most certainly can abide in helping folks if they are having difficulty (not that I'm some kind of expert or anything) I'm appalled at the overall lack of temerity.

It's kind of unsettling that some folks are threatening to not renew membership; seems rather disloyal to me.

As a mere hitch-hiker (non-paying member) I am extraordinarily thankful to have this cyber-amphitheatre to post my silliness and converse with friend and foe alike; however, I'm always free to walk away from the larceny and take a powder at my choosing and vice-versa.

Because of that, I have a strong sense of gratitude for being allowed to visit as a guest.

It's only 'my' site, in as much as I belong to it - It's not my site with regards to ownership.

Some of you guys might consider rethinking your self-important, amplitude in this matter.
my sentiments exactly.

Besides, it was just done ystrdy so Admin needs time to familiarize w/ all the inner-workings and make necessary tweeks.
putting the quote and reply buttons in black letters in a dark blue line makes them hard to find and use.

Firefox has a thing under Tools/Options/Content where you specify your own colors for webpages. Might try experimenting with those settings to make things easier to see. By default a box is checked with 'allow webpages to use their own colors' try disabling it to use whichever ones you specify.
I'm not seeing a lot of the problems some of you seem to be seeing like font too small, too dim, or whatever, so the experience must be different depending on the platform you're using. I am having no problems such as that using Chrome or IE and I use both, and so far the only way I have logged on is via my PC or laptop. Most of the stuff ya'll say are missing are there but under different names. Use REPLY instead of Quote for your posts and it works like the quote function did on the old system for instance. I'm sure some other functions will come on line as the bugs are addressed and fixed.

RD I don't see a way to opt out of seeing avatars so maybe that is something admin can add under preferences? There is an opt out so you don't see sigs.

@cereal_killer, I am beginning to agree with others that the bright white interface is troubling for many of us. I didn't think it would bother me but after using it for some time last night I found it was bothering my eyes. If there is some way to tone it down a bit--a pleasant gray or light blue maybe? The gray or blue--not sure which it is--under active topics on the right side of the screen is very pleasant and would suffice.
I'm wondering now if I was just too impatient. I'm used to the quotes being there immediately, but now I notice when I quote someone, there is a 'working'/'thinking' animated notice in the top right corner. It's there for a while, then the quote finally shows up.

That's a feature to give you the nostalgic feel of dial-up.
Firefox has a thing under Tools/Options/Content where you specify your own colors for webpages. Might try experimenting with those settings to make things easier to see. By default a box is checked with 'allow webpages to use their own colors' try disabling it to use whichever ones you specify.

When I did that what happens is that some of the things disappear--like all the buttons in the reply box have outlines but you cannot see their function. It did help with the white though. I think part of the problem with the white would be solved if we could turn off avatars, which I have been unable to do. What happens is that for me someone will have a one or two line post and then there will be an inch of white dead space under the post which draws my peripheral vision to all the colored stuff.

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