I've got like 172 "alerts" since the new langauge went up, and that's after already reading some. Kind of strips all the meaning out of the word "alert", doesn't it? Like I'm going to read all that...

It's feeling a little like Nosebook --- OK I really don't need to know you're about to take a squirt, K?

You do realize you can filter what you receive alerts for, right?
lol. That's interesting. It does NOT show that on my screen. Perhaps not a bug per se then but rather a poor interface. What is on my screen should, ideally, reflect what everyone sees.

Maybe it's done that way to let you know that you're logged in, so you don't try to log in before posting.

idk... IP.Board and vBulletin (I think) both show as offline to the member as well as others.
Why the fuck does this site fucking hijack the Ctrl+K hotkey? Does some idiot think that this board knows what I want? Are you actually going to force me to enable NoScript for this entire board to prevent stupid shortcuts no one wants?
Why the fuck does this site fucking hijack the Ctrl+K hotkey? Does some idiot think that this board knows what I want? Are you actually going to force me to enable NoScript for this entire board to prevent stupid shortcuts no one wants?

Ctrl+K is the hotkey to make a member "Kurse".

I see it's functioning as intended.
You do realize you can filter what you receive alerts for, right?

Hell no, I haven't bothered. I never bothered with "mentions" either. Some ideas are just way too fucking silly to take that seriously.
After I click "Post Reply", my post isn't centered on the page. I have to scroll to it.

That's strange, my browser jumps down to the quick reply box automatically when I click Reply.

And it scrolls right to my post when I click Post Reply.
That's strange, my browser jumps down to the quick reply box automatically when I click Reply.

And it scrolls right to my post when I click Post Reply.

I've been getting the same thing H gets, consistently. When I click this in it will land in the middle of the page, and if I want to see it I'll have to scroll down.
I've heard several previously firebrand "Capitalist" posters complaining that the board makeover was chiefly motivated by a desire of the owners to maximize the monitization potential of the site and not to improve the user's experience. Duh? Welcome to the real world.

What did y'all do, have an epiphany and suddenly cross over into the hated commie camp? How many of you newly hatched socialists were freeloaders all along? And now the hypocritical "takers" are whining about the quality of the free "stuff". Sheesh, unless you threw a few bucks into the pot once in a while I say you don't have standing to complain. But go ahead, try sueing.

Was that too political for this thread? Sorry. Neg me. Ha!
@cereal_killer But where are my threads? Those that I started? Do I just have to remember what they were called and search for them?

When I do a Search (upper right corner) and I click on the down arrow there is a "your threads" selection, but when I click on that I get this"

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