where is the "QUOTE" and "SIZE" icon ? there is, in my OPINION a lot of crap icons above that i see no need for. can they be removed for simplicity ?
The old system didn't have 3 different categories to list names for. :)

This is true which is why I lobbied for only one option. I got overruled, imagine that. :) But still each member only gets one click per post so its the same number of names listed on a post. But if I get overruled on that too, well again I'm one voice. Let the majority rule.
Well now that's a change from the prior system, isn't it? Kind of like noticing that the cans of tuna one buys are slightly smaller than they used to be. Will there be some place these changes are summarized, as far as what we don't have any more? Or what else is about to go away?
This administration is eroding our rights!!!!

Wow. I felt like a Rightwinger!
Is there a way to bulk delete Conversations? I didn't see a master radio box above the list.

Also, I had two other folders besides Inbox and Outbox where I saved posts that I wanted to throw in member's faces later. Are they gone, or merged with this Inbox?
Can you make the "Alerts" button follow the page as you scroll?

I don't know about all browsers, but I have notifications pop up in the lower left corner if someone does something "alert worthy".

I unchecked the 'show online status' under my profile and my online status is still showing. I find this important only because I leave my browser open and we all know that the mafia group is going to get all bent out of shape if they see me 'online' but not posting - sooooo scummy :D
Yeah, butt (and that's a big butt) then you have to scroll all the way back up to the top and hit the Alerts button.

I've got like 172 "alerts" since the new langauge went up, and that's after already reading some. Kind of strips all the meaning out of the word "alert", doesn't it? Like I'm going to read all that...

It's feeling a little like Nosebook --- OK I really don't need to know you're about to take a squirt, K?

I unchecked the 'show online status' under my profile and my online status is still showing. I find this important only because I leave my browser open and we all know that the mafia group is going to get all bent out of shape if they see me 'online' but not posting - sooooo scummy :D


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