The new system is not shabby at all, will take a little getting used to, but I like it.

Some people just need to get this creature off their faces first:


Then they will be able to navigate with somewhat more ease...
@cereal_killer But where are my threads? Those that I started? Do I just have to remember what they were called and search for them?

Across the top there is the "Watched Threads" tab. That is where all your threads are shown. Similar to the old "User CP" function but without the rep tabs now.
fyi you can hover over your name in the top right and see 'ratings given' and 'ratings received' and see every rep given or received with a link back to the threads...
'your content' can be found the same way, though it appears to only go back to 2011? when i clicked 'find older messages' i get 'No results found.'
btw looks like we're gonna need a bigger barn for all of ravi's trophies! :lmao:

But for some odd formatting errors where text disappears under things here and there (though I have this problem on numerous other sites too so think it's a me-problem) new format's ok. Like the language filter. And the text looks nicer. 'Active Posts' thing is helpful too.

Change always sucks, but I adapt quickly. :)
fyi i am able to link back to threads from 2008 by viewing my old 'ratings'.

One resource I liked to be able to refer to were some of my much detailed historical related posts. I just did a word search for Civil (in the past would have yield hundreds of hits for my many civil war posts) -- and *poof* -- all gone.

If someone could show me where I can find those old posts, I'd appreciate it.

I'd sure hate to think they are lost.
Okay the General Discussion section and all sub forums are back. Now when we can have a UserCP function I think we can navigate well enough until all the bugs are worked out.

why weren't the bugs worked out prior to up loading the "NEW" USMB ?
the "QUOTE" icon is missing along with the "SIZE" icon.
then there are a lot of useless icons that most likely no one will use, DUMP'EM !!
I'm sorry to repeat this, but will we be able to opt out of seeing avis?
fyi i am able to link back to threads from 2008 by viewing my old 'ratings'.

If a site doesn't allow an easy way to search through oldest posts can do so via google as well with strings like:

site:[(www.usmessageboard.com)] myusername subject

but without the brackets or parentheses, had to iinsert those to show the text without it becomming a link.


site:[(www.usmessageboard.com)] delta4embassy introduction

Should take ya right to your first post. If you remember key phrases or specific text you woulda entered, can use that instead of the thread title as with 'introduction'

site:[(www.usmessageboard.com)] delta4embassy "i like fat chicks" (just an example) :)
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