I'm gonna try this post all over again -- first try came out a train wreck....

About this ignore member list and disappearing posts... I just read this post in another thread:

Is that supposed to make up for the 100's of thousands of people he murdered for empire you stupid fucking bitch?

He didn't "murder" anybody, nor do any thing "for empire," you dishonest, hypocritical, hysterical little lefty fool.

HELL, YEAH! Well said.

However since I have one of the quoted members on Ignore, all I see in the thread is:
HELL, YEAH! Well said.

IOW it looks like a one-liner referenced to nothing. I had no idea anything was there until I quoted it, then all the other stuff shows up.

Can we somehow get some indication that there is ignored content there rather than the whole thing just vaporizing?

Note also, only one of the quoted posters is on Ignore, yet both of their posts disappear on my end.
Very confusing.

{further EDIT} -- even now, even though I've quoted the post in full the first time, only the one line shows up here. I can't even tell what I just posted because I can't see it --- all apparently because it contains the name of a single ignored member.

(The full content can be seen in quote or edit mode only)
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Fixed the issue but getting it to work (display as banned to members) retroactively is something I'll have to look into. Banned (perm/Temp) accounts are still banned.
Question ... what's the difference between "Senior Member", "VIP Member" "Silver Member"? I started out with my custom user title, that changed to "VIP Member" and today it says "Silver Member". Also, how do you tell if someone is banned now? I don't see pink anymore.

My understanding is that only those who subscribe can have a custom user title and yet I see many who are not subscribers with a custom title. ?? Is there a possibility to have a custom user title without being a paid subscriber? Just curious.

Oh, I meant to @cereal_killer in my post but forgot. Went to edit the post a bit later (2 hours maybe) and it won't let me. Is there a time limit for editing?

Sorry, have another question. As I'm typing this there is a sec or so lag between my typing and the words appearing on the screen ... it types out slower rather than in "real-time" as I'm typing. The faster I type the worse it is. Is there something I can do to fix that?
I get the same lag. Sometimes when pasting a link. The URL will practically type itself out, it's so slow.
We are used to Nested Quotes, and this site uses Multi-Quotes.

Well, boys and girls, this looks like the solution!

Now we have to ask @cereal_killer to implement it:

Fully nested quotes in the editor | XenForo Community
*bump* for @cereal_killer, in case he wasn't online all night. :)

I enabled the nested quote but any future upgrades will break it.
If this was the old site, think of all the pos rep I would be raking in for finding that.
t3h forum is running lightnin' fast on my end. :afro: Perhaps some of YOU PEOPLE need to clear your cache :eusa_think:

This is true. It's running much faster than the old software, which had too much of those advertising links.

I've noticed no difference at all. I do notice some links, especially thread page numbers, need to be clicked several times before they respond.

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