Boxes should stretch to fit the browser width.

Tables, broheim.

They are stretching, but they don't overlap each other.

There is a table to the right of the thread. Scroll up. That unnecessary "Active Topics" crap and redundant member info prevents the thread from expanding to the right.

If CK deletes that crap, it'd make for a lot more screen real estate.
I'd like to report a bug. Nested quotes take up way too much space, especially on a tablet or phone as the little boxes are so narrow that you get maybe five words per sentence. Then you end up scrolling for miles.

There's a difference between bugs and unpleasant functionality.

Quotes are working as intended (not a bug), but layering to the nth degree has the unintended consequence of jacking up small screens.

Actually, the original set up was that only the most recent post showed up in a quote. CK modified things to set up the nested quotes. I believe he made a comment that this would be wiped out in any upgrades to the board software.

Which is why I like IP.Board more. It's much easier to carry over mods during upgrades.

Que sera, sera.

Well, we're stuck with this software...at least for the foreseeable future.

Hence, "Que sera, sera." :)
Tables, broheim.

They are stretching, but they don't overlap each other.

There is a table to the right of the thread. Scroll up. That unnecessary "Active Topics" crap and redundant member info prevents the thread from expanding to the right.

If CK deletes that crap, it'd make for a lot more screen real estate.
The nested quote boxes do not stretch on my tablet.
OK, I have to say that I hate this "feature" since it's so easy to miss:


Any way of turning it off at the User level?

Replies with scripts enabled are quoting every reply to a reply to a reply...Making threads impossibly sluggish. And is sending out false positive Alerts 'when someone quotes your message' when in reality the quoted message is just one among a dozen others.
Re: new software:

Closing in on a "thumbs up"...

...but with some caveats.

@cereal_killer - essentially, I like the new software and find that many elements of it actually run faster. I especially find the alerts to be helpful. :thup:

I think what has been disturbing in many minds is the lack of a CP as we knew it. The stuff we need to get to is out there, but the routes to get to them are different. In other words, what was once the CP has been spread out over various pages.

That being said, I think there are some flaws.

1.) When a member goes to his name at the top right (name, inbox, alerts), the now famous hoverbox appears.

If a member clicks on "your content", he can see, in reverse chronological order, what he has just done in terms of posting. But many members like it broken down into member's postings vs. member's threads, and to get there, one has to go to the hover menu, click on his or her own user name, and then, of the five balkans presented (profile post, recent activity, postings, information, areas), must then click on "information", where two lines appear:

"Find all content by XXXXX"
"Find all threads by XXXXX"

I think that many members would definitely like easier access to their created threads.

Here is a graphic of the appearance of USMB. I created two green blocks.

USMB possible CP block.png

Those areas would be optimal, in my opinion, for linking a kind of mini-CP for everyone, like:

My posts
My threads
My communications - sent
My communications - received
My mentions - sent
My mentions - received

If there would be any way to tweak this software to do that, I bet that a lot of people would be happy with that idea.

In the meantime, as a suggestion, an alternative route for members would be for them to find those pages and bookmark them in a folder in Firefox, Chrome, Opera, MSIE, etc... where they can call up the data with one click.I did that with my threads page.

2.) Is it possible to program links in USMB to automatically open up in a new tab? For instance, by "Find all Threads by Statistikhengst", when I click on the link, it replaces that tab with a new page, but many like to work on many tabs at once. Links in threads to outside websites open automatically in new tabs, but internal links for things WITHIN USMB apparently do not.

3.) The edit function does not always appear. On a number of threads, after posting an entry, I have discovered a small error, but noticed that no button appeared to edit. So, I refreshed the page and still there was no button. This happened to me yesterday at least 6 times in the Coffee Shop.

4.) There were some overall statistics in the old system that I do not see here. For instance, for any thread, you could see the names of the members who ever posted on that thread and how many times they did. Are those statistics being kept with the new software?

5.) I think that a number of members miss seeing a list of who is currently viewing any one thread at any one time. Any way to bring that list back? I also think it would look better at the TOP of a thread instead of the bottom, personally.

But overall, :thup:

Last edited:

Replies with scripts enabled are quoting every reply to a reply to a reply...Making threads impossibly sluggish. And is sending out false positive Alerts 'when someone quotes your message' when in reality the quoted message is just one among a dozen others.

Yes, and the posts are becoming HUGE! Under the prior system only the last 3 are quoted. In the one linked below there are 14 quotes. :eek-52:

Liberalism vs America

Since the Reply test box doesn't have a scroll function it makes it awkward to apply formatting.

@cereal_killer Can you please see if we can have the option to use the use the original method where we have to expand the quoted text if we want to see it? Quoting everything doesn't work in my opinion.
Yes, and the posts are becoming HUGE! Under the prior system only the last 3 are quoted. In the one linked below there are 14 quotes. :eek-52:

Liberalism vs America

Since the Reply test box doesn't have a scroll function it makes it awkward to apply formatting.

@cereal_killer Can you please see if we can have the option to use the use the original method where we have to expand the quoted text if we want to see it? Quoting everything doesn't work in my opinion.

Having all scripts disabled here, when I hit reply only the last 1 is quoted, even if there's a gazillion others. So I'd look at the scripts first.
Yes, and the posts are becoming HUGE! Under the prior system only the last 3 are quoted. In the one linked below there are 14 quotes. :eek-52:

Liberalism vs America

Since the Reply test box doesn't have a scroll function it makes it awkward to apply formatting.

@cereal_killer Can you please see if we can have the option to use the use the original method where we have to expand the quoted text if we want to see it? Quoting everything doesn't work in my opinion.

Having all scripts disabled here, when I hit reply only the last 1 is quoted, even if there's a gazillion others. So I'd look at the scripts first.

Where do you disable scripts?
Oh, and if I disable scripts how does that stop everyone else from ending up with multiple quotes?
Oh, and if I disable scripts how does that stop everyone else from ending up with multiple quotes?

With Firefox's NoScript thingy.

It doesn't prevent our seeing the multiple replies from people with scripts enabled, but it prevents adding to the clutter. It's like a enviromental thing. :) No part of the problem any more but doesn't help you inhaling smog wafting over from China. :)
Oh, and if I disable scripts how does that stop everyone else from ending up with multiple quotes?

With Firefox's NoScript thingy.

It doesn't prevent our seeing the multiple replies from people with scripts enabled, but it prevents adding to the clutter. It's like a enviromental thing. :) No part of the problem any more but doesn't help you inhaling smog wafting over from China. :)

You are inhaling WHAT?!?!?
Oh, and if I disable scripts how does that stop everyone else from ending up with multiple quotes?

With Firefox's NoScript thingy.

It doesn't prevent our seeing the multiple replies from people with scripts enabled, but it prevents adding to the clutter. It's like a enviromental thing. :) No part of the problem any more but doesn't help you inhaling smog wafting over from China. :)

I am using Chrome.
Oh, and if I disable scripts how does that stop everyone else from ending up with multiple quotes?

With Firefox's NoScript thingy.

It doesn't prevent our seeing the multiple replies from people with scripts enabled, but it prevents adding to the clutter. It's like a enviromental thing. :) No part of the problem any more but doesn't help you inhaling smog wafting over from China. :)

I am using Chrome.

There is also NoScript like addon for Chrome:

NotScripts - Chrome Web Store

Be forewarned: you guys keep fucking with scripts you're on your own.

Disabling a script is a single right-click action, as it turning them back on. Until the problems are fixed, the work-around is disabling them.

What I think you're actually saying is "If you turn scripts off you don't see the ads." :)
I question the need for scripts at all. So far the only thing I notice I lost turning em all off is the black bar along the top used to have a log-in/out thing that's gone without them. So to log-out I have to go into control panel and use the log out there. Takes a few seconds but nothing I can't get used to.

If you're gonna have a script-heavy site you better make them actually do something people want vs shutting them down as 'bloat.'

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