Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

So, how far will Barr go???? Will he lie & deliberately hide key items in the Mueller report. Did Mueller set a trap?

So we know Russia kept offering Trump their help. (That should be scary enough)

Putin: Hey Donnie, you want us to help you out?

Donnie "well you know I would greatly appreciate it & be forever in your debt but, gee whiz, I can't because my lawyer says it is illegal. But if you just do it & I don't know it, who is to say..."

Putin: "Message received"

Just like Obama when he told Putin that just wait until after my reelection and a Putin gave him the nod and wink, wink.
That wasn't Putin you stupid shit. They were talking about nuclear disarmament. Not something illegal.

Apparently Trump didn’t do anything illegal, you stupid shit!
You know this how?
We have not seen the Mueller Report. You just taliking about the report or are you declaring this for Trump's entire life?

Do you what proof do you have that he did anything illegal?
Although Mueller’s report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” the special counsel wrote in his confidential report, according to Barr’s summary.

Dancing in the aisle without seeing what Mueller actually found.

Nope. Not cutting it

Understand...DOJ policy states that essentially a President CAN'T commit a using that as a basis if "exoneration" is stupid
Nothing burger
No he did not. The 63 million that voted for Hillary did represenr America and that was more AMERICANS than Americans who voted for Trump.
He won the popular vote in 49 states its a facts
Nope. But you probably believe that because you are a cultist.

If you add the popular vote of the other 49 states (and DC too, BTW), and do not include California, Trump had more popular votes. FACT!
Yeah....another one who ignores the millions of people who live in California. I bet y'all would love to disenfranchise us.

Tho, the cool thing is, a lot of us are moving and bringing our blue votes to other states now.
You are moving because democrat policies destroyed California lol

I live in Kansas and Republican policies have ruined this state. Was Arnold a democrat?
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Now The Donald should appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the Democratic Party, to investigate who they have Colluded with in their POLITICAL WITCH HUNT to destroy him AND his ENTIRE family, who they have Colluded with to CRAP on America's Electoral Process in their pursuit to OVERTURN the result of that Electoral Process by wanting to throw him out of the Office he was elected to BECAUSE they could NEVER accept that The Donald BEAT Hillary.
Go make political noise in your own country, Lucy. All this investigating is just ripping us apart.

No. It’s keeping us together. You’re a pushover.
It's keeping some of you together. I'm waiting for the Dems and Repubs to stop fighting and get to work. That's it.

So will the House Democrats give the go-ahead for the money to build the wall?
Are the Dems really going to make 2020 about avenging the termination of James Comey? A guy that even Harry Reid said should be fired? I don't think so. It is hard to believe we have wasted two years on this non sense. Mueller found no evidence of any collusion with Russia by Trump or his team. Despite no evidence, a special council, FBI investigation and multiple FISA warrants were still somehow justified. I am sure that fact will be examined by many historians in the future.
Barr said the evidence found did not warrant prosecution. He did not say there was no evidence.
So, how far will Barr go???? Will he lie & deliberately hide key items in the Mueller report. Did Mueller set a trap?

So we know Russia kept offering Trump their help. (That should be scary enough)

Putin: Hey Donnie, you want us to help you out?

Donnie "well you know I would greatly appreciate it & be forever in your debt but, gee whiz, I can't because my lawyer says it is illegal. But if you just do it & I don't know it, who is to say..."

Putin: "Message received"

Just like Obama when he told Putin that just wait until after my reelection and a Putin gave him the nod and wink, wink.
That wasn't Putin you stupid shit. They were talking about nuclear disarmament. Not something illegal.

Apparently Trump didn’t do anything illegal, you stupid shit!
You know this how?
We have not seen the Mueller Report. You just taliking about the report or are you declaring this for Trump's entire life?

Are you suggesting the Attorney General is lying to everyone? Please make your allegations very clear for the record.
brothers and sister: Felix Sater arranged for Ivanka to sit in Putin's chair in the Kremlin, according to Sater himself.

that's some shady Trump-Russia shit right there, my friends
So, how far will Barr go???? Will he lie & deliberately hide key items in the Mueller report. Did Mueller set a trap?

So we know Russia kept offering Trump their help. (That should be scary enough)

Putin: Hey Donnie, you want us to help you out?

Donnie "well you know I would greatly appreciate it & be forever in your debt but, gee whiz, I can't because my lawyer says it is illegal. But if you just do it & I don't know it, who is to say..."

Putin: "Message received"

Just like Obama when he told Putin that just wait until after my reelection and a Putin gave him the nod and wink, wink.
That wasn't Putin you stupid shit. They were talking about nuclear disarmament. Not something illegal.

Apparently Trump didn’t do anything illegal, you stupid shit!
You know this how?
We have not seen the Mueller Report. You just taliking about the report or are you declaring this for Trump's entire life?

Do you what proof do you have that he did anything illegal?

Fraud with Trump U?
Whatever happened to the president and his family being handcuffed while in office? LOL
oh yeah, it was all a bed of pretty smelling roses when President Clinton had to endure Kenneth Starr for four plus years.... :rolleyes:
Unlike President Trump, Bill Clinton was actually guilty. :eusa_doh:

The thing here is, that Trump is under multiple investigations.

This application of a double standard shows republican dishonesty. The evaluation of this report is from a man who wrote a 19 page opinion showing his bias against the Mueller investigation. If Comey was crooked, so is Barr.
Stay tuned for the link as it's just breaking right now.
Now where do the democrats stand?
I'm hoping they are relieved that Trump has been cleared of any wrongdoing.
It's absurd to claim at this point that the Orange One, "... has been cleared of any wrongdoing." The report only stated that the evidence could not sustain full grounds to indict for crimes BUT it went on to state also that neither did the evidence exonerate Trump. Your claim is just so much bullshit!

A 180 degrees of separation from the truth of the AG's summary letter and your bogus claim. And that is to say nothing of the ongoing investigations at SDNY and in NY State, which says nothing about the sealed indictments waiting in the wings waiting to ripen that Mueller, et al, prepared and placed in advance.

Trump's legal ass just got into position for the spanking it will get!
Dude, if there was something more than a nothing burger.....there would have been exposure.
There will be nothing that would change your mind about, "Orange One". It's okay I get it, Hillary lost
There will be nothing that would change your mind about, "Orange One". It's okay I get it, Hillary lost
You conveniently side stepped that which contradicted your bullshit cover in your Trump piss drinking rant that the Liar-in-Chief "...has been cleared of any wrongdoing." That is pure BULLSHIT out of a horse's ass!

As I already stated and which I cite and quote here and now from AG Barr's summary released today;
The Special Counsel states that while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him. [emphasis added]

~~ ~~
There is the truth of it and you were dead fucking wrong, Hotshot, though you'll find another dodge to avoid going anywhere near the topic honestly! Perhaps this time going to the Obama bin of deflections rather than the Hillary bin, ya fucking dancing coward!
Well, tell me what ya got? Just what is he not exonerated of, Skippy?
Stay tuned for the link as it's just breaking right now.
Now where do the democrats stand?
I'm hoping they are relieved that Trump has been cleared of any wrongdoing.
It's absurd to claim at this point that the Orange One, "... has been cleared of any wrongdoing." The report only stated that the evidence could not sustain full grounds to indict for crimes BUT it went on to state also that neither did the evidence exonerate Trump. Your claim is just so much bullshit!

A 180 degrees of separation from the truth of the AG's summary letter and your bogus claim. And that is to say nothing of the ongoing investigations at SDNY and in NY State, which says nothing about the sealed indictments waiting in the wings waiting to ripen that Mueller, et al, prepared and placed in advance.

Trump's legal ass just got into position for the spanking it will get!
Dude, if there was something more than a nothing burger.....there would have been exposure.
There will be nothing that would change your mind about, "Orange One". It's okay I get it, Hillary lost
There will be nothing that would change your mind about, "Orange One". It's okay I get it, Hillary lost
You conveniently side stepped that which contradicted your bullshit cover in your Trump piss drinking rant that the Liar-in-Chief "...has been cleared of any wrongdoing." That is pure BULLSHIT out of a horse's ass!

As I already stated and which I cite and quote here and now from AG Barr's summary released today;
The Special Counsel states that while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him. [emphasis added]
~~ ~~
There is the truth of it and you were dead fucking wrong, Hotshot, though you'll find another dodge to avoid going anywhere near the topic honestly! Perhaps this time going to the Obama bin of deflections rather than the Hillary bin, ya fucking dancing coward!
Well, tell me what ya got? Just what is he not exonerated of, Skippy?
Well, tell me what ya got? Just what is he not exonerated of, Skippy?
I got Barr's summary, Hotshot! The onus is on you to prove your false claim that;
Trump has been cleared of any wrongdoing.
The Special Counsel states that while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him. [emphasis added]
~~ ~~
Reconcile the two quotes directly above, Hotshot!
Barr citing Mueller puts the lie, the error in your claim! Your dodging again you corrupt, intellectually dishonest POS!
Whatever keeps her off the suicide prevention hotline!
As much as you like to believe that, the Dems who don't like Barr's decision and Mueller's decisions are going to just ignore it, the way the right ignored the findings in the Hillary email investigation.
And the beat goes on.

This won’t go away, the left will drag this on and on, just like Benghazi.

Ignore the investigation results and then cry about injustice.
Can the "left" see theentire original Mueller report or not?

No. It's not legal to release the entire report.

Actually it is.

No it's not.
There were over 500 witnesses interviewed.
The vast amount led to nothing. Those people are innocents and their privacy is protected.
Information in an investigation that doesn't lead to legal proceedings is not to be released.
So, how far will Barr go???? Will he lie & deliberately hide key items in the Mueller report. Did Mueller set a trap?

So we know Russia kept offering Trump their help. (That should be scary enough)

Putin: Hey Donnie, you want us to help you out?

Donnie "well you know I would greatly appreciate it & be forever in your debt but, gee whiz, I can't because my lawyer says it is illegal. But if you just do it & I don't know it, who is to say..."

Putin: "Message received"

Just like Obama when he told Putin that just wait until after my reelection and a Putin gave him the nod and wink, wink.
That wasn't Putin you stupid shit. They were talking about nuclear disarmament. Not something illegal.

Apparently Trump didn’t do anything illegal, you stupid shit!
You know this how?
We have not seen the Mueller Report. You just taliking about the report or are you declaring this for Trump's entire life?

Are you suggesting the Attorney General is lying to everyone? Please make your allegations very clear for the record.
We want the entire report. It is not like this administration has lied or anything. noooooo, of course not
LOL, you think his makes you look intelligent? Determining guilt or innocence isn't his job now is it. Too funny, why do Lefty's hide behind word games.

Hmmm. Trump claimed that he’s been TOTALLY EXONERATED.

Is that the case?

No, it's not. I read the little report and it doesn't exonerate him on many things. The only thing it does exonerate him on is Collusion with the Russians. And that is not a crime since their is no mention of collusion in the law books. Now, about the other things. It's not up to the Justice Department to indite trump on anything that isn't an extremely serious felonious crime. it's up for Congress to do this. They are the Judge and Jury for a sitting President. Since we have no idea what is in the real report, even commenting on it is just plain silly at this tiime.
... and still no Russian connection
No one said that.
They said they couldn't find collutions, but never said no connections.
Almost 2 years of an investigation, supposedly the best investigators there are… And they found nothing. Prosecutable. Lol

Two years of the best Trump-hating, Hillary-supporting investigators, I might add.

If they had the means and drive to "indict a ham sandwich" and still failed, that says alot.
Trump said his campaign never had any contact with the Russians,

Barr said that Mueller found that campaign had turned down many Russia offers to help.

How did they turn it down if there were no contact?
Turning down "many" offers is not turning down "all" efforts and why weren't these offers reported to the FBI?
Just like Obama when he told Putin that just wait until after my reelection and a Putin gave him the nod and wink, wink.
That wasn't Putin you stupid shit. They were talking about nuclear disarmament. Not something illegal.

Apparently Trump didn’t do anything illegal, you stupid shit!
You know this how?
We have not seen the Mueller Report. You just taliking about the report or are you declaring this for Trump's entire life?

Are you suggesting the Attorney General is lying to everyone? Please make your allegations very clear for the record.
We want the entire report. It is not like this administration has lied or anything. noooooo, of course not

Yo can't have the entire report until it is redacted and scrubbed of all the pertinent information from grand jury testimony and innocent people. You will never even know who the witnesses were!
Just like Obama when he told Putin that just wait until after my reelection and a Putin gave him the nod and wink, wink.
That wasn't Putin you stupid shit. They were talking about nuclear disarmament. Not something illegal.

Apparently Trump didn’t do anything illegal, you stupid shit!
You know this how?
We have not seen the Mueller Report. You just taliking about the report or are you declaring this for Trump's entire life?

Are you suggesting the Attorney General is lying to everyone? Please make your allegations very clear for the record.
We want the entire report. It is not like this administration has lied or anything. noooooo, of course not

What good the report to you? The bottom line is they’ll be no more indictments!
Two years of the best Trump-hating, Hillary-supporting investigators, I might add.

Mueller is and always has been a Republican. Comey is a Republican. Rosenstein is a Republican.

Sorry...but you're full of shit
Trump said his campaign never had any contact with the Russians,

Barr said that Mueller found that campaign had turned down many Russia offers to help.

How did they turn it down if there were no contact?
This is your argument? Possibly by not responding....who knows? Seems it wasn't the issue

"The Special Counsel did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated" with Russians who worked on those hacking efforts, according to Barr's letter, "despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign."

It is clear. Trump is vindicated.

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