Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Donna Brazile is so pathetic! She was asked if she accepts Trump didn't collude. While she said yes, she also said "but didn't do anything to stop it". He wasn't even president! Obama was, and it was Obama who gave his cyber chief a Stand down order into Russian interference

It's not nice to make fun of people who ride the short bus. They don't know that they are crazy or not very bright.
Thread bans will start if you guys do not stop the personal attacks, and stay on topic.
Are you tallking to me?

Are you posting personal attacks?

Stop with the personal attacks, and stay on topic.

I think I was happy more when I nearly died but did not die and so I was not posting at this forum for those weeks.

I know. :(

Thread bans will start if you guys do not stop the personal attacks, and stay on topic.

Oh come on! We have suffered through this bullshit for two years now! It's time for the libtards to pay up! Please!

LOL you know we can't have this thread full of nothing but personal attacks, and off topic comments.
I complained about a racist post.. Does that make me bad?

You have been posting personal attacks in this entire thread, it has nothing to do with a racist comment.
Democrats: No matter what the Mueller Report says, Trump is guilty!
Can we look at the Mueller report or do you expect us to just accept what the Trump administration tells us.

They'll tell us it found that 'thousands and thousands of Russians -- more Russians than anybody since Reagan --- were dancing on rooftops begging me to take stolen information but I valiantly said 'no collusion' and I gave them a check for $130,000 to not talk about it".
Thread bans will start if you guys do not stop the personal attacks, and stay on topic.

Oh come on! We have suffered through this bullshit for two years now! It's time for the libtards to pay up! Please!

You going to want to water board me? Wouldn't be the first time, cupcake. Just remember, you can't leave any marks so that leaves the beating on the bottoms of my feet with a rubber hose. Ever been to SEER training? You Rightwingnutjobs don't hold a candle to a Philipino on a mission.
Water boarding is for pussies...
If you want to split hairs to make it a win for you, feel free, OldLady

Whatever keeps her off the suicide prevention hotline!
As much as you like to believe that, the Dems who don't like Barr's decision and Mueller's decisions are going to just ignore it, the way the right ignored the findings in the Hillary email investigation.
And the beat goes on.

This won’t go away, the left will drag this on and on, just like Benghazi.

Ignore the investigation results and then cry about injustice.
Can the "left" see theentire original Mueller report or not?

No. It's not legal to release the entire report.
He doesn't care about that. He'll continue to spew garbage and lie no matter what the facts are. That's what got them into this mess.
brothers and sisters: Felix Sater was given a light sentence for his crimes by Loretta Lynch, when asked why she did that, she said that Sater provided information critical to national security and that led to prosecutions for La Cosa Nostra.

Felix Sater: just one of many shady people connected to Trump-Russia collusion, my friends.
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

He's still guilty of obstruction of justice and 19 another investigations.He still guilty of working with the Russians money laundering.

Show your proof.

Funny, that's exactly what I said to the OP when I got here. Still waiting.

Dude, you always do this. Every news outlet in the world is covering this. Just check google if you’re so curious!

I didn't make a claim here. When I make one, I back it up. Maybe that's the difference between me and the pretenders.

Actually I would never start a thread on something that isn't even established yet. That's bush league.

Meanwhile I'm still waiting for your answer to post 30 back in that other thread, so ........
I’ve not been defeated.

You never had a chance.

If Mueller exonerates Trump I’ll admit defeat.

LOL, you think his makes you look intelligent? Determining guilt or innocence isn't his job now is it. Too funny, why do Lefty's hide behind word games.

Hmmm. Trump claimed that he’s been TOTALLY EXONERATED.

Is that the case?

No, it's not. I read the little report and it doesn't exonerate him on many things. The only thing it does exonerate him on is Collusion with the Russians. And that is not a crime since their is no mention of collusion in the law books. Now, about the other things. It's not up to the Justice Department to indite trump on anything that isn't an extremely serious felonious crime. it's up for Congress to do this. They are the Judge and Jury for a sitting President. Since we have no idea what is in the real report, even commenting on it is just plain silly at this tiime.
... and still no Russian connection
Whatever keeps her off the suicide prevention hotline!
As much as you like to believe that, the Dems who don't like Barr's decision and Mueller's decisions are going to just ignore it, the way the right ignored the findings in the Hillary email investigation.
And the beat goes on.

This won’t go away, the left will drag this on and on, just like Benghazi.

Ignore the investigation results and then cry about injustice.
Can the "left" see theentire original Mueller report or not?

No. It's not legal to release the entire report.
He doesn't care about that. He'll continue to spew garbage and lie no matter what the facts are. That's what got them into this mess.

I hope more people see what scum democrats are.
They are willing to circumvent law, harm innocent people, and uproot our justice system for their personal satisfaction.
You never had a chance.

If Mueller exonerates Trump I’ll admit defeat.

LOL, you think his makes you look intelligent? Determining guilt or innocence isn't his job now is it. Too funny, why do Lefty's hide behind word games.

Hmmm. Trump claimed that he’s been TOTALLY EXONERATED.

Is that the case?

No, it's not. I read the little report and it doesn't exonerate him on many things. The only thing it does exonerate him on is Collusion with the Russians. And that is not a crime since their is no mention of collusion in the law books. Now, about the other things. It's not up to the Justice Department to indite trump on anything that isn't an extremely serious felonious crime. it's up for Congress to do this. They are the Judge and Jury for a sitting President. Since we have no idea what is in the real report, even commenting on it is just plain silly at this tiime.
... and still no Russian connection
No one said that.
They said they couldn't find collutions, but never said no connections.
The dems and neverTrumpers had their investigation now it’s the Republicans turn to investigate the hillary campaign. I don’t think she willfare as well when it comes to Collusion or illegal activities. She said when she goes down she will take a lot of people with her. Someone mighthave her suicided. Seems to happen a lot when the clinton deep state feels threatened. When you threaten to take down the past head of the cia,fbi,doj,dia and other three letter agencies you better make sure your life insurance is paid.

He's not at all "protected". Constitution has no such provision. That would be crazed.
So, how far will Barr go???? Will he lie & deliberately hide key items in the Mueller report. Did Mueller set a trap?

So we know Russia kept offering Trump their help. (That should be scary enough)

Putin: Hey Donnie, you want us to help you out?

Donnie "well you know I would greatly appreciate it & be forever in your debt but, gee whiz, I can't because my lawyer says it is illegal. But if you just do it & I don't know it, who is to say..."

Putin: "Message received"

Just like Obama when he told Putin that just wait until after my reelection and a Putin gave him the nod and wink, wink.
That wasn't Putin you stupid shit. They were talking about nuclear disarmament. Not something illegal.

Apparently Trump didn’t do anything illegal, you stupid shit!
You know this how?
We have not seen the Mueller Report. You just taliking about the report or are you declaring this for Trump's entire life?
If Mueller exonerates Trump I’ll admit defeat.

LOL, you think his makes you look intelligent? Determining guilt or innocence isn't his job now is it. Too funny, why do Lefty's hide behind word games.

Hmmm. Trump claimed that he’s been TOTALLY EXONERATED.

Is that the case?

No, it's not. I read the little report and it doesn't exonerate him on many things. The only thing it does exonerate him on is Collusion with the Russians. And that is not a crime since their is no mention of collusion in the law books. Now, about the other things. It's not up to the Justice Department to indite trump on anything that isn't an extremely serious felonious crime. it's up for Congress to do this. They are the Judge and Jury for a sitting President. Since we have no idea what is in the real report, even commenting on it is just plain silly at this tiime.
... and still no Russian connection
No one said that.
They said they couldn't find collutions, but never said no connections.
Almost 2 years of an investigation, supposedly the best investigators there are… And they found nothing. Prosecutable. Lol
Although Mueller’s report “does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” the special counsel wrote in his confidential report, according to Barr’s summary.

Dancing in the aisle without seeing what Mueller actually found.

Nope. Not cutting it

Understand...DOJ policy states that essentially a President CAN'T commit a using that as a basis if "exoneration" is stupid
If you want to split hairs to make it a win for you, feel free, OldLady

Whatever keeps her off the suicide prevention hotline!
As much as you like to believe that, the Dems who don't like Barr's decision and Mueller's decisions are going to just ignore it, the way the right ignored the findings in the Hillary email investigation.
And the beat goes on.

This won’t go away, the left will drag this on and on, just like Benghazi.

Ignore the investigation results and then cry about injustice.
Can the "left" see theentire original Mueller report or not?

No. It's not legal to release the entire report.

Actually it is.
Donna Brazile is so pathetic! She was asked if she accepts Trump didn't collude. While she said yes, she also said "but didn't do anything to stop it". He wasn't even president! Obama was, and it was Obama who gave his cyber chief a Stand down order into Russian interference

It's not nice to make fun of people who ride the short bus. They don't know that they are crazy or not very bright.

Watch it. I was deemed out of my mind at one time. But I got treated and they gave me a declaration of Sanity. And I feel much better, much much better. I have a signed doctor's letter that says I am sane. Since you don't have one, we suspect that you might still be insane and in bad need of mental health since you have no proof to the contrary.
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

He's still guilty of obstruction of justice and 19 another investigations.He still guilty of working with the Russians money laundering.

Show your proof.

Funny, that's exactly what I said to the OP when I got here. Still waiting.

Dude, you always do this. Every news outlet in the world is covering this. Just check google if you’re so curious!

I didn't make a claim here. When I make one, I back it up. Maybe that's the difference between me and the pretenders.

Actually I would never start a thread on something that isn't even established yet. That's bush league.

Meanwhile I'm still waiting for your answer to post 30 back in that other thread, so ........

Do you really need to be spoon fed everything? It’s pretty obvious what happened. A little thing called September 11th aka 911. Everyone seemed to understand that except you. Why is that?
"anybody can come in and just build a tower. i can build a Trump Tower because of my relationship with Trump.

Trump doesnt do his due diligence when associating with people, he relies on his gut and whether he thinks you have good genes. he is the boss of all bosses" - Felix Sater

Trump thought Sater had good genes by relying on his gut.

and let's not forgot the Kazah gangster tied to Trump

Kazakh who allegedly laundered money through Trump Tower ordered to pay bank back
Are the Dems really going to make 2020 about avenging the termination of James Comey? A guy that even Harry Reid said should be fired? I don't think so. It is hard to believe we have wasted two years on this non sense. Mueller found no evidence of any collusion with Russia by Trump or his team. Despite no evidence, a special council, FBI investigation and multiple FISA warrants were still somehow justified. I am sure that fact will be examined by many historians in the future.
Trump said his campaign never had any contact with the Russians,

Barr said that Mueller found that campaign had turned down many Russia offers to help.

How did they turn it down if there were no contact?

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