Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

So, how far will Barr go???? Will he lie & deliberately hide key items in the Mueller report. Did Mueller set a trap?

So we know Russia kept offering Trump their help. (That should be scary enough)

Putin: Hey Donnie, you want us to help you out?

Donnie "well you know I would greatly appreciate it & be forever in your debt but, gee whiz, I can't because my lawyer says it is illegal. But if you just do it & I don't know it, who is to say..."

Putin: "Message received"

Just like Obama when he told Putin that just wait until after my reelection and a Putin gave him the nod and wink, wink.
That wasn't Putin you stupid shit. They were talking about nuclear disarmament. Not something illegal.

Apparently Trump didn’t do anything illegal, you stupid shit!
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

He's still guilty of obstruction of justice and 19 another investigations.He still guilty of working with the Russians money laundering.

Show your proof.

Actually there is proof look it up course you won't
You said it, you should supply YOUR source.

You have have no source
oh yeah, it was all a bed of pretty smelling roses when President Clinton had to endure Kenneth Starr for four plus years.... :rolleyes:
Unlike President Trump, Bill Clinton was actually guilty. :eusa_doh:
Both of the Clinton's are so crooked, they have to use a corkscrew to take an enimia.
oh yeah, it was all a bed of pretty smelling roses when President Clinton had to endure Kenneth Starr for four plus years.... :rolleyes:
Unlike President Trump, Bill Clinton was actually guilty. :eusa_doh:
Both of the Clinton's are so crooked they have to use a corkscrew to take an enema.
LL doesn't deal well with defeat.

I’ve not been defeated.

You never had a chance.

If Mueller exonerates Trump I’ll admit defeat.

LOL, you think his makes you look intelligent? Determining guilt or innocence isn't his job now is it. Too funny, why do Lefty's hide behind word games.

Hmmm. Trump claimed that he’s been TOTALLY EXONERATED.

Is that the case?

Hmmm, are any charges being brought?
So NOW Muellers no
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
so now Mueller isn't a lying POS like most republicans here called him What garbage republicans are From trump his family and on down
Mueller should have recognized the foolishness from the beginning and declined to investigate...he didn't.....and the nation has been at each other over it for 2 years....

The Nation was broken up in 2008 and never recovered.
"..... deliver us from EVIL"

Racist fuck.
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Now The Donald should appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the Democratic Party, to investigate who they have Colluded with in their POLITICAL WITCH HUNT to destroy him AND his ENTIRE family, who they have Colluded with to CRAP on America's Electoral Process in their pursuit to OVERTURN the result of that Electoral Process by wanting to throw him out of the Office he was elected to BECAUSE they could NEVER accept that The Donald BEAT Hillary.
Go make political noise in your own country, Lucy. All this investigating is just ripping us apart.
Then why don't the lying democrats stop slinging it?
So NOW Muellers no
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
so now Mueller isn't a lying POS like most republicans here called him What garbage republicans are From trump his family and on down
Mueller should have recognized the foolishness from the beginning and declined to investigate...he didn't.....and the nation has been at each other over it for 2 years....

Yyyyyeahh ummmm.... that kind of indicates there was stuff TO investigate, doesn't it. And the length of time it went on indicates there was A LOT.
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

He's still guilty of obstruction of justice and 19 another investigations.He still guilty of working with the Russians money laundering.

Show your proof.

Actually there is proof look it up course you won't
You said it, you should supply YOUR source.

You have have no source

Actually it is you who seems to be pulling shit out of your ass here kid. You made the claim
Go to hell, Admiral. You and your fantasies.

Get off your high horse, these Leftist pieces of shit have been crowing and gloating for two years about this shit.
High horse? You must be pretty far down in the mud, there, SON

Yup, high horse. Honey, you simply don't have a say in anything that anyone else says. Mind your own damn bidness.
Kat's gonna bang you over the head with the frypan now.
It is certainly my "business" if I choose to join in here. I strongly disagree with the silly nonsense I've been reading here all weekend that the left is all crying and wanting to kill themselves. Like I just said, they'll just ignore the findings, like you all did with the Hillary email findings.

I counted 15 "Danth" threads started in less than 48 hours without even a report out. Seems to me that side is way more invested. This was one of them. Seems to me you wait for actual news to come out verified before you start a bait thread like this --- that's why these things deteriorate. And you get posts like 392.
What's a "danth?"
LL doesn't deal well with defeat.

I’ve not been defeated.

You never had a chance.

If Mueller exonerates Trump I’ll admit defeat.
If there is no collusion, conspiracy, or obstruction....what is Trump supposed to be exonerated of exactly?

The more I read that comment, the more retarded it becomes.

Wrong as usual. Nothing Trump did could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt as obstruction of justice. The same fucking standard every American is granted under our Constitution.

You're just too libtarded to accept the same standard for Trump as you would use in a court of law to defend yourself.
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Mueller even stated that there was evidence of Russia willing to help Trump during the campaign and was turned away.
Well, not in so many words, he didn't say "turned away." But yeah, that they didn't collude or cooperate with the Russians, despite the Russians offering them help.
If you want to split hairs to make it a win for you, feel free, OldLady

Whatever keeps her off the suicide prevention hotline!
As much as you like to believe that, the Dems who don't like Barr's decision and Mueller's decisions are going to just ignore it, the way the right ignored the findings in the Hillary email investigation.
And the beat goes on.

This won’t go away, the left will drag this on and on, just like Benghazi.

Ignore the investigation results and then cry about injustice.
Can the "left" see theentire original Mueller report or not?

I don’t have any control over that, you stupid shit! I’m all for Congress seeing the report.
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Trump is NOT clean. Mueller left it up to Rosenstein and Barr whether to charge Trump with Obstruction of Justice, and they declined, on the grounds that there was "no collusion".

In other words, Justice covered Trump's ass on the obstruction of justice charges.
Read the report DUMB ASS there was no evidence of obstruction.
Get off your high horse, these Leftist pieces of shit have been crowing and gloating for two years about this shit.
High horse? You must be pretty far down in the mud, there, SON

Yup, high horse. Honey, you simply don't have a say in anything that anyone else says. Mind your own damn bidness.
Kat's gonna bang you over the head with the frypan now.
It is certainly my "business" if I choose to join in here. I strongly disagree with the silly nonsense I've been reading here all weekend that the left is all crying and wanting to kill themselves. Like I just said, they'll just ignore the findings, like you all did with the Hillary email findings.

I counted 15 "Danth" threads started in less than 48 hours without even a report out. Seems tiso me that side is way more invested. This was one of them. Seems to me you wait for actual news to come out verified before you start a bait thread like this --- that's why these things deteriorate. And you get posts like 392.
What's a "danth?"

"Danth" is a poster who claims victory when he has nothing.

Danth's Law (also known as Parker's Law) states: “If you have to insist that you've won an internet argument, you've probably lost badly.”
So NOW Muellers no
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
so now Mueller isn't a lying POS like most republicans here called him What garbage republicans are From trump his family and on down
Mueller should have recognized the foolishness from the beginning and declined to investigate...he didn't.....and the nation has been at each other over it for 2 years....

Yyyyyeahh ummmm.... that kind of indicates there was stuff TO investigate, doesn't it. And the length of time it went on indicates there was A LOT.
Yyyyyaeh ummmm two years and nothing. lol lying democrat scum and their website parrots like you just got it broke off, and you can't stand it. Lock and load folks, these scumbags will go off the rails anyday!
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

He's still guilty of obstruction of justice and 19 another investigations.He still guilty of working with the Russians money laundering.

Show your proof.

Actually there is proof look it up of course you won't

Thanks for admitting you don’t have any proof. You people are funny.
"..... deliver us from EVIL"

Racist fuck.

I can understand how you would construe that as being "racist", because you see racism in everything you look at. Like they say: "What you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail to you."

But personally, I don't see anything racist about the picture. Are there black people in it being unfairly treated? Are there any Mexicans in it?
Oh please. Are you this stupid or just a liar?

Pepe the frog is a symbol for white supremacy. Why else would it be in that post.
Only fucking morons look at everything through race and gender... You’re a politically correct pussy

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