Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Your OP theory sounds reasonable regarding a lack of indictments of Don, Jr, and any other family members, but I wonder if Mueller made a fatal mistake by not requiring the POTUS to answer questions under oath in person? Sure, he would likely have invoked his Fifth Amendment right, but it would have provided evidence of his criminal tendencies.
The only person it's fatal to testify against is Hillary.
The only person it's fatal to testify against is Hillary
Hillary lost, remember?
Congress received over 80,000 documents relating to investigations into her conduct. How likely is it Trump will do likewise?

Special Counsel investigation (2017–2019) - Wikipedia

"White House attorneys expect to preview whatever findings Barr decides to provide to Congress and the public, in order to consider asserting executive privilege to withhold the release of information gleaned from internal documents and interviews with White House officials.[58]

"Todd Gaziano, a legal scholar associated with The Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation[59][60]— organizations instrumental in forming Trump administration policies[61][62] — has asserted that United States v. Nixon 'held that executive privilege cannot be invoked at all if the purpose is to shield wrongdoing.'[63]

"John Bies, who served as a deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Counsel in the Obama Administration, wrote in the influential Lawfare blog, 'the Department of Justice’s longstanding position has been that the privilege cannot be asserted to conceal evidence of wrongdoing or conduct by executive officers that is criminal or unlawful.'[64][speculation?][neutrality is disputed]"
And yet...Hillary was protected against prosecution by leftist stooges in the FBI. This was reveled in testimony.

And the only people surprised by that are Hillary bootlickers.
And yet...Hillary was protected against prosecution by leftist stooges in the FBI. This was reveled in testimony.
Are you really that brainwashed?
Most FBI agents are anti-Trump?
Why was the FBI's New York field office known as "Trumpland"?
"The Real F.B.I. Election Culprit
Hint: It’s not Peter Strzok...."

Opinion | The Real F.B.I. Election Culprit

"The F.B.I. agent corps today overwhelmingly fits the demographic profile of a Trump voter.

"During the 2016 campaign, in The Guardian, one agent said, 'The F.B.I. is Trumpland.'

"In his testimony, Mr. Strzok all but laughed out loud when committee members pressed him Thursday on whether the whole F.B.I. was made up of Democrats."

"At that time, Rudy Giuliani gave voice on television to what he called the anti-Clinton 'revolution going on inside the F.B.I....'"

"Mr. Giuliani, whose former law firm Bracewell & Giuliani represented the F.B.I. Agents Association, seemed to boast in the final days of the campaign that he knew that a twist — like the revelations of emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop — was coming about Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, referring on Fox to 'a surprise or two that you’re going to hear about in the next few days.'

"In his testimony on Thursday, Mr. Strzok said that 'it caused me great concern' that Mr. Giuliani 'had information about that — that he should not have had.'"
NBC Lied
ABC Lied
PBS Lied
The New York Times LIED
Washington Post LIED
AP Lied
Reuters Lied

The Democrats LIED. This will bite them in the ass in 2020.
The saddest part of this whole fiasco was the number of mush minded people who hung on all the daily proclamations by CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the fake news cartel that "the walls are closing in on Trump" , "it's a foregone conclusion that Trump colluded with Putin" , "Trump wants this country to fail" , "Trump is only in this to benefit his company" , "Trump's whole family is evil" , "Trump is a danger to our country" , "Trump's perp walk will be happening any day now" and all the other ridiculously fabricated fantasies they obsessed on. It will be interesting to see what their new BS Trump attack will be. Trump 2020. Best President since Eisenhower.
Your OP theory sounds reasonable regarding a lack of indictments of Don, Jr, and any other family members, but I wonder if Mueller made a fatal mistake by not requiring the POTUS to answer questions under oath in person? Sure, he would likely have invoked his Fifth Amendment right, but it would have provided evidence of his criminal tendencies.

I'm pretty sure he was considered under oath when he filled out Mueller's written questions. If he lied on that, he would be held just as liable as if he lied in an interview.
I'm pretty sure he was considered under oath when he filled out Mueller's written questions. If he lied on that, he would be held just as liable as if he lied in an interview.
I'm pretty sure Trump's lawyers either supplied the answers to Mueller's written questions directly, or they carefully edited the president's responses; Trump would have found the process much more stressful if he had to sit down and answer questions spontaneously.

I think they've already found there was one thing he lied about in his questions, but I'm not sure where the leak came from. Though it seems a lot of the leaks from Trump's White House have turned out to be true, like his schedule for "executive time."
I think they've already found there was one thing he lied about in his questions, but I'm not sure where the leak came from. Though it seems a lot of the leaks from Trump's White House have turned out to be true, like his schedule for "executive time."
Two key answers from Trump to Mueller - CNNPolitics

"President Donald Trump told special counsel Robert Mueller in writing that Roger Stone did not tell him about WikiLeaks, nor was he told about the 2016 Trump Tower meeting between his son, campaign officials and a Russian lawyer promising dirt on Hillary Clinton, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

"One source described the President's answers without providing any direct quotes and said the President made clear he was answering to the best of his recollection."

"Best of his recollection" is likely a legal justification for lying since that is basically all Trump has to offer.
I'll grant that the Clinton impeachment attempts were a politically motivated joke. I can't see that the Trump/Russia crap is any different.
Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.
That would mean Mueller isn't doing his job, and is violating the constitution and legislation regarding his job.

Only a Fascist investigates people in search of crimes.
I love it! This is great business news for Therapists. The delusional liberals with CNN and MSNBC's talking heads can't handle the truth! This is a great day for America! Hey Adam Schiff! Liar liar pants on fire.
Not true....
It's very true. It's undeniable.

If that were the case, wouldn't there have been an indictment?
Mueller has at least a modicum of sense. There's obviously nothing that would merit an indictment.

But most of the rest of the left never has moved on after the 2016 election. Hillary was supposed to be coronated. Bad Orange Man took the throne away from her.

Like Reagan defeating the USSR, the left will never forgive him for it.

Now you're just being stupid.

All of the sudden the guy that has been called every name in the book is an honest broker and has sense.
He's honest only insofar as he couldn't come up with an indictment that would stick. He's got nothing, and knows it.

Remember, Trump used to be good friends with a lot of powerful Democrats.

Then he ran against Hillary. Even worse -- he beat her.

That's what the left wants revenge for.

Have you all really thought this through? If Trump is removed from office, Hillary won't be given the Presidency. It doesn't work like that. Mike Pence would be President -- and he's far more conservative than Trump.

Is that what you want?

Actually they were hoping they would get Pence and Trump at the same time and then magically throw out the 2016 results and declare Hillary Queen for life...

They know that if they remove Trump they get Pence and the reason why they want to run against Pence is because they are unsure if they can defeat Trump in 2020...
NBC Lied
ABC Lied
PBS Lied
The New York Times LIED
Washington Post LIED
AP Lied
Reuters Lied

The Democrats LIED. This will bite them in the ass in 2020.
Pilot You are certifiable Everyone lies except the countries biggest lying POS ?? Trump? And not only the king of liars .a fn idiot who doesn't know most of the time, what he's talking about..In other words ,,,his ass is jealous of all the shit coming from his mouth
Sorry their girl lost.

The whole bullshit was based upon a fake document by the Crooked Hillary campaign.

Just another example of how dishonest the Democrats are.

still calling her crooked Hillary I see, how about we start calling crooked Donald and family. Sounds about right.
Yet the Democrats and 99% of the MEDIA cried Russia, Russia, Russia for two and a half years claiming Trump was illegally elected. Now it has been revealed as all a LIE. So who lied?

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The saddest part of this whole fiasco was the number of mush minded people who hung on all the daily proclamations by CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the fake news cartel that "the walls are closing in on Trump" , "it's a foregone conclusion that Trump colluded with Putin" , "Trump wants this country to fail" , "Trump is only in this to benefit his company" , "Trump's whole family is evil" , "Trump is a danger to our country" , "Trump's perp walk will be happening any day now" and all the other ridiculously fabricated fantasies they obsessed on. It will be interesting to see what their new BS Trump attack will be. Trump 2020. Best President since Eisenhower.

We do not even know what is in the report, many are guilty , but maybe Mueller is of the mind they can't indict a sitting potus, or just can't prove he is guilty. They are not out of the woods yet, the SDNY is waiting for them all.
The OIC finished it's report. The WH is still being investigated by the House. Next episode in a continuing saga.
Nad boy and bug eyes Schiff are going to get the exact results that goofball Gowdy got.....


Whatever the results--when they become known--should be accepted by all parties.
yep. gotta stop the hate at some point.
Why ? If he and his family the people he surrounded himself with were clean you might have a case How long has the Hillary hate gone on ? 10 ,15 years? and with trump as your president hate will show anytime some one speaks up against him..The AH is responsible for more hate in our country than ever before
Yet the Democrats and 99% of the MEDIA cried Russia, Russia, Russia for two and a half year claiming Trump was illegally elected. Now it has been revealed as all a LIE. So who lied?
We KNOW Russia helped Trump We KNOW Trump believes Putin but not our investigating people Trump is a swine a vile thieving scum
nobody including the president is above the law. the american people have a right to know what's in the report!

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