Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Letter from deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein offers potential road map to special counsel Robert Mueller's probe

No more indictments.

No harsh condemnation of President Donald Trump or any of his associates who have not been charged with crimes.

"Rosenstein makes it clear he believes the Department of Justice will not – and cannot without violating long-standing Department of Justice policy – include disparaging or incriminating information about anybody who has not been charged with a crime."
Rosenstein hints at no attack on Trump expected suggesting wrong-doing they have no evidence of and are incapable of indicting him without.

Rosenstein suggests that there have been questionable things found in the investigation that he and Mueller will withhold from the public, leaving room for liberals and snowflakes to continue to claim / suggest Trump was still engaged in wring-doing despite no evidence to prove it:

"Punishing wrongdoers through judicial proceedings is only one part of the Department's mission," Rosenstein wrote. "We also have a duty to prevent the disclosure of information that would unfairly tarnish people who are not charged with crimes."

Bottom Line:
It appears Rosenstein was / is trying to prep everyone on a Mueller Report that fails in their mission to find / prove illegal collusion or criminal activity by the President...and for the possibility of part if the report being withheld from the public....

Get ready for disappointment, snowflakes...

And since the 2018 letter, that is the base of the article, there have been indictments.
As I have stated multiple times. No one knows what Mueller is up to, because he doesn’t allow leaks.
And again, easyt uses nothing but pure conjecture. What a loser.

Indictments? You mean for tax evasion that occurred 10 years before Trump ran for office.....? For people who are said to have lied to the FBI, about nothing to do with Trump? Those indictments?
His lying idiot son ,his daughter, his pos son in law ? No meetings at Trump towers with Russians??

Don't give up hope yet there, sparky. :itsok:

The Mueller thing will probably drag on a couple more months at least.

I figured until October next year. :iyfyus.jpg:
And there will be more to come when Muellers through SD of NY
Build the Gallows. They attempted a take over of the government by illegal means. They should hang. Televise it maybe charge to watch it and use the money to build our wall.
Hanging is too good for them. Drawn and quartered is more the way to punish those treasonous to the country. Make an example and soon those lying POS would be in line.

brothers and sisters: we all know the truth here. lets say it together, my friends: TRUMP COLLIDED WITH RUSSIA!
The liberal media is having a meltdown. Chris Mathews livid that neither President Trump, his children, nor his “henchmen” would face any criminal charges from the special counsel. :auiqs.jpg: President Trump vindicated, scores huge win! So much for your witch hunt.
nobody including the president is above the law. the american people have a right to know what's in the report!
You do realize that Muller has said "there are no more indictments". That means no crimes were committed thus no one is going to trial. No "RUSSIAN COLLUSION", which millions of dollars has been wasted, by the Democraps in their witch hunt towards the President. I think it is time that the FBI started investigating the Democrats who leaked classified info on the Muller case and bring them to trial. Wouldn't that be a hoot..

Do you have video of him saying that?
It might not be him actually saying it, but the depression from the left sure is a sign..
No new indictments: Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation is done
The liberal media is having a meltdown. Chris Mathews livid that neither President Trump, his children, nor his “henchmen” would face any criminal charges from the special counsel. :auiqs.jpg: President Trump vindicated, scores huge win! So much for your witch hunt.
Saving it for the SDNY where ah trump can't pardon anyone
Media conspiracy theorists for the past two years: “COLLUSION IS EVERYTHING!”

Same media conspiracy theorists today: “It doesn’t matter if there was no collusion.”
Aren't you taking a victory lap a little early? Why do you call an investigation that results in 6 of Trump's former top cronies, including his NSA chief, his campaign manager, and his lawyer-fixer-bagman, being indicted and found guilty of various charges, and Russian agents being indicted for espionage, and some Russian companies being indicted, in all a total of 37 indictments and/or guilty pleas and convictions, a "theory?" Do you even know what the word "theory" means? Or has Fox or Infowars not given you that information? It is what it is. We have no idea if Mueller does not have enough to indict corrupt dishonest Trump or if he is following current DOJ guidelines that propose a sitting president cannot be indicted. What gets me is I bet even the most jelly-headed, dishonest Trump stooge knows deep down in his tiny brain that if Obama and any of his top associates had been connected to so many indictments, lies, resignations in disgrace, so many contacts with Russians and so many lies about those contacts, he would have been impeached by now with Fox and Breitbart and stooges like you high-fiving the hell out of each other....

brothers and sisters: we all know the truth here. lets say it together, my friends: TRUMP COLLIDED WITH RUSSIA!

Was it a fender bender or head-on? :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh! Hello there shill sent here to spin the ABC report for the left! :1peleas:
Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.
Orrrr, maybe this whole investigation was entirely based off of a dossier that we have known for a long time is bogus. It was already sunk and then Cohen threw some dynamite in the water on top of the sunken ruins with his testimony. This investigation was like a math test that the teacher handed out a comic book to the student to study with.

Traditional media is so terribly antiquated. Talking for 5 mins about immensely complex topics and then cutting to commercials is as retarded as it sounds. It’s just that no one takes the time to stop and think about how retarded it is. So for the media to get viewers or readers, they have to turn themselves into the real housewives of the worlds events. The real housewives is basically a loosely scripted show. So the media have to mimic people yelling and throwing wine at each other, except this is politics and most of the major outlets are leftists. They’ll carry water for anyone on their side, and then write a soap opera episode for anyone on the other side. This would all be fine and dandy if people saw it for what it is, and it didn’t effect the real world. But that’s not what’s happening. We have a reality tv star as president and we have the media making a movie “based on a true story” with him as the villain and a bunch of overdramatizations that didn’t actually happen because no one is gonna pay to see the movie if you made it as accurate as possible. Fox News does this too with trump as the hero, except in this case trump is fighting against the media whose creating this ridiculous lifetime movie about it’s kind of accurate. The fact that a reality tv star is our president and is calling out the media for basically being producers on a ridiculous reality tv show...while he at the same time is still acting like a real housewive of New as bizarre, and hilarious, and entertaining as it gets folks.

If you want to stop watching/reading the reality tv show that we call news. Joe Rogans podcast and Quillete (article website) are great places to start. Rogan will have on great guests and will discuss issues in an intelligent and entertaining way for 3 hours. He just had on jack dorsey (Twitter CEO), Dorsey’s head compliance lawyer, and Tim Poole (an independent reporter) and they had a 3 hour debate on twitters banning policies and free speech. Or he’ll have on comedians and they’ll shoot the shit for 3 hours and you’ll crack the fuck up, and still offer up useful reflections on society. Quillette takes submissions from actual academics, who intelligently break down issues in an accurate and about as objective as it gets kind of way. Doesn’t focus on a lot of current events, more so reflections on society.
Letter from deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein offers potential road map to special counsel Robert Mueller's probe

No more indictments.

No harsh condemnation of President Donald Trump or any of his associates who have not been charged with crimes.

"Rosenstein makes it clear he believes the Department of Justice will not – and cannot without violating long-standing Department of Justice policy – include disparaging or incriminating information about anybody who has not been charged with a crime."
Rosenstein hints at no attack on Trump expected suggesting wrong-doing they have no evidence of and are incapable of indicting him without.

Rosenstein suggests that there have been questionable things found in the investigation that he and Mueller will withhold from the public, leaving room for liberals and snowflakes to continue to claim / suggest Trump was still engaged in wring-doing despite no evidence to prove it:

"Punishing wrongdoers through judicial proceedings is only one part of the Department's mission," Rosenstein wrote. "We also have a duty to prevent the disclosure of information that would unfairly tarnish people who are not charged with crimes."

Bottom Line:
It appears Rosenstein was / is trying to prep everyone on a Mueller Report that fails in their mission to find / prove illegal collusion or criminal activity by the President...and for the possibility of part if the report being withheld from the public....

Get ready for disappointment, snowflakes...

And since the 2018 letter, that is the base of the article, there have been indictments.
As I have stated multiple times. No one knows what Mueller is up to, because he doesn’t allow leaks.
And again, easyt uses nothing but pure conjecture. What a loser.

Indictments? You mean for tax evasion that occurred 10 years before Trump ran for office.....? For people who are said to have lied to the FBI, about nothing to do with Trump? Those indictments?
His lying idiot son ,his daughter, his pos son in law ? No meetings at Trump towers with Russians??
Someone is having a bad day lol
The liberal media is having a meltdown. Chris Mathews livid that neither President Trump, his children, nor his “henchmen” would face any criminal charges from the special counsel. :auiqs.jpg: President Trump vindicated, scores huge win! So much for your witch hunt.
Saving it for the SDNY where ah trump can't pardon anyone
LMAO! Deranged it is.
It’s official trump and his kids DID NOTHING WRONG
Except kick democrat ass lol
Media conspiracy theorists for the past two years: “COLLUSION IS EVERYTHING!”

Same media conspiracy theorists today: “It doesn’t matter if there was no collusion.”
Aren't you taking a victory lap a little early? Why do you call an investigation that results in 6 of Trump's former top cronies, including his NSA chief, his campaign manager, and his lawyer-fixer-bagman, being indicted and found guilty of various charges, and Russian agents being indicted for espionage, and some Russian companies being indicted, in all a total of 37 indictments and/or guilty pleas and convictions, a "theory?" Do you even know what the word "theory" means? Or has Fox or Infowars not given you that information? It is what it is. We have no idea if Mueller does not have enough to indict corrupt dishonest Trump or if he is following current DOJ guidelines that propose a sitting president cannot be indicted. What gets me is I bet even the most jelly-headed, dishonest Trump stooge knows deep down in his tiny brain that if Obama and any of his top associates had been connected to so many indictments, lies, resignations in disgrace, so many contacts with Russians and so many lies about those contacts, he would have been impeached by now with Fox and Breitbart and stooges like you high-fiving the hell out of each other....

brothers and sisters: we all know the truth here. lets say it together, my friends: TRUMP COLLIDED WITH RUSSIA!

Was it a fender bender or head-on? :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh! Hello there shill sent here to spin the ABC report for the left! :1peleas:
The only thing this report does is like I said, prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that these morons are the biggest pack of fools of all time. And they say we are dupes! Lmao!
The liberal media is having a meltdown. Chris Mathews livid that neither President Trump, his children, nor his “henchmen” would face any criminal charges from the special counsel. :auiqs.jpg: President Trump vindicated, scores huge win! So much for your witch hunt.
Saving it for the SDNY where ah trump can't pardon anyone
Mueller had more jurisdiction to investigate .. sdny has none haha
Letter from deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein offers potential road map to special counsel Robert Mueller's probe

No more indictments.

No harsh condemnation of President Donald Trump or any of his associates who have not been charged with crimes.

"Rosenstein makes it clear he believes the Department of Justice will not – and cannot without violating long-standing Department of Justice policy – include disparaging or incriminating information about anybody who has not been charged with a crime."
Rosenstein hints at no attack on Trump expected suggesting wrong-doing they have no evidence of and are incapable of indicting him without.

Rosenstein suggests that there have been questionable things found in the investigation that he and Mueller will withhold from the public, leaving room for liberals and snowflakes to continue to claim / suggest Trump was still engaged in wring-doing despite no evidence to prove it:

"Punishing wrongdoers through judicial proceedings is only one part of the Department's mission," Rosenstein wrote. "We also have a duty to prevent the disclosure of information that would unfairly tarnish people who are not charged with crimes."

Bottom Line:
It appears Rosenstein was / is trying to prep everyone on a Mueller Report that fails in their mission to find / prove illegal collusion or criminal activity by the President...and for the possibility of part if the report being withheld from the public....

Get ready for disappointment, snowflakes...

And since the 2018 letter, that is the base of the article, there have been indictments.
As I have stated multiple times. No one knows what Mueller is up to, because he doesn’t allow leaks.
And again, easyt uses nothing but pure conjecture. What a loser.

Indictments? You mean for tax evasion that occurred 10 years before Trump ran for office.....? For people who are said to have lied to the FBI, about nothing to do with Trump? Those indictments?
His lying idiot son ,his daughter, his pos son in law ? No meetings at Trump towers with Russians??

Don't give up hope yet there, sparky. :itsok:

The Mueller thing will probably drag on a couple more months at least.

I figured until October next year. :iyfyus.jpg:
And there will be more to come when Muellers through SD of NY
Thank you for working so hard to get Trump re-elected.
The liberal media is having a meltdown. Chris Mathews livid that neither President Trump, his children, nor his “henchmen” would face any criminal charges from the special counsel. :auiqs.jpg: President Trump vindicated, scores huge win! So much for your witch hunt.
Saving it for the SDNY where ah trump can't pardon anyone

Swing and a miss Eddie president Trump whooped your asses again! Dems and the liberal media have egg on their faces. All their actuations and gossip and spin just got destroyed. Now what are you going to run on in 2020 :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: attempt to overthrow a sitting President who was chosen by the American people in a free and fair election as prescribed by the United States Constitution.

And, it must be dealt with as such. The coup plotters broke numerous laws in using a piece of opposition research as justification for a FISA warrant. They spied on a Presidential candidate, they spied on a Presidential transition team, and they spied on a U.S. President, all based on a warrant that was issued on false pretenses.

If we are a nation of laws, not men, then the culprits should be brought to justice.

The “Investigation” Was a Conspiracy to Oust Trump | Rush Limbaugh | 1150 WIMA
Let’s be clear: the thread premise is a ridiculous rightwing lie.

However we’re rid of Trump – impeachment or voted out of office next year – it will be done lawfully and consistent with the Constitution.

And the Mueller investigation – along with other appropriate, lawful investigations – will provide to the voters the compelling evidence as to why Trump doesn’t merit a second term.

Let's be clear, Trump will not be impeached and will more than likely be your president until 2024......and if your looney tune party doesn't stop driving hard towards das kapital, you'll be losing in 2024.

I don't think Trump will be president until 2024. And you 30 percent cult members don't seem to realize you're on a sinking ship.

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