Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Wow I really like mueller this morning let’s say you democrats haha
Media conspiracy theorists for the past two years: “COLLUSION IS EVERYTHING!”

Same media conspiracy theorists today: “It doesn’t matter if there was no collusion.”
Aren't you taking a victory lap a little early? Why do you call an investigation that results in 6 of Trump's former top cronies, including his NSA chief, his campaign manager, and his lawyer-fixer-bagman, being indicted and found guilty of various charges, and Russian agents being indicted for espionage, and some Russian companies being indicted, in all a total of 37 indictments and/or guilty pleas and convictions, a "theory?" Do you even know what the word "theory" means? Or has Fox or Infowars not given you that information? It is what it is. We have no idea if Mueller does not have enough to indict corrupt dishonest Trump or if he is following current DOJ guidelines that propose a sitting president cannot be indicted. What gets me is I bet even the most jelly-headed, dishonest Trump stooge knows deep down in his tiny brain that if Obama and any of his top associates had been connected to so many indictments, lies, resignations in disgrace, so many contacts with Russians and so many lies about those contacts, he would have been impeached by now with Fox and Breitbart and stooges like you high-fiving the hell out of each other....

brothers and sisters: we all know the truth here. lets say it together, my friends: TRUMP COLLIDED WITH RUSSIA!

Was it a fender bender or head-on? :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh! Hello there shill sent here to spin the ABC report for the left! :1peleas:
The only thing this report does is like I said, prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that these morons are the biggest pack of fools of all time. And they say we are dupes! Lmao!
Sorta like your AH's who were after Hillary for 15 years?
To my liberal friends, re: Mueller

I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening, turns the legs to jelly. I ask you to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now it's here

Byron York: Five things that didn't happen in the Mueller investigation

1. Mueller did not indict Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, or other people whose purported legal jeopardy was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.

2. Mueller did not charge anyone in the Trump campaign or circle with conspiring with Russia to fix the 2016 election, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.

3. Mueller did not subpoena the president, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.

4. The president did not fire Mueller, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.

5. The president did not interfere with the Mueller investigation, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year. In his letter to Congress, Barr noted the requirement that he notify lawmakers if top Justice Department officials ever interfered with the Mueller investigation. "There were no such instances," Barr wrote.

Byron York: Five things that didn't happen in the Mueller investigation

You bet the farm on Mueller
You lost.
Eat it and smile.
It's over. No one knows how much will be released to the public.

Robert Mueller submits Russia report: Investigation into election interference concludes

The liberal media is having a meltdown. Chris Mathews livid that neither President Trump, his children, nor his “henchmen” would face any criminal charges from the special counsel. :auiqs.jpg: President Trump vindicated, scores huge win! So much for your witch hunt.
Saving it for the SDNY where ah trump can't pardon anyone

Swing and a miss Eddie president Trump whooped your asses again! Dems and the liberal media have egg on their faces. All their actuations and gossip and spin just got destroyed. Now what are you going to run on in 2020 :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
It ain't over till the fat lady sings ,,,and I don't hear anything yet
Ohhhh cnn and nbc is singing lol haha attempt to overthrow a sitting President who was chosen by the American people in a free and fair election as prescribed by the United States Constitution.

And, it must be dealt with as such. The coup plotters broke numerous laws in using a piece of opposition research as justification for a FISA warrant. They spied on a Presidential candidate, they spied on a Presidential transition team, and they spied on a U.S. President, all based on a warrant that was issued on false pretenses.

If we are a nation of laws, not men, then the culprits should be brought to justice.

The “Investigation” Was a Conspiracy to Oust Trump | Rush Limbaugh | 1150 WIMA
Let’s be clear: the thread premise is a ridiculous rightwing lie.

However we’re rid of Trump – impeachment or voted out of office next year – it will be done lawfully and consistent with the Constitution.

And the Mueller investigation – along with other appropriate, lawful investigations – will provide to the voters the compelling evidence as to why Trump doesn’t merit a second term.

And when he win a second term you will start crying for another investigation why Americans are so retarded and racist...

Your side will blow it again by running someone so pathetic ( Kerry in 2004 and Hillary 2016 ) and then blame everyone but your political party!
Trump will be out for blood & he'll self destruct depending on what the report says. Trumps attacks on McCain will look like a girl scout picnic & that will be his demise because he's a psychopath. Enjoy Trump' s shit show for another 2 years.

I'm starting to hope that the SDNY lets Trump off the hook so the bastard doesn't run again. If not he'll run again just to stay out of the slammer. Makes ya proud don't it Trumptards? :abgg2q.jpg:
Clinton lied under oath and was IMPEACHED for it.

The Democrats and Media are guilty of SEDITION. They need to be brought up on charges. They are traitors for lying in an attempted COUP. They must be held accountable.

Clinton lied about a blowjob. There is no sedition happening here. If Trump goes Pence is president. He was part of the ticket and you voted for him when you voted for Trump. So let's put Pence on trial because he's the only one who could have authorized a coup. attempt to overthrow a sitting President who was chosen by the American people in a free and fair election as prescribed by the United States Constitution.

And, it must be dealt with as such. The coup plotters broke numerous laws in using a piece of opposition research as justification for a FISA warrant. They spied on a Presidential candidate, they spied on a Presidential transition team, and they spied on a U.S. President, all based on a warrant that was issued on false pretenses.

If we are a nation of laws, not men, then the culprits should be brought to justice.

The “Investigation” Was a Conspiracy to Oust Trump | Rush Limbaugh | 1150 WIMA

Lol! Rush Limbaugh is a dumb ass. First off Trump was not elected by the American people . He was elected by the electors in the electoral college. 3 million more Americans voted for Clinton. Second Trump is not above the law. So if we are a nation of laws and the law says that if you are accused of a crime it must be investigated then it gets investigated. None of what you have said is true.
He had the popular vote of 49 states .. 2 counties in California do not Represent America
Democrats should thread lightly with Barr.. that’s a bull dog you don’t want to mess with
Media conspiracy theorists for the past two years: “COLLUSION IS EVERYTHING!”

Same media conspiracy theorists today: “It doesn’t matter if there was no collusion.”
Aren't you taking a victory lap a little early? Why do you call an investigation that results in 6 of Trump's former top cronies, including his NSA chief, his campaign manager, and his lawyer-fixer-bagman, being indicted and found guilty of various charges, and Russian agents being indicted for espionage, and some Russian companies being indicted, in all a total of 37 indictments and/or guilty pleas and convictions, a "theory?" Do you even know what the word "theory" means? Or has Fox or Infowars not given you that information? It is what it is. We have no idea if Mueller does not have enough to indict corrupt dishonest Trump or if he is following current DOJ guidelines that propose a sitting president cannot be indicted. What gets me is I bet even the most jelly-headed, dishonest Trump stooge knows deep down in his tiny brain that if Obama and any of his top associates had been connected to so many indictments, lies, resignations in disgrace, so many contacts with Russians and so many lies about those contacts, he would have been impeached by now with Fox and Breitbart and stooges like you high-fiving the hell out of each other....

brothers and sisters: we all know the truth here. lets say it together, my friends: TRUMP COLLIDED WITH RUSSIA!

Was it a fender bender or head-on? :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh! Hello there shill sent here to spin the ABC report for the left! :1peleas:
The only thing this report does is like I said, prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that these morons are the biggest pack of fools of all time. And they say we are dupes! Lmao!
Sorta like your AH's who were after Hillary for 15 years?
No cry baby. Change your diaper.
Media conspiracy theorists for the past two years: “COLLUSION IS EVERYTHING!”

Same media conspiracy theorists today: “It doesn’t matter if there was no collusion.”
Aren't you taking a victory lap a little early? Why do you call an investigation that results in 6 of Trump's former top cronies, including his NSA chief, his campaign manager, and his lawyer-fixer-bagman, being indicted and found guilty of various charges, and Russian agents being indicted for espionage, and some Russian companies being indicted, in all a total of 37 indictments and/or guilty pleas and convictions, a "theory?" Do you even know what the word "theory" means? Or has Fox or Infowars not given you that information? It is what it is. We have no idea if Mueller does not have enough to indict corrupt dishonest Trump or if he is following current DOJ guidelines that propose a sitting president cannot be indicted. What gets me is I bet even the most jelly-headed, dishonest Trump stooge knows deep down in his tiny brain that if Obama and any of his top associates had been connected to so many indictments, lies, resignations in disgrace, so many contacts with Russians and so many lies about those contacts, he would have been impeached by now with Fox and Breitbart and stooges like you high-fiving the hell out of each other....

brothers and sisters: we all know the truth here. lets say it together, my friends: TRUMP COLLIDED WITH RUSSIA!

Was it a fender bender or head-on? :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh! Hello there shill sent here to spin the ABC report for the left! :1peleas:
The only thing this report does is like I said, prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that these morons are the biggest pack of fools of all time. And they say we are dupes! Lmao!
How many of Trumps band of thieves are indicted? and the SDNY will clean up the rest
None. Change your diaper cry baby.
You're a Trump supporter, you don't know what sensible is.

Fact as in Trump is a Russian agent? Llmmaaoo

Fact as in Russia helped Trump in the election. Russians were indicted for that and Putin admitted supporting Trump. If I were you, I would be quiet until all the investigations ended.

Fact as in Russia helped Trump in the election. Russians were indicted for that and Putin admitted supporting Trump. If I were you, I would be quiet until all the investigations ended.
And what happened to said Russians......why werent Russians who ran ads for hilly indicted.....and please quantify number of votes produced by said Russians.
Clinton lied under oath and was IMPEACHED for it.

The Democrats and Media are guilty of SEDITION. They need to be brought up on charges. They are traitors for lying in an attempted COUP. They must be held accountable.
Who's writing comedy for you? But thanks for the laugh.

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