Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

The liberal media is having a meltdown. Chris Mathews livid that neither President Trump, his children, nor his “henchmen” would face any criminal charges from the special counsel. :auiqs.jpg: President Trump vindicated, scores huge win! So much for your witch hunt.
Saving it for the SDNY where ah trump can't pardon anyone
LMAO! Deranged it is.

This party is only just getting started. Now that Trump has this witch hunt behind him he can spend the next 18 months using his power to bitch slap the Dem's. :auiqs.jpg:
Hillary lost, remember?
Congress received over 80,000 documents relating to investigations into her conduct. How likely is it Trump will do likewise?

Special Counsel investigation (2017–2019) - Wikipedia

"White House attorneys expect to preview whatever findings Barr decides to provide to Congress and the public, in order to consider asserting executive privilege to withhold the release of information gleaned from internal documents and interviews with White House officials.[58]

"Todd Gaziano, a legal scholar associated with The Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation[59][60]— organizations instrumental in forming Trump administration policies[61][62] — has asserted that United States v. Nixon 'held that executive privilege cannot be invoked at all if the purpose is to shield wrongdoing.'[63]

"John Bies, who served as a deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Counsel in the Obama Administration, wrote in the influential Lawfare blog, 'the Department of Justice’s longstanding position has been that the privilege cannot be asserted to conceal evidence of wrongdoing or conduct by executive officers that is criminal or unlawful.'[64][speculation?][neutrality is disputed]"
And yet...Hillary was protected against prosecution by leftist stooges in the FBI. This was reveled in testimony.

And the only people surprised by that are Hillary bootlickers.
And yet...Hillary was protected against prosecution by leftist stooges in the FBI. This was reveled in testimony.
Are you really that brainwashed?
Most FBI agents are anti-Trump?
Why was the FBI's New York field office known as "Trumpland"?
"The Real F.B.I. Election Culprit
Hint: It’s not Peter Strzok...."

Opinion | The Real F.B.I. Election Culprit

"The F.B.I. agent corps today overwhelmingly fits the demographic profile of a Trump voter.

"During the 2016 campaign, in The Guardian, one agent said, 'The F.B.I. is Trumpland.'

"In his testimony, Mr. Strzok all but laughed out loud when committee members pressed him Thursday on whether the whole F.B.I. was made up of Democrats."

"At that time, Rudy Giuliani gave voice on television to what he called the anti-Clinton 'revolution going on inside the F.B.I....'"

"Mr. Giuliani, whose former law firm Bracewell & Giuliani represented the F.B.I. Agents Association, seemed to boast in the final days of the campaign that he knew that a twist — like the revelations of emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop — was coming about Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, referring on Fox to 'a surprise or two that you’re going to hear about in the next few days.'

"In his testimony on Thursday, Mr. Strzok said that 'it caused me great concern' that Mr. Giuliani 'had information about that — that he should not have had.'"

And then.....there was nothing.
And then.....there was nothing.
Unsealed Documents in Special Counsel Mueller's Investigation [Updated] - Just Security

Keep those hopes and dreams alive.....over nothing, lol. Dont let that white hot seething rage get you down.
Keep those hopes and dreams alive.....over nothing, lol.
If you believe in Trump's integrity, you got nothing.

What's in the Mueller Report?

"The product of Mueller’s year and a half of investigation is now complete and was delivered Friday to the Department of Justice. It may never be made public, but the investigation has already produced some of the most extraordinary documents made public by a prosecutor in the United States, opening a rare window into the world of big money, high-stakes politics and foreign lobbying, a world that normally operates in dim Georgetown restaurants or in hotel bars in exotic locales.

"Those documents are to be found in Mueller’s legal filings. 'Mueller has spoken loudly, if indirectly, in court — indictment by indictment, guilty plea by guilty plea. In doing so, he tracked an elaborate Russian operation that injected chaos into a U.S. presidential election and tried to help Trump win the White House.'

"'He followed a GOP campaign that embraced the Kremlin’s help and championed stolen material to hurt a political foe. And ultimately, he revealed layers of lies, deception, self-enrichment and hubris that followed.'

"'Woven through thousands of court papers, the special counsel has made his public report,' wrote Chad Day and Eric Tucker of The Associated Press, after an exhaustive review of his filings."

A party that continues to support Trump is beyond redemption.
Look at this shit here, this is impartial news? Fuck no it isn't!

"Always accuse your opponents of that you are guilty of"

Sorry their girl lost.

The whole bullshit was based upon a fake document by the Crooked Hillary campaign.

Just another example of how dishonest the Democrats are.

still calling her crooked Hillary I see, how about we start calling crooked Donald and family. Sounds about right.
Anyone who puts their hand on Trumps shoulder better have a fist full of cash for The Mob Boss.
Media conspiracy theorists for the past two years: “COLLUSION IS EVERYTHING!”

Same media conspiracy theorists today: “It doesn’t matter if there was no collusion.”
Aren't you taking a victory lap a little early? Why do you call an investigation that results in 6 of Trump's former top cronies, including his NSA chief, his campaign manager, and his lawyer-fixer-bagman, being indicted and found guilty of various charges, and Russian agents being indicted for espionage, and some Russian companies being indicted, in all a total of 37 indictments and/or guilty pleas and convictions, a "theory?" Do you even know what the word "theory" means? Or has Fox or Infowars not given you that information? It is what it is. We have no idea if Mueller does not have enough to indict corrupt dishonest Trump or if he is following current DOJ guidelines that propose a sitting president cannot be indicted. What gets me is I bet even the most jelly-headed, dishonest Trump stooge knows deep down in his tiny brain that if Obama and any of his top associates had been connected to so many indictments, lies, resignations in disgrace, so many contacts with Russians and so many lies about those contacts, he would have been impeached by now with Fox and Breitbart and stooges like you high-fiving the hell out of each other....

brothers and sisters: we all know the truth here. lets say it together, my friends: TRUMP COLLIDED WITH RUSSIA!

Was it a fender bender or head-on? :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh! Hello there shill sent here to spin the ABC report for the left! :1peleas:
The only thing this report does is like I said, prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that these morons are the biggest pack of fools of all time. And they say we are dupes! Lmao!
How many of Trumps band of thieves are indicted? and the SDNY will clean up the rest attempt to overthrow a sitting President who was chosen by the American people in a free and fair election as prescribed by the United States Constitution.

And, it must be dealt with as such. The coup plotters broke numerous laws in using a piece of opposition research as justification for a FISA warrant. They spied on a Presidential candidate, they spied on a Presidential transition team, and they spied on a U.S. President, all based on a warrant that was issued on false pretenses.

If we are a nation of laws, not men, then the culprits should be brought to justice.

The “Investigation” Was a Conspiracy to Oust Trump | Rush Limbaugh | 1150 WIMA
Let’s be clear: the thread premise is a ridiculous rightwing lie.

However we’re rid of Trump – impeachment or voted out of office next year – it will be done lawfully and consistent with the Constitution.

And the Mueller investigation – along with other appropriate, lawful investigations – will provide to the voters the compelling evidence as to why Trump doesn’t merit a second term.

Let's be clear, Trump will not be impeached and will more than likely be your president until 2024......and if your looney tune party doesn't stop driving hard towards das kapital, you'll be losing in 2024.

I don't think Trump will be president until 2024. And you 30 percent cult members don't seem to realize you're on a sinking ship.


And yet...Hillary was protected against prosecution by leftist stooges in the FBI. This was reveled in testimony.

And the only people surprised by that are Hillary bootlickers.
And yet...Hillary was protected against prosecution by leftist stooges in the FBI. This was reveled in testimony.
Are you really that brainwashed?
Most FBI agents are anti-Trump?
Why was the FBI's New York field office known as "Trumpland"?
"The Real F.B.I. Election Culprit
Hint: It’s not Peter Strzok...."

Opinion | The Real F.B.I. Election Culprit

"The F.B.I. agent corps today overwhelmingly fits the demographic profile of a Trump voter.

"During the 2016 campaign, in The Guardian, one agent said, 'The F.B.I. is Trumpland.'

"In his testimony, Mr. Strzok all but laughed out loud when committee members pressed him Thursday on whether the whole F.B.I. was made up of Democrats."

"At that time, Rudy Giuliani gave voice on television to what he called the anti-Clinton 'revolution going on inside the F.B.I....'"

"Mr. Giuliani, whose former law firm Bracewell & Giuliani represented the F.B.I. Agents Association, seemed to boast in the final days of the campaign that he knew that a twist — like the revelations of emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop — was coming about Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, referring on Fox to 'a surprise or two that you’re going to hear about in the next few days.'

"In his testimony on Thursday, Mr. Strzok said that 'it caused me great concern' that Mr. Giuliani 'had information about that — that he should not have had.'"

And then.....there was nothing.
And then.....there was nothing.
Unsealed Documents in Special Counsel Mueller's Investigation [Updated] - Just Security

Keep those hopes and dreams alive.....over nothing, lol. Dont let that white hot seething rage get you down.
Keep those hopes and dreams alive.....over nothing, lol.
If you believe in Trump's integrity, you got nothing.

What's in the Mueller Report?

"The product of Mueller’s year and a half of investigation is now complete and was delivered Friday to the Department of Justice. It may never be made public, but the investigation has already produced some of the most extraordinary documents made public by a prosecutor in the United States, opening a rare window into the world of big money, high-stakes politics and foreign lobbying, a world that normally operates in dim Georgetown restaurants or in hotel bars in exotic locales.

"Those documents are to be found in Mueller’s legal filings. 'Mueller has spoken loudly, if indirectly, in court — indictment by indictment, guilty plea by guilty plea. In doing so, he tracked an elaborate Russian operation that injected chaos into a U.S. presidential election and tried to help Trump win the White House.'

"'He followed a GOP campaign that embraced the Kremlin’s help and championed stolen material to hurt a political foe. And ultimately, he revealed layers of lies, deception, self-enrichment and hubris that followed.'

"'Woven through thousands of court papers, the special counsel has made his public report,' wrote Chad Day and Eric Tucker of The Associated Press, after an exhaustive review of his filings."

A party that continues to support Trump is beyond redemption.

Those are your feelings,not logic though.
The saddest part of this whole fiasco was the number of mush minded people who hung on all the daily proclamations by CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the fake news cartel that "the walls are closing in on Trump" , "it's a foregone conclusion that Trump colluded with Putin" , "Trump wants this country to fail" , "Trump is only in this to benefit his company" , "Trump's whole family is evil" , "Trump is a danger to our country" , "Trump's perp walk will be happening any day now" and all the other ridiculously fabricated fantasies they obsessed on. It will be interesting to see what their new BS Trump attack will be. Trump 2020. Best President since Eisenhower.

We do not even know what is in the report, many are guilty , but maybe Mueller is of the mind they can't indict a sitting potus, or just can't prove he is guilty. They are not out of the woods yet, the SDNY is waiting for them all.
And after the SDNY doesn't get Trump impeached, what's next? Will they go to the 9th circuit? Will they lean heavier on the MSM to keep their monkey see monkey do followers agitated? Do you think the Democratic party will get over their obsession with 'resisting' any time soon? It would be nice if they got back to doing their job.
The liberal media is having a meltdown. Chris Mathews livid that neither President Trump, his children, nor his “henchmen” would face any criminal charges from the special counsel. :auiqs.jpg: President Trump vindicated, scores huge win! So much for your witch hunt.
Saving it for the SDNY where ah trump can't pardon anyone

Swing and a miss Eddie president Trump whooped your asses again! Dems and the liberal media have egg on their faces. All their actuations and gossip and spin just got destroyed. Now what are you going to run on in 2020 :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
It ain't over till the fat lady sings ,,,and I don't hear anything yet
Clinton lied under oath and was IMPEACHED for it.

The Democrats and Media are guilty of SEDITION. They need to be brought up on charges. They are traitors for lying in an attempted COUP. They must be held accountable.
The liberal media is having a meltdown. Chris Mathews livid that neither President Trump, his children, nor his “henchmen” would face any criminal charges from the special counsel. :auiqs.jpg: President Trump vindicated, scores huge win! So much for your witch hunt.
Saving it for the SDNY where ah trump can't pardon anyone

Swing and a miss Eddie president Trump whooped your asses again! Dems and the liberal media have egg on their faces. All their actuations and gossip and spin just got destroyed. Now what are you going to run on in 2020 :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The guy who has stated that he doesn't care about Trump's lies is getting way out in front of his skis
The Last Refuge

Special Counsel Official: “No Further Indictments”, “No Sealed Indictments”, The Mueller Probe is “Done”…

Posted on March 22, 2019 by sundance


With the Mueller Report completed; and with massive ‘splodey heads (beyond election night level) happening throughout leftist punditry and political analysts; there has been some last-gasp desperate clinging-to-hope speculation of looming “sealed indictments” that might exist in DC.

Unfortunately, Laura Jarrett (daughter of Valerie Jarrett) delivered the bad news to her colleagues on CNN. After she spoke directly with a DOJ Official, and asked them if there was any possibility of sealed indictments existing/remaining. Alas, the answer was: “no, it’s over; everything is over; it’s done.“…
I knew there would be ZERO indictments against Trump over a year ago, when Mueller made clear he wasn't pursuing Trump with vigor anymore, he know there was nothing to pin him on.

Nadler 2 weeks ago admitted there was no evidence Trump obstructed the investigation. attempt to overthrow a sitting President who was chosen by the American people in a free and fair election as prescribed by the United States Constitution.

And, it must be dealt with as such. The coup plotters broke numerous laws in using a piece of opposition research as justification for a FISA warrant. They spied on a Presidential candidate, they spied on a Presidential transition team, and they spied on a U.S. President, all based on a warrant that was issued on false pretenses.

If we are a nation of laws, not men, then the culprits should be brought to justice.

The “Investigation” Was a Conspiracy to Oust Trump | Rush Limbaugh | 1150 WIMA
Let’s be clear: the thread premise is a ridiculous rightwing lie.

However we’re rid of Trump – impeachment or voted out of office next year – it will be done lawfully and consistent with the Constitution.

And the Mueller investigation – along with other appropriate, lawful investigations – will provide to the voters the compelling evidence as to why Trump doesn’t merit a second term.

Let's be clear, Trump will not be impeached and will more than likely be your president until 2024......and if your looney tune party doesn't stop driving hard towards das kapital, you'll be losing in 2024.

I don't think Trump will be president until 2024. And you 30 percent cult members don't seem to realize you're on a sinking ship.

Economy is good, he'll be reelected. Especially if the loonbats in congress keep on with their witch hunt into nothing.

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