Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

No he did not. The 63 million that voted for Hillary did represenr America and that was more AMERICANS than Americans who voted for Trump.
He won the popular vote in 49 states its a facts
Nope. But you probably believe that because you are a cultist.

If you add the popular vote of the other 49 states (and DC too, BTW), and do not include California, Trump had more popular votes. FACT!
Yeah....another one who ignores the millions of people who live in California. I bet y'all would love to disenfranchise us.

Tho, the cool thing is, a lot of us are moving and bringing our blue votes to other states now.
You are moving because democrat policies destroyed California lol

WOW - ^^^ A damn lie built upon total ignorance of the recent history and current events in California. Added together the author of this damn lie is a foolish troll.
" It is common knowledge that the Clinton campaign paid for the fake Russian dossier" NOT, it is a meme, passed forward by trump supporters like you, with no evidence to support such a claim.
Sorry, turd, but it's not a meme. It's a documented fact. Not only did Hillary pay for it, but so did the FBI.
Well, she may not be crying quite as much as you are.
Wishful thinking, there, boys. I never needed this investigation to despise Trump but I knew we were stuck with him for four years. So except for some mild curiosity, I'm not that excited about this. Just wondering why you're all such a bunch of sadists, is all.

Cognitive dissonance....again.

We are speaking of a woman who is crying specifically over the failure to destroy a man.
Well, I've never watched her or even tuned in to MSNBC, so I can't presume to know what she's thinking. I do know, though, that the concerns about Trump's behavior over all--his oversexed playboy attitude, his swaggering and his foolish tweets and his decisions on many policy issues--are not personal but about protecting the country.

His swaggering? Yikes, start impeachment proceedings....dumbass.
LOL So "swaggering" sets you off, huh?
Not oversexed or foolish, just "swaggering."

Alrighty, you may want to read your post that I replied to....dang, sure hope you're not one of them bright liberals.
All the Trump ass kissers on here will begin posting that Mueller did not indict MORE folks on the special prosecutor's assignment of investigating the Trump campaign dealings with a hostile, foreign entity; i.e., Russia.

The evidence is CLEAR.......No one can dispute that Don-baby, Kushner-basy and Manafort DID meet with Russians to see what dirt they had on Hillary Clinton.....We have CLEAR e-mails asserting this simple fact.

Further, we also have CLEAR evidence that "daddy" try to divert the intent of this meeting to "a friendly chat" about adoptions of Russian if those 3 Trump stooges gave a flying [whatever] about "adoptions during a presidential campaign.

What is to be acknowledged are TWO important, related issues.

1. The OBVIOUS collusion is not necessarily a crime......However, it is up to sane Americans to "judge" the mendacity and ethical digressions (and the subsequent lying as cover-up) of such a meeting.

2. Whereas Mueller dealt with criminal indictments leading to guilty pleas or trials, it is NOW up to the House to determine if such actions by the Trump campaign are grounds to question the misconduct and integrity of the Trump administration.......that is, an impeachment trial.

There is much to be learned by Mueller's report......and, placing aside the exaggerated partisanship, it is WAY too soon for Trump acolytes to dance by the goal post.
The special counsel mandate was very narrow in scope. It tasked mueller with investigating russian interference in the 2016 election and any contacts between members of and people connected to the trump campaign with Russians. Clearly, it produced results to those ends in spades.

Congress and the SDNY and DC offices will not be hampered by this narrow mandate.

Yes, trump's legal troubles are far from over.

Jeeebus man, stop showing how ignorant you are.

  • The Russian government's efforts to interfere in the election
  • Any links or co-ordination between Russia and Trump campaign-linked individuals
  • "
    • Any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation
    That last point gives him quite a broad remit, with observers suggesting that he will also determine if the president himself has committed any wrongdoing.
What does the special counsel do?
Last edited:
He won the popular vote in 49 states its a facts
Nope. But you probably believe that because you are a cultist.

If you add the popular vote of the other 49 states (and DC too, BTW), and do not include California, Trump had more popular votes. FACT!
Yeah....another one who ignores the millions of people who live in California. I bet y'all would love to disenfranchise us.

Tho, the cool thing is, a lot of us are moving and bringing our blue votes to other states now.
You are moving because democrat policies destroyed California lol

WOW - ^^^ A damn lie built upon total ignorance of the recent history and current events in California. Added together the author of this damn lie is a foolish troll.
Ummm what lol
SDNY had 30 years to go after Trump, oh wait, he was a democrat donor back then. Since he's a Republican now he's fair game.
Podesta did the same crime as Cohen, not registering as a foreign lobbyist, and he's wallowing in his foreign cash, while Cohen does the perp walk.
I still see the double-standard in the DOJ
. Maybe Barr needs to straighten out the SDNY? Send Rudy or Mueller there for a year.

Its funny that the MSM is outraged because they drank so much of their own KoolAde about Trump collusion.

Trump didn't misuse the office of the president during those 30 years.
When has he ever done it?

We pay his resorts millions of dollars every time he stays or plays golf at his own place. He makes his decisions based on what Putin, Kim, and that murdering crown prince tells him instead of what our own investigative agencies tell him. He's a fool.
<snip>It appears 45's brainwashed get some of 45's Russian puppet associates leaning on the 45 tyrant despite 45's kissers this 45 tyrant were 45 wise to which 45 has proven to be.

Lookee! This guy's favorite number is 45! Looks like Trump has hooked himself another berserk Twitter guppy!
The special counsel mandate was very narrow in scope. It tasked mueller with investigating russian interference in the 2016 election and any contacts between members of and people connected to the trump campaign with Russians. Clearly, it produced results to those ends in spades.

Congress and the SDNY and DC offices will not be hampered by this narrow mandate.

Yes, trump's legal troubles are far from over.

Jeeebus man, stop showing how ignorant you are.

  • The Russian government's efforts to interfere in the election
  • Any links or co-ordination between Russia and Trump campaign-linked individuals
  • "
    • Any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation
    That last point gives him quite a broad remit, with observers suggesting that he will also determine if the president himself has committed any wrongdoing.
What does the special counsel do?
And yet still very narrow in scope. That's why he is referring info to the federal offices. Money laundering,, the inauguration fund, info regarding campaign finance violations, etc. These are all just simple facts that are quite independent of your tantrums.
SDNY had 30 years to go after Trump, oh wait, he was a democrat donor back then. Since he's a Republican now he's fair game.
Podesta did the same crime as Cohen, not registering as a foreign lobbyist, and he's wallowing in his foreign cash, while Cohen does the perp walk.
I still see the double-standard in the DOJ
. Maybe Barr needs to straighten out the SDNY? Send Rudy or Mueller there for a year.

Its funny that the MSM is outraged because they drank so much of their own KoolAde about Trump collusion.

Trump didn't misuse the office of the president during those 30 years.

Mueller investigated the presidential activities related to collusion.
As I understand it, SDNY is looking into the inauguration funds, Trump's foundation, Trump's finances, etc. My point is why now? The foundation and finances were there for 30-years.
Takeaway: Keep paying the dems and the FBI leaves you alone.

Because of the inauguration fund fraud and so many of his close associates have been found guilty of colluding with russian spies and lying about it. His behavior, and the behavior of his closest advisers opened that door. He's responsible for what is hidden behind that door
No one has been found guilty of colluding with Russian spies dumbass. However, all the evidence indicates that Hillary is guilty of it.

Lying to congress about meetings with foreign spies is collusion with them.
There was no collusion and you moonbats have but a hand full of dick after two years of fiddling around with your tin foil hat shit.

You lost...Grow the fuck up.
Bottom line: a crazy system. To go back 10-20 yrs looking for any crime of a person or associates because they want to at least smear the reputation of an elected official? 3yrs. Later the report comes out......then they say this is only the beginning? Excuse me?

No Crime was committed to cause "the looking"? no reason to dig into old Trump Industries? The law was oin place every old transaction.....was approved at the time.

Do they open up StarBucks because that independent guy declared?
Yup, she was definitely crying. That down turned mouth, and the furrowed brow are proof positive. I find it amusing that the Director never went back to a shot of her either. Not good having your anchor bawling on air.
Well, now that I've seen the two seconds on the elusive vid, I'm not arguing that she was emotional.
It sure makes me wonder, though, why some of the folks here get such pleasure from seeing people cry. What's that say about the folks gloating over it?

Well, she may not be crying quite as much as you are.
Wishful thinking, there, boys. I never needed this investigation to despise Trump but I knew we were stuck with him for four years. So except for some mild curiosity, I'm not that excited about this. Just wondering why you're all such a bunch of sadists, is all.

Cognitive dissonance....again.

We are speaking of a woman who is crying specifically over the failure to destroy a man.
Well, I've never watched her or even tuned in to MSNBC, so I can't presume to know what she's thinking. I do know, though, that the concerns about Trump's behavior over all--his oversexed playboy attitude, his swaggering and his foolish tweets and his decisions on many policy issues--are not personal but about protecting the country.

Should you even be commenting on something you don’t know then? attempt to overthrow a sitting President who was chosen by the American people in a free and fair election as prescribed by the United States Constitution.

And, it must be dealt with as such. The coup plotters broke numerous laws in using a piece of opposition research as justification for a FISA warrant. They spied on a Presidential candidate, they spied on a Presidential transition team, and they spied on a U.S. President, all based on a warrant that was issued on false pretenses.

If we are a nation of laws, not men, then the culprits should be brought to justice.

The “Investigation” Was a Conspiracy to Oust Trump | Rush Limbaugh | 1150 WIMA
Rush Limbaugh's psycho-babble is not good for your brain.

The United States Constitution also has fair proceedings for investigating and getting rid of a President who has been involved in crimes. Don't be reminding me of oppo research, considering what Trump Jr. did in June 2016. Disgusting. Now HE is a man who truly could give two shits about his country. Probably his father knew exactly what was going on and felt exactly the same way.

And all his close associates flirting with all kinds of Russians and the Wikileaks folks? WTF? You see no reason for our intelligence agencies to take a look at that? You call it spying when our police investigate? Please, please, don't talk to me about "spying" and the "false pretenses" of the dossier. You're all nutcases if you believe any of that for one single second. Maybe you personally believe this argument because it's ammunition against the folks attacking Trump, but you are being fooled if you do.
The special counsel mandate was very narrow in scope. It tasked mueller with investigating russian interference in the 2016 election and any contacts between members of and people connected to the trump campaign with Russians. Clearly, it produced results to those ends in spades.

Congress and the SDNY and DC offices will not be hampered by this narrow mandate.

Yes, trump's legal troubles are far from over.

A post like this reminds me why the left believes they came from monkeys and the AGW cult, they are gullible enough to believe in anything..

Lol .

SDNY had 30 years to go after Trump, oh wait, he was a democrat donor back then. Since he's a Republican now he's fair game.
Podesta did the same crime as Cohen, not registering as a foreign lobbyist, and he's wallowing in his foreign cash, while Cohen does the perp walk.
I still see the double-standard in the DOJ
. Maybe Barr needs to straighten out the SDNY? Send Rudy or Mueller there for a year.

Its funny that the MSM is outraged because they drank so much of their own KoolAde about Trump collusion.

Trump didn't misuse the office of the president during those 30 years.

Mueller investigated the presidential activities related to collusion.
As I understand it, SDNY is looking into the inauguration funds, Trump's foundation, Trump's finances, etc. My point is why now? The foundation and finances were there for 30-years.
Takeaway: Keep paying the dems and the FBI leaves you alone.

Because of the inauguration fund fraud and so many of his close associates have been found guilty of colluding with russian spies and lying about it. His behavior, and the behavior of his closest advisers opened that door. He's responsible for what is hidden behind that door
No one has been found guilty of colluding with Russian spies dumbass. However, all the evidence indicates that Hillary is guilty of it.

Lying to congress about meetings with foreign spies is collusion with them.
The special counsel mandate was very narrow in scope. It tasked mueller with investigating russian interference in the 2016 election and any contacts between members of and people connected to the trump campaign with Russians. Clearly, it produced results to those ends in spades.

Congress and the SDNY and DC offices will not be hampered by this narrow mandate.

Yes, trump's legal troubles are far from over.

Jeeebus man, stop showing how ignorant you are.

  • The Russian government's efforts to interfere in the election
  • Any links or co-ordination between Russia and Trump campaign-linked individuals
  • "
    • Any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation
    That last point gives him quite a broad remit, with observers suggesting that he will also determine if the president himself has committed any wrongdoing.
What does the special counsel do?
And yet still very narrow in scope. That's why he is referring info to the federal offices. Money laundering,, the inauguration fund, info regarding campaign finance violations, etc. These are all just simple facts that are quite independent of your tantrums.

  • Any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation
That last point gives him quite a broad remit, with observers suggesting that he will also determine if the president himself has committed any wrongdoing.

"And yet still very narrow in scope"
Well, now that I've seen the two seconds on the elusive vid, I'm not arguing that she was emotional.
It sure makes me wonder, though, why some of the folks here get such pleasure from seeing people cry. What's that say about the folks gloating over it?

Well, she may not be crying quite as much as you are.
Wishful thinking, there, boys. I never needed this investigation to despise Trump but I knew we were stuck with him for four years. So except for some mild curiosity, I'm not that excited about this. Just wondering why you're all such a bunch of sadists, is all.

Cognitive dissonance....again.

We are speaking of a woman who is crying specifically over the failure to destroy a man.
Well, I've never watched her or even tuned in to MSNBC, so I can't presume to know what she's thinking. I do know, though, that the concerns about Trump's behavior over all--his oversexed playboy attitude, his swaggering and his foolish tweets and his decisions on many policy issues--are not personal but about protecting the country.

Should you even be commenting on something you don’t know then?
I didn't. I commented on what other concerned citizens are thinking.

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