Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

" It is common knowledge that the Clinton campaign paid for the fake Russian dossier" NOT, it is a meme, passed forward by trump supporters like you, with no evidence to support such a claim.

Even the Washington Post knows that Clinton paid for the dossier.

From you link (in your post of a half-truth and lie by omission):

"Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS's research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary"

"The dossier has become a lightning rod amid the intensifying investigations into the Trump campaign's possible connections to Russia. Some congressional Republican leaders have spent months trying to discredit Fusion GPS and Steele and tried to determine the identity of the Democrat or organization that paid for the dossier."

Half-truths and lies by omission are DAMN LIES!
You just got done denying that Hillary funded the dossier. Now you're admitting it.
Btw Trumptard, is Mueller now a hero?
Mueller was and always will be an anti-American traitor. His report proves nothing, because there is nothing to prove.

He's the Failed hero of the Left - and it's hilarious. You put all your hopes and dreams in a Moron.
Sixth.......the old and almost trite "high crimes and misdemeanors" as grounds for impeachment by the House only follows the "definition" given and applied by that same House ......The vast majority of sane American voters could never dispute that this current administration has proven corrupt, unethical and perhaps the most spewers of LIES since the beginning of this republic.

Since Mueller had to follow the "opinion" of the DOJ that a sitting president cannot be indicted, it will be up to the House democrats to discover just how corrupt this hapless administration really is......

Fun days ahead.
Trump the Gangster ain't out of the woods yet. Enjoy Trumptards!

I think Mueller and his team did a great job! :clap:

they had 17 different aspects of this investigation, and discovered a great deal....

down to the names and computers and servers used to hack the DNC, DCCB, and Podesta, and followed the bit coin money trail... (which is amazing)

We just need to see it, to know what else they found out.

It is SO AMAZING.....most likely fiction. But you and your ilk eat it up like mothers teet. They can't prove a word of those IP hacking stories and who was on the other end or from where.

Courts won't argue these technicalities......95% malarkey. We do know Podesta typed in his password to a phishing window. That was true.
"Most FBI agents are anti-Trump?"​
That's not what I said, you illiterate chowderhead.

But then, you Hillary bootlickers aren't very bright. And you're dumber than most.
And yet...Hillary was protected against prosecution by leftist stooges in the FBI. This was reveled in testimony.

"Most FBI agents are anti-Trump?"That's not what I said, you illiterate chowderhead.

But then, you Hillary bootlickers aren't very bright. And you're dumber than most.
You claimed (without any evidence) "Hillary was protected against prosecution by leftist stooges in the FBI."

Do you find it logical "leftist stooges in the FBI would be anti-Trump, Sucker?
Read what you wrote. Of course leftist stooges would be anti-Trump, dumdum.

But I do need to correct myself. While there were indeed leftist stooges in the FBI, it was leftist stooges in DOJ who protected Hillary:

Lisa Page Admits Obama’s DOJ Ordered Stand Down On Clinton Email Prosecution
“Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page admitted under questioning from Texas Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe last summer that ‘the FBI was ordered by the Obama DOJ not to consider charging Hillary Clinton for gross negligence in the handling of classified information,’ the congressman alleged in a social media post late Tuesday, citing a newly unearthed transcript of Page’s closed-door testimony,” Fox News reports.
But I do need to correct myself. While there were indeed leftist stooges in the FBI, it was leftist stooges in DOJ who protected Hillary:
Why the obsession with a loser who was never in a position to control how DoJ responded to her misdeeds? The Obama Administration provided congress with over 800,080 pieces of information regarding Hillary, yet Republicans couldn't even manufacture an indictment in spite of controlling all three branches of government for two years.

You would appear more credible (and intelligent) if you concentrated on the corrupt clown who currently is in control of what we learn of his many RICO-like transgressions:

Opinion | The Real F.B.I. Election Culprit

"But looking at available public evidence, the New York bureau’s actions actually did influence the campaign and helped hand the presidency to Donald Trump.

In the Horowitz report, Loretta Lynch, the former attorney general, recalled a conversation with James Comey in which he said, 'it’s clear to me that there is a cadre of senior people in New York who have a deep and visceral hatred of Secretary Clinton.'

"F.B.I. agents in that office had a demonstrated propensity for leaks and arguably forced the bureau’s leadership’s hand in the final weeks of the election.

"At that time, Rudy Giuliani gave voice on television to what he called the anti-Clinton 'revolution going on inside the F.B.I.'

"Mr. Giuliani, whose former law firm Bracewell & Giuliani represented the F.B.I. Agents Association, seemed to boast in the final days of the campaign that he knew that a twist — like the revelations of emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop — was coming about Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, referring on Fox to 'a surprise or two that you’re going to hear about in the next few days.'

"In his testimony on Thursday, Mr. Strzok said that 'it caused me great concern' that Mr. Giuliani 'had information about that — that he should not have had.'"

How did that information help the Red Don, Gomer?

More than Putin did?
Who was the 8th person in Trump Jr.'s meeting with Russians? Who was the 8th person in Trump Jrs meeting with Russians? - CNNPolitics
I see you haven't yet come to terms with the impossibility of a Trump perp-walk.

Meanwhile, it's inescapable that the Obama Admin perverted justice for political reasons.

But you just keep excusing it, exactly as programmed.
I see you haven't yet come to terms with the impossibility of a Trump perp-walk.
Are you sufficiently indoctrinated to believe in Trump's integrity?

501 Days of Trump & Co. Stealing America Blind

"More than at any time in history, the president of the United States is actively using the power and prestige of his office to line his own pockets: landing loans for his businesses, steering wealthy buyers to his condos, securing cheap foreign labor for his resorts, preserving federal subsidies for his housing projects, easing regulations on his golf courses, licensing his name to overseas projects, even peddling coffee mugs and shot glasses bearing the presidential seal.

"For Trump, whose business revolves around the marketability of his name, there has proved to be no public policy too big, and no private opportunity too crass, to exploit for personal profit."
Yet you're silent when Democrats do the same thing.

Face it, George. ORANGE MAN BAD.

That's all you've got. That's all you are. That's all you're capable of.
Btw Trumptard, is Mueller now a hero?
Mueller was and always will be an anti-American traitor. His report proves nothing, because there is nothing to prove.

He's the Failed hero of the Left - and it's hilarious. You put all your hopes and dreams in a Moron.
Oh, so he's a moron because there's no further indictments?
Sick? I'm feeling fine. partisan shill? You're accusing me of being that which you are. A typical Fascist tactic.

Nope Pubs are no different than people like you. Sick, not in the sense of a virus but sick in the sense that you think it's just fine for you to decide what everyone else can and can't do. I'm a Conservative, not a Republican. You are indeed a sick partisan shill.
You don't even know what a "Fascist" is kid.
Really? It's us who want to decide what others can/ can't do?

Where is you stand on the reproductive rights of women?

Where to you stand on the issue of who can marry who?

When you talk about freedom, you mean the freedom to pollute the earth, freedom for the wealthy to avoid taxes, and freedom to give corporate criminals free reign to screw consumers and violate workers rights..

Give me a fucking break!

Just LOOK at all of those talking points!! Fucking parrot.

Where is you stand on the reproductive rights of women?
The law says they can kill their children at will, so be it.

Where to you stand on the issue of who can marry who?
Homosexuals like you are free to enter a Civil Union with anyone you want to. You can have EVERY "right" the rest of us have.

When you talk about freedom, you mean the freedom to pollute the earth, freedom for the wealthy to avoid taxes, and freedom to give corporate criminals free reign to screw consumers and violate workers rights..

You are too stupid to even realize what this really means. This means YOU reserve the "right" to tell everyone else what you think they should do.
No I understand exactly what I'm saying and what I stand for. Yes I do reserve the right to tell others what they can do when it comes down to their behavior that impacts the environment, the choices of others and quality of life of all of us. YOU want to tell others what they can do in matters of personal choice and privacy that people make -choices that are none of your fucking business and have no effect on you.

Your comment on marriage and civil unions is extremely ignorant and insensitive and ample evidence that you have no business claiming the high ground on the subject of who is telling others what they can do. I would comment further on that but it would be off topic for this thread
On what basis do you believe you have authority to dictate to others?
Answer the damn question, coward.
Nope Pubs are no different than people like you. Sick, not in the sense of a virus but sick in the sense that you think it's just fine for you to decide what everyone else can and can't do. I'm a Conservative, not a Republican. You are indeed a sick partisan shill.
You don't even know what a "Fascist" is kid.
Really? It's us who want to decide what others can/ can't do?

Where is you stand on the reproductive rights of women?

Where to you stand on the issue of who can marry who?

When you talk about freedom, you mean the freedom to pollute the earth, freedom for the wealthy to avoid taxes, and freedom to give corporate criminals free reign to screw consumers and violate workers rights..

Give me a fucking break!

Just LOOK at all of those talking points!! Fucking parrot.

Where is you stand on the reproductive rights of women?
The law says they can kill their children at will, so be it.

Where to you stand on the issue of who can marry who?
Homosexuals like you are free to enter a Civil Union with anyone you want to. You can have EVERY "right" the rest of us have.

When you talk about freedom, you mean the freedom to pollute the earth, freedom for the wealthy to avoid taxes, and freedom to give corporate criminals free reign to screw consumers and violate workers rights..

You are too stupid to even realize what this really means. This means YOU reserve the "right" to tell everyone else what you think they should do.
No I understand exactly what I'm saying and what I stand for. Yes I do reserve the right to tell others what they can do when it comes down to their behavior that impacts the environment, the choices of others and quality of life of all of us. YOU want to tell others what they can do in matters of personal choice and privacy that people make -choices that are none of your fucking business and have no effect on you.

Your comment on marriage and civil unions is extremely ignorant and insensitive and ample evidence that you have no business claiming the high ground on the subject of who is telling others what they can do. I would comment further on that but it would be off topic for this thread
On what basis do you believe you have authority to dictate to others?
Answer the damn question, coward.

He's running from it.
Not everything that is WRONG, is criminal....

It's wrong to cheat on your husband or wife...but it is not criminal....

It's wrong to play footsie with a brutal and savage murderer, but it is not criminal...

You and your ilk think it is a crime to yell, "hey Russia Wikileaks release the missing 33K emails" at a campaign crowd.

Forgive me if I don't ask you to declare what a crime actually is.
Sixth.......the old and almost trite "high crimes and misdemeanors" as grounds for impeachment by the House only follows the "definition" given and applied by that same House ......The vast majority of sane American voters could never dispute that this current administration has proven corrupt, unethical and perhaps the most spewers of LIES since the beginning of this republic.

Since Mueller had to follow the "opinion" of the DOJ that a sitting president cannot be indicted, it will be up to the House democrats to discover just how corrupt this hapless administration really is......

Fun days ahead.
Trump the Gangster ain't out of the woods yet. Enjoy Trumptards!

Kleenex are in short supply after the cult whined, launched into orbit & pissed & moaned over Mueller for 2 years. Switch to generic Trumptards, the SDNY is in full tilt boogie.
Not everything that is WRONG, is criminal....

It's wrong to cheat on your husband or wife...but it is not criminal....

It's wrong to play footsie with a brutal and savage murderer, but it is not criminal...

You and your ilk think it is a crime to yell, "hey Russia Wikileaks release the missing 33K emails" at a campaign crowd.

Forgive me if I don't ask you to declare what a crime actually is.
Is it a crime to dangle a pardon to someone being questioned about you?
Sick? I'm feeling fine. partisan shill? You're accusing me of being that which you are. A typical Fascist tactic.

Nope Pubs are no different than people like you. Sick, not in the sense of a virus but sick in the sense that you think it's just fine for you to decide what everyone else can and can't do. I'm a Conservative, not a Republican. You are indeed a sick partisan shill.
You don't even know what a "Fascist" is kid.
Really? It's us who want to decide what others can/ can't do?

Where is you stand on the reproductive rights of women?

Where to you stand on the issue of who can marry who?

When you talk about freedom, you mean the freedom to pollute the earth, freedom for the wealthy to avoid taxes, and freedom to give corporate criminals free reign to screw consumers and violate workers rights..

Give me a fucking break!

Just LOOK at all of those talking points!! Fucking parrot.

Where is you stand on the reproductive rights of women?
The law says they can kill their children at will, so be it.

Where to you stand on the issue of who can marry who?
Homosexuals like you are free to enter a Civil Union with anyone you want to. You can have EVERY "right" the rest of us have.

When you talk about freedom, you mean the freedom to pollute the earth, freedom for the wealthy to avoid taxes, and freedom to give corporate criminals free reign to screw consumers and violate workers rights..

You are too stupid to even realize what this really means. This means YOU reserve the "right" to tell everyone else what you think they should do.
No I understand exactly what I'm saying and what I stand for. Yes I do reserve the right to tell others what they can do when it comes down to their behavior that impacts the environment, the choices of others and quality of life of all of us. YOU want to tell others what they can do in matters of personal choice and privacy that people make -choices that are none of your fucking business and have no effect on you.

Your comment on marriage and civil unions is extremely ignorant and insensitive and ample evidence that you have no business claiming the high ground on the subject of who is telling others what they can do. I would comment further on that but it would be off topic for this thread
On what basis do you believe you have authority to dictate to others?

On the basis of being a member of human society who cares about others and the earth. I doubt that you can understand that though
They are awaiting their instructions.

Trust that.

The cookie cutter rhetoric is being formulated and the late night comedians will be uttering their assigned speeches to the audiences.

In the meantime, they are still on the collusion loop spinning their tires. They need help from their masters.

Awwwwwww! No SNL raaaaaaaaaaants?
Can someone explain to me WHY, if Hillary "paid" for the dossier and the dossier contained such damning information about Trump's dealings with the Russians, she didn't use it during the campaign? If this was some sort of Democratic conspiracy, WHY did we not hear about any of this until well after Trump was elected? WHY would you pay for oppo research, get a whole bucket full of mud, and then sit on it while your opponent was elected?

SDNY had 30 years to go after Trump, oh wait, he was a democrat donor back then. Since he's a Republican now he's fair game.
Podesta did the same crime as Cohen, not registering as a foreign lobbyist, and he's wallowing in his foreign cash, while Cohen does the perp walk.
I still see the double-standard in the DOJ
. Maybe Barr needs to straighten out the SDNY? Send Rudy or Mueller there for a year.

Its funny that the MSM is outraged because they drank so much of their own KoolAde about Trump collusion.

Trump didn't misuse the office of the president during those 30 years.
When has he ever done it?

We pay his resorts millions of dollars every time he stays or plays golf at his own place. He makes his decisions based on what Putin, Kim, and that murdering crown prince tells him instead of what our own investigative agencies tell him. He's a fool.
The Secret Service pays the going rate for accommodations. They are mandated by law to stay in close proximity to the President. How do you propose to accomplish that goal without them staying at Mar-a-Lago?

You're an idiot, of course, who doesn't have a solution.

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