Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Just trying to keep up with my score card.

Mueller is still a piece of shit. The fact that he hasn't stood up and openly/explicitly declared President Trump innocent of the witch hunt shows he's a coward.

President Trump should reject the report, and send Mueller back to continue the investigation.
It appears 45's brainwashed cult followers prematurely rushed to judgement at celebrating Mueller did not find any evidence of collusion, although Mueller has already managed to indict and in certain cases get some of 45's Russian puppet associates prison time. Yet, NY is up and has a very interesting scenario of possible impact of impending justice leaning on the 45 tyrant and his criminal family in particular. To say the least and despite 45's kissers, tRump's legacy, image and reputation has been nuked to a astronomical degree. It also appears this 45 tyrant will live with this disgrace until he becomes deceased to possibly spend a eternity in hell. Were 45 wise, the pompous dictator wannabe would have stayed out of politics and to which 45 has proven to be a complete idiot at, and just went on his crooked low key way.

After Mueller: The Ongoing Investigations Surrounding Trump
On the other hand, its very easy to believe that the Russian information campaign produced the scant 70,000 vote margin that trump won 3 important swing states by, in total.

If you're a sore losing conspiracy theorist
Well, a+ for snark, f for argument or logic.

But, maybe you would like to have a discussion about it. Why should someone believe it impossible that the russian information campaign produced this narrow margin? The reasons to believe it could have seem obvious. For one, information campaigns work. Second, 70,000 is a relatively very small number. Third, it was precisely the objective of the Russian information campaign.

Now you try.
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Btw Trumptard, is Mueller now a hero?
Mueller was and always will be an anti-American traitor. His report proves nothing, because there is nothing to prove.

He's the Failed hero of the Left - and it's hilarious. You put all your hopes and dreams in a Moron.

Au contraire my fine old fool. Mueller filed over 100 charges, and elicited 7 guilty please from Trump's closest associates, and collected $40 million dollars in fines. It exposed how Russian hackers were able to gain access to social media, and fake American identities to mess with the elections. The success is in the faiure of the Russians to effectively meddle in the 2018 mid-terms, despite their best efforts to do so.

The SDNY has enough ammunition to go after the Trump Crime family for a decade, on tax evasion, bank fraud and insurance fraud.

Mueller's investigation was very limited in its purpose and its scope, and Rosenstein kept those handcuffs security on. The House Oversight Committee, House Judiciary Committee, and House Intelligence Committees are under no such restraints. Republicans promised the American people they would use the checks and balances built into the system to control Trump's worst impulses. When that didn't happen, Americans elected a strong Democratic House to do it.

Those roles will continue. And Trump has been very effectively neutered by Nancy Pelosi and the Dems to this point. Expect that to continue.
They are awaiting their instructions.

Trust that.

The cookie cutter rhetoric is being formulated and the late night comedians will be uttering their assigned speeches to the audiences.

In the meantime, they are still on the collusion loop spinning their tires. They need help from their masters.

I watched MTP today, they are NOT letting "muh collusion" go unless ordered to. They're clinging to it. That and "36 indictments".

I know what the next thing will be, but I ain't sayin'. :rolleyes:

It's really pathetic the way they cling to muh collusion, that should be all over with by Tuesday, with hope renewed, vested in the new thing. ;)
Not everything that is WRONG, is criminal....

It's wrong to cheat on your husband or wife...but it is not criminal....

It's wrong to play footsie with a brutal and savage murderer, but it is not criminal...

You and your ilk think it is a crime to yell, "hey Russia Wikileaks release the missing 33K emails" at a campaign crowd. If Trump offered for sale a bridge in the middle of the desert, you Trumptards would line up with offers.

Forgive me if I don't ask you to declare what a crime actually is.
Nope, no crime. But it is worrisome that millions of low I.Q. voters lapped up Trumps bullshit.

Which proves that the old adage is true! There's a sucker born every minute & two to take 'em!
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SDNY had 30 years to go after Trump, oh wait, he was a democrat donor back then. Since he's a Republican now he's fair game.
Podesta did the same crime as Cohen, not registering as a foreign lobbyist, and he's wallowing in his foreign cash, while Cohen does the perp walk.
I still see the double-standard in the DOJ
. Maybe Barr needs to straighten out the SDNY? Send Rudy or Mueller there for a year.

Its funny that the MSM is outraged because they drank so much of their own KoolAde about Trump collusion.

Trump didn't misuse the office of the president during those 30 years.

Mueller investigated the presidential activities related to collusion.
As I understand it, SDNY is looking into the inauguration funds, Trump's foundation, Trump's finances, etc. My point is why now? The foundation and finances were there for 30-years.
Takeaway: Keep paying the dems and the FBI leaves you alone.

Because of the inauguration fund fraud and so many of his close associates have been found guilty of colluding with russian spies and lying about it. His behavior, and the behavior of his closest advisers opened that door. He's responsible for what is hidden behind that door
No one has been found guilty of colluding with Russian spies dumbass. However, all the evidence indicates that Hillary is guilty of it.

Lying to congress about meetings with foreign spies is collusion with them.
So why weren't they indicted for it?
After a 2yr investigation by a group of hillary supporters and millions of dollars led by a man that could indict a ham sandwich it may be proof that Trump is the most honest man in America. I don’t think many democrats could withstand that kind of investigation.
Apparently, Gangster Trump is in "good spirits" because he thinks he beat the rap. So was John Gotti after he skated a couple times & look where he ended up!

Btw Trumptard, is Mueller now a hero?

Yeah....Obama skated lots of times also ..
and look where he ended up...

Just remember Justice is always coming!
Trump may think he's ok now but what will he say when the moon explodes?? Huh?
What about the moon dude????

They are awaiting their instructions.

Trust that.

The cookie cutter rhetoric is being formulated and the late night comedians will be uttering their assigned speeches to the audiences.

In the meantime, they are still on the collusion loop spinning their tires. They need help from their masters.

Johnny Carson wouldn’t have pissed on that no talent little bitch.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Dude Trump hasn't even seen the report yet. Why the hell would Assange have it?

Link does not back up claim. Reported.
Really? You can report that? I'm gonna be busy.....

Um yea. In current events you're required to post a link to back up your claim.

You won't be very busy. That's the first thread I've ever reported for that and I've been on this forum since 2014.
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"They" don't want it all released, of course. That want to rant on NBC about Barr-Trump hiding dirt up to the next Presidential election at least. Sewing doubt....that is what they do.
Btw Trumptard, is Mueller now a hero?
Mueller was and always will be an anti-American traitor. His report proves nothing, because there is nothing to prove.

He's the Failed hero of the Left - and it's hilarious. You put all your hopes and dreams in a Moron.

Au contraire my fine old fool. Mueller filed over 100 charges, and elicited 7 guilty please from Trump's closest associates, and collected $40 million dollars in fines. It exposed how Russian hackers were able to gain access to social media, and fake American identities to mess with the elections. The success is in the faiure of the Russians to effectively meddle in the 2018 mid-terms, despite their best efforts to do so.

The SDNY has enough ammunition to go after the Trump Crime family for a decade, on tax evasion, bank fraud and insurance fraud.

Mueller's investigation was very limited in its purpose and its scope, and Rosenstein kept those handcuffs security on. The House Oversight Committee, House Judiciary Committee, and House Intelligence Committees are under no such restraints. Republicans promised the American people they would use the checks and balances built into the system to control Trump's worst impulses. When that didn't happen, Americans elected a strong Democratic House to do it.

Those roles will continue. And Trump has been very effectively neutered by Nancy Pelosi and the Dems to this point. Expect that to continue.



Does anyone believe Hillary could have withstood a Mueller investigation? Now that the investigation of Trump is done she may have to face an investigation of corruption. I don’t think she will fare as well as Trump did. 57,000 sealed indictments say a lot of people face charges.
Just trying to keep up with my score card.

Mueller is still a piece of shit. The fact that he hasn't stood up and openly/explicitly declared President Trump innocent of the witch hunt shows he's a coward.

President Trump should reject the report, and send Mueller back to continue the investigation.
Yea let's do that! Maybe then your boy will have the balls to testify under oath instead of hiding under Ghouliani's jock! How's that grab ya, pal? :1peleas:
So we finally have a report on the Mueller investigation, lasting almost two full years, in a serious but probably illegal attempt to indict, slander, and depose a duly elected President. It appears that, on the vital and most important question of whether the Trump Campaign CONSPIRED with operatives of the Russian Federation to impact the results of the 2016 Presidential election, the Mueller team has found NOTHING.

And in the face of that Good News for the Nation, we have an OPEN AND WELL-PUBLICIZED, critical conference call among the entire Democrat Caucus in the House of Representatives, on HOW THEY WILL DEAL WITH THIS POLITICAL TRAGEDY.

The openly and without embarrassment plot to try another tack in their unsuccessful attempt to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

Why is this not being reported as an OUTRAGE??? Why is this not acknowledged as TREASONOUS??? Is the Media so jaded that it considers the attempts to remove a sitting, duly elected President to be "business as usual"?

Democrats will be Democrats. They lie, cheat, scheme, slander, conceal, and otherwise try to subvert the major elements of the Constitution. But for the Media to sit idly by and allow this constant campaign to continue without calling attention to its unprecedented viciousness, and vacuousness is as big an outrage as the campaign itself.

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