Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Trump didn't misuse the office of the president during those 30 years.

Mueller investigated the presidential activities related to collusion.
As I understand it, SDNY is looking into the inauguration funds, Trump's foundation, Trump's finances, etc. My point is why now? The foundation and finances were there for 30-years.
Takeaway: Keep paying the dems and the FBI leaves you alone.

Because of the inauguration fund fraud and so many of his close associates have been found guilty of colluding with russian spies and lying about it. His behavior, and the behavior of his closest advisers opened that door. He's responsible for what is hidden behind that door
No one has been found guilty of colluding with Russian spies dumbass. However, all the evidence indicates that Hillary is guilty of it.

Lying to congress about meetings with foreign spies is collusion with them.
So why weren't they indicted for it?

Many are already in jail or going to jail for that.
Btw Trumptard, is Mueller now a hero?
Mueller was and always will be an anti-American traitor. His report proves nothing, because there is nothing to prove.

He's the Failed hero of the Left - and it's hilarious. You put all your hopes and dreams in a Moron.

Au contraire my fine old fool. Mueller filed over 100 charges, and elicited 7 guilty please from Trump's closest associates, and collected $40 million dollars in fines. It exposed how Russian hackers were able to gain access to social media, and fake American identities to mess with the elections. The success is in the faiure of the Russians to effectively meddle in the 2018 mid-terms, despite their best efforts to do so.

The SDNY has enough ammunition to go after the Trump Crime family for a decade, on tax evasion, bank fraud and insurance fraud.

Mueller's investigation was very limited in its purpose and its scope, and Rosenstein kept those handcuffs security on. The House Oversight Committee, House Judiciary Committee, and House Intelligence Committees are under no such restraints. Republicans promised the American people they would use the checks and balances built into the system to control Trump's worst impulses. When that didn't happen, Americans elected a strong Democratic House to do it.

Those roles will continue. And Trump has been very effectively neutered by Nancy Pelosi and the Dems to this point. Expect that to continue.
What an incredible delusional post!
Not everything that is WRONG, is criminal....

It's wrong to cheat on your husband or wife...but it is not criminal....

It's wrong to play footsie with a brutal and savage murderer, but it is not criminal...

You and your ilk think it is a crime to yell, "hey Russia Wikileaks release the missing 33K emails" at a campaign crowd. If Trump offered for sale a bridge in the middle of the desert, you Trumptards would line up with offers.

Forgive me if I don't ask you to declare what a crime actually is.
Nope, no crime. But it is worrisome that millions of low I.Q. voters lapped up Trumps bullshit.

Which proves that the old adage is true! There's a sucker born every minute & two to take 'em!

What Bullshit?

He is the only president in recent memory who tried to keep all his campaign promises.. is that what you call bullshit?
Just trying to keep up with my score card.

Mueller is still a piece of shit. The fact that he hasn't stood up and openly/explicitly declared President Trump innocent of the witch hunt shows he's a coward.

President Trump should reject the report, and send Mueller back to continue the investigation.
Yea let's do that! Maybe then your boy will have the balls to testify under oath instead of hiding under Ghouliani's jock! How's that grab ya, pal? :1peleas:
You lost loser. Cry bitch, I love it when you cry.
Just trying to keep up with my score card.

Mueller is still a piece of shit. The fact that he hasn't stood up and openly/explicitly declared President Trump innocent of the witch hunt shows he's a coward.

President Trump should reject the report, and send Mueller back to continue the investigation.
Yea let's do that! Maybe then your boy will have the balls to testify under oath instead of hiding under Ghouliani's jock! How's that grab ya, pal? :1peleas:

I'd like to see President Trump testify , just once, PUBLICLY so that there is no room for the Mule to squirm.

The President's opening statement would rip them all a new one.
Not everything that is WRONG, is criminal....

It's wrong to cheat on your husband or wife...but it is not criminal....

It's wrong to play footsie with a brutal and savage murderer, but it is not criminal...

You and your ilk think it is a crime to yell, "hey Russia Wikileaks release the missing 33K emails" at a campaign crowd. If Trump offered for sale a bridge in the middle of the desert, you Trumptards would line up with offers.

Forgive me if I don't ask you to declare what a crime actually is.
Nope, no crime. But it is worrisome that millions of low I.Q. voters lapped up Trumps bullshit.

Which proves that the old adage is true! There's a sucker born every minute & two to take 'em!

What Bullshit?

He is the only president in recent memory who tried to keep all his campaign promises.. is that what you call bullshit?
You mean like, "I won't have time for golf, I'll be working for you!"?

Meanwhile on Planet Earth.............
Trump's all for releasing the Mueller report in its entirety. I say the methods used to obtain the info may should be redacted.
The openly and without embarrassment plot to try another tack in their unsuccessful attempt to overturn the results of the 2016 election.
Ah, but, their plot to cement ‘Orange Man Bad’
into the minds of the mindless, going into the 2020 election
worked out just fine
Not everything that is WRONG, is criminal....

It's wrong to cheat on your husband or wife...but it is not criminal....

It's wrong to play footsie with a brutal and savage murderer, but it is not criminal...

You and your ilk think it is a crime to yell, "hey Russia Wikileaks release the missing 33K emails" at a campaign crowd. If Trump offered for sale a bridge in the middle of the desert, you Trumptards would line up with offers.

Forgive me if I don't ask you to declare what a crime actually is.
Nope, no crime. But it is worrisome that millions of low I.Q. voters lapped up Trumps bullshit.

Which proves that the old adage is true! There's a sucker born every minute & two to take 'em!

What Bullshit?

He is the only president in recent memory who tried to keep all his campaign promises.. is that what you call bullshit?
You mean like, "I won't have time for golf, I'll be working for you!"?

Meanwhile on Planet Earth.............

Oh yay! There's another Orange Man bad shill here.

Said No One Ever. ^Is probably caddo kid.
Nope Pubs are no different than people like you. Sick, not in the sense of a virus but sick in the sense that you think it's just fine for you to decide what everyone else can and can't do. I'm a Conservative, not a Republican. You are indeed a sick partisan shill.
You don't even know what a "Fascist" is kid.
Really? It's us who want to decide what others can/ can't do?

Where is you stand on the reproductive rights of women?

Where to you stand on the issue of who can marry who?

When you talk about freedom, you mean the freedom to pollute the earth, freedom for the wealthy to avoid taxes, and freedom to give corporate criminals free reign to screw consumers and violate workers rights..

Give me a fucking break!

Just LOOK at all of those talking points!! Fucking parrot.

Where is you stand on the reproductive rights of women?
The law says they can kill their children at will, so be it.

Where to you stand on the issue of who can marry who?
Homosexuals like you are free to enter a Civil Union with anyone you want to. You can have EVERY "right" the rest of us have.

When you talk about freedom, you mean the freedom to pollute the earth, freedom for the wealthy to avoid taxes, and freedom to give corporate criminals free reign to screw consumers and violate workers rights..

You are too stupid to even realize what this really means. This means YOU reserve the "right" to tell everyone else what you think they should do.
No I understand exactly what I'm saying and what I stand for. Yes I do reserve the right to tell others what they can do when it comes down to their behavior that impacts the environment, the choices of others and quality of life of all of us. YOU want to tell others what they can do in matters of personal choice and privacy that people make -choices that are none of your fucking business and have no effect on you.

Your comment on marriage and civil unions is extremely ignorant and insensitive and ample evidence that you have no business claiming the high ground on the subject of who is telling others what they can do. I would comment further on that but it would be off topic for this thread
On what basis do you believe you have authority to dictate to others?

On the basis of being a member of human society who cares about others and the earth. I doubt that you can understand that though
Oh, I can understand it, all right. Never met a leftist yet who didn't believe he had the moral authority to be a dictator.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

― C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology)

C.S. Lewis says you can fuck off, we don't need your interference.
Not everything that is WRONG, is criminal....

It's wrong to cheat on your husband or wife...but it is not criminal....

It's wrong to play footsie with a brutal and savage murderer, but it is not criminal...

You and your ilk think it is a crime to yell, "hey Russia Wikileaks release the missing 33K emails" at a campaign crowd. If Trump offered for sale a bridge in the middle of the desert, you Trumptards would line up with offers.

Forgive me if I don't ask you to declare what a crime actually is.
Nope, no crime. But it is worrisome that millions of low I.Q. voters lapped up Trumps bullshit.

Which proves that the old adage is true! There's a sucker born every minute & two to take 'em!

What Bullshit?

He is the only president in recent memory who tried to keep all his campaign promises.. is that what you call bullshit?
You mean like, "I won't have time for golf, I'll be working for you!"?

Meanwhile on Planet Earth.............

What he is not going to relax after he got rid of the Obama care mandate, gorsuch and K on the supreme Court, got rid of Obama's assnine EPA rules and regulations...the list goes on and on.

The media is a co-conspirator.
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PS: Mueller was the Clinton's bagman, deliverer of yellowcake to Russian operatives. Just in case anybody didn't know that.

I start using Snopes and Factcheck as links, just for leftist dumbasses. :)

Actually that was for law-enforcement purposes. Or was it a sample, hmm?

FACT CHECK: Did Hillary Clinton Tell FBI's Mueller to Deliver Uranium to Russians in 2009 'Secret Tarmac Meeting'?

^ triggered
I cant wait until tomorrow when Trumps keepers allow him back on Twitter after they break the news to him that the SDNY would like a word with him! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
After a 2yr investigation by a group of hillary supporters and millions of dollars led by a man that could indict a ham sandwich it may be proof that Trump is the most honest man in America. I don’t think many democrats could withstand that kind of investigation.
Apparently, Gangster Trump is in "good spirits" because he thinks he beat the rap. So was John Gotti after he skated a couple times & look where he ended up!

Btw Trumptard, is Mueller now a hero?
With a rap you have evidence. Show us the evidence or shut up. Your lies are worn out.
Just trying to keep up with my score card.
I think Mueller is trustworthy. Think he took way to long with this investigation but I’d trust the findings... how about you?

Too long?
Yeah, just like Benghazi how much tax payer money are we going to waste paying lawyers millions of dollars to investigate things for years at a time? I’d put a 3 month time limit and then require approval to continue if they need more time.

In Benghazi you had survivors, movies made, books
And the military personnel still push blame a bit different.
It was a multi year over politicized Investigation series.
Republicans impeached over a blow job
I’m sure Dems can find something that will meet that standard
He got impeached for lying under oath. If he told the truth about, nothing would've happened.
Why was he being asked about a consensual relationship in an investigation of a 1978 land deal?

For that matter:

Why was there a Special Counsel in the 1990s investigating a land deal from 1978?
If Clinton told the truth, nothing would've happened. Maybe he shouldn't of shot his load on her. Lol
Not what I asked you, was it? :lol:
They went there because the Clinton's claimed they lost the paper work they being asked to give over. So they dug deeper. Oh and after the Satue of limitations were over. They found in a closet. Kinda like her emails.


Why was there a Special Counsel in the 1990s investigating a land deal from 1978?
That’s what I want to hear Conservatives

Take the good with the bad
I don’t want to see celebrating the good stuff and calling the bad stuff fake

Hate to break it to conservatives doing a victory lap today. There will be bad stuff in the report

Of course there will be but will the bad be enough to warrant a impeachment?


Will it sink Trump in 2020?


So that is the bad for the left and I have seen the left hate during the Bush years, well I expect massive melting after the report fails to help with impeachment and if Trump win in 2020...
Republicans impeached over a blow job
I’m sure Dems can find something that will meet that standard
He got impeached for lying under oath. If he told the truth about, nothing would've happened.
Why was he being asked about a consensual relationship in an investigation of a 1978 land deal?

For that matter:

Why was there a Special Counsel in the 1990s investigating a land deal from 1978?

What does manfort money laundering have to do with anything, I thought that was the IRS job?

No it’s election fraud. It’s conspiracy with the Russians to aid them in helping Trump win election.
I think there's plenty of rage in the Trump camp. I've been making digs on social media all weekend. I am hoping the right will control their rage until we are closer to the 2020 elections and then expose the left for what they are. Mueller just handed Trump some great ammo for re-election. In late 2019 the right goes after the accusers in the witch hunt and/or the Clintons. There's the real story and collusion. We haven't even begun to deal with Hillary but that can easily be taken off the back burner and brought to the front at the right time.

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