Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Nope Pubs are no different than people like you. Sick, not in the sense of a virus but sick in the sense that you think it's just fine for you to decide what everyone else can and can't do. I'm a Conservative, not a Republican. You are indeed a sick partisan shill.
You don't even know what a "Fascist" is kid.
Really? It's us who want to decide what others can/ can't do?

Where is you stand on the reproductive rights of women?

Where to you stand on the issue of who can marry who?

When you talk about freedom, you mean the freedom to pollute the earth, freedom for the wealthy to avoid taxes, and freedom to give corporate criminals free reign to screw consumers and violate workers rights..

Give me a fucking break!

Just LOOK at all of those talking points!! Fucking parrot.

Where is you stand on the reproductive rights of women?
The law says they can kill their children at will, so be it.

Where to you stand on the issue of who can marry who?
Homosexuals like you are free to enter a Civil Union with anyone you want to. You can have EVERY "right" the rest of us have.

When you talk about freedom, you mean the freedom to pollute the earth, freedom for the wealthy to avoid taxes, and freedom to give corporate criminals free reign to screw consumers and violate workers rights..

You are too stupid to even realize what this really means. This means YOU reserve the "right" to tell everyone else what you think they should do.
No I understand exactly what I'm saying and what I stand for. Yes I do reserve the right to tell others what they can do when it comes down to their behavior that impacts the environment, the choices of others and quality of life of all of us. YOU want to tell others what they can do in matters of personal choice and privacy that people make -choices that are none of your fucking business and have no effect on you.

Your comment on marriage and civil unions is extremely ignorant and insensitive and ample evidence that you have no business claiming the high ground on the subject of who is telling others what they can do. I would comment further on that but it would be off topic for this thread
On what basis do you believe you have authority to dictate to others?

On the basis of being a member of human society who cares about others and the earth. I doubt that you can understand that though

You have no authority at all over others no matter what you tell yourself. So since you see yourself as a superior human being how do you think you'll get us all to do what you think we should?
Of course there will be but will the bad be enough to warrant a impeachment?


Will it sink Trump in 2020?


So that is the bad for the left and I have seen the left hate during the Bush years, well I expect massive melting after the report fails to help with impeachment and if Trump win in 2020...
Republicans impeached over a blow job
I’m sure Dems can find something that will meet that standard
He got impeached for lying under oath. If he told the truth about, nothing would've happened.
Why was he being asked about a consensual relationship in an investigation of a 1978 land deal?

For that matter:

Why was there a Special Counsel in the 1990s investigating a land deal from 1978?

What does manfort money laundering have to do with anything, I thought that was the IRS job?

No it’s election fraud. It’s conspiracy with the Russians to aid them in helping Trump win election.

You talking about buying the "dossier" from foreign agents?
So we finally have a report on the Mueller investigation, lasting almost two full years, in a serious but probably illegal attempt to indict, slander, and depose a duly elected President. It appears that, on the vital and most important question of whether the Trump Campaign CONSPIRED with operatives of the Russian Federation to impact the results of the 2016 Presidential election, the Mueller team has found NOTHING.

And in the face of that Good News for the Nation, we have an OPEN AND WELL-PUBLICIZED, critical conference call among the entire Democrat Caucus in the House of Representatives, on HOW THEY WILL DEAL WITH THIS POLITICAL TRAGEDY.

The openly and without embarrassment plot to try another tack in their unsuccessful attempt to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

Why is this not being reported as an OUTRAGE??? Why is this not acknowledged as TREASONOUS??? Is the Media so jaded that it considers the attempts to remove a sitting, duly elected President to be "business as usual"?

Democrats will be Democrats. They lie, cheat, scheme, slander, conceal, and otherwise try to subvert the major elements of the Constitution. But for the Media to sit idly by and allow this constant campaign to continue without calling attention to its unprecedented viciousness, and vacuousness is as big an outrage as the campaign itself.
They knew from the beginning he was innocent.....but they wanted to turn him into the Boogeyman so anything they did would be acceptable to some.
Problem is....they don't have enough mindless voters to win a general they have to bring in millions of new voters and change election laws in key states so they can cheat enough to win the election weeks after the election results are in.
First they have to find out where they need to manufacture votes.
Then they'll try winning after Trump wins re-election.
If they fail....they'll accuse him of cheating or trying to be a dictator.
Nope Pubs are no different than people like you. Sick, not in the sense of a virus but sick in the sense that you think it's just fine for you to decide what everyone else can and can't do. I'm a Conservative, not a Republican. You are indeed a sick partisan shill.
You don't even know what a "Fascist" is kid.
Really? It's us who want to decide what others can/ can't do?

Where is you stand on the reproductive rights of women?

Where to you stand on the issue of who can marry who?

When you talk about freedom, you mean the freedom to pollute the earth, freedom for the wealthy to avoid taxes, and freedom to give corporate criminals free reign to screw consumers and violate workers rights..

Give me a fucking break!

Just LOOK at all of those talking points!! Fucking parrot.

Where is you stand on the reproductive rights of women?
The law says they can kill their children at will, so be it.

Where to you stand on the issue of who can marry who?
Homosexuals like you are free to enter a Civil Union with anyone you want to. You can have EVERY "right" the rest of us have.

When you talk about freedom, you mean the freedom to pollute the earth, freedom for the wealthy to avoid taxes, and freedom to give corporate criminals free reign to screw consumers and violate workers rights..

You are too stupid to even realize what this really means. This means YOU reserve the "right" to tell everyone else what you think they should do.
No I understand exactly what I'm saying and what I stand for. Yes I do reserve the right to tell others what they can do when it comes down to their behavior that impacts the environment, the choices of others and quality of life of all of us. YOU want to tell others what they can do in matters of personal choice and privacy that people make -choices that are none of your fucking business and have no effect on you.

Your comment on marriage and civil unions is extremely ignorant and insensitive and ample evidence that you have no business claiming the high ground on the subject of who is telling others what they can do. I would comment further on that but it would be off topic for this thread
On what basis do you believe you have authority to dictate to others?

On the basis of being a member of human society who cares about others and the earth. I doubt that you can understand that though
I don't understand where you believe you have the right to take from 'A' so you can give it to 'B.'
Republicans impeached over a blow job
I’m sure Dems can find something that will meet that standard
He got impeached for lying under oath. If he told the truth about, nothing would've happened.
Why was he being asked about a consensual relationship in an investigation of a 1978 land deal?

For that matter:

Why was there a Special Counsel in the 1990s investigating a land deal from 1978?

What does manfort money laundering have to do with anything, I thought that was the IRS job?

No it’s election fraud. It’s conspiracy with the Russians to aid them in helping Trump win election.

You talking about buying the "dossier" from foreign agents?
Sharing intelligence from a former Agent of our #1 ally’s intelligence service, MI6, one of the finest in the world?
We all know what's in the report. A bunch of comments like "Although we could not prove anything, it is the general consensus that the President may have colluded with Russians to influence the election". IOW, the same shit we've been hearing for two fucking years and are sick of hearing.
Ain't that what Comey said about Hillary's Emails (for about 2 years now)? And yet, it seems the accusation will never die. That's the one Trump picks up every time he needs to divert attention.
No, it's not what Comey said about Hillary. He said she was too stupid to know she was committing a crime.
I think there's plenty of rage in the Trump camp. I've been making digs on social media all weekend. I am hoping the right will control their rage until we are closer to the 2020 elections and then expose the left for what they are. Mueller just handed Trump some great ammo for re-election. In late 2019 the right goes after the accusers in the witch hunt and/or the Clintons. There's the real story and collusion. We haven't even begun to deal with Hillary but that can easily be taken off the back burner and brought to the front at the right time.

Yep....I believe we will see massive action
From the DOJ about six months out from
Nov...2020.....and I believe they will wait till then.

I trust Mueller and expect him to give an honest assessment of the facts and data he has collected

If he says Trump is as clean as a virgins honeypot, I will believe him
If he says Trump was involved in unethical, inept or marginally illegal activities...I will believe that

Can USMB Conservatives say the same?

Yep, we know how well you fricken liberals keep your word....dumbass.
Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.

That makes no sense. Mueller has indicted several foreign individuals and entities whose cases will never be successfully brought before the courts, due to the government's inability to produce the defendants. If Mueller was opposed to filing charges in vane, he never would have pursued those indictments.
Of course there will be but will the bad be enough to warrant a impeachment?


Will it sink Trump in 2020?


So that is the bad for the left and I have seen the left hate during the Bush years, well I expect massive melting after the report fails to help with impeachment and if Trump win in 2020...
Republicans impeached over a blow job
I’m sure Dems can find something that will meet that standard
He got impeached for lying under oath. If he told the truth about, nothing would've happened.
Why was he being asked about a consensual relationship in an investigation of a 1978 land deal?

For that matter:

Why was there a Special Counsel in the 1990s investigating a land deal from 1978?

What does manfort money laundering have to do with anything, I thought that was the IRS job?

No it’s election fraud. It’s conspiracy with the Russians to aid them in helping Trump win election.

Why would the Russians want to help Trump win the election in the first place? It would be to their benefit to have a limp noodle like Obama or Clinton in office
...That didn't happen, unless you're talking about Hillary...
That didn't happen?

For that, read: they may not have found anything to tie my boy to collusion; just his minions; with him benefiting from it.

And, he probably knew all about it, even if they don't end-up uncovering any evidence to support it.

An autocratic businessman like that knows everything major that his minions are up to; they don't do it on their own initiative.

...None of you Trump hating douchebags seem to have a problem with her paying Russian spies to produce opposition research.
1. Vast numbers of your fellow Americans despise Trump, yet they are not douchebags. I am one of those.

2. If she paid Russian spies to produce opposition research, then, by all means, let's indict her.
So you admit you don't have a shred of evidence for collusion, but you think I'm crazy for saying it didn't happen? How do we know Hillary didn't kill Vince Foster?

You're wrong about not being a douchebag. You're certainly and idiot, at any rate. You are incapable of committing logic.
You're such a lightweight... it's no wonder that you can't break out of that infantile TrumpBot shell... my condolences.

I don't admit anything... I have not seen the Mueller Report (in full or in summary)... and neither have you.

As to Shrillary killing Foster... I could not care less... but if you want to crucify her over that... have at it... enjoy.

You seems to be hung-up on the idea that anyone who voted for Hillary is a Clinton fan.

You're wrong.

It's just that Trump is sufficiently despicable that millions voted for Clinton rather than see the Republic in the hands of that Robber Baron.

TrumpBots: "Transforming America from Bedford Falls into Pottersville since January 20, 2017."
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We all know what's in the report. A bunch of comments like "Although we could not prove anything, it is the general consensus that the President may have colluded with Russians to influence the election". IOW, the same shit we've been hearing for two fucking years and are sick of hearing.
Muller's report is NOT even going to mention ANYONE who was not charged. That's DOJ long standing policy. That's why the POS Comey got in such deep shit for going against DOJ policy. If there is ANYONE on the planet who will make sure that never happens again it's Muller.
As Rosenstein has stated emphatically: "If the DOJ is not going to charge someone that person's name WILL NOT be made public". That applies to Trump as well as anyone else.
Rosenstein is a Trump hater and a liar. His word means nothing. Same with Mueller.
Dude Trump hasn't even seen the report yet. Why the hell would Assange have it?

Link does not back up claim. Reported.
Really? You can report that? I'm gonna be busy.....

Um yea. In current events you're required to post a link to back up your claim.

You won't be very busy. That's the first thread I've ever reported for that and I've been on this forum since 2014.
When I clicked onto the link, nothing came up to support his claim.
Sure that's gotta be it.

The State of NY AG has already dissolved the Trump Foundation and made it so that they can never again start a charity in the state of NY.
You're listening to CNN and MSNBC again, huh. Never learn.

No, I read the statement from the NY AG.

"Donald Trump is agreeing to dissolve his charity, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, amid allegations that he used the organization for his own personal and political gain.

The announcement of the charity’s dissolution came on Tuesday morning from New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood, whose office filed a lawsuit against the charity, the president and his three eldest children in June alleging that the nonprofit was riddled with “persistently illegal conduct.”"

"Underwood says that her team’s investigation found a “shocking pattern of illegality involving the Trump Foundation—including unlawful coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing, and much more.”

The attorney general added that the charitable foundation essentially functioned as “little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump’s business and political interests.”"

Donald Trump foundation to dissolve after New York attorney general finds “shocking pattern of illegality” at charity

I wish more people actually paid attention to the news and were educated on the topics before they posted. This forum would move much more smoothly if they did.
He got impeached for lying under oath. If he told the truth about, nothing would've happened.
Why was he being asked about a consensual relationship in an investigation of a 1978 land deal?

For that matter:

Why was there a Special Counsel in the 1990s investigating a land deal from 1978?

What does manfort money laundering have to do with anything, I thought that was the IRS job?

No it’s election fraud. It’s conspiracy with the Russians to aid them in helping Trump win election.

You talking about buying the "dossier" from foreign agents?
Sharing intelligence from a former Agent of our #1 ally’s intelligence service, MI6, one of the finest in the world?

For Christ sake, do you fricken clowns keep up with anything other than your bullshit. Steele already admitted to unverified data to support the fake dossier.
Sure that's gotta be it.

The State of NY AG has already dissolved the Trump Foundation and made it so that they can never again start a charity in the state of NY.
You're listening to CNN and MSNBC again, huh. Never learn.

No, I read the statement from the NY AG.

"Donald Trump is agreeing to dissolve his charity, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, amid allegations that he used the organization for his own personal and political gain.

The announcement of the charity’s dissolution came on Tuesday morning from New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood, whose office filed a lawsuit against the charity, the president and his three eldest children in June alleging that the nonprofit was riddled with “persistently illegal conduct.”"

"Underwood says that her team’s investigation found a “shocking pattern of illegality involving the Trump Foundation—including unlawful coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing, and much more.”

The attorney general added that the charitable foundation essentially functioned as “little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump’s business and political interests.”"

Donald Trump foundation to dissolve after New York attorney general finds “shocking pattern of illegality” at charity

I wish more people actually paid attention to the news and were educated on the topics before they posted. This forum would move much more smoothly if they did.
Yeah, well you stay on that and keep us up to date. LOL.

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