Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Lying to congress about meetings with foreign spies is collusion with them.
So why weren't they indicted for it?

Many are already in jail or going to jail for that.
Wrong. No one is going to jail for it, moron.

LOL, tell that to Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, and Gates.
ALL four of them lied about their Russian ties.
Where they convicted of colluding with Russia, you fucking dumbass?

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen
Nov. 29, 2018: Pleaded guilty to one criminal charge brought by the special investigator’s office of lying to Congress about Donald Trump’s involvement during the 2016 campaign in efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. (Trump said he had notning to do with Russia, ever.)

Former Trump campaign aide and Manafort business associate Richard Gates
Feb. 23, 2018: Pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy against the U.S. and making false statements to federal investigators, admitting to helping Mr. Manafort launder millions of dollars through offshore accounts that they earned for their Ukrainian work. (Putin has occupied the Ukraine since 2014)

Former White House National Security Adviser and retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn
Dec. 1, 2017: Pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents. He admitted he lied about calls with Moscow’s ambassador a month before President Trump’s inauguration.

You're welcome.

What happened was Trump wasn't indicted. But mob bosses always have their soldiers do the dirty work for them.
So we finally have a report on the Mueller investigation, lasting almost two full years, in a serious but probably illegal attempt to indict, slander, and depose a duly elected President. It appears that, on the vital and most important question of whether the Trump Campaign CONSPIRED with operatives of the Russian Federation to impact the results of the 2016 Presidential election, the Mueller team has found NOTHING.

And in the face of that Good News for the Nation, we have an OPEN AND WELL-PUBLICIZED, critical conference call among the entire Democrat Caucus in the House of Representatives, on HOW THEY WILL DEAL WITH THIS POLITICAL TRAGEDY.

The openly and without embarrassment plot to try another tack in their unsuccessful attempt to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

Why is this not being reported as an OUTRAGE??? Why is this not acknowledged as TREASONOUS??? Is the Media so jaded that it considers the attempts to remove a sitting, duly elected President to be "business as usual"?

Democrats will be Democrats. They lie, cheat, scheme, slander, conceal, and otherwise try to subvert the major elements of the Constitution. But for the Media to sit idly by and allow this constant campaign to continue without calling attention to its unprecedented viciousness, and vacuousness is as big an outrage as the campaign itself.

DG, surely you realize that:
  • The whole Russia-gate thing started almost a YEAR before Mueller! So it actually went on closer to 2 years and 10 months with nothing to show for it at all other than Hillary's ties to the Russians, the one area where Mueller never delved into. That and a handful of Russians who posted to Facebook pretending to be Americans, who will never be charged or arrested (not sure what crime that is anyway).
  • This has all been building since GW was in office. It is now the Left's FULL TIME job to do nothing in office with taxpayer money other than vilify republicans and drum up support for themselves, and they drum up support by vilifying republicans then promising to use their position to get republicans back out office, and apparently leftard voters are content with this that their elected officials do nothing other than that while they wallow in the real, untouched problems facing the country (all caused by the GOP of course).
  • Any investigation that ends in their favor was a good, thorough, final, complete investigation that shall never be brought up again. Any investigation that ends not as they hoped no matter WHO did it or how much partial to their side is obviously a flawed investigation which must be thrown out as suspect and started all over from scratch, because-- -- -- --
  • ALL things democrat are simply right, and if you disagree with any of it, you are clearly an uneducated, blue-collar Trump maggot with an IQ of 75.
  • And since the Media is 97.5% solid blue democrat-churning machine, they are simply THRILLED to report five new investigations to pick up where Mueller left off!
Also, Mueller's charges against the Russians and the other foreign individuals being indicted were not because he thought they would ever be tried inside a U.S. Court, but their indictments were Mueller's way of telling the public he had indeed found Russian interference, and to help build a case for others. If he indicted Americans without ANY indictments of foreign actors, the defense could use that in the trial. How could a U.S. citizens conspire with a foreign entity if the prosecution never indicted a foreign entity for a crime?
Horseshit.....Wanna buy a bridge?
Every day I wake up sound and healthy is a good day Being a republican all my life up till GWB 2000 I enjoy reading all the posts which show me I made the right choice in switching to Dems

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So why weren't they indicted for it?

Many are already in jail or going to jail for that.
Wrong. No one is going to jail for it, moron.

LOL, tell that to Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, and Gates.
ALL four of them lied about their Russian ties.
Where they convicted of colluding with Russia, you fucking dumbass?

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen
Nov. 29, 2018: Pleaded guilty to one criminal charge brought by the special investigator’s office of lying to Congress about Donald Trump’s involvement during the 2016 campaign in efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. (Trump said he had notning to do with Russia, ever.)

Former Trump campaign aide and Manafort business associate Richard Gates
Feb. 23, 2018: Pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy against the U.S. and making false statements to federal investigators, admitting to helping Mr. Manafort launder millions of dollars through offshore accounts that they earned for their Ukrainian work. (Putin has occupied the Ukraine since 2014)

Former White House National Security Adviser and retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn
Dec. 1, 2017: Pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents. He admitted he lied about calls with Moscow’s ambassador a month before President Trump’s inauguration.

You're welcome.

What happened was Trump wasn't indicted. But mob bosses always have their soldiers do the dirty work for them.
None of whom had anything to do with Russians and the election.

It was all a giant bug hunt and rubes like you still want to believe in the Russians hiding under your bed.

Also, Mueller's charges against the Russians and the other foreign individuals being indicted were not because he thought they would ever be tried inside a U.S. Court, but their indictments were Mueller's way of telling the public he had indeed found Russian interference, and to help build a case for others. If he indicted Americans without ANY indictments of foreign actors, the defense could use that in the trial. How could a U.S. citizens conspire with a foreign entity if the prosecution never indicted a foreign entity for a crime?
Horseshit.....Wanna buy a bridge?

What do you think he indicted them for then? Jaywalking?
So why weren't they indicted for it?

Many are already in jail or going to jail for that.
Wrong. No one is going to jail for it, moron.

LOL, tell that to Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, and Gates.
ALL four of them lied about their Russian ties.
Where they convicted of colluding with Russia, you fucking dumbass?

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen
Nov. 29, 2018: Pleaded guilty to one criminal charge brought by the special investigator’s office of lying to Congress about Donald Trump’s involvement during the 2016 campaign in efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. (Trump said he had notning to do with Russia, ever.)

Former Trump campaign aide and Manafort business associate Richard Gates
Feb. 23, 2018: Pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy against the U.S. and making false statements to federal investigators, admitting to helping Mr. Manafort launder millions of dollars through offshore accounts that they earned for their Ukrainian work. (Putin has occupied the Ukraine since 2014)

Former White House National Security Adviser and retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn
Dec. 1, 2017: Pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents. He admitted he lied about calls with Moscow’s ambassador a month before President Trump’s inauguration.

You're welcome.

What happened was Trump wasn't indicted. But mob bosses always have their soldiers do the dirty work for them.
Again, were they convicted of colluding with Russia, you fucking dumbass?
Also, Mueller's charges against the Russians and the other foreign individuals being indicted were not because he thought they would ever be tried inside a U.S. Court, but their indictments were Mueller's way of telling the public he had indeed found Russian interference, and to help build a case for others. If he indicted Americans without ANY indictments of foreign actors, the defense could use that in the trial. How could a U.S. citizens conspire with a foreign entity if the prosecution never indicted a foreign entity for a crime?
Horseshit.....Wanna buy a bridge?

What do you think he indicted them for then? Jaywalking?
We're talking convictions, not indictments. The later doesn't mean jack shit when you can never try the people indicted.
Also, Mueller's charges against the Russians and the other foreign individuals being indicted were not because he thought they would ever be tried inside a U.S. Court, but their indictments were Mueller's way of telling the public he had indeed found Russian interference, and to help build a case for others. If he indicted Americans without ANY indictments of foreign actors, the defense could use that in the trial. How could a U.S. citizens conspire with a foreign entity if the prosecution never indicted a foreign entity for a crime?
Horseshit.....Wanna buy a bridge?

What do you think he indicted them for then? Jaywalking?
We're talking convictions, not indictments. The later doesn't mean jack shit when you can never try the people indicted.

You can't convict without the indictment. So you think Mueller indicted the foreign actors for interfering in the election so that he can later on convict them of Jaywalking? Better?
Many are already in jail or going to jail for that.
Wrong. No one is going to jail for it, moron.

LOL, tell that to Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, and Gates.
ALL four of them lied about their Russian ties.
/——-/ The investigation was about Trump Russian collusion. That went off the rails pretty fast. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

And those four guys I just mentioned were his:

Campaign manager
National security advisor
Deputy campaign manager

And you want to close your eyes and pretend they weren't acting on behalf of Trump.

You truly are an idiot.
Which ones were convicted of colluding with Russia?
/——/ Libs will be spinning that lie for the next 25 years.
Well the never Trumpers on FOX are out his morning...Neil Cavuto is trying to start a recession with his know it all economic clown panel since the Mueller report vindicated not fall for it....a recession is impossible with the job numbers we have...companies are growing faster than they have in decades...the left will try to toss a wet blanket on Trump's great economy before 2020...don't fall for it.....
BAD news republitards The Mueller report is not the end Just the beginning
Why ?? because there are many other DA's looking into all parts of Trumps crookedness Money laundering ,lying about net worth to get loans etc etc
Also, Mueller's charges against the Russians and the other foreign individuals being indicted were not because he thought they would ever be tried inside a U.S. Court, but their indictments were Mueller's way of telling the public he had indeed found Russian interference, and to help build a case for others. If he indicted Americans without ANY indictments of foreign actors, the defense could use that in the trial. How could a U.S. citizens conspire with a foreign entity if the prosecution never indicted a foreign entity for a crime?
Horseshit.....Wanna buy a bridge?

What do you think he indicted them for then? Jaywalking?
We're talking convictions, not indictments. The later doesn't mean jack shit when you can never try the people indicted.

You can't convict without the indictment. So you think Mueller indicted the foreign actors for interfering in the election so that he can later on convict them of Jaywalking? Better?
He indicted them so he could pretend his witch hunt had something to do with Russian collusion. Everyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that was a farce.
Well the never Trumpers on FOX are out his morning...Neil Cavuto is trying to start a recession with his know it all economic clown panel since the Mueller report vindicated not fall for it....a recession is impossible with the job numbers we have...companies are growing faster than they have in decades...the left will try to toss a wet blanket on Trump's great economy before 2020...don't fall for it.....
BAD news republitards The Mueller report is not the end Just the beginning
Why ?? because there are many other DA's looking into all parts of Trumps crookedness Money laundering ,lying about net worth to get loans etc etc
No, there's only the DA of New York. No other DA is so profoundly corrupt and dishonest.
Also, Mueller's charges against the Russians and the other foreign individuals being indicted were not because he thought they would ever be tried inside a U.S. Court, but their indictments were Mueller's way of telling the public he had indeed found Russian interference, and to help build a case for others. If he indicted Americans without ANY indictments of foreign actors, the defense could use that in the trial. How could a U.S. citizens conspire with a foreign entity if the prosecution never indicted a foreign entity for a crime?
Horseshit.....Wanna buy a bridge?

What do you think he indicted them for then? Jaywalking?
He indicted them because he had to have some RUSSIANS! to try and prop up his giant nothingburger,.

Funny thing is that some of them showed up for their court date, and he and his clown car of "investigators" couldn't backpedal fast enough.
Also, Mueller's charges against the Russians and the other foreign individuals being indicted were not because he thought they would ever be tried inside a U.S. Court, but their indictments were Mueller's way of telling the public he had indeed found Russian interference, and to help build a case for others. If he indicted Americans without ANY indictments of foreign actors, the defense could use that in the trial. How could a U.S. citizens conspire with a foreign entity if the prosecution never indicted a foreign entity for a crime?
Horseshit.....Wanna buy a bridge?

What do you think he indicted them for then? Jaywalking?
He indicted them because he had to have some RUSSIANS! to try and prop up his giant nothingburger,.

Funny thing is that some of them showed up for their court date, and he and his clown car of "investigators" couldn't backpedal fast enough.
Their lawyer showed up and demanded discovery. Where has the process gone so far? Answer: nowhere.
No, there's only the DA of New York. No other DA is so profoundly corrupt and dishonest.
Well that's wrong on every level possible.
He indicted them because he had to have some RUSSIANS! to try and prop up his giant nothingburger,.
No, he indicted them because they committed crimes. There is just no way to have an honest, rational discussion with a cultist like you.
No, there's only the DA of New York. No other DA is so profoundly corrupt and dishonest.
Well that's wrong on every level possible.
He indicted them because he had to have some RUSSIANS! to try and prop up his giant nothingburger,.
No, he indicted them because they committed crimes. There is just no way to have an honest, rational discussion with a cultist like you.

Then why haven't they been prosecuted???
NEWS for Blues
Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.
I get that you have good days and bad days at your age, but this is especially bad, huh?
Every day I wake up sound and healthy is a good day Being a republican all my life up till GWB 2000 I enjoy reading all the posts which show me I made the right choice in switching to Dems
I don't know about your health, but sound of mind ... nah, no one is buying that.
LOL I handle 5 stock accounts and a RE business I'm as sharp as a tack even if I have to say so myself AND I know BS when I see it and Trump is 99% BS
Mueller is done Trumps legal woes are just beginning

Indeed, Trump is to be made an example of so that no other after him would dare do as he did.

They must destroy him anyway they can
Also, Mueller's charges against the Russians and the other foreign individuals being indicted were not because he thought they would ever be tried inside a U.S. Court, but their indictments were Mueller's way of telling the public he had indeed found Russian interference, and to help build a case for others. If he indicted Americans without ANY indictments of foreign actors, the defense could use that in the trial. How could a U.S. citizens conspire with a foreign entity if the prosecution never indicted a foreign entity for a crime?
Horseshit.....Wanna buy a bridge?

What do you think he indicted them for then? Jaywalking?
We're talking convictions, not indictments. The later doesn't mean jack shit when you can never try the people indicted.

You can't convict without the indictment. So you think Mueller indicted the foreign actors for interfering in the election so that he can later on convict them of Jaywalking? Better?
He indicted them so he could pretend his witch hunt had something to do with Russian collusion. Everyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that was a farce.

Yes, he needs to pretend. :rolleyes:

The guy that even Donald Trump's lawyer said was an honorable, stand up man and 'American Hero. " ;)

He also said he doesn't think it is a witch hunt...

"Robert Mueller is an “American hero” who is deliberative and justice-oriented, said Ty Cobb, a former White House lawyer who previously represented President Donald Trump on the special counsel’s probe into Russian election meddling.

Cobb said he doesn’t see Mueller’s investigation as a “witch hunt,” disputing a claim his former boss has repeatedly lodged.

“I don’t feel the same way about Mueller,” Cobb said in an interview for the latest episode of ABC News’s podcast “The Investigation.” “I don’t feel the investigation is a witch hunt.”"

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

I guess you'd know better right? Sitting at home in Wisconsin making lunatic GoFund Me accounts to try and remove politicians from office... :abgg2q.jpg:

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