Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Mueller investigated the presidential activities related to collusion.
As I understand it, SDNY is looking into the inauguration funds, Trump's foundation, Trump's finances, etc. My point is why now? The foundation and finances were there for 30-years.
Takeaway: Keep paying the dems and the FBI leaves you alone.

Because of the inauguration fund fraud and so many of his close associates have been found guilty of colluding with russian spies and lying about it. His behavior, and the behavior of his closest advisers opened that door. He's responsible for what is hidden behind that door
No one has been found guilty of colluding with Russian spies dumbass. However, all the evidence indicates that Hillary is guilty of it.

Lying to congress about meetings with foreign spies is collusion with them.
So why weren't they indicted for it?

Many are already in jail or going to jail for that.
Wrong. No one is going to jail for it, moron.
"Transforming America from Bedford Falls to Pottersville since January 2017."
I want to curl up on the couch on a rainy night and read the Mueller report and compare it too the fiction that the MSM and leftards have been claiming is truth.
Why was he being asked about a consensual relationship in an investigation of a 1978 land deal?

For that matter:

Why was there a Special Counsel in the 1990s investigating a land deal from 1978?

What does manfort money laundering have to do with anything, I thought that was the IRS job?

No it’s election fraud. It’s conspiracy with the Russians to aid them in helping Trump win election.

You talking about buying the "dossier" from foreign agents?
Sharing intelligence from a former Agent of our #1 ally’s intelligence service, MI6, one of the finest in the world?

For Christ sake, do you fricken clowns keep up with anything other than your bullshit. Steele already admitted to unverified data to support the fake dossier.

Even if the dossier wasn't fake, its totally inconsequential. If Trump wants to pay hoes to ruin hotel mattresses, while should McCain, Mueller, McCabe or Comey give a shit one way or another? Sure, a fancy hotel like the Ritz Carlton has expensive mattresses, but Trump can afford to replace them
" It is common knowledge that the Clinton campaign paid for the fake Russian dossier" NOT, it is a meme, passed forward by trump supporters like you, with no evidence to support such a claim.

Even the Washington Post knows that Clinton paid for the dossier.

From you link (in your post of a half-truth and lie by omission):

"Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS's research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary"

"The dossier has become a lightning rod amid the intensifying investigations into the Trump campaign's possible connections to Russia. Some congressional Republican leaders have spent months trying to discredit Fusion GPS and Steele and tried to determine the identity of the Democrat or organization that paid for the dossier."

Half-truths and lies by omission are DAMN LIES!
You just got done denying that Hillary funded the dossier. Now you're admitting it.
He's a giant sociopathic douchebag....The only way he could have passed a psych evaluation was to lie out his ass.
Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.

That makes no sense. Mueller has indicted several foreign individuals and entities whose cases will never be successfully brought before the courts, due to the government's inability to produce the defendants. If Mueller was opposed to filing charges in vane, he never would have pursued those indictments.

You proved my point. Those indictments will never have a long expensive trial and get nothing in the end. And my point makes sense for two more reasons. Trump could allow Ivanka and Don Jr. to go through the trials, and then pardon them afterwards. By doing this, he could try to argue that the state indictments are double jeopardy. Most criminal justice experts say it isn't double jeopardy, but there are others that say it is, like with Paul Manafort where they believe that NY's new charges are too similar to the ones he's already been found guilty of or plead to, but just under a different name.

Also, Mueller's charges against the Russians and the other foreign individuals being indicted were not because he thought they would ever be tried inside a U.S. Court, but their indictments were Mueller's way of telling the public he had indeed found Russian interference, and to help build a case for others. If he indicted Americans without ANY indictments of foreign actors, the defense could use that in the trial. How could a U.S. citizens conspire with a foreign entity if the prosecution never indicted a foreign entity for a crime?
...That didn't happen, unless you're talking about Hillary...
That didn't happen?

For that, read: they may not have found anything to tie my boy to collusion; just his minions; with him benefiting from it.

And, he probably knew all about it, even if they don't end-up uncovering any evidence to support it.

An autocratic businessman like that knows everything major that his minions are up to; they don't do it on their own initiative.

...None of you Trump hating douchebags seem to have a problem with her paying Russian spies to produce opposition research.
1. Vast numbers of your fellow Americans despise Trump, yet they are not douchebags. I am one of those.

2. If she paid Russian spies to produce opposition research, then, by all means, let's indict her.
So you admit you don't have a shred of evidence for collusion, but you think I'm crazy for saying it didn't happen? How do we know Hillary didn't kill Vince Foster?

You're wrong about not being a douchebag. You're certainly and idiot, at any rate. You are incapable of committing logic.
You're such a lightweight... it's no wonder that you can't break out of that infantile TrumpBot shell... my condolences.

I don't admit anything... I have not seen the Mueller Report (in full or in summary)... and neither have you.

As to Shrillary killing Foster... I could not care less... but if you want to crucify her over that... have at it... enjoy.

You seems to be hung-up on the idea that anyone who voted for Hillary is a Clinton fan.

You're wrong.

It's just that Trump is sufficiently despicable that millions voted for Clinton rather than see the Republic in the hands of that Robber Baron.

TrumpBots: "Transforming America from Bedford Falls into Pottersville since January 20, 2017."
You voted for a proven criminal.

End of story.
Because of the inauguration fund fraud and so many of his close associates have been found guilty of colluding with russian spies and lying about it. His behavior, and the behavior of his closest advisers opened that door. He's responsible for what is hidden behind that door
No one has been found guilty of colluding with Russian spies dumbass. However, all the evidence indicates that Hillary is guilty of it.

Lying to congress about meetings with foreign spies is collusion with them.
So why weren't they indicted for it?

Many are already in jail or going to jail for that.
Wrong. No one is going to jail for it, moron.

LOL, tell that to Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, and Gates.
ALL four of them lied about their Russian ties.
No one has been found guilty of colluding with Russian spies dumbass. However, all the evidence indicates that Hillary is guilty of it.

Lying to congress about meetings with foreign spies is collusion with them.
So why weren't they indicted for it?

Many are already in jail or going to jail for that.
Wrong. No one is going to jail for it, moron.

LOL, tell that to Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, and Gates.
ALL four of them lied about their Russian ties.
/——-/ The investigation was about Trump Russian collusion. That went off the rails pretty fast. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Dude Trump hasn't even seen the report yet. Why the hell would Assange have it?

Link does not back up claim. Reported.
Really? You can report that? I'm gonna be busy.....

Um yea. In current events you're required to post a link to back up your claim.

You won't be very busy. That's the first thread I've ever reported for that and I've been on this forum since 2014.
When I clicked onto the link, nothing came up to support his claim.

Which is why it was reported.
The report summary should only be released with Trump camp side by side rebuttal.

You can't say "we are certain that person X was in violation of campaign finance law by using campaign money" but decided we could not bring charges.....
No one has been found guilty of colluding with Russian spies dumbass. However, all the evidence indicates that Hillary is guilty of it.

Lying to congress about meetings with foreign spies is collusion with them.
So why weren't they indicted for it?

Many are already in jail or going to jail for that.
Wrong. No one is going to jail for it, moron.

LOL, tell that to Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, and Gates.
ALL four of them lied about their Russian ties.
Having Russian ties is not a crime!
I'm pretty sure Trump's lawyers either supplied the answers to Mueller's written questions directly, or they carefully edited the president's responses; Trump would have found the process much more stressful if he had to sit down and answer questions spontaneously.
That's why people have lawyers, moron.
That's why people have lawyers, moron.
What kind of lawyers does Trump have?

Roy Cohn: Joe McCarthy's henchman and Donald Trump's mentor

"The presidency has become a branding opportunity.

"The president has played golf at his properties dozens of times since taking office. He refers to his Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago, as the winter White House.

"Shortly after his election, he celebrated New Year’s along with 800 guests there, with tickets costing more than $500.

"And Kellyanne Conway, a top Trump adviser, once encouraged people to buy clothes from Ivanka Trump’s line — while Conway was giving a television interview from the White House.

"These moves are intended, at least partly, to bring attention and ultimately customers to Trump’s businesses.

"Of course, some of Trump’s critics have responded in kind, refusing to stay at or live in a Trump-branded property since he won the election.

"But in other ways, the presidency has clearly helped his bottom line. One example: The Mar-a-Lago club has doubled its membership rates.

Opinion | Trump’s Corruption: The Definitive List
Trump has been losing money ever since he started running for office. You idiots keep claiming he ran only to help his business.

Show us the money!
Trump has been losing money ever since he started running for office. You idiots keep claiming he ran only to help his business.

Show us the money!
Donald Trump is raking in big bucks from emoluments foreign and domestic.

"By Robert Schlesinger Managing Editor for OpinionMarch 5, 2018, at 6:00 a.m...."

"We can start with the truly big money.

"Forbes' Dan Alexander and Matt Drange estimated last month that Trump rakes in at least $175 million annually from commercial tenants like the state-owned Industrial & Commercial Bank of China.

"Which companies specifically and how much money exactly?

"It's impossible to say because federal disclosure laws don't require an accounting of where his businesses get their money.

"This was not a problem with previous presidents, who divested themselves and disclosed.

"Trump on the other hand does nothing more than the minimum legally required.

"Not knowing who's paying the president how much money? That seems like it might be a problem. 'Take any hot-button issue of the past year, and there's a good chance Trump's tenants lobbied the federal government on it, either in support of or in opposition to the administration's position,' Forbes noted, adding that at least three dozen known Trump tenants have 'meaningful relationships with the federal government, from contractors to lobbying firms to regulatory targets.'

"In one case, even the federal government is paying rent to the president."

Why don't you simply admit you couldn't care less about Trump's criminal enterprises unless he decides to become a Democrat again?
There's nothing illegal about having commercial tenants, moron. Trump has space to lease. Who do you suppose he's going to lease it to, Ma and Pa Kettle? Receiving the market rate for a product or service you are selling is not an emolument.

It is if you're the POTUS, moron.
Trump was supposed to divest himself of his businesses prior to taking office, so there can be no conflict of interest between the Office and both foreign and domestic entities..
Instead he put it into a "trust fund" for his kids. [rolling eyes]
But you probably forgot all that since you have the brain of a tree frog.
"Show us the money".

No problem.

For foreign diplomats, Trump hotel is place to be - The Washington Post
Nov 18, 2016 - About 100 foreign diplomats, from Brazil to Turkey, gathered at the Trump .... The Trumps opened the hotel in the Old Post Office pavilion, ...

Watchdog group finds more spending at Trump properties by foreign ...
Jun 27, 2018 - More than 200 interest groups have spent money at Trump properties ... of the TrumpInternational Hotel- Old Post Office in Washington, D.C., Oct. 26, 2016. ... Q&A cost $500 for preferredseating, and $250 for general seating.
Trump Hotel: Conflicts of Interest in Washington, DC - Time Magazine
In May, Trump chose Riyadh as his first foreign stop as President, where he ... The view of TrumpInternational Hotel Washington, D.C. The Old Post Office ...

Saudi guests boosted revenue at Trump New York hotel: Report
Aug 3, 2018 - Trump hotel in New York got a huge revenue boost from Saudi crown ... Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh, on the heels of The Post report ... But before taking office, he announced he would "donate all profits from foreign ...

Well the never Trumpers on FOX are out his morning...Neil Cavuto is trying to start a recession with his know it all economic clown panel since the Mueller report vindicated not fall for it....a recession is impossible with the job numbers we have...companies are growing faster than they have in decades...the left will try to toss a wet blanket on Trump's great economy before 2020...don't fall for it.....
BAD news republitards The Mueller report is not the end Just the beginning
No one has been found guilty of colluding with Russian spies dumbass. However, all the evidence indicates that Hillary is guilty of it.

Lying to congress about meetings with foreign spies is collusion with them.
So why weren't they indicted for it?

Many are already in jail or going to jail for that.
Wrong. No one is going to jail for it, moron.

LOL, tell that to Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, and Gates.
ALL four of them lied about their Russian ties.
Where they convicted of colluding with Russia, you fucking dumbass?
Lying to congress about meetings with foreign spies is collusion with them.
So why weren't they indicted for it?

Many are already in jail or going to jail for that.
Wrong. No one is going to jail for it, moron.

LOL, tell that to Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, and Gates.
ALL four of them lied about their Russian ties.
/——-/ The investigation was about Trump Russian collusion. That went off the rails pretty fast. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

And those four guys I just mentioned were his:

Campaign manager
National security advisor
Deputy campaign manager

And you want to close your eyes and pretend they weren't acting on behalf of Trump.

You truly are an idiot.
It is if you're the POTUS, moron.

Wrong, shit for brains. No law prevents the President from running a business and earning revenues.

Trump was supposed to divest himself of his businesses prior to taking office, so there can be no conflict of interest between the Office and both foreign and domestic entities..

Wrong again, shit for brains. What law requires the President to sell off his assets or businesses?

In the case of snowflakes, the law is something totally fictional.
So why weren't they indicted for it?

Many are already in jail or going to jail for that.
Wrong. No one is going to jail for it, moron.

LOL, tell that to Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, and Gates.
ALL four of them lied about their Russian ties.
/——-/ The investigation was about Trump Russian collusion. That went off the rails pretty fast. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

And those four guys I just mentioned were his:

Campaign manager
National security advisor
Deputy campaign manager

And you want to close your eyes and pretend they weren't acting on behalf of Trump.

You truly are an idiot.
Which ones were convicted of colluding with Russia?

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