Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

The special counsel mandate was very narrow in scope. It tasked mueller with investigating russian interference in the 2016 election and any contacts between members of and people connected to the trump campaign with Russians. Clearly, it produced results to those ends in spades.

Congress and the SDNY and DC offices will not be hampered by this narrow mandate.

Yes, trump's legal troubles are far from over.

A post like this reminds me why the left believes they came from monkeys and the AGW cult, they are gullible enough to believe in anything..

Lol .

Well,proclaiming yourself a denier of evolution just makes you look like a moron. So knock yourself out.
The special counsel mandate was very narrow in scope. It tasked mueller with investigating russian interference in the 2016 election and any contacts between members of and people connected to the trump campaign with Russians. Clearly, it produced results to those ends in spades.

Congress and the SDNY and DC offices will not be hampered by this narrow mandate.

Yes, trump's legal troubles are far from over.

A post like this reminds me why the left believes they came from monkeys and the AGW cult, they are gullible enough to believe in anything..

Lol .

Well,proclaiming yourself a denier of evolution just makes you look like a moron. So knock yourself out.

I have no doubt at all that you descended from something that climbed out of the slime.
All the Trump ass kissers on here will begin posting that Mueller did not indict MORE folks on the special prosecutor's assignment of investigating the Trump campaign dealings with a hostile, foreign entity; i.e., Russia.

The evidence is CLEAR.......No one can dispute that Don-baby, Kushner-basy and Manafort DID meet with Russians to see what dirt they had on Hillary Clinton.....We have CLEAR e-mails asserting this simple fact.

Further, we also have CLEAR evidence that "daddy" try to divert the intent of this meeting to "a friendly chat" about adoptions of Russian if those 3 Trump stooges gave a flying [whatever] about "adoptions during a presidential campaign.

What is to be acknowledged are TWO important, related issues.

1. The OBVIOUS collusion is not necessarily a crime......However, it is up to sane Americans to "judge" the mendacity and ethical digressions (and the subsequent lying as cover-up) of such a meeting.

2. Whereas Mueller dealt with criminal indictments leading to guilty pleas or trials, it is NOW up to the House to determine if such actions by the Trump campaign are grounds to question the misconduct and integrity of the Trump administration.......that is, an impeachment trial.

There is much to be learned by Mueller's report......and, placing aside the exaggerated partisanship, it is WAY too soon for Trump acolytes to dance by the goal post.

ANOTHER post-Mueller leftist-going-berserk-they-didn't-get-Trump snowflake thread!

They're coming out of the woodwork now.
It appears 45's brainwashed cult followers prematurely rushed to judgement at celebrating Mueller did not find any evidence of collusion, although Mueller has already managed to indict and in certain cases get some of 45's Russian puppet associates prison time. Yet, NY is up and has a very interesting scenario of possible impact of impending justice leaning on the 45 tyrant and his criminal family in particular. To say the least and despite 45's kissers, tRump's legacy, image and reputation has been nuked to a astronomical degree. It also appears this 45 tyrant will live with this disgrace until he becomes deceased to possibly spend a eternity in hell. Were 45 wise, the pompous dictator wannabe would have stayed out of politics and to which 45 has proven to be a complete idiot at, and just went on his crooked low key way.

After Mueller: The Ongoing Investigations Surrounding Trump

Please, please keep calling for investigations. Please, scumbags.

You just lost the presidential election over the mewler report. That's a foregone conclusion. Keep on keepin' on so we can take back the House and have a Super Majority in the Senate.

You people just don't know when to quit, do you --

I’m cool with that

If that is the standard Republicans want applied to impeachment, then let’s see what Mueller has to say and apply an equivalent standard

Seems fair

If the Democrat House has anything to impeach they should remember the GOP Senate will have to support it to remove Trump.

If they can not get the Senat to go with them then Pelosi is smart enough not to waste the time and energy on something like that...
Kind of like what Republicans did with Clinton. They knew they had no chance of success but did it anyway

I am merely questioning whether Republicans believe the same standard of impeachment should apply to Trump

If he lies under oath to Congress then go for it!

Now will Pelosi be that stupid?

Not on your life!

Cortez would be but not Pelosi...
Again, Trump refuses to testify under oath..he is not honest enough

But a similar threshold can be found regarding election fraud, obstruction, money laundering, tax fraud .....

Will Republicans support the same standard they used in impeaching Clinton?
Clinton actually broke the law, liar.

Well, let’s see what Trump has done
Any legal infraction should warrant impeachment
The law is the law
I’m cool with that

If that is the standard Republicans want applied to impeachment, then let’s see what Mueller has to say and apply an equivalent standard

Seems fair

If the Democrat House has anything to impeach they should remember the GOP Senate will have to support it to remove Trump.

If they can not get the Senat to go with them then Pelosi is smart enough not to waste the time and energy on something like that...
Kind of like what Republicans did with Clinton. They knew they had no chance of success but did it anyway

I am merely questioning whether Republicans believe the same standard of impeachment should apply to Trump

If he lies under oath to Congress then go for it!

Now will Pelosi be that stupid?

Not on your life!

Cortez would be but not Pelosi...
Again, Trump refuses to testify under oath..he is not honest enough

But a similar threshold can be found regarding election fraud, obstruction, money laundering, tax fraud .....

Will Republicans support the same standard they used in impeaching Clinton?

There us no election fraud unless you think Wikileaks is your evidence.

Finally, Pelosi is smarter than the average voter, so she knows it is a losing proposition to attempt impeachment when she knows the GOP will not convict and remove...
Republicans did it

Is that the new standard?
After a 2yr investigation by a group of hillary supporters and millions of dollars led by a man that could indict a ham sandwich it may be proof that Trump is the most honest man in America. I don’t think many democrats could withstand that kind of investigation.
" It is common knowledge that the Clinton campaign paid for the fake Russian dossier" NOT, it is a meme, passed forward by trump supporters like you, with no evidence to support such a claim.

Even the Washington Post knows that Clinton paid for the dossier.

From you link (in your post of a half-truth and lie by omission):

"Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS's research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary"

"The dossier has become a lightning rod amid the intensifying investigations into the Trump campaign's possible connections to Russia. Some congressional Republican leaders have spent months trying to discredit Fusion GPS and Steele and tried to determine the identity of the Democrat or organization that paid for the dossier."

Half-truths and lies by omission are DAMN LIES!
Sixth.......the old and almost trite "high crimes and misdemeanors" as grounds for impeachment by the House only follows the "definition" given and applied by that same House ......The vast majority of sane American voters could never dispute that this current administration has proven corrupt, unethical and perhaps the most spewers of LIES since the beginning of this republic.

Since Mueller had to follow the "opinion" of the DOJ that a sitting president cannot be indicted, it will be up to the House democrats to discover just how corrupt this hapless administration really is......

Fun days ahead.
Trump the Gangster ain't out of the woods yet. Enjoy Trumptards!
After a 2yr investigation by a group of hillary supporters and millions of dollars led by a man that could indict a ham sandwich it may be proof that Trump is the most honest man in America. I don’t think many democrats could withstand that kind of investigation.
In today's reality, no democrat would have to.
" It is common knowledge that the Clinton campaign paid for the fake Russian dossier" NOT, it is a meme, passed forward by trump supporters like you, with no evidence to support such a claim.
There's no way you were ever a cop...Inspector Clouseau has better investigative skills and instincts than you.
" It is common knowledge that the Clinton campaign paid for the fake Russian dossier" NOT, it is a meme, passed forward by trump supporters like you, with no evidence to support such a claim.

Sorry, turd, but it's not a meme. It's a documented fact. Not only did Hillary pay for it, but so did the FBI.

The evidence in your post is underwhelming, and likely produced between your ears from the airwaves spewed by Mr. Limbaugh or Mr. Hannity.
After a 2yr investigation by a group of hillary supporters and millions of dollars led by a man that could indict a ham sandwich it may be proof that Trump is the most honest man in America. I don’t think many democrats could withstand that kind of investigation.
Apparently, Gangster Trump is in "good spirits" because he thinks he beat the rap. So was John Gotti after he skated a couple times & look where he ended up!

Btw Trumptard, is Mueller now a hero?
" It is common knowledge that the Clinton campaign paid for the fake Russian dossier" NOT, it is a meme, passed forward by trump supporters like you, with no evidence to support such a claim.

Even the Washington Post knows that Clinton paid for the dossier.

From you link (in your post of a half-truth and lie by omission):

"Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS's research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary"

"The dossier has become a lightning rod amid the intensifying investigations into the Trump campaign's possible connections to Russia. Some congressional Republican leaders have spent months trying to discredit Fusion GPS and Steele and tried to determine the identity of the Democrat or organization that paid for the dossier."

Half-truths and lies by omission are DAMN LIES!

I linked to the article and I stand by it. hiLIARy and the Dems took the research to the next level - and it was that version which was used by the Obabble Admin to enable its spy and entrapment operation of Trump and his associates.
" It is common knowledge that the Clinton campaign paid for the fake Russian dossier" NOT, it is a meme, passed forward by trump supporters like you, with no evidence to support such a claim.

Sorry, turd, but it's not a meme. It's a documented fact. Not only did Hillary pay for it, but so did the FBI.

The evidence in your post is underwhelming, and likely produced between your ears from the airwaves spewed by Mr. Limbaugh or Mr. Hannity.
It's been posted 1000 times in this forum. I don't need to repeat it to convince dumbasses like you.
" It is common knowledge that the Clinton campaign paid for the fake Russian dossier" NOT, it is a meme, passed forward by trump supporters like you, with no evidence to support such a claim.

Even the Washington Post knows that Clinton paid for the dossier.

From you link (in your post of a half-truth and lie by omission):

"Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS's research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary"

"The dossier has become a lightning rod amid the intensifying investigations into the Trump campaign's possible connections to Russia. Some congressional Republican leaders have spent months trying to discredit Fusion GPS and Steele and tried to determine the identity of the Democrat or organization that paid for the dossier."

Half-truths and lies by omission are DAMN LIES!
Who it was originally funded by is irrelevant that it was a pack of lies and used as the primary "evidence" to get warrants to spy on people.

I bet you planted drugs on people to boost your arrest numbers, didn't ya?
On the other hand, its very easy to believe that the Russian information campaign produced the scant 70,000 vote margin that trump won 3 important swing states by, in total.

If you're a sore losing conspiracy theorist

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