Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Of course there will be but will the bad be enough to warrant a impeachment?


Will it sink Trump in 2020?


So that is the bad for the left and I have seen the left hate during the Bush years, well I expect massive melting after the report fails to help with impeachment and if Trump win in 2020...
Republicans impeached over a blow job
I’m sure Dems can find something that will meet that standard
He got impeached for lying under oath. If he told the truth about, nothing would've happened.
Why was he being asked about a consensual relationship in an investigation of a 1978 land deal?

For that matter:

Why was there a Special Counsel in the 1990s investigating a land deal from 1978?
If Clinton told the truth, nothing would've happened. Maybe he shouldn't of shot his load on her. Lol
Not what I asked you, was it? :lol:
They went there because the Clinton's claimed they lost the paper work they being asked to give over. So they dug deeper. Oh and after the Satue of limitations were over. They found in a closet. Kinda like her emails.
He won the popular vote in 49 states its a facts
Nope. But you probably believe that because you are a cultist.

If you add the popular vote of the other 49 states (and DC too, BTW), and do not include California, Trump had more popular votes. FACT!
Yeah....another one who ignores the millions of people who live in California. I bet y'all would love to disenfranchise us.

Tho, the cool thing is, a lot of us are moving and bringing our blue votes to other states now.
You are moving because democrat policies destroyed California lol
Actually, we are moving because we are retiring and traveling.....and leasing our home out to my daughter and her husband. But we made sure our residency (and votes) will be in a red state. You're welcome.
Lol it’s ok trumps black approval rating is skyrocketing
...That didn't happen, unless you're talking about Hillary...
That didn't happen?

For that, read: they may not have found anything to tie my boy to collusion; just his minions; with him benefiting from it.

And, he probably knew all about it, even if they don't end-up uncovering any evidence to support it.

An autocratic businessman like that knows everything major that his minions are up to; they don't do it on their own initiative.

...None of you Trump hating douchebags seem to have a problem with her paying Russian spies to produce opposition research.
1. Vast numbers of your fellow Americans despise Trump, yet they are not douchebags. I am one of those.

2. If she paid Russian spies to produce opposition research, then, by all means, let's indict her.
So you admit you don't have a shred of evidence for collusion, but you think I'm crazy for saying it didn't happen? How do we know Hillary didn't kill Vince Foster?

You're wrong about not being a douchebag. You're certainly and idiot, at any rate. You are incapable of committing logic.
Yes. She. Did.

First 3 seconds of the video shows her in tears and the rest of the video is the guy consoling her. The cameraman went to the guy talking when he saw madcow crying. Hes like oh shit shes crying again! You can see the wet under her eyes. And rapid eye blinking is a common thing in someone who is getting emotional.

Yup, she was definitely crying. That down turned mouth, and the furrowed brow are proof positive. I find it amusing that the Director never went back to a shot of her either. Not good having your anchor bawling on air.

Well, now that I've seen the two seconds on the elusive vid, I'm not arguing that she was emotional.
It sure makes me wonder, though, why some of the folks here get such pleasure from seeing people cry. What's that say about the folks gloating over it?

Well, she may not be crying quite as much as you are.

Wishful thinking, there, boys. I never needed this investigation to despise Trump but I knew we were stuck with him for four years. So except for some mild curiosity, I'm not that excited about this. Just wondering why you're all such a bunch of sadists, is all.

Cognitive dissonance....again.

We are speaking of a woman who is crying specifically over the failure to destroy a man.

Well, I've never watched her or even tuned in to MSNBC, so I can't presume to know what she's thinking. I do know, though, that the concerns about Trump's behavior over all--his oversexed playboy attitude, his swaggering and his foolish tweets and his decisions on many policy issues--are not personal but about protecting the country.
SDNY had 30 years to go after Trump, oh wait, he was a democrat donor back then. Since he's a Republican now he's fair game.
Podesta did the same crime as Cohen, not registering as a foreign lobbyist, and he's wallowing in his foreign cash, while Cohen does the perp walk.
I still see the double-standard in the DOJ
. Maybe Barr needs to straighten out the SDNY? Send Rudy or Mueller there for a year.

Its funny that the MSM is outraged because they drank so much of their own KoolAde about Trump collusion.

Trump didn't misuse the office of the president during those 30 years.

Mueller investigated the presidential activities related to collusion.
As I understand it, SDNY is looking into the inauguration funds, Trump's foundation, Trump's finances, etc. My point is why now? The foundation and finances were there for 30-years.
Takeaway: Keep paying the dems and the FBI leaves you alone.

Because of the inauguration fund fraud and so many of his close associates have been found guilty of colluding with russian spies and lying about it. His behavior, and the behavior of his closest advisers opened that door. He's responsible for what is hidden behind that door
SDNY had 30 years to go after Trump, oh wait, he was a democrat donor back then. Since he's a Republican now he's fair game.
Podesta did the same crime as Cohen, not registering as a foreign lobbyist, and he's wallowing in his foreign cash, while Cohen does the perp walk.
I still see the double-standard in the DOJ
. Maybe Barr needs to straighten out the SDNY? Send Rudy or Mueller there for a year.

Its funny that the MSM is outraged because they drank so much of their own KoolAde about Trump collusion.

Trump didn't misuse the office of the president during those 30 years.
When has he ever done it?
SDNY had 30 years to go after Trump, oh wait, he was a democrat donor back then. Since he's a Republican now he's fair game.
Podesta did the same crime as Cohen, not registering as a foreign lobbyist, and he's wallowing in his foreign cash, while Cohen does the perp walk.
I still see the double-standard in the DOJ
. Maybe Barr needs to straighten out the SDNY? Send Rudy or Mueller there for a year.

Its funny that the MSM is outraged because they drank so much of their own KoolAde about Trump collusion.

Trump didn't misuse the office of the president during those 30 years.

Mueller investigated the presidential activities related to collusion.
As I understand it, SDNY is looking into the inauguration funds, Trump's foundation, Trump's finances, etc. My point is why now? The foundation and finances were there for 30-years.
Takeaway: Keep paying the dems and the FBI leaves you alone.

Because of the inauguration fund fraud and so many of his close associates have been found guilty of colluding with russian spies and lying about it. His behavior, and the behavior of his closest advisers opened that door. He's responsible for what is hidden behind that door
No one has been found guilty of colluding with Russian spies dumbass. However, all the evidence indicates that Hillary is guilty of it.
Yup, she was definitely crying. That down turned mouth, and the furrowed brow are proof positive. I find it amusing that the Director never went back to a shot of her either. Not good having your anchor bawling on air.
Well, now that I've seen the two seconds on the elusive vid, I'm not arguing that she was emotional.
It sure makes me wonder, though, why some of the folks here get such pleasure from seeing people cry. What's that say about the folks gloating over it?

Well, she may not be crying quite as much as you are.
Wishful thinking, there, boys. I never needed this investigation to despise Trump but I knew we were stuck with him for four years. So except for some mild curiosity, I'm not that excited about this. Just wondering why you're all such a bunch of sadists, is all.

Cognitive dissonance....again.

We are speaking of a woman who is crying specifically over the failure to destroy a man.
Well, I've never watched her or even tuned in to MSNBC, so I can't presume to know what she's thinking. I do know, though, that the concerns about Trump's behavior over all--his oversexed playboy attitude, his swaggering and his foolish tweets and his decisions on many policy issues--are not personal but about protecting the country.

His swaggering? Yikes, start impeachment proceedings....dumbass.
Creatures like Matthew's and Maddow have done their best to use their positions to destroy this President simply because they lost an election. Things didn't go their way. Now they're upset that someone else didn't "fix" it for them. They're corrupt.
The special counsel mandate was very narrow in scope. It tasked mueller with investigating russian interference in the 2016 election and any contacts between members of and people connected to the trump campaign with Russians. Clearly, it produced results to those ends in spades.

Congress and the SDNY and DC offices will not be hampered by this narrow mandate.

Yes, trump's legal troubles are far from over.
It appears 45's brainwashed cult followers prematurely rushed to judgement at celebrating Mueller did not find any evidence of collusion, although Mueller has already managed to indict and in certain cases get some of 45's Russian puppet associates prison time. Yet, NY is up and has a very interesting scenario of possible impact of impending justice leaning on the 45 tyrant and his criminal family in particular. To say the least and despite 45's kissers, tRump's legacy, image and reputation has been nuked to a astronomical degree. It also appears this 45 tyrant will live with this disgrace until he becomes deceased to possibly spend a eternity in hell. Were 45 wise, the pompous dictator wannabe would have stayed out of politics and to which 45 has proven to be a complete idiot at, and just went on his crooked low key way.

After Mueller: The Ongoing Investigations Surrounding Trump
Sure, Now go watch a little CNN. You'll fell better in no time.
Again the part you left out is under oath. Just lying was not impeachable but doing it to Congress under oath, well yeah they kind of caught Trump best Friend back then.

Want to try again?

I’m cool with that

If that is the standard Republicans want applied to impeachment, then let’s see what Mueller has to say and apply an equivalent standard

Seems fair

If the Democrat House has anything to impeach they should remember the GOP Senate will have to support it to remove Trump.

If they can not get the Senat to go with them then Pelosi is smart enough not to waste the time and energy on something like that...
Kind of like what Republicans did with Clinton. They knew they had no chance of success but did it anyway

I am merely questioning whether Republicans believe the same standard of impeachment should apply to Trump

If he lies under oath to Congress then go for it!

Now will Pelosi be that stupid?

Not on your life!

Cortez would be but not Pelosi...
Again, Trump refuses to testify under oath..he is not honest enough

But a similar threshold can be found regarding election fraud, obstruction, money laundering, tax fraud .....

Will Republicans support the same standard they used in impeaching Clinton?

There us no election fraud unless you think Wikileaks is your evidence.

Finally, Pelosi is smarter than the average voter, so she knows it is a losing proposition to attempt impeachment when she knows the GOP will not convict and remove...
And more on the dud of the Mueller report...

The vast attempt to undo the 2016 election has failed | Spectator USA

The really splendid thing about Mueller’s indictments, though, is that not one of them pertains to the ostensible subject of his investigation, to wit: possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians to steal the 2016 election.

The question is, however, what comes next? Last May in these virtual pages, writing about the efforts of Devin Nunes, then Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, to get to the bottom of the skullduggery that instigated the Mueller investigation, I wrote that

‘What is being exposed is the biggest political scandal in the history of the United States: the effort by highly placed — exactly how highly placed we still do not know — members of one administration to mobilize the intelligence services and police power of the state to spy upon and destroy first the candidacy and then, when that didn’t work, the administration of a political rival.’

John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Sally Yates, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, John McCain, Christopher Steele, Glenn Simpson, and others did their best to undo the results of the 2016 election. The Mueller investigation was their not-so-secret weapon upon which vast hopes rested.

It has, unfortunately for them, been increasingly clear for some time that Robert Mueller was coming up empty-handed, at least on the main task, which was to unseat the President. Hence the newly energized efforts by Rep. Jerold Nadler and others to construct an ‘insurance policy’ in the form of impeachable offenses that might be brought against the president should, horrible dictu, Robert Mueller’s efforts at decapitation fail. As I wrote here a few weeks ago, ‘no one not named Bill Kristol now thinks that Mueller’s expensive, long-running entertainment will issue in any actionable charges against the president.’ Nevertheless, Nadler and his colleagues have opened a sweeping corruption probe in a desperate search for compromising tidbits from Donald Trump’s past business dealings that could plausibly form the basis for articles of impeachment.
Well, now that I've seen the two seconds on the elusive vid, I'm not arguing that she was emotional.
It sure makes me wonder, though, why some of the folks here get such pleasure from seeing people cry. What's that say about the folks gloating over it?

Well, she may not be crying quite as much as you are.
Wishful thinking, there, boys. I never needed this investigation to despise Trump but I knew we were stuck with him for four years. So except for some mild curiosity, I'm not that excited about this. Just wondering why you're all such a bunch of sadists, is all.

Cognitive dissonance....again.

We are speaking of a woman who is crying specifically over the failure to destroy a man.
Well, I've never watched her or even tuned in to MSNBC, so I can't presume to know what she's thinking. I do know, though, that the concerns about Trump's behavior over all--his oversexed playboy attitude, his swaggering and his foolish tweets and his decisions on many policy issues--are not personal but about protecting the country.

His swaggering? Yikes, start impeachment proceedings....dumbass.
LOL So "swaggering" sets you off, huh?
Not oversexed or foolish, just "swaggering."
I just said I will accept his findings...
That’s what I want to hear Conservatives

Take the good with the bad
I don’t want to see celebrating the good stuff and calling the bad stuff fake

Hate to break it to conservatives doing a victory lap today. There will be bad stuff in the report

Of course there will be but will the bad be enough to warrant a impeachment?


Will it sink Trump in 2020?


So that is the bad for the left and I have seen the left hate during the Bush years, well I expect massive melting after the report fails to help with impeachment and if Trump win in 2020...
Republicans impeached over a blow job
I’m sure Dems can find something that will meet that standard
He got impeached for lying under oath. If he told the truth about, nothing would've happened.
Why was he being asked about a consensual relationship in an investigation of a 1978 land deal?

For that matter:

Why was there a Special Counsel in the 1990s investigating a land deal from 1978?

What does manfort money laundering have to do with anything, I thought that was the IRS job?

It appears 45's brainwashed cult followers prematurely rushed to judgement at celebrating Mueller did not find any evidence of collusion, although Mueller has already managed to indict and in certain cases get some of 45's Russian puppet associates prison time. Yet, NY is up and has a very interesting scenario of possible impact of impending justice leaning on the 45 tyrant and his criminal family in particular. To say the least and despite 45's kissers, tRump's legacy, image and reputation has been nuked to a astronomical degree. It also appears this 45 tyrant will live with this disgrace until he becomes deceased to possibly spend a eternity in hell. Were 45 wise, the pompous dictator wannabe would have stayed out of politics and to which 45 has proven to be a complete idiot at, and just went on his crooked low key way.

After Mueller: The Ongoing Investigations Surrounding Trump

514846B6-758D-4536-B4D9-8E2C016E58C1.jpeg attempt to overthrow a sitting President who was chosen by the American people in a free and fair election as prescribed by the United States Constitution.

And, it must be dealt with as such. The coup plotters broke numerous laws in using a piece of opposition research as justification for a FISA warrant. They spied on a Presidential candidate, they spied on a Presidential transition team, and they spied on a U.S. President, all based on a warrant that was issued on false pretenses.

If we are a nation of laws, not men, then the culprits should be brought to justice.

The “Investigation” Was a Conspiracy to Oust Trump | Rush Limbaugh | 1150 WIMA
Let’s be clear: the thread premise is a ridiculous rightwing lie.

However we’re rid of Trump – impeachment or voted out of office next year – it will be done lawfully and consistent with the Constitution.

And the Mueller investigation – along with other appropriate, lawful investigations – will provide to the voters the compelling evidence as to why Trump doesn’t merit a second term.

Yep. But he's right about one thing though. Culprits will be brought to justice. 37 so far and counting.
37 have been convicted? How did they go to trial when most of them live in Russia?
It appears 45's brainwashed cult followers prematurely rushed to judgement at celebrating Mueller did not find any evidence of collusion, although Mueller has already managed to indict and in certain cases get some of 45's Russian puppet associates prison time. Yet, NY is up and has a very interesting scenario of possible impact of impending justice leaning on the 45 tyrant and his criminal family in particular. To say the least and despite 45's kissers, tRump's legacy, image and reputation has been nuked to a astronomical degree. It also appears this 45 tyrant will live with this disgrace until he becomes deceased to possibly spend a eternity in hell. Were 45 wise, the pompous dictator wannabe would have stayed out of politics and to which 45 has proven to be a complete idiot at, and just went on his crooked low key way.

After Mueller: The Ongoing Investigations Surrounding Trump

View attachment 251935
On the other hand, its very easy to believe that the Russian information campaign produced the scant 70,000 vote margin that trump won 3 important swing states by, in total.

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