Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

No because they have proven they are criminals. A convicted perjurer for one.
And why do you think Trump avoids putting his hand on the bible?? A world class liar makes clinton look like a choir bor
An expert on liars you are.
and that was a damn lie Brought even more hate to our nation as if we didn't already have enough
You really are a demented little thing aren't you? You can see in full color he's putting his hand on the bible. lol, you gonna shoot up a work place next?
Trump even lied then
ext. Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defendthe Constitution of the United States."
Oath of office of the President of the United States - Wikipedia

Oath of office of the President of the United States - Wikipedia

He has by trying to keep out the illegal rapist killer Mexicans that the left so adores .

And why do you think Trump avoids putting his hand on the bible?? A world class liar makes clinton look like a choir bor
An expert on liars you are.
and that was a damn lie Brought even more hate to our nation as if we didn't already have enough
You really are a demented little thing aren't you? You can see in full color he's putting his hand on the bible. lol, you gonna shoot up a work place next?
Trump even lied then
ext. Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defendthe Constitution of the United States."
Oath of office of the President of the United States - Wikipedia

Oath of office of the President of the United States - Wikipedia

He has by trying to keep out the illegal rapist killer Mexicans that the left so adores .

trump ban.jpg
Yeah, good luck in 2020
Thanks! Would that be the same luck I had in 2018?

Yes, when your DemWitted loons managed to lose three additional Senate seats.

Indeed, perspective:

At about the same time in their respective presidencies, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama had approval ratings similar to Trump's. In Clinton's first midterms, Democrats lost 14 more House seats than Republicans lost last November. Democrats under Obama lost 23 more seats in his first midterms than Republicans lost under Trump. Democrats lost eight Senate seats in 1994 during Clinton's first term. They lost six Senate seats in 2010 during Obama's first term. Republicans actually picked up two Senate seats last fall.

Can Trump Win Again in 2020?
- that no one of any import cares what they demand.

Democrats Demand Immediate Release Of Mueller Report | HuffPost
What is the justification for any delay in releasing the report?
Congress should have immediate access. But to become public, any national security stuff in the report needs to be redacted.
Barr and Rosenstein are going through the Muller report to make sure ANY Grand jury material is redacted according to LAW!!!!!!
That ANY declinations are redacted according to LAW!!!!!!
That ANY sources and methods are dedacted according to LAW!!!!!!!!
That will leave whatever information there is about why various people/entities were charged with Federal crime/s.
Of course all these redations are going to royally piss off the DEMs.
Too fucking bad!
One asshole 'expert' of MSNBC yesterday demanded that EVERYTHING must be unredacted, that's right EVERYTHING.
One negro 'expert' on MSNBC declared that the "only reason Barr is in charge is b/c Barr is "white".
That's right the bonobo actually claimed this.
We all know what's in the report. A bunch of comments like "Although we could not prove anything, it is the general consensus that the President may have colluded with Russians to influence the election". IOW, the same shit we've been hearing for two fucking years and are sick of hearing.
Muller's report is NOT even going to mention ANYONE who was not charged. That's DOJ long standing policy. That's why the POS Comey got in such deep shit for going against DOJ policy. If there is ANYONE on the planet who will make sure that never happens again it's Muller.
As Rosenstein has stated emphatically: "If the DOJ is not going to charge someone that person's name WILL NOT be made public". That applies to Trump as well as anyone else.
the 145 was Russian money funneled to the Clinton foundation through a Canadian company that was controlled by Russians.
If the CANADIAN company, Uranium One, was already controlled by the Russians, why did they try to buy it???
You idiots are too stupid to see just how moronic your lies are!!!

the Russians had controlling interest in the Canadian company at the time the deal was made. See my cite from the NY times.
You didn't cite anything, liar. Your Russian masters didn't have a controlling interest in Uranium One until 2010, and Guistra sold his Canadian company to Uranium in 2007, so he had nothing to do with owning Uranium One EVER!!!!! He pledged the $100+ million to the Clinton Foundation in 2006. Not that you care about the truth even a little bit.

so you are saying that the NY times lied about it? That the far left media rag that hates Trump and all conservatives lied about Clinton? Really?
I knew you wouldn't admit the truth!!!!
As you well know, the author of the book Clinton Cash lied, the NY Times just summarized the book.
Now for the first time in your worthless lying life admit you've been had by the lying scum on GOP Hate Radio.

indictments are coming, stand by to be demolished. Nothing in that book has been proven untrue. the Clinton crime family is Arkansas pond slime.
They certainly don't trust us. They create agencies to enforce law like the IRS, which Obama used to target conservatives.
Obama did not use the IRS to target conservatives...

not one single fact discovered in the year's investigation, linked Obama to it.... not a one!

And not one piece of evidence links Hitler to the Holocaust.

Any idea why that may be? Was it because he did not know?

They certainly don't trust us. They create agencies to enforce law like the IRS, which Obama used to target conservatives.
Obama did not use the IRS to target conservatives...

not one single fact discovered in the year's investigation, linked Obama to it.... not a one!

Louis lerner still is fighting so the IRS records won't be released to the public

Very telling.

No doubt, the left wing court system will keep in quiet, much like they did for people like Cosby all those years.
I switched over to MSNBC after the announcement and they were in ass clenched full spin mode. The news was speculating...let that sink in for a moment. The news was speculating that even though no more indictments that Trump did commit crimes and the report would show that Trump said he would plead the 5th. That's what passes for "news" in the liberal media. That's what a POTUS has had to deal with for the past 2 years. Presumption of innocence is out the window.
NEWS for Blues
Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.
I get that you have good days and bad days at your age, but this is especially bad, huh?
Every day I wake up sound and healthy is a good day Being a republican all my life up till GWB 2000 I enjoy reading all the posts which show me I made the right choice in switching to Dems
I don't know about your health, but sound of mind ... nah, no one is buying that.
LOL I handle 5 stock accounts and a RE business I'm as sharp as a tack even if I have to say so myself AND I know BS when I see it and Trump is 99% BS
Mueller is done Trumps legal woes are just beginning
It is common knowledge that the Clinton campaign paid for the fake Russian dossier, that Russians "contributed" 145 million to the Clinton foundation
It is "common knowledge" that they are Russian lies mindlessly parroted by skulls of mush.

um, no. the Clintons did pay for the dossier, they did pay Steele and Russian liars for it. They did get 145 million from Russian interests in exchange for the uranium one deal, bubba did get 450K for a speech in Russia and he did meet with Putin.

do some research and get back to us with your admission that you lied.

You did leave out one thing and who actually started this whole deal.

n October 2015, Fusion GPS was contracted by conservative political website The Washington Free Beacon to provide general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates. In April 2016, attorney Marc Eliasseparately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump on behalf of Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC. The Free Beacon stopped its backing when Trump became the presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee in May of 2016.[2] In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the dossier. His instructions were to seek answers to why Trump would "repeatedly seek to do deals in a notoriously corrupt police state".[9] Clinton campaign officials were reportedly unaware that Fusion GPS had subcontracted Steele, and he was not told that the Clinton campaign was the recipient of his research.[10][11]Following Trump's election as president, funding from Clinton and the DNC ceased, but Steele continued his research and was reportedly paid directly by Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn R. Simpson.[12] The completed dossier was then handed to British and American intelligence services.[13]
If the CANADIAN company, Uranium One, was already controlled by the Russians, why did they try to buy it???
You idiots are too stupid to see just how moronic your lies are!!!

the Russians had controlling interest in the Canadian company at the time the deal was made. See my cite from the NY times.
You didn't cite anything, liar. Your Russian masters didn't have a controlling interest in Uranium One until 2010, and Guistra sold his Canadian company to Uranium in 2007, so he had nothing to do with owning Uranium One EVER!!!!! He pledged the $100+ million to the Clinton Foundation in 2006. Not that you care about the truth even a little bit.

so you are saying that the NY times lied about it? That the far left media rag that hates Trump and all conservatives lied about Clinton? Really?
I knew you wouldn't admit the truth!!!!
As you well know, the author of the book Clinton Cash lied, the NY Times just summarized the book.
Now for the first time in your worthless lying life admit you've been had by the lying scum on GOP Hate Radio.

indictments are coming, stand by to be demolished. Nothing in that book has been proven untrue. the Clinton crime family is Arkansas pond slime.
I just proved the money was donated long before any Russians had any control of Uranium One and that the guy who donated the money NEVER owned Uranium One, and yet you STILL mindlessly parrot the same Russian scripted lies. The Tramp Crime Family are Russian pond slime, and so are you!
back to topic. Mueller found nothing to implicate Trump in any wrongdoing. But the dems wont let it go, they will continue this crap as they spin down the drain into obscurity and complete the destruction of the once great party of Truman and Kennedy. their obsession with losing in 2016 has causde them all to become mentally ill.

Since the report hasn't been released do you work in the AG's office? Just maybe Mueller adhere's to the DOJ policy of not indicting a sitting President. There probably isn't anything but without a release I will wait.
Again the part you left out is under oath. Just lying was not impeachable but doing it to Congress under oath, well yeah they kind of caught Trump best Friend back then.

Want to try again?

I’m cool with that

If that is the standard Republicans want applied to impeachment, then let’s see what Mueller has to say and apply an equivalent standard

Seems fair

If the Democrat House has anything to impeach they should remember the GOP Senate will have to support it to remove Trump.

If they can not get the Senat to go with them then Pelosi is smart enough not to waste the time and energy on something like that...
Kind of like what Republicans did with Clinton. They knew they had no chance of success but did it anyway

I am merely questioning whether Republicans believe the same standard of impeachment should apply to Trump

If he lies under oath to Congress then go for it!

Now will Pelosi be that stupid?

Not on your life!

Cortez would be but not Pelosi...
Again, Trump refuses to testify under oath..he is not honest enough

But a similar threshold can be found regarding election fraud, obstruction, money laundering, tax fraud .....

Will Republicans support the same standard they used in impeaching Clinton?
You are thinking about this the wrong way. They are probably going to do to the next Progressive Socialist president what on you are doing to Trump.
They certainly don't trust us. They create agencies to enforce law like the IRS, which Obama used to target conservatives.
Obama did not use the IRS to target conservatives...

not one single fact discovered in the year's investigation, linked Obama to it.... not a one!

And not one piece of evidence links Hitler to the Holocaust.

Any idea why that may be? Was it because he did not know?

Dude, just like Obama, all Hitler had to do was turn on CNN.

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