Official USMB Debate 2020 -- "Round One" Thread..

Was the first presidential debate a "shit show"?

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 88.1%
  • No

    Votes: 8 11.9%

  • Total voters
Did Hunter get dishonorably discharged for cocaine use or not?
Did he get gravy jobs and huge investment money from China and Russia or not?
  • Thanks
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As an independent Biden came on top this round....I suggest they stop debating, we all know what they both stand for. Trump is morally bankrupt and has been screwing everything he touches and every single day he says something unethical and stupid. Give us back the old boring politics this clown has to go and thr racists that came out of their hidings should go back into not ok to be a racist and a bully.
Does Joe Biden support the Green New Deal, like he stated, or is the Green New Deal not the Biden Plan, which he also stated moments earlier?
You must have been watching FOX, if you saw the debate, Biden clearly said that "HIS" new green deal wasn't that of AOC. His was Bidens new green deal.

Don't let the title fool you.
Another question:
Does Biden support ending the filibuster and expanding the SCOTUS or is he against those things?
He dodged that VERY specific question from Wallace and Wallace let him get away with it.
Wallace IS BIASED against Trump. I mean Biden interrupted when Trump was talking and I admit not as often or forceful as Trump but
for Wallace to to umbrage with Trump... biased!

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