Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

She's a quiet one. I'd just like to hear more from her.

I am somewhat disengaged. Lots of r/l distractions going on, affecting my focus. I should be more into it by the weekend.

Tell me about it. I have more irons in the fire than a blacksmith during these nest couple weeks. I am not sure there is any prying conversation out of her though, at least not early in the game, if history is any guide.
Were you not following along? He claimed his role was town then TN said this means Moon is almost confirmed town.

Alignment is only in regards to town or mafia. I would never ask about roles or abilities. Nobody said anything about a role. Role fishing is scummy. Your focus on this and using the word role is raising a red flag. The more you focus on it, the more Moonglow could slip again or look like a good NK target.

NK=Night Kill for the newbies.

Vote: CafeAuLait
She's a quiet one. I'd just like to hear more from her.

I am somewhat disengaged. Lots of r/l distractions going on, affecting my focus. I should be more into it by the weekend.

^ ^ ^

Sameech, about the second part of that answer, your quote got cut off. I thought you were addressing me.
It looked to me like he claimed his alignment was town.

Same thing.
Roles - MafiaWiki

There is nothing wrong with his saying he is town. The issue was the supposed quoting of the PM stating his role/alignment.

As I said before Moon is not new and he knows this is a "no-no"

What I took notice to was his making this 'mistake' and TN's automatically believing Moon had indeed quoted his PM role and may not have changed it and then announcing Moon was "mod-confirmed town".

This is why I find it a bit suspect. A ploy perhaps by scum.
Alignment is only in regards to town or mafia. I would never ask about roles or abilities. Nobody said anything about a role. Role fishing is scummy. Your focus on this and using the word role is raising a red flag. The more you focus on it, the more Moonglow could slip again or look like a good NK target.

NK=Night Kill for the newbies.

Vote: CafeAuLait

A role is town or scum.

Roles - MafiaWiki

The most common roles are Vanilla Townie and Mafia Goon.
It's not the same thing Cafe. Alignment is town or scum. Roles are like Cop or Tracker for Town as an example or Mafia Roleblocker or Mafia Redirecter for scum as examples.

Role and alignment look vastly different, to me.

I know I'm a n00b and all, but if roles and alignment were the same thing, there wouldn't be any point to barring one but not the other... would there?

I'd think not.

Besides, there are a LOT more roles than there are alignments.
It's not the same thing Cafe. Alignment is town or scum. Roles are like Cop or Tracker for Town as an example or Mafia Roleblocker or Mafia Redirecter for scum as examples.

Okay then wiki Mafia Scum has it wrong. Sheesh.

A role is the specific character or ability user a player plays as in a game of Mafia. Roles are at the very least comprised of a role name, any abilities that role may have, and a Win Condition.
The most common roles are Vanilla Townie and Mafia Goon.

Roles - MafiaWiki
Wolfie, those questions were... strange.

Who's going to answer with "Oh hai, I iz scum to-day" ? I don't get the second question at all.

The were an introduction to RQS and a way to generate discussion. Also, reaction testing. Nope, I did not expect anyone to say they were scum, especially if they were. At this point, they should be ignored.
The way I read it, Vanilla would be the role (mentioning townie as the alignment for context) and Goon would be the role (mentioning mafia as context).

Well I guess you did not click "roles" townie is listed as well.

For a complete list of commonplace roles, see Category:Normal Roles.

^ from first link I gave

Clicking on the "see Category:Normal Roles" from my first link gives a list of roles

Roles - MafiaWiki

Category:Normal Roles


Category:Normal Roles - MafiaWiki
On the questions, for example, if someone would of calmly answered town and so forth, I would of thought, probably town. If they would of over-reacted to the alignment question, I might have suspected them of being scum. Reaction testing is a fun gambit if you can get it to work. I don't think I caught scum this time, LOL.
Well I guess you did not click "roles" townie is listed as well.

^ from first link I gave

Clicking on the "see Category:Normal Roles" from my first link gives a list of roles

Roles - MafiaWiki

Category:Normal Roles


Category:Normal Roles - MafiaWiki

Sounds like another word for Vanilla to me. I wouldn't expect such informal language and nicknames to be used in a formal write-up unless there was a distinction to be drawn.

ie, Town may be the alignment, and Townie may be a role of those aligned to Town, but perhaps not all in Town are a Townie.
The thing is cafe, by saying you are town aligned or mafia aligned, that is an alignment but not a role.

If you say you are a VT or mafia goon, you are telling your role. When someone claims at L-1 (lynch minus 1) after an attempt to hammer (final vote in a lynch) has been stated, they are then telling their role if they claim VT. Now, scum will fakeclaim in that scenario most likely. If someone just says I'm town, they aren't saying jack about their role and will be lynched unless they do. Town is just an alignment. VT is a role-vanilla townie.

As a side note, I've seen scum self-hammer at L-1 rather than let town continue to get information or ask questions. I would of in game 3 if it came to that to protect my team mates.

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