Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I was joking! I didn't even bold my vote for Manifold!

Dang! Gone just like that. :wtf:

Regards from Rosie
I'm reasonably sure the setup isn't intended to have an Innocent Child, sameech.
I'm reasonably sure the setup isn't intended to have an Innocent Child, sameech.

Maybe because I knew I was coming in already, but the reveal plus Wolf wanting to be modkilled made me think a restart would have been an option too. Isn't like it hasn't happened here before. In the end, scum know who they are so I don't think this would have helped them out any.
Vote :TN5421

My questions were not against the rules and I didn't reveal my role PM. You wanting us both modkilled is scummy as hell. I called for Moonglow's modkill in game 3 as scum.

I know those questions can be asked. They were in a game I am in at the main site and that person did not get in trouble. I can't discuss that game. It is ongoing. You manipulated me TN.

Screw this. Let's play!!
Wolf, did you literally not even read?

The only person that needs a modkill is Moonglow.

If you would have read ANY of my posts this game you would know that. So I have to ask myself why you are trying to assign motives that aren't mine to my posts.
Moonglow-No one knows your role or abilities. Scum already knows your alignment. I think we can work with this.
Vote: Wolfsister77

You know better than this but keep pushing a misunderstanding.
Avi-I agree and we are. I have 3 votes. And 2 of them were because I irritated a couple people. Welcome to Day 1.

TN-I may have misunderstood but you quoted me and used the word also. Seemed pretty clear.

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