Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Are you saying you think Moonglow lied about it and TN acting the way he did was for show to let everyone think Moonglow was town?
Moonglow is mod-confirmed Town. PL-ing him is a definite loss for Town and a missed opportunity to lynch scum.

Anybody can bold the word Alignment - as well as the other words that were bolded in his message. I want to know how anyone can prove that he actually copied and pasted parts of the PM. If you can do that, then I would say, you were right, otherwise I think it is just a ploy for Scum to avoid one of their's being lynched.
Also, if it turns out he is indeed town, well, then, he'll know better the next time to be careful what he posts, because everything is scrutinized, and what one may think is going to help them may end up hurting them, and they can only blame themselves.
What he did is there for the world to see. That you seem so theoretical about it makes me think you do not know if what he posted broke a rule or not, which would suggest you do not know what the town win condition to clarify?
That is general Cafe though. This posting is not really out of the ordinary for her.
OK, I've seen enough. Anyone that got a role PM for a town role would know that what Moonglow posted was the exact wording from the town aligned role PM's. It was only a partial quote and didn't say roles or abilities which is why the game is continuing but it was worded exactly like the town role PM's are worded.

I know because I got one. It looks like TN and Grandma know too because they got one also.

Why don't the rest of you know this? Cafe, House, and Mertex?

Answer me that.
Okay, my two cents. Moon has played before he knows the rules. I don't think he would have done something so stupid.

I think it could be a diversionary tactic, and I don't believe this makes him 'confirmed town' as TN suggests. I don't ever recall TN being so reactionary either, not to mention he tells House to stop talking about it, until a mod can be reached, weird. The whole thing seems fishy to me.
It does not read that way. He got it correct (something that he could have easily made an error on without actually seeing the post) and a copy paste into the response would have looked exactly like that. Add Wake's reaction and I think you are off on your suspicions.

I almost feel that this makes you look scummy....

TN's reaction does not surprise me. From what I understand, the other Mafia boards are much stronger on the rules and TN was already hostile to the idea of having Moonglow (a regularly banned player) participating in this game. I fond his reaction expected and unrelated to his actual alignment. I don't read this as scummy.
OK, I've seen enough. Anyone that got a role PM for a town role would know that what Moonglow posted was the exact wording from the town aligned role PM's. It was only a partial quote and didn't say roles or abilities which is why the game is continuing but it was worded exactly like the town role PM's are worded.

I know because I got one. It looks like TN and Grandma know too because they got one also.

Why don't the rest of you know this? Cafe, House, and Mertex?

Answer me that.

I do, silly.

When I said "may or may not have been altered", I was referring to the fact that he may have gotten the PM as he pasted it, or he may have changed the wording to hide the fact he's scum which is an effective ploy if the verbiage for the PM's are uniform throughout all games.

The mod should consider changing up the wording from one game to another to prevent such easy manipulation.
What he did is there for the world to see. That you seem so theoretical about it makes me think you do not know if what he posted broke a rule or not, which would suggest you do not know what the town win condition to clarify?

I'm quoting this again. Sameech was on the right track here before I figured it out.
TN's reaction does not surprise me. From what I understand, the other Mafia boards are much stronger on the rules and TN was already hostile to the idea of having Moonglow (a regularly banned player) participating in this game. I fond his reaction expected and unrelated to his actual alignment. I don't read this as scummy.

I hate not knowing all the juicy history of other players. :(
I hate not knowing all the juicy history of other players. :(

Well I can feel the love from TN, and I do not get banned regularly...only sporadically...the attack left me with the need to change my vote..
Moonglow knows what the town win condition is. So does Sameech. So does TN. So does Grandma.

Those of you pushing to lynch a mod confirmed town don't seem to. And you know town won't lynch him if he's confirmed and you don't know what his role or abilities are so you are going to push town into lynching him.
OK, I've seen enough. Anyone that got a role PM for a town role would know that what Moonglow posted was the exact wording from the town aligned role PM's. It was only a partial quote and didn't say roles or abilities which is why the game is continuing but it was worded exactly like the town role PM's are worded.

I know because I got one. It looks like TN and Grandma know too because they got one also.

Why don't the rest of you know this? Cafe, House, and Mertex?

Answer me that.

What? Of course it was worded exactly like the town role Pms are worded. Do you know if the Scum pms were worded different, (and how would you know that?) and that is how you know that he must have copied it? If he was Scum, his Alignment would have been different, but the rest of the pm would probably be the same. Or, are they different? Can you answer that?

It sounds to me that you are fishing, and you are just making yourself sound suspicious.
What? Of course it was worded exactly like the town role Pms are worded. Do you know if the Scum pms were worded different, (and how would you know that?) and that is how you know that he must have copied it? If he was Scum, his Alignment would have been different, but the rest of the pm would probably be the same. Or, are they different? Can you answer that?

It sounds to me that you are fishing, and you are just making yourself sound suspicious.

I'm not the one that started the talk about the PM's. Of course I'm fishing, I've never played the damned game, Einstein.
I know what the town win condition is Mertex.

Well duh, so do I. But you haven't proven to me that you know for a fact that he copied and pasted his pm from Wake. Only that he worded it the tell me, are the Scum pm's different? Quit avoiding the question.
1. What is your alignment? Alignment
You are part of the Town. You win once the Fire Mafia and Ice Mafia members are dead.
2. What alignment were you hoping to get?Moderator with unlimited powers over life and death.
3. How do you feel about lynch all liars and lynch all lurkers?
Okay, as long as it is for real and not faked....

The part I bolded there is the town win condition. I know because I have seen it myself. Anybody questioning Moonglow's quoting of this doesn't seem to know the town win condition. Why wouldn't they know that? Why would they want a mod confirmed townie dead? TN freaked because he knew. Sameech questioned Cafe and voted Cafe because he knew. Grandma said he was confirmed town because she knew. Moonglow obviously knew.

Cafe, Mertex, and House don't seem to know the town win condition.

Are you all scum? I don't know. But my vote on Cafe isn't going anywhere.

And if you guys push to lynch me, when I flip town, the rest of town will know where to look.

My work here is done.

Have a good night.
Well duh, so do I. But you haven't proven to me that you know for a fact that he copied and pasted his pm from Wake. Only that he worded it the tell me, are the Scum pm's different? Quit avoiding the question.

I don't know what the scum role PM's say. But I doubt the say you win when the fire mafia and ice mafia are dead like the town ones do. I find it hard to believe that Moonglow would copy it like this unless he knew. If he was scum, he wouldn't know this unless they are worded exactly alike and they are not. It would make no sense.

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