Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

OK, I've seen enough. Anyone that got a role PM for a town role would know that what Moonglow posted was the exact wording from the town aligned role PM's. It was only a partial quote and didn't say roles or abilities which is why the game is continuing but it was worded exactly like the town role PM's are worded.

I know because I got one. It looks like TN and Grandma know too because they got one also.

Why don't the rest of you know this? Cafe, House, and Mertex?

Answer me that.

I already said he could have changed the wording. Wake sometimes list the PMs as they are going to be sent out to each player in the game set-up or when he links to the games from other forums, although I don't know if he did this game when he announced this Fire and Ice game in a list somewhere around the end of game 3 or beginning of game 4 IIRC. I just thought it was strange TN was calling for the Mod kill of someone he said was 'confirmed town' and not giving Moon some sort of reminder he was not supposed to do it.
I don't know what the scum role PM's say. But I doubt the say you win when the fire mafia and ice mafia are dead like the town ones do. I find it hard to believe that Moonglow would copy it like this unless he knew. If he was scum, he wouldn't know this unless they are worded exactly alike and they are not. It would make no sense.

Of course he would know that because the Game Timeline shows that there is an Ice Mafia and a Fire Mafia. It doesn't take rocket science for Scum to figure that Town's condition would be the opposite of Scum. Your enthusiasm to make one of us into Scum over something so trivial just makes you look like Scum.

So how do you know that Scum's pms are not worded exactly like that except to say the opposite? Did you get a Scum pm? Of course it would make no sense for them to be exactly the same, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out what the opposite would say....geez!

And why are you so worried about being lynched? Do you think you might have revealed too much of yourself?
It does not read that way. He got it correct (something that he could have easily made an error on without actually seeing the post) and a copy paste into the response would have looked exactly like that. Add Wake's reaction and I think you are off on your suspicions.

I almost feel that this makes you look scummy....

TN's reaction does not surprise me. From what I understand, the other Mafia boards are much stronger on the rules and TN was already hostile to the idea of having Moonglow (a regularly banned player) participating in this game. I fond his reaction expected and unrelated to his actual alignment. I don't read this as scummy.

I'm not scum. I may be off on my suspicions. But as I said I thought he could have changed the wording. Wake posted the role PMs he sent out in game 4 in the game set up IIRC and at the start of the game 4 and other game starts.

Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Or sometimes the PMs are in the links to the game setup's he links to when describing which games he would like to choose from. I ASSUMED this game was the same way as game 4 and other games where everyone could see what the PMs we all got looked like. I did not realize the PMs had not been posted at the start of this game until Wolfsister thought my thinking Moonglow could change words was a bad thing or I was scum because of it. I just looked and Wake did not put them at the start of this game as he has others.

As far as TN, I have never seen him pounce on anything before, except when he called Avatar a liar once, he usually seems to be laid back.
The part I bolded there is the town win condition. I know because I have seen it myself. Anybody questioning Moonglow's quoting of this doesn't seem to know the town win condition. Why wouldn't they know that? Why would they want a mod confirmed townie dead? TN freaked because he knew. Sameech questioned Cafe and voted Cafe because he knew. Grandma said he was confirmed town because she knew. Moonglow obviously knew.

Cafe, Mertex, and House don't seem to know the town win condition.

Are you all scum? I don't know. But my vote on Cafe isn't going anywhere.

And if you guys push to lynch me, when I flip town, the rest of town will know where to look.

My work here is done.

Have a good night.

Wow! Now it sounds like a real ploy.....Maybe you, TN, Grandma
I'm not scum. I may be off on my suspicions. But as I said I thought he could have changed the wording. Wake posted the role PMs he sent out in game 4 in the game set up IIRC and at the start of the game 4 and other game starts.

Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Or sometimes the PMs are in the links to the game setup's he links to when describing which games he would like to choose from. I ASSUMED this game was the same way as game 4 and other games where everyone could see what the PMs we all got looked like. I did not realize the PMs had not been posted at the start of this game until Wolfsister thought my thinking Moonglow could change words was a bad thing or I was scum because of it. I just looked and Wake did not put them at the start of this game as he has others.

As far as TN, I have never seen him pounce on anything before, except when he called Avatar a liar once, he usually seems to be laid back.

Wolfsister is full of it. Saying that we don't know our town win condition just makes her sound like she's over-reaching. If Moonglow is going to be given special "protection" because he posted what appeared to be a copy of the pm that Wake sent him, then all of us Townies need to do the same, so that we can be confirmed town and other Townies don't kill us. Scum already knows who we are, which is why this bullshit makes Wolfsister sound like this is her first game.
Mertex, you've already lost the argument.

Cafe, the MS rules are pretty strict regarding the quoting of PMs, plus MG has a habit of getting pinked. TN's stressing over it is a normal reaction.

I understand that. I suppose I was thinking we have lost so much as it stands, why would someone push to mod-kill a townie. That was my thinking, why not warn him? That was all really.
Wow! Now it sounds like a real ploy.....Maybe you, TN, Grandma

Wolfsister is full of it. Saying that we don't know our town win condition just makes her sound like she's over-reaching. If Moonglow is going to be given special "protection" because he posted what appeared to be a copy of the pm that Wake sent him, then all of us Townies need to do the same, so that we can be confirmed town and other Townies don't kill us. Scum already knows who we are, which is why this bullshit makes Wolfsister sound like this is her first game.


Remember there are two scum teams this time. Wake posted they can't NK each other, ( and at this time they don't know who each other are the way I read the game) but they can push to lynch one another's team members by accident or on purpose, or if they learn when they try to NK the other scum team member, they will be informed that person is scum.

So I would imagine this would have them pushing at the end of the game to kill off scum they may find if they pick scum to NK. I would assume they can bus the other member of their team as well. I don't think they would be working as a team yet as your post implies, since they don't know who each other are yet. So, my point is I would not assume they are scum, as they don't have a clue who each other is yet.

Remember there are two scum teams this time. Wake posted they can't NK each other, ( and at this time they don't know who each other are the way I read the game) but they can push to lynch one another's team members by accident or on purpose, or if they learn when they try to NK the other scum team member, they will be informed that person is scum.

So I would imagine this would have them pushing at the end of the game to kill off scum they may find if they pick scum to NK. I would assume they can bus the other member of their team as well. I don't think they would be working as a team yet as your post implies, since they don't know who each other are yet. So, my point is I would not assume they are scum, as they don't have a clue who each other is yet.
Darn, that didn't work. I had three posts I wanted to respond to and I was trying to do the multiquote thing but only got the last one.

Cafe brings up a good point. The two scum teams don't know who each other are. That also means they don't know exactly who is town either because then they would know who the other team was. So besides hunting town, each mafia team is also hunting mafia.
Darn, that didn't work. I had three posts I wanted to respond to and I was trying to do the multiquote thing but only got the last one.

Cafe brings up a good point. The two scum teams don't know who each other are. That also means they don't know exactly who is town either because then they would know who the other team was. So besides hunting town, each mafia team is also hunting mafia.

The quoting system seems kind of weird on the new board software.

This early in the game, our best strategy when we find scum is to figure out who their team is first because if I understand the set up right, they each get a kill at night. It plays into one scum team's favor apparently, but will stop us from chancing losing two player a night plus the usual early on mislynches. We have to kill them all, but the math works very much against us early on unless we are lucky enough to take out one of the teams completely.
It was not mentioned that Scum were also given safeclaim Role PMs as a safety precaution. They're secondary Town PMs given to members of Scum to better blend in. No player is mod-confirmed Town.
It was not mentioned that Scum were also given safeclaim Role PMs as a safety precaution. They're secondary Town PMs given to members of Scum to better blend in. No player is mod-confirmed Town.

This changes everything and this means scum knows town's win condition and I'm an idiot again.

Back to square one. Damn it!!

And Moonglow is onto necessarily town at all. And the ones I suspected are not necessarily scum.

Crap, what a waste of my time.
I meant to say Moonglow is not necessarily town and the ones I suspected are not necessarily scum.


I sure have been an idiot this game.
So the ones I said were town are not necessarily and the ones I said are scum are not necessarily.

OK, I've been stupid this whole game.
It was not mentioned that Scum were also given safeclaim Role PMs as a safety precaution. They're secondary Town PMs given to members of Scum to better blend in. No player is mod-confirmed Town.

Does this mean that scum have another 'role' besides their given scum alignment? For instance, they have their scum role, but also a town role that can be used in the game?
The quoting system seems kind of weird on the new board software.

This early in the game, our best strategy when we find scum is to figure out who their team is first because if I understand the set up right, they each get a kill at night. It plays into one scum team's favor apparently, but will stop us from chancing losing two player a night plus the usual early on mislynches. We have to kill them all, but the math works very much against us early on unless we are lucky enough to take out one of the teams completely.

I agree. Who is hitting your scum radar in this game so far?
I'm not asking about the safeclaim. If they were given another role, like a one-time use role - such as blocker, vigilante, etc - is what I'm asking about. Wake mentioned in the second post of the game thread this:
<a href="}">Official USMB Mafia Game #5: A Game of Fire and Ice</a>
  • Each player will have one special "" ability. It will give you one power. You may only activate it once this game. It may only be used during a Day phase. The power will be activated in real-time.
The way I'm reading it, they do have another one time ability. That could definitely shift the power of who wins really fast.
WTF is wrong with this damn forum software? It told me to copy and paste that link in, and it doesn't even work.
I am an experienced player who should of known better. I take full responsibility for this.

I require a modkill.

Asking for alignment is not meant to ask for role PM content but it resulted in that.

I can't even say why I asked it because I'd give away info on an ongoing game. I can talk about it when that game is over.

So, that's it then. Good luck guys!!

Avi-I agree and we are. I have 3 votes. And 2 of them were because I irritated a couple people. Welcome to Day 1.

TN-I may have misunderstood but you quoted me and used the word also. Seemed pretty clear.

Looking at these quotes in sequence seems clear.


OK, I just re-checked and I don't think TN ever called for my modkill. I think it was just Moonglow he was talking about. I just acted like a complete idiot for no reason. It won't be the first time or the last but still that was dumb. I'd like to take back a few posts now, LOL. I deserve the villiage idiot votes this time, duh. His aggression about it is likely due to how extremely strict they are about that kind of thing at the main site.

I accept your apology. Something like this happening IS a big deal on the main site, and Wake is probably the only mod I know that wouldn't instantly either modkill the offender or reroll the game.


It looked to me like he claimed his alignment was town.

This is true, but he broke the rules to do so.


1. Town
2. I like being Town.
3. I think a Townie that lies is hard to trust, hurts town. I wish we would PL those that don't contribute. They don't help town, don't even know why they bother to play.

These are the kinds of responses that Wolf was looking for. Even if this one is quite sarcastic.


It might be within USMB rules, but against Mafia rules.

It's not against Mafia rules. Lying isn't against the rules, but objectively it's not a good idea (aka: Against GUIDELINES, but not RULES)


Who the hell knows. but voting for Moonglow is an option.

As of this post, it was not a valid option.


I'm suspicious that you set up the whole affair...

She claimed responsibility already, you're late to the blame train.


Moonglow is mod-confirmed Town. PL-ing him is a definite loss for Town and a missed opportunity to lynch scum.

No longer applicable, see mod post.


I already said IDK if he was lying, Moon does know the game, the question is, did he make a true mistake or quote the PM for a reason? And the second question was, if the PM may have been changed to reflect town, when he may be scum , I said it might be a ploy.

I just think it's strange TN jumped on it demanding Moon be mod killed for reveling his role by supposedly quoting his PM. Why do I think it strange? Because if Moon is town, then TN is calling for the death of what TN called "mod-confirmed town". IOW ( assuming TN is town) calling for the death of one of our own so quickly, instead of letting a mistake slide, and just warn Moon for future games. On top of that, TN told House to stop speaking about it immediately until TN could get a mod. It reads strange to me.

He broke the rules (and the spirit of the rules, not just the letter) by pasting a part of his role pm. He potentially destroyed the integrity of the game by doing so.


That's certainly what some would like us to believe, at any rate.

I didn't see Wake confirm Moonglow's alignment. All I saw was a claimed paste of his role PM which may or may not have been altered.

Though, I suppose TN would know more about it than me... it just doesn't add up to the same thing in my book.

Having "mod-confirmed town" as the accepted "wisdom" of the group would certainly be a boon to scum, wouldn't it?

OK, I've seen enough. Anyone that got a role PM for a town role would know that what Moonglow posted was the exact wording from the town aligned role PM's. It was only a partial quote and didn't say roles or abilities which is why the game is continuing but it was worded (and formatted; added by tn5421) exactly like the town role PM's are worded.

I know because I got one. It looks like TN and Grandma know too because they got one also.

Why don't the rest of you know this? Cafe, House, and Mertex?

Answer me that.

Indeed. Added some commentary.


Why are the 3 of you trying to lynch a mod confirmed town?

Because they're scummy, probably.


It was not mentioned that Scum were also given safeclaim Role PMs as a safety precaution. They're secondary Town PMs given to members of Scum to better blend in. No player is mod-confirmed Town.


Vote: Moonglow

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