Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I'm not asking about the safeclaim. If they were given another role, like a one-time use role - such as blocker, vigilante, etc - is what I'm asking about. Wake mentioned in the second post of the game thread this:
<a href="}">Official USMB Mafia Game #5: A Game of Fire and Ice</a>
  • Each player will have one special "" ability. It will give you one power. You may only activate it once this game. It may only be used during a Day phase. The power will be activated in real-time.
The way I'm reading it, they do have another one time ability. That could definitely shift the power of who wins really fast.

Right, I don't know about that. I was quoting the safeclaims to let everyone know the deal.

In post 2, They DO HAVE DAYTALK.

So they have safeclaims and daytalk. This is already a big advantage. If they also have abilities, town is kind of screwed. I guess since they are also fighting against each other, I can sort of see it.
If I broke the rules on posting of the quotes, then how can I be scum? or you are lying about the whole affair and have personal reason for your dislike of my participation...?

I was lynched first before, why not now??
Moonglow, you quoting a role PM that everyone knows no longer lets you off the hook and looks suspicious.
As you can see they are bundling their scum and/or mafia association to get rid of a McGuffin...
Moonglow, you quoting a role PM that everyone knows no longer lets you off the hook and looks suspicious.

Right, you go with are the one that set up the whole affair and made it confusing, and very few have retorted to your demand for such you have again lied about your position on those not participating in the game...You better get rid of me, cause it makes you look bad if I stay...
If I broke the rules on posting of the quotes, then how can I be scum? or you are lying about the whole affair and have personal reason for your dislike of my participation...?

I was lynched first before, why not now??

The mod has already said that everyone has a sample of a Town PM, the fact that you intentionally try to push this misunderstanding as fact cements not only my read on you as scum, but validates my decision to attempt to WotC you.

Moonglow, you quoting a role PM that everyone knows no longer lets you off the hook and looks suspicious.

Vote Count 1.1


Wolfsister77 (3): Avatar4321, Moonglow, tn5421
Avatar4321 (1): Shaitra
House (1): CafeAuLait
Shaitra (1): Grandma
Sgt_Gath (1): AyeCantSeeYou
CafeAuLait (1): House
Avatar4321 (1): Sgt_Gath
tn5421 (1): Wolfsister77

Not Voting (6):

Rosie, Mertex, BobPlumb, FA_Q2, Sameech, MeBelle60

With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch!

Deadline is 8/26/14, @1pm central.


Avatar4321 (1): Shaitra
Avatar4321 (1): Sgt_Gath

WTF is this? Source: VC1.1

Fixed. - Wake
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Right, you go with are the one that set up the whole affair and made it confusing, and very few have retorted to your demand for such you have again lied about your position on those not participating in the game...You better get rid of me, cause it makes you look bad if I stay...

You quoted your role PM. You got called confirmed town due to it. Everyone knows the info. you quoted. Therefore, you are not confirmed town. I fell for this trap big time. Mertex and Cafe were suspicious of it and rightly so. I already fucked up repeatedly so if I get lynched that's fine but until I do, I will post everything I can to help town and you quoting your role PM is not o.k.

This isn't personal with me. You are acting suspicious. I'd be o.k. with PLing you for it regardless and again, nothing personal. Your behavior is wrong, period.
The mod has already said that everyone has a sample of a Town PM, the fact that you intentionally try to push this misunderstanding as fact cements not only my read on you as scum, but validates my decision to attempt to WotC you.


You don't know shit from shinola....This is a guessing game at best, and all you are doing is guessing...
This is the safeclaim all Scum received.

Hello, Scum. You are a Vanilla Townie.

You are part of the Town. You win once the Fire Mafia and Ice Mafia members are dead.

You may post in-thread.
You may vote in-thread.
You quoted your role PM. You got called confirmed town due to it. Everyone knows the info. you quoted. Therefore, you are not confirmed town. I fell for this trap big time. Mertex and Cafe were suspicious of it and rightly so. I already fucked up repeatedly so if I get lynched that's fine but until I do, I will post everything I can to help town and you quoting your role PM is not o.k.

This isn't personal with me. You are acting suspicious. I'd be o.k. with PLing you for it regardless and again, nothing personal. Your behavior is wrong, period.

Contradicting a double negative does not make a positive..
You're acting even more suspicious by trying to hang something on me which is not true, but go ahead, it will help to solidify that you are scum also...
And I was not directing the post of not liking me playing at you, yet again confirming you have a guilty conscience you are playing with to hide your true role..
Yeah Moonglow, you are not confirmed town at all. You are scummy. House, Mertex, Cafe, TN. They were right to call attention to this. I was wrong. Your quote could of come from a scum PM.

Yeah, you should go.
You quoted your role PM. You got called confirmed town due to it. Everyone knows the info. you quoted. Therefore, you are not confirmed town. I fell for this trap big time. Mertex and Cafe were suspicious of it and rightly so. I already fucked up repeatedly so if I get lynched that's fine but until I do, I will post everything I can to help town and you quoting your role PM is not o.k.

This isn't personal with me. You are acting suspicious. I'd be o.k. with PLing you for it regardless and again, nothing personal. Your behavior is wrong, period.

Wolfsister, I made the mistake of assuming scum wouldn't have a safeclaim. The only part that is your fault is for listening to my argument, which made plenty of sense at the time and isn't something I blame you for.

Scum want to push a mislynch on you before the rest of the players realize you hardcore townslipped during that whole fiasco.
Yeah Moonglow, you are not confirmed town at all. You are scummy. House, Mertex, Cafe, TN. They were right to call attention to this. I was wrong. Your quote could of come from a scum PM.

Yeah, you should go.
Oh I am confirmed of a role, and you are yet again wrong about your you will find out, but the way you play and TN. I wouldn't want to be in your neighborhood...if you have one at all...
Oh I am confirmed of a role, and you are yet again wrong about your you will find out, but the way you play and TN. I wouldn't want to be in your neighborhood...if you have one at all...

You're confirmed for scum for pushing this misunderstanding to attempt to keep the 'mod-confirmed' status.
You're confirmed for scum for pushing this misunderstanding to attempt to keep the 'mod-confirmed' status.
Then prove I am. You can't, your hate only magnifies your role..With every post you move closer to the dark side...
been alot to catch up on. Without my computer it's been difficult. And it looks like alot of this crap with moonglow is creating drama for the game.

the problem with moonglow is that he is just a scummy guy. So I I think hr is likely town. We could do a policy lynch on him, but I am not sure I want to waste a lynch on him. I'd rather be hunting scum than distracted by his behavior. Especially when I'm not convinced he is scum.

I suggest we keep investigating and if he is the best option at the end of the day we can still lynch him.

been alot to catch up on. Without my computer it's been difficult. And it looks like alot of this crap with moonglow is creating drama for the game.

the problem with moonglow is that he is just a scummy guy. So I I think hr is likely town. We could do a policy lynch on him, but I am not sure I want to waste a lynch on him. I'd rather be hunting scum than distracted by his behavior. Especially when I'm not convinced he is scum.

I suggest we keep investigating and if he is the best option at the end of the day we can still lynch him.

I do believe that as a mod, you know that on these mafia threads that personal attacks are not allowed.. I will give a chance to redact your statement before reporting you..
You do not know me personally nor are you allowed to judge the content of my character since you have no facts to present, only an opinion...
Drama, it's always occurring on the game threads, it's part of the byproducts of human interaction with an unknown variable and common in a game about concealment and lying...

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