Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I don't see anything about not disclosing abilities, only not quoting pm's. I had the ability to protect one person, one night. The kicker is if the player I was protecting was targeted by scum, I would have died instead of that person. I already knew who I was going to use it on Mertex so you are very wrong in saying I wouldn't use it. And the fact that you don't sound willing to protect anyone, you have definitely hurt town. If anyone had an ability that should not have been used, it was you.

That's not true. I may be more valuable to Town remaining alive. And your questioning, if you are indeed Town is just going to make me a Target. So, way to go.

I don't see anything about not disclosing abilities, only not quoting pm's. I had the ability to protect one person, one night. The kicker is if the player I was protecting was targeted by scum, I would have died instead of that person. I already knew who I was going to use it on Mertex so you are very wrong in saying I wouldn't use it. And the fact that you don't sound willing to protect anyone, you have definitely hurt town. If anyone had an ability that should not have been used, it was you.

Did you get hers?
Turns out her ability wasn't such a good deal. I could end up hurting myself and town if I use it, so I probably will just let it die. Sorry Shaitra, I was hoping you had some super duper ability that was going to be of help to me and Town.
She probably wouldn't have used it anyway, in my opinion, but I don't know.

And, I don't know if I am at liberty to disclose what it was. Maybe Shaitra will, or Wake can tell us if we are allowed to do that.

If you are town, how come you are not willing to protect another townie?

I am, I just don't know who is telling the truth that they are town. If I protect someone that is Scum, and they were in line to be lynched, I end up dying. How does that help Town.

So wait, this power stops someone's lynch? So, your thinking is if you stop a lynch we will think you are scum and lynch you next? That sounds like a pretty big ability if you ask me if I am reading you correctly.
I don't see anything about not disclosing abilities, only not quoting pm's. I had the ability to protect one person, one night. The kicker is if the player I was protecting was targeted by scum, I would have died instead of that person. I already knew who I was going to use it on Mertex so you are very wrong in saying I wouldn't use it. And the fact that you don't sound willing to protect anyone, you have definitely hurt town. If anyone had an ability that should not have been used, it was you.

That's not true. I may be more valuable to Town remaining alive. And your questioning, if you are indeed Town is just going to make me a Target. So, way to go.

I don't see anything about not disclosing abilities, only not quoting pm's. I had the ability to protect one person, one night. The kicker is if the player I was protecting was targeted by scum, I would have died instead of that person. I already knew who I was going to use it on Mertex so you are very wrong in saying I wouldn't use it. And the fact that you don't sound willing to protect anyone, you have definitely hurt town. If anyone had an ability that should not have been used, it was you.

Did you get hers?

It would seem to me her ability was being able to steal and abilities can only be used once per wake.
I don't see anything about not disclosing abilities, only not quoting pm's. I had the ability to protect one person, one night. The kicker is if the player I was protecting was targeted by scum, I would have died instead of that person. I already knew who I was going to use it on Mertex so you are very wrong in saying I wouldn't use it. And the fact that you don't sound willing to protect anyone, you have definitely hurt town. If anyone had an ability that should not have been used, it was you.

That's not true. I may be more valuable to Town remaining alive. And your questioning, if you are indeed Town is just going to make me a Target. So, way to go.

I don't see anything about not disclosing abilities, only not quoting pm's. I had the ability to protect one person, one night. The kicker is if the player I was protecting was targeted by scum, I would have died instead of that person. I already knew who I was going to use it on Mertex so you are very wrong in saying I wouldn't use it. And the fact that you don't sound willing to protect anyone, you have definitely hurt town. If anyone had an ability that should not have been used, it was you.

Did you get hers?

It would seem to me her ability was being able to steal and abilities can only be used once per wake.

Oh yeah, that's right. Mertex's ability was nimble fingers. Duh, so hers is used and she took Shaitra's protective ability.

This looks like Shaitra is town and Mertex is scum to me.
Turns out her ability wasn't such a good deal. I could end up hurting myself and town if I use it, so I probably will just let it die. Sorry Shaitra, I was hoping you had some super duper ability that was going to be of help to me and Town.
She probably wouldn't have used it anyway, in my opinion, but I don't know.

And, I don't know if I am at liberty to disclose what it was. Maybe Shaitra will, or Wake can tell us if we are allowed to do that.

If you are town, how come you are not willing to protect another townie?

I am, I just don't know who is telling the truth that they are town. If I protect someone that is Scum, and they were in line to be lynched, I end up dying. How does that help Town.

So wait, this power stops someone's lynch? So, your thinking is if you stop a lynch we will think you are scum and lynch you next? That sounds like a pretty big ability if you ask me if I am reading you correctly.

I think Shaitra's is the ability to protect a townie and if that townie is targeted by scum, she dies instead. Like a bodyguard. That would of been potentially been useful to town and is pro-town. Mertex's is NOT pro-town.
I don't see anything about not disclosing abilities, only not quoting pm's. I had the ability to protect one person, one night. The kicker is if the player I was protecting was targeted by scum, I would have died instead of that person. I already knew who I was going to use it on Mertex so you are very wrong in saying I wouldn't use it. And the fact that you don't sound willing to protect anyone, you have definitely hurt town. If anyone had an ability that should not have been used, it was you.

That's not true. I may be more valuable to Town remaining alive. And your questioning, if you are indeed Town is just going to make me a Target. So, way to go.

I don't see anything about not disclosing abilities, only not quoting pm's. I had the ability to protect one person, one night. The kicker is if the player I was protecting was targeted by scum, I would have died instead of that person. I already knew who I was going to use it on Mertex so you are very wrong in saying I wouldn't use it. And the fact that you don't sound willing to protect anyone, you have definitely hurt town. If anyone had an ability that should not have been used, it was you.

Did you get hers?

It would seem to me her ability was being able to steal and abilities can only be used once per wake.

Oh yeah, that's right. Mertex's ability was nimble fingers. Duh, so hers is used and she took Shaitra's protective ability.

This looks like Shaitra is town and Mertex is scum to me.

That's the trouble with you Wolf, you jump to conclusions way too quick. I have to wait for Wake to explain to me exactly how that ability works. You're taking Shaitra's word and she may be Scum for all you know. But go ahead, loose lips sink ships and you seem to be good at doing that. And Shaitra's quick jump on trying to make me look bad may be that she is Scum, she hasn't been saying much to help town from what I can see.
I don't see anything about not disclosing abilities, only not quoting pm's. I had the ability to protect one person, one night. The kicker is if the player I was protecting was targeted by scum, I would have died instead of that person. I already knew who I was going to use it on Mertex so you are very wrong in saying I wouldn't use it. And the fact that you don't sound willing to protect anyone, you have definitely hurt town. If anyone had an ability that should not have been used, it was you.

That's not true. I may be more valuable to Town remaining alive. And your questioning, if you are indeed Town is just going to make me a Target. So, way to go.

You are the one who STOLE my ability, and then said you weren't even going to use it. You definitely sound scummy to me.
Players are free to paraphrase anything.

I've got to re-read the rules and the pm to make sure I won't get in trouble for telling everyone what it is.
Grandma is unable to be killed Night 1.

[Grandma] - Invulnerability
Shield yourself from all kill attempts the following Night. This ability may only be used during Day 1.

: Invulnerability
Oh yeah, that's right. Mertex's ability was nimble fingers. Duh, so hers is used and she took Shaitra's protective ability.

This looks like Shaitra is town and Mertex is scum to me.

That's the trouble with you Wolf, you jump to conclusions way too quick. I have to wait for Wake to explain to me exactly how that ability works. You're taking Shaitra's word and she may be Scum for all you know. But go ahead, loose lips sink ships and you seem to be good at doing that. And Shaitra's quick jump on trying to make me look bad may be that she is Scum, she hasn't been saying much to help town from what I can see.

Hmmmm..........................I said something similar to Ropey in game 3. Who was town and who was scum then? I'm sure you remember.
I don't see anything about not disclosing abilities, only not quoting pm's. I had the ability to protect one person, one night. The kicker is if the player I was protecting was targeted by scum, I would have died instead of that person. I already knew who I was going to use it on Mertex so you are very wrong in saying I wouldn't use it. And the fact that you don't sound willing to protect anyone, you have definitely hurt town. If anyone had an ability that should not have been used, it was you.

That's not true. I may be more valuable to Town remaining alive. And your questioning, if you are indeed Town is just going to make me a Target. So, way to go.

You are the one who STOLE my ability, and then said you weren't even going to use it. You definitely sound scummy to me.

Yeah, sure, everyone is saying they are Town. Wake didn't give me a very good explanation on how it works and I'm not going to risk hurting Town, until I know exactly how it works. If you want to believe I am Scum, go ahead, you'll only look like a fool when I flip town.
Grandma is unable to be killed Night 1.

[Grandma] - Invulnerability
Shield yourself from all kill attempts the following Night. This ability may only be used during Day 1.

: Invulnerability

Damn!! That's a sweet ability Grandma. Since scum can't kill each other, this is probably a town ability.
There are no Scum or Town special

abilities simply exist, and are given randomly to each player.

-Edited for accuracy. At war with USMB glitches.
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Oh yeah, that's right. Mertex's ability was nimble fingers. Duh, so hers is used and she took Shaitra's protective ability.

This looks like Shaitra is town and Mertex is scum to me.

That's the trouble with you Wolf, you jump to conclusions way too quick. I have to wait for Wake to explain to me exactly how that ability works. You're taking Shaitra's word and she may be Scum for all you know. But go ahead, loose lips sink ships and you seem to be good at doing that. And Shaitra's quick jump on trying to make me look bad may be that she is Scum, she hasn't been saying much to help town from what I can see.

Hmmmm..........................I said something similar to Ropey in game 3. Who was town and who was scum then? I'm sure you remember.

Yeah, okay. You think you're being helpful to Town, but you are actually not. You're actually not helpful to Scum when you are Scum or Town when you are Town, but there's no stopping you, so ahead with your assumptions.
Grandma's would be useless for scum and Shaitra's is like a bodyguard ability which would be useless to scum.

Mertex's is something that would help scum.

Don't take my theory away again Wake.

I'd like to be able to go with one of these and this one makes sense.
Oh yeah, that's right. Mertex's ability was nimble fingers. Duh, so hers is used and she took Shaitra's protective ability.

This looks like Shaitra is town and Mertex is scum to me.

That's the trouble with you Wolf, you jump to conclusions way too quick. I have to wait for Wake to explain to me exactly how that ability works. You're taking Shaitra's word and she may be Scum for all you know. But go ahead, loose lips sink ships and you seem to be good at doing that. And Shaitra's quick jump on trying to make me look bad may be that she is Scum, she hasn't been saying much to help town from what I can see.

Hmmmm..........................I said something similar to Ropey in game 3. Who was town and who was scum then? I'm sure you remember.

Yeah, okay. You think you're being helpful to Town, but you are actually not. You're actually not helpful to Scum when you are Scum or Town when you are Town, but there's no stopping you, so ahead with your assumptions.

Thank You for your attack on my play style. You are not town. Deal with it.
Oh yeah, that's right. Mertex's ability was nimble fingers. Duh, so hers is used and she took Shaitra's protective ability.

This looks like Shaitra is town and Mertex is scum to me.

That's the trouble with you Wolf, you jump to conclusions way too quick. I have to wait for Wake to explain to me exactly how that ability works. You're taking Shaitra's word and she may be Scum for all you know. But go ahead, loose lips sink ships and you seem to be good at doing that. And Shaitra's quick jump on trying to make me look bad may be that she is Scum, she hasn't been saying much to help town from what I can see.

Hmmmm..........................I said something similar to Ropey in game 3. Who was town and who was scum then? I'm sure you remember.

Yeah, okay. You think you're being helpful to Town, but you are actually not. You're actually not helpful to Scum when you are Scum or Town when you are Town, but there's no stopping you, so ahead with your assumptions.

I won't attack how you play because I am not scum and I don't want to start a fight. Stick it. I don't argue with scum.
Oh yeah, that's right. Mertex's ability was nimble fingers. Duh, so hers is used and she took Shaitra's protective ability.

This looks like Shaitra is town and Mertex is scum to me.

That's the trouble with you Wolf, you jump to conclusions way too quick. I have to wait for Wake to explain to me exactly how that ability works. You're taking Shaitra's word and she may be Scum for all you know. But go ahead, loose lips sink ships and you seem to be good at doing that. And Shaitra's quick jump on trying to make me look bad may be that she is Scum, she hasn't been saying much to help town from what I can see.

Hmmmm..........................I said something similar to Ropey in game 3. Who was town and who was scum then? I'm sure you remember.

Yeah, okay. You think you're being helpful to Town, but you are actually not. You're actually not helpful to Scum when you are Scum or Town when you are Town, but there's no stopping you, so ahead with your assumptions.

And why do you think stealing someone else's ability is a pro-town thing to do? You complain that Wolf isn't being helpful to town but you are not being helpful to town either.

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