Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

vote Arden

she's been back and hasn't responded to any questions on why she said her role pm told her to vote wolf or really contributed at all so far
Wolfie's case on Wake:

What are some valid things to look for when hunting Scum?

Well, for one, words that ring hollow, or fake. THAT is one thing to look out for. Hyperbole and taking words out of context are also very important. Feeling like you're being manipulated, evaded, or that someone's being disingenuous are all things to note, too.


He already unvoted NL and declared RVS over. Both scum and town will do that so he could be either at this point. It's only one vote. I'm not putting him at L-1 or declaring intent to hammer or anything like that. Just letting him know he hasn't done anything too townie yet.

I see. That is good. You should always be on your guard in these games. I was right to think you would be a good Mafia player, Wolfie. :)

This is very sweet but looks like buddying.

What are your thoughts on claiming PRs?


Vote: Wake

Your paranoia strikes me as Town.

Though I asked him what he thought on claiming PRs. Not on whether or not they should go ahead and claim. I'm trying my best to read him here, guys.

Immediately says I'm town cuz I don't want to speculate about PR's. However, as scum in 1539, that Wake replaced into, I attacked a townie as scum for saying scum should of shot a player who had dropped so many PR hints D1 it wasn't even funny. Wake ended up replacing me in that game and knows scum-Wolfie will try to shut down PR talk for towncred.

Shhhhh................................No PR talk. Even mentioning what people think of it is enough for someone to slip or scum to perk up their ears.

I spent a lot of time in game 3 silently PR hunting.

Oh, Ok, OK, You're right. I'll be more careful next time.

Appeasing me which is something scum will do when a townie is coming down on them hard for something.

This explains my vote.
Vote: Wolf

My Role PM says she's guilty.

Arden, why you voting Wolfie?

Gross. Later.

Yuck. Later.


FoS: Arden

I find this posting to be really uninspiring for getting a read.
Not liking Wolfie's picking on House. Will keep my eyes on you to see if this is your Scum-game. HRM.

I wouldn't recommend a No-Lynch, and I think House should understand the gravity of that movement. By not lynching someone we get denied information we need.

Awaiting answers from Arden. Watching Cafe and Avatar b/c of their votes. Hm...

House is a big boy who is more than capable of taking care of himself. The sooner we get out of RVS, the better. And if you don't like NL, like I don't, you should understand why I voted for him.

I don't think he has the wherewithal to see through a No-Lynch.

What's important is whether or not his push for a NL makes him Scum.

It doesn't, and isn't indicative of his alignment. Since voting for a No-Lynch isn't synonymous with being Scum, I don't really understand why you voted for him. If you would, I'd appreciate some sort of explanation on why he should be voted for that.

Disagree. NL denies info. to town. At the least it's anti-town, at the most it's scummy. Why do you keep defending House anyway Wake?


No-Lynching is a suitable tactic in very certain situations. The act of doing so, even in the early-game, isn't necessarily Scummy. It may be, WOlfie, that House is a Townie who still has a bit of inexperience. I mean, he's only been playing a few months know. It's been six years for me and I'm still learning subtleties as I go about my business.

In theory yes NL during the early game does deny Town information and isn't recommended for optimal play. The question is whether or not House deserves to be lynched over it and, to that, I must say no. Though if you wish to continue with it I'll abide it, but still question you here and there as you pursue that angle. Personally I think a more pressing matter is Arden's bit about her Role PM although, since we're still in RVS, anything silly goes. :p

As for me continuously defending House that indicates that there's been more than one occasion that I've done such. In fact regarding me questioning you for voting House for his NL attempt, I don't think that even qualifies as defending him, because in truth I'm more or less wondering over your intent here.

Do you think House has the wherewithal to push through a NL today? I don't.

Anti-Town =/= Scum, so I reason it's not always valid to try and lynch someone for Anti-Town behavior, whether bourne of inexperience or not.

A NL on D1 is bad play and hurts town. There is no town motivation for doing so. So I'm happy with my vote Wake.

You underestimate House at your own peril.

Arden's comment means nothing to me cuz it was in RVS stage and I already gave it the appropriate response. If she pushes it further, she will be lying and then I'll change my vote but for now, there's no reason to vote for her for a silly RVS vote.

Here is where House thanks my post explaining why I didn't have a problem with Arden's RVS vote.

It was, and I voted for a no lynch for the express reason of ending RVS.

Hm. I suppose that makes sense, but you know there's other ways of doing that, too.

Since when have I done things like everybody else?

Well, for one, eating. Same with clothing, toileting and, likely, bathing.

*Clenches rolled-up list of random factiods.*

You are being disingenuous. I said "when have I done things like everyone else", not "when have I done what everyone does".

Not liking the game you are playing.

FoS: Wake

Has an FoS on Wake here for not liking Wake's manipulations of him.

You are being disingenuous. I said "when have I done things like everyone else", not "when have I done what everyone does".

Not liking the game you are playing.

FoS: Wake

Now we've got something.

A defensive reaction.

Do you feel threatened, House?

No, I dislike people twisting my words.

Build a case on me using MY words/actions, not your bastardizations of them.

More anger at Wake for word twisting. Here he's got a good case on Wake already but does nothing but FoS. Hmmmm..........................

You are being disingenuous. I said "when have I done things like everyone else", not "when have I done what everyone does".

Not liking the game you are playing.

FoS: Wake

Now we've got something.

A defensive reaction.

Do you feel threatened, House?

No, I dislike people twisting my words.

Build a case on me using MY words/actions, not your bastardizations of them.

Hm, yeah... I don't really see how I'm twisting your words. It just feels like you're being overly defensive, so I have no qualms putting a little pressure on this.

VOTE: House

What do you think of Cafe and Wolf's slots so far?

What are your thoughts on claiming PRs?

Who do you least suspect, and can you name anything about them that feels suspicious to you?

I don't care.

I don't care.

Nobody at all.

I don't respond well to manipulation our other forms of handling.

More anger at Wake for manipulating his words and really, he does have a case against Wake here. But does nothing.

House is a big boy who is more than capable of taking care of himself. The sooner we get out of RVS, the better. And if you don't like NL, like I don't, you should understand why I voted for him.

I don't think he has the wherewithal to see through a No-Lynch.

What's important is whether or not his push for a NL makes him Scum.

It doesn't, and isn't indicative of his alignment. Since voting for a No-Lynch isn't synonymous with being Scum, I don't really understand why you voted for him. If you would, I'd appreciate some sort of explanation on why he should be voted for that.

Disagree. NL denies info. to town. At the least it's anti-town, at the most it's scummy. Why do you keep defending House anyway Wake?


No-Lynching is a suitable tactic in very certain situations. The act of doing so, even in the early-game, isn't necessarily Scummy. It may be, WOlfie, that House is a Townie who still has a bit of inexperience. I mean, he's only been playing a few months know. It's been six years for me and I'm still learning subtleties as I go about my business.

In theory yes NL during the early game does deny Town information and isn't recommended for optimal play. The question is whether or not House deserves to be lynched over it and, to that, I must say no. Though if you wish to continue with it I'll abide it, but still question you here and there as you pursue that angle. Personally I think a more pressing matter is Arden's bit about her Role PM although, since we're still in RVS, anything silly goes. :p

As for me continuously defending House that indicates that there's been more than one occasion that I've done such. In fact regarding me questioning you for voting House for his NL attempt, I don't think that even qualifies as defending him, because in truth I'm more or less wondering over your intent here.

Do you think House has the wherewithal to push through a NL today? I don't.

Anti-Town =/= Scum, so I reason it's not always valid to try and lynch someone for Anti-Town behavior, whether bourne of inexperience or not.

A NL on D1 is bad play and hurts town. There is no town motivation for doing so. So I'm happy with my vote Wake.

You underestimate House at your own peril.

Arden's comment means nothing to me cuz it was in RVS stage and I already gave it the appropriate response. If she pushes it further, she will be lying and then I'll change my vote but for now, there's no reason to vote for her for a silly RVS vote.

My vote was also done during RVS. Why did you attribute my vote more gravity that Arden's, when hers was predicated on a lie and mine was an obvious non-starter?

Even though he thanked my post explaining why I didn't have a problem with Arden's RVS vote, he suddenly brings it up again and redundantly asks me about it when I've already answered it. Hmmmmm.........................

You underestimate House at your own peril.

This comment suggests to me that scum!Wolfie is subconsciously acting to eliminate a that while voicing her vote as being motivated from a townie mindset.

Vote: Wolfie

Votes for me for something he earlier thanked me for which tells me he just pounced on something to scumread me for while forgetting he thought it was a good answer yesterday. Hmmmm.......................................

A NL on D1 is bad play and hurts town. There is no town motivation for doing so. So I'm happy with my vote Wake.

You underestimate House at your own peril.

Arden's comment means nothing to me cuz it was in RVS stage and I already gave it the appropriate response. If she pushes it further, she will be lying and then I'll change my vote but for now, there's no reason to vote for her for a silly RVS vote.

House I do not underestimate. I believe he will be far more cautious since the last game we played where we got him. :D

Do you honestly think you should be moving to take House out so early? While there's not really any Town motivation for doing so I don't see much Scum-motivation for doing something so blatant like that.

If memory serves House's NL was in RVS, too. Hm. Now I'm getting paranoid here.

He already unvoted NL and declared RVS over. Both scum and town will do that so he could be either at this point. It's only one vote. I'm not putting him at L-1 or declaring intent to hammer or anything like that. Just letting him know he hasn't done anything too townie yet.

This supports my theory.

Happy with my vote thus far.

Says this somehow supports some BS theory about how I am somehow trying to get rid of a threat while trying to appear townie which makes zero sense and is word salad basically. Hard to defend against something like this because it's so bad.

House's case on me is bad and he should feel bad.

Disagree. NL denies info. to town. At the least it's anti-town, at the most it's scummy. Why do you keep defending House anyway Wake?


No-Lynching is a suitable tactic in very certain situations. The act of doing so, even in the early-game, isn't necessarily Scummy. It may be, WOlfie, that House is a Townie who still has a bit of inexperience. I mean, he's only been playing a few months know. It's been six years for me and I'm still learning subtleties as I go about my business.

In theory yes NL during the early game does deny Town information and isn't recommended for optimal play. The question is whether or not House deserves to be lynched over it and, to that, I must say no. Though if you wish to continue with it I'll abide it, but still question you here and there as you pursue that angle. Personally I think a more pressing matter is Arden's bit about her Role PM although, since we're still in RVS, anything silly goes. :p

As for me continuously defending House that indicates that there's been more than one occasion that I've done such. In fact regarding me questioning you for voting House for his NL attempt, I don't think that even qualifies as defending him, because in truth I'm more or less wondering over your intent here.

Do you think House has the wherewithal to push through a NL today? I don't.

Anti-Town =/= Scum, so I reason it's not always valid to try and lynch someone for Anti-Town behavior, whether bourne of inexperience or not.

A NL on D1 is bad play and hurts town. There is no town motivation for doing so. So I'm happy with my vote Wake.

You underestimate House at your own peril.

Arden's comment means nothing to me cuz it was in RVS stage and I already gave it the appropriate response. If she pushes it further, she will be lying and then I'll change my vote but for now, there's no reason to vote for her for a silly RVS vote.

My vote was also done during RVS. Why did you attribute my vote more gravity that Arden's, when hers was predicated on a lie and mine was an obvious non-starter?

Arden's was a silly RVS vote that means nothing. Your vote advocates a policy that can hurt town. Plus it gets us out of RVS by making a serious vote for a serious reason.

Voting Arden for lying about her role pm would have also ended rvs.

Can't buy this logic.

Now, doesn't like my explanation for having no trouble with Arden's RVS vote when yesterday he thanked me for it. Oops, contradiction much?

FoS: House
Shaitra leans town right now.

Moonglow, FA, and Grandma, Avi-null, leaning town.

Cafe, SR-null

Wake, Arden, House-explained
Anyone else saying they expect more from me can kiss my ass...................................
My above post was in response to Aye's mod note in the last vote count. I am not discussing ongoing games.
Anyone else saying they expect more from me can kiss my ass...................................
Can I get a coke,,with ice?
I am surprised so much activity and yet not all has responded...Does it look like lurking? Or maybe just holding out and letting others move first...???

Thanks for the advice maybe I can use it next time I am scummy in a game..
Wolfsister77 I also scum hunt when I am town, which I have not been doing this game.

I don't know if you genuinely missed that or if you are sandbagging your read of me, but I expect more from you.

I'm surprised Cafe didn't catch that, as well.

To me, just about every post someone makes is a form of scum hunting and or possible tells from scum themselves. But, you say you are not. You may not be scum hunting actively as you claim above, BUT others are reacting to your posts and I or others can take away information from those reacting or answering your posts and file those reactions away or use them to rebut a claim or statement later.
Wolfsister77 I also scum hunt when I am town, which I have not been doing this game.

I don't know if you genuinely missed that or if you are sandbagging your read of me, but I expect more from you.

I'm surprised Cafe didn't catch that, as well.

How much scum hunting as anyone done yet? I have, Wake has, FA and Shaitra a little bit but really not many people have scum hunted yet. I would of noticed this sooner or later but right now, we are all just developing reads. Many haven't posted much at all yet.

Give it time. BTW, my townread on you isn't set in stone. However, I'm pretty sure of it. Think what you want of my performance. I told everyone in the sign up thread, due to RL issues, I wasn't going to be able to put the same time and energy into this game as others.

People expect so much out of me. I either need to fight like hell, be rah rah rah go town, or I'm a disappointment to people. It's a little discouraging because with the bar set that high, there's no place for me to go but down.

Wolf, I don't know why you read 'disappointment' I think you put too much of a burden on yourself. When I do my reads which your reference above , go town Wolf type stuff (which I am unsure we can even discuss given Ayes warning in the VC)- So I am going to keep this post in general terms- my reads are not disappointment but reading different meta- please don't take reads personally, okay? :)
Anyone else saying they expect more from me can kiss my ass...................................
Can I get a coke,,with ice?
I am surprised so much activity and yet not all has responded...Does it look like lurking? Or maybe just holding out and letting others move first...???

Thanks for the advice maybe I can use it next time I am scummy in a game..

I can't call it scummy yet, (those not responding), since I had no clue the game started last night but just happened to catch we started last night while in the political forums.

However, the last sentence of your post bothers me Moon. I did not see any advice offered by Wolf, just an FYI and you thank her for her advice and then say maybe you can use it for the next time you are scummy. Your post raises a tiny red flag in my head- as if you are getting in front of a scum read.
Vote: Wolf

My Role PM says she's guilty.

Arden, why you voting Wolfie?

Gross. Later.

Yuck. Later.

FoS: Arden

I find this posting to be really uninspiring for getting a read.

I don't know what to make of Arden. In game 6 she was very helpful and quite different, but also had sarcastic posts or playful posts as well. I also tend not to hard read in the first few pages, RVS, etc.,( maybe I should look at it harder though) I do come back to them to see if my scum reads voted for another person I am scum reading though- IIRC it nearly never fails one of them have voted for each other or at least one. Anyway, my point Arden is one of my hard reads, along with Shai and Aye when she plays.

As far as Wake and House. I have no real read on either of them, I am null - was a little iffy on Wake's post-o-rama last night- but went to the main site and see he is erratic like that in a different game, but was town. I have a slight town read on Grandma. And a slight scum read coming from Moon ( reasons in my posts) . I am going back to the main site to read again- which game was it where you and Wake were scum Wolf? I think you said you and he were scum in a game a few posts back.
Vote: Wolf

My Role PM says she's guilty.

Arden, why you voting Wolfie?

Gross. Later.

Yuck. Later.

FoS: Arden

I find this posting to be really uninspiring for getting a read.

I don't know what to make of Arden. In game 6 she was very helpful and quite different, but also had sarcastic posts or playful posts as well. I also tend not to hard read in the first few pages, RVS, etc.,( maybe I should look at it harder though) I do come back to them to see if my scum reads voted for another person I am scum reading though- IIRC it nearly never fails one of them have voted for each other or at least one. Anyway, my point Arden is one of my hard reads, along with Shai and Aye when she plays.

As far as Wake and House. I have no real read on either of them, I am null - was a little iffy on Wake's post-o-rama last night- but went to the main site and see he is erratic like that in a different game, but was town. I have a slight town read on Grandma. And a slight scum read coming from Moon ( reasons in my posts) . I am going back to the main site to read again- which game was it where you and Wake were scum Wolf? I think you said you and he were scum in a game a few posts back.

I linked it in an earlier post-newbie 1539.
Anyone else saying they expect more from me can kiss my ass...................................
Can I get a coke,,with ice?
I am surprised so much activity and yet not all has responded...Does it look like lurking? Or maybe just holding out and letting others move first...???

Thanks for the advice maybe I can use it next time I am scummy in a game..

I can't call it scummy yet, (those not responding), since I had no clue the game started last night but just happened to catch we started last night while in the political forums.

However, the last sentence of your post bothers me Moon. I did not see any advice offered by Wolf, just an FYI and you thank her for her advice and then say maybe you can use it for the next time you are scummy. Your post raises a tiny red flag in my head- as if you are getting in front of a scum read.

Actually, he was talking about the advice in the earlier post where I said the Dead PT to the game I linked 1532 had some scum advice for newbies. The fact that he mentioned that the way he did and use of the words serial players in an earlier post makes me want the Psych to target Moon N1. Unless there is a more obvious tell from someone else.

Other than that, I'm not SK hunting right now anyway. I'm more interested in hitting scum now.
Wolfsister77 I also scum hunt when I am town, which I have not been doing this game.

I don't know if you genuinely missed that or if you are sandbagging your read of me, but I expect more from you.

I'm surprised Cafe didn't catch that, as well.

How much scum hunting as anyone done yet? I have, Wake has, FA and Shaitra a little bit but really not many people have scum hunted yet. I would of noticed this sooner or later but right now, we are all just developing reads. Many haven't posted much at all yet.

Give it time. BTW, my townread on you isn't set in stone. However, I'm pretty sure of it. Think what you want of my performance. I told everyone in the sign up thread, due to RL issues, I wasn't going to be able to put the same time and energy into this game as others.

People expect so much out of me. I either need to fight like hell, be rah rah rah go town, or I'm a disappointment to people. It's a little discouraging because with the bar set that high, there's no place for me to go but down.

Wolf, I don't know why you read 'disappointment' I think you put too much of a burden on yourself. When I do my reads which your reference above , go town Wolf type stuff (which I am unsure we can even discuss given Ayes warning in the VC)- So I am going to keep this post in general terms- my reads are not disappointment but reading different meta- please don't take reads personally, okay? :)

The disappointment comment was about something else I can't discuss and was more directed at House than you. I've gotten feedback from a few that I'm "off" lately and I am not taking it personally so much as saying that there is just no way I can keep those kind of expectations up the way RL is right now.

No big deal regardless.
Anyone else saying they expect more from me can kiss my ass...................................
Can I get a coke,,with ice?
I am surprised so much activity and yet not all has responded...Does it look like lurking? Or maybe just holding out and letting others move first...???

Thanks for the advice maybe I can use it next time I am scummy in a game..

I can't call it scummy yet, (those not responding), since I had no clue the game started last night but just happened to catch we started last night while in the political forums.

However, the last sentence of your post bothers me Moon. I did not see any advice offered by Wolf, just an FYI and you thank her for her advice and then say maybe you can use it for the next time you are scummy. Your post raises a tiny red flag in my head- as if you are getting in front of a scum read.

Actually, he was talking about the advice in the earlier post where I said the Dead PT to the game I linked 1532 had some scum advice for newbies. The fact that he mentioned that the way he did and use of the words serial players in an earlier post makes me want the Psych to target Moon N1. Unless there is a more obvious tell from someone else.

Other than that, I'm not SK hunting right now anyway. I'm more interested in hitting scum now.

I count them all as scum, they are all just as dangerous IMO. Or are you saying the SK is known as something else in these games? I know I have seen SR and I think it was IKA referring to people as 3rd party, which is confusing, is that what SK is considered?

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