Official USMB Nov. 2022 Election Day Thread.

Yes, without the Libertarian candidate. He's pulling, like 2%. But here's the thing: Kemp won with much larger margins than Herschel is getting. That means Republicans voted for Kemp but couldn't bring themselves to vote for Walker. How many Republicans are going to bother to show up for a runoff if by the end of tonight the Democrats have already secured the Senate with the Fetterman win??
Depends on what happens in NV and AZ.
Nope. Barely a blip on my radar. It will be high comedy watching the media ( and you shills) trying to cover for this baffoon everyday. Just like you do for Pedo Joe though.😂 Democrats do love propping up the crazy wack jobs…that they secretly hate having to defend.
Stupid ****. You have Margie Three Toes, Lauren Boebert the sex worker, Snake oil Oz, Madison Cawthorn who has sex with his male buddies, Matt Gaetz the pedophile, and that freak Gosar who can't stop spazzing out.
If the GOP can’t win the Senate, anyway, the I’d be happy to see Murkowski get defeated.
And... follow my logic here - you don't run returned ballots through a printer.

You don't do that.

You put the alignment marks on the ballot at the time of creation.

That is the industry standard, and has been for at least 30 years.

There should NEVER be a need to deface a ballot by running it through a printer

We're still winning at the moment even if not by much for the senate and in the house we're whooping the asses of you people.
No, you are not whipping ass in the House, FJB!

I fell asleep for a bit, but surprisingly BOTH the House and Senate are still up for grabs!

This is gonna be a nail biter!
Well it isn't looking like a red wave but more like a gentle ripple. But I predict the GOP will regain the House which will prevent the insane spending bills but that's about all they can do with a President and Senate that will oppose any good legislation they put out there.

Not looking that good for the GOP to take the Senate now. I'm hoping it will remain 50/50 with Kamala as tie breaker. Will not be good if the Dems take the majority.
McConnell sabotaged the Senate races. He refused to send funding to AZ for Blake. Nothing will change until McConnell and McCarthy are gone.
So far... this is a tabulation machine.

See that light blue cable connected on the right?

What does that look like to you?

And... the claim is... their printers weren't set correctly.


They didn't test them?
When the same place has a second round of unusual bullshit, you don’t need to look further for the problem
Well that was worth an allnighter...and it's only afternoon here.

It's OK; Dems only have a "minor loss". Senate is still interesting though. Still interesting overall; it ain't over yet.

Ah yes… the race the media claims wont be finished being counted until THURSDAY. ;)

How Republicans have prevented mail ballots from being counted earlier

Just like in 2020, Donald Trump’s allies are apparently gearing up to baselessly question the 2022 vote totals if they don’t go their way — by pointing to the length of time it takes to count mail ballots.

They should perhaps talk to their fellow Republicans, who have declined to allow the counts to begin earlier.

Recent days have brought a bevy of complaints about how long the vote-tallying process could take. Former Trump administration official Richard Grenell said flatly, “Any state which doesn’t count all the votes and announce the winner Tuesday night is incompetent.” (Trump ally Bernard Kerik responded: “Incompetent or crooked!”) When Pennsylvania’s acting secretary of state said the vote-counting could take days in that state, Trump ally and Judicial Watch head Tom Fitton declared it was “UNACCEPTABLE.” Many pointed to the speedy results in Brazil’s recent election to suggest there was something wrong with our system. And Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) asked suggestively, “Why is it only Democrat blue cities that take ‘days’ to count their votes?


But the bigger point is that, despite having two years to address the underlying causes of slower vote-counting since Trump baselessly cried fraud about “ballot dumps,” Republican-controlled legislatures in key states have taken a pass on allowing counting to start earlier.

The other major swing state where this has been at issue is Pennsylvania. But despite years of pressure to allow the processing to begin earlier, the GOP state legislature has resisted passing a stand-alone bill and instead tried to package pre-canvassing changes with other measures that were non-starters for Gov. Tom Wolf (D).
McConnell sabotaged the Senate races. He refused to send funding to AZ for Blake. Nothing will change until McConnell and McCarthy are gone.
Even some Patriots have unwittingly sabotaged us by refusing to present a unified front. When we work against each other over this or that issue, we turn people off. We can disagree on whatever issues, but those that share the MAGA vision really need to work together or some won't trust us. Committed Patriots will vote regardless, but the less enthusiastic folks simply don't bother.

The Democrats have it down. They may squabble among themselves and their vision and policies suck, but they definitely know how to stick together and present a united front. And it works for them.

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