[OFFICIAL] USMB Post Debate Poll/Thursday 10-16

Who won the debate and did it make you finally decide on a candidate?

  • Obama won

    Votes: 47 29.9%
  • Obama won and I will now vote for him

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Obama won and I am still undecided

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Romney won

    Votes: 57 36.3%
  • Romney won and I will now vote for him

    Votes: 15 9.6%
  • Romney won and I am still undecided

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Draw, there was no clear winner

    Votes: 23 14.6%

  • Total voters
Who won the debate and did it make you finally decide on a candidate?

What a silly question. There is no objective measure for scoring points. (foot in bounds,between the uprights,touched home plate...etc)

Alas, is will be inferred by clueless pundits and focus groups focused on nothing other than subjective flimflammery and predisposed opinions.

the president actually pointed that out last night.

i never thought dubya was a bad person... i just thought he was a bad president.

now cheney on the other hand....

I never thought jimmy carter was a bad person, just a really awful president. :D

Obama on the other hand is despicable

actually, i dislike jimmy carter for a lot of reasons. :)

disagree with you about the president. and, honestly, i don't think much of the obama deranged. i think a good chunk of the insanity surrounding the right's hatred of him is based in some true ugliness.

I am sure that there are those that hate Obama based on some true ugliness. Same with the left hating on Romney or whomever.

However most of what I have seen and pay attention to is the true ugliness of Obama's policies in which he is trying to change our nation into what he believes is a good path to socialism, therefore less freedom. pissing away the Constitution making my choice for me when it comes to health care and a whole host of reasons. It has become a cauldron of bad policies for a free nation
I don't hate anybody. I certainly have no reason to hate Obama. But I have worked with and for people who are poorly suited for their jobs and who needed to be replaced. Obama is poorly suited for his job and he needs to be replaced.
I never thought jimmy carter was a bad person, just a really awful president. :D

Obama on the other hand is despicable

actually, i dislike jimmy carter for a lot of reasons. :)

disagree with you about the president. and, honestly, i don't think much of the obama deranged. i think a good chunk of the insanity surrounding the right's hatred of him is based in some true ugliness.

I am sure that there are those that hate Obama based on some true ugliness. Same with the left hating on Romney or whomever.

However most of what I have seen and pay attention to is the true ugliness of Obama's policies in which he is trying to change our nation into what he believes is a good path to socialism, therefore less freedom. pissing away the Constitution making my choice for me when it comes to health care and a whole host of reasons. It has become a cauldron of bad policies for a free nation
Road to socialism? This is why you people are a joke.the mere ignorance is astounding that you people have. Forcing people onto private insurance is not socialism.
Dadt isn't socialism. The bailouts are not socialism. You are using words people fed you, and you ate it up like the sheep you are.

You are so off the mark its just sad. The patriot act, Ndaa,etc are bad policies striping away our freedoms.not this stupid notion about healthcare. The same healthcare romney passed.

You are so eager to remove obama you will vote for the same person,even though it makes you look like a hypocrite.
Romney ripped more holes in Obama's asshole than a pit bole does on the mailman.

Read all about it...Obama spins and lies!!!!

Time line of lies!

Obama's Benghazi Lies - Home

Destroys Obama's case. It wasn't about a fucking terrorist attack, BUT the protest over our freedom of speech.

On the 12th he was talking about the protest when he said terrorized.

Susan Rice said on the 16th that this wasn't a pre-planned attack. LIES

On the 18th Obama went on the letterman show and blamed our first amendment for the attack. LIES!!!

If the terrorized was supposed to mean a terrorist attack. Well, Obama sure inserted his foot in his ass.

Clinton on the 21st was the first to say it was a Terrorist attack. SPIN!

Obama on the view on the 25th said it was about the fucking video! Spin some more!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD4a9GHBF_U&feature=related]Carney maintains Libya attack was not preplanned - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPzjayOh-PU&feature=relmfu]Who is responsible for the attack in Benghazi? - YouTube[/ame]

O'shit did Obama fuck up on security?

Biden blatantly lied about Chris Stevens wanting more Security
The Fact Checker

“We weren’t told they wanted more security there. We did not know they wanted more security.”

— Biden, speaking of the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya

Biden’s bold statement was directly contradicted by State Department officials just this week, in testimony before a congressional panel and in unclassified cables released by a congressional committee.

“All of us at post were in sync that we wanted these resources,” said Eric Nordstrom, the top regional security officer in Libya earlier this year. A Utah national guardsman who led a security team, Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, said: “We felt great frustration that those requests were ignored or just never met.”

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIxjz5wEcF0]September 12, 2012 - President Obama Speaks on Libya Attacks that killed US Ambassador Chris Stevens - YouTube[/ame]

@ 5:00-6:20 you can hear the context in which he mentioned terrorism, Romney was correct in his assertation as, in context, Obama was referring to terrorism in general and not specifically the attack

Candy wasn't even right here as Obama said "terror" in the context of the protest.

Crowley to Axelrod: Obama Never Said Benghazi Attack Was 'Act of Terror
Breitbart ^ | 17 Oct 2012, 3:44 AM PDT | Tony Lee
Crowley to Axelrod: Obama Never Said Benghazi Attack Was 'Act of Terror'
On CNN's "State of the Union" on September 30, Candy Crowley insisted David Axelrod, President Barack Obama's chief strategist, was wrong when Axelrod tried to claim President Barack Obama called the Benghazi attack "an act of terror" on the day after.
"First, they said it was not planned, it was part of this tape," Crowley said when Axelrod tried to spin her.
This was Crowley the journalist, unlike the pro-Obama advocate who moderated Tuesday's debate between Obama and Mitt Romney and interjected herself into an argument between Obama and Romney on the exact same issue -- and took Obama's side.
During the debate, Crowley affirmed Obama's assertion that he referred to the Benghazi attacks as acts of terror on the day after.
After Romney correctly said it took Obama 14 days before Obama said the the Benghazi attacks were acts of terror, Crowley took Obama's side -- to an ovation from the town hall audience -- and she proclaimed Obama had indeed claimed the Benghazi attacks were acts of terror the day after the attacks in the White House Rose Garden.
On September 12, the day after the attacks, Obama did say the words "acts of terror" but he was not referring to the attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens.
Crowley knew that on September 30 and she conceded it again hours after the debate when she went on CNN and said while Romney "was right in the main, but he just chose the wrong word." But the damage had already been done.
With Obama's reelection on the line, Crowley seemed to have conveniently forgotten the facts she knew two weeks before when she grilled Axelrod in a way she should have Obama.
:blahblah: You're an idiot for continuing to politicize this diplomatic minutia as if there is any meaningful point.

Diplomatic minutia??? Those people are DEAD. :eek:
And last night, when asked a DIRECT question regarding who it was who denied them additional security, Obama refused to answer. That's not "minutia". That's incompetence.

Who was it who set the policy for our diplomatic presence in Libya? Who was it who made the decision to blame a youtube video after the attack? It's over a month later and this administration is still stonewalling. And we all know why. It's because Obama fucked up, got these people killed, and now FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES refuses to take responsibility for it.

The diplomatic minutia is the mixed-up misinformation and the repeat of a lie AS IF the President did not characterize the events in Libya as an act of terror the very next day.

Indeed he did! FACT not opinion.

News outlets mixed up facts from other attacks on the same day, and mixed up diplomatic responses surrounding those facts, and political opportunists pounced and repeated that lie about a "cover-up" but perception does not turn lies into truth.

You are being dishonest now in responding to my point by moving the goal posts. Hillary took responsibility, the President took ultimate responsibility, for the OBVIOUS security failures. There is NO question it was a failure, but there was no a LIE or "cover-up", which is my entire point!

Neither Hillary nor Obama has "taken responsibility". They said they have, but they haven't. Because what we have yet to see is a public apology for the incompetence which led to the deaths of our State Dept. personnel and a credible explanation for what currently appears to be deliberate misinformation afterward. Mouthing some bullshit about "the buck stops here" isn't a substitute for action. It's been FIVE WEEKS. And Obama expects us to believe that after FIVE WEEKS, they still don't have enough information to answer our questions or give us an actual apology, let alone the myriad resignations that ought to go with it, starting with Hillary Clinton's.

Think about it. If our government is so incompetent that it has no explanation after more than a month, after it couldn't even secure the scene for three weeks... what the fuck are you people defending??? :eek:

Now, this business about Obama using the word "terror" in the Rose Garden speech on the 12th is another twisting of the truth. For a week and a half, he and his operatives were going on about this youtube video. He did know that this was a terrorist attack within 24 hours. So, why did he do that? Why did he mention that video six times in his UN speech? Why did he refuse to answer that man's question last night about who denied the requested security for our personnel in Libya?

This isn't "political minutia". This administration is sooooooo incompetent that they've been getting people killed, and they've been lying for... ta dah!... political purposes, in order to cover it up. Why would you or anyone else want to vote for more of that? Bear in mind that these four aren't the first to die over this administration's ineptitude. We've seen a border agent killed as well as hundreds of Mexican citizens. He's declared executive privilege to avoid telling us why. Lord knows how many soldiers we've lost due to ROE's that he has set down. He told us in 2008, while debating McCain, that HE would be the one to "set the mission". Did he set the mission in Benghazi too? And if not, who did?

This guy is getting people killed, and you all act like it's some sort of unfair political attack that we've had the audacity to notice. At what point do you look yourselves in the mirror and say 'enough is enough, the emperor has no clothes'? :eusa_eh:
I listened to the debate on the radio. I didn't watch it.
By not watching it, my perspective of the debate is limited to the actual conversation and statements. It wasn't influenced by the gestures, body language or physical actions of the candidates, just their words.
A debate is all about words, what a person says. I say the debate was a tie. Not only that, but it was an actual debate (just like the first one, but not quite as good), unlike the so called "debates" of the recent past presidential elections. Mr Obama and Mr Romney made points and counterpoints, kind of like folk here at USMB do. Real debate and argument of ideas. Although, I do think the questions were mostly softball bullshit and liberal guided by the moderator.
Funny the way the cons are tying the entire debate to a misinterpretation of the Libyan attack. Romney might have convinced those that were already convinced, but he convinced no one else.

Why aren't the righties wondering why there were "no women qualified" to work in the Governor's Cabinet? Why aren't any of you wondering why he let the little lady go home early to cook and clean and sew? What if a man wanted to leave early for the same reasons?

The election's a couple weeks off and Romney still refuses to support the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

Why aren't the rightwingers wondering how Romney thinks he can get away with raising the debt by 8 TRILLION over the next 10 years?

At what point in the debate did Romney connect with the 47%? You know, seniors, soldiers, students, the working poor?

Why did Romney have to lie about the drilling and mining contracts?

Why didn't Romney answer the college kid's question about jobs?

Why did Romney refuse to consider banning AK47s, insisting instead that anyone with kids should be forced to marry?

He lost. Big.
Funny the way the cons are tying the entire debate to a misinterpretation of the Libyan attack. Romney might have convinced those that were already convinced, but he convinced no one else.

Why aren't the righties wondering why there were "no women qualified" to work in the Governor's Cabinet? Why aren't any of you wondering why he let the little lady go home early to cook and clean and sew? What if a man wanted to leave early for the same reasons?

The election's a couple weeks off and Romney still refuses to support the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

Why aren't the rightwingers wondering how Romney thinks he can get away with raising the debt by 8 TRILLION over the next 10 years?

At what point in the debate did Romney connect with the 47%? You know, seniors, soldiers, students, the working poor?

Why did Romney have to lie about the drilling and mining contracts?

Why didn't Romney answer the college kid's question about jobs?

Why did Romney refuse to consider banning AK47s, insisting instead that anyone with kids should be forced to marry?

He lost. Big.

What color is the lens you are looking through?
I never thought jimmy carter was a bad person, just a really awful president. :D

Obama on the other hand is despicable

actually, i dislike jimmy carter for a lot of reasons. :)

disagree with you about the president. and, honestly, i don't think much of the obama deranged. i think a good chunk of the insanity surrounding the right's hatred of him is based in some true ugliness.

I am sure that there are those that hate Obama based on some true ugliness. Same with the left hating on Romney or whomever.

However most of what I have seen and pay attention to is the true ugliness of Obama's policies in which he is trying to change our nation into what he believes is a good path to socialism, therefore less freedom. pissing away the Constitution making my choice for me when it comes to health care and a whole host of reasons. It has become a cauldron of bad policies for a free nation

bush pissed away more of our freedoms than obama has even thought about.

all obama did was continue the trend.
Funny the way the cons are tying the entire debate to a misinterpretation of the Libyan attack. Romney might have convinced those that were already convinced, but he convinced no one else.

Why aren't the righties wondering why there were "no women qualified" to work in the Governor's Cabinet? Why aren't any of you wondering why he let the little lady go home early to cook and clean and sew? What if a man wanted to leave early for the same reasons?

The election's a couple weeks off and Romney still refuses to support the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

Why aren't the rightwingers wondering how Romney thinks he can get away with raising the debt by 8 TRILLION over the next 10 years?

At what point in the debate did Romney connect with the 47%? You know, seniors, soldiers, students, the working poor?

Why did Romney have to lie about the drilling and mining contracts?

Why didn't Romney answer the college kid's question about jobs?

Why did Romney refuse to consider banning AK47s, insisting instead that anyone with kids should be forced to marry?

He lost. Big.

What color is the lens you are looking through?

I take it that you did not watch the debate.
The general election is won or lost in the center. Obama is still trying to shore up the leftwing loons of his base. That's not winning.

We've got 16 trillion in debt, no budget, and no plans offered by the current administration to fix our broken entitlements. In fact, Obama has given us another... broken from the start. He's provided us with dead diplomats, foreign policy shot to hell, Mexican drug cartels armed by the USofA, four-dollar gasoline, and examples of wasteful spending that would be comical if we weren't so goddam broke. His idiotic plan to balance our budget is to squeeze the so-called rich for a measly 28 billion per year, and his 'chicken in every pot' is free birth control forcibly provided by Catholics.
Funny the way the cons are tying the entire debate to a misinterpretation of the Libyan attack. Romney might have convinced those that were already convinced, but he convinced no one else.

Why aren't the righties wondering why there were "no women qualified" to work in the Governor's Cabinet? Why aren't any of you wondering why he let the little lady go home early to cook and clean and sew? What if a man wanted to leave early for the same reasons?

The election's a couple weeks off and Romney still refuses to support the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

Why aren't the rightwingers wondering how Romney thinks he can get away with raising the debt by 8 TRILLION over the next 10 years?

At what point in the debate did Romney connect with the 47%? You know, seniors, soldiers, students, the working poor?

Why did Romney have to lie about the drilling and mining contracts?

Why didn't Romney answer the college kid's question about jobs?

Why did Romney refuse to consider banning AK47s, insisting instead that anyone with kids should be forced to marry?

He lost. Big.

What color is the lens you are looking through?

I take it that you did not watch the debate.

I'm still waiting for someone on the right to address these questions.

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