[OFFICIAL] USMB Post Debate Poll/Thursday 10-16

Who won the debate and did it make you finally decide on a candidate?

  • Obama won

    Votes: 47 29.9%
  • Obama won and I will now vote for him

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Obama won and I am still undecided

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Romney won

    Votes: 57 36.3%
  • Romney won and I will now vote for him

    Votes: 15 9.6%
  • Romney won and I am still undecided

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Draw, there was no clear winner

    Votes: 23 14.6%

  • Total voters
I think Romney won, but you could tell the Bias in the moderator. America is tired of the liberal dog and pony show with these moderators. It is so obvious now on how they moderate these debates it's not even funny. And for those on the left not to even admit to that it really speaks of their character. It's pathetic and hopefully in the near future it changes. I dont know why the GOP agrees to these moderators to begin with.

They can't see it Grunt. It isn't in the DNA of strongly partisan people to be objective about much of anything.

Yes, those who were watching closely noticed that Obama got more time to speak before the moderator intervened--Obama netted 3-1/2 more minutes to speak in this debate compared to 4 more minutes to speak in their previous debate. That the moderator--shockingly inappropriately--interjected her own fact checking into the process and was wrong doing so. (Which she admitted she got it wrong later that night on CNN after somebody set her straight.) That the moderator was much more forceful interrupting Romney and not allowing him to complete his point than she was was with Obama.

To her credit, she didn't choose all softball questions for Obama and impossible to answer questions for Romney, but I can't believe there weren't much better questions that could have been selected for the debate than some of the questions she picked.
Even Candy after the debate admitted that Obama blamed the video for 2 weeks afterwards. Obama said terrorized to=violent act of the protest.

Yup. And she admitted that he did not clearly identify the Ghandazi attack as a terrorist attack in the Rose Garden the morning after but did imply that it was the video that provoked it.
Even Candy after the debate admitted that Obama blamed the video for 2 weeks afterwards. Obama said terrorized to=violent act of the protest.

Yup. And she admitted that he did not clearly identify the Ghandazi attack as a terrorist attack in the Rose Garden the morning after but did imply that it was the video that provoked it.

Look at that, a partisan hack agreeing with a racist.

Lying is un-Christian. But I guess if Mitten does it, it is excusable.

Team Romney Gets Bogged Down In Candy Crowley Fight | TPM2012
Candy Crowley, last night on CNN in the post debate interviews, admitted that Romney was right and Obama (and she) were wrong in that exchange. She admitted again this morning when called on it.

The post debate analysis now shows that Obama got a full 3-1/2 minutes more than Romney to speak in the debate. Crowley interrupted Romney 28 times; interrupted Obama 8 times.
Candy Crowley, last night on CNN in the post debate interviews, admitted that Romney was right and Obama (and she) were wrong in that exchange. She admitted again this morning when called on it.

The post debate analysis now shows that Obama got a full 3-1/2 minutes more than Romney to speak in the debate. Crowley interrupted Romney 28 times; interrupted Obama 8 times.

They are always enabling that dolt.
Has anyone looked at the poll?
Obama won
30 27.27%

Obama won and I will now vote for him
6 5.45%

Only 6 libtards in here say they will actually be voting for Obama, even though 30 thought he won the debate.

Can you feel the love, Barry? No? I know!:lol:
Has anyone looked at the poll?
Obama won
30 27.27%

Obama won and I will now vote for him
6 5.45%

Only 6 libtards in here say they will actually be voting for Obama, even though 30 thought he won the debate.

Can you feel the love, Barry? No? I know!:lol:
Using the same process... Willard got 7.

Candy Crowley, last night on CNN in the post debate interviews, admitted that Romney was right and Obama (and she) were wrong in that exchange. She admitted again this morning when called on it.

The post debate analysis now shows that Obama got a full 3-1/2 minutes more than Romney to speak in the debate. Crowley interrupted Romney 28 times; interrupted Obama 8 times.

No, she did not say she was wrong.

Candy Crowley Explains Controversial Debate Performance: 'I Had A Flashback To When My Kids Were Young' - Forbes

Romney was claiming that President Obama had not acknowledged the attacks in Libya as acts of terrorism for weeks. Obama denied this, but Romney continued on, so Crowley jumped in.

"He did in fact call it an 'act of terror,'" she said, referencing the comments Obama made Sept. 12 when he said "no acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation."

But Crowley continued on, telling Romney that he was right for to assert that it had taken Obama weeks "for the whole idea of there being a riot out there about this tape to come out."

When Crowley appeared on "Starting Point" on Wednesday morning, host Soledad O'Brien asked if her concession to Romney was a form of "backtracking."

Crowley answered with a vehement denial.

Candy Crowley: I Didn't 'Backtrack'
Candy Crowley: I Didn't 'Backtrack' On Romney Libya Fact Check (VIDEO)

Candy Crowley: It Wasn't Wrong For Me To Fact-Check In Debate : Enstarz
Here's what she said:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=athcyCTnTTs]CNN's Candy Crowley: Romney Was Actually Right On Libya - YouTube[/ame]

But Romney didn't use the wrong word. He insisted that the President had not called the attack on the consulate an "act of terror". The President's clear implication was that it was due to denigration of a people's faith. His "acts of terror" is very easily concluded to be in relation to 9/11 and not in relation to the murders at the consulate.

And it is a fact that the President's press secretary, the U.N. Ambassador the Secretary of State, and all other spokespersons on behalf of the administration were of one cohesive message for the next ten days to two weeks: This was not a planned terrorist attack but was a spontaneous mob reacting to a video that denigrated their faith.

And if that was NOT the way the President wanted it related, then why would they continue to say that again and again and again? Everything the press secretary in particular says to the press is pre approved.
An international Crime scene. A diplomatic effort. An enemy intent to divide and conquer.

WHY oh why would there could there ever be a Minor public information gap??
Well if you're happy that the President in charge of your security would tolerate such an information gap, power to you. I really prefer my President to be on top of an event that seemed to be clearly identified as a terrorist act by everybody except the President and his team. Spontaneous mobs rarely bring grenade and rocket launchers to the occasion.

Most especially a President who attempted to Demonize his opponent by accusing him of 'jumping to a hasty conclusion' even as the President and his team jumped to a hasty conclusion.
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Read all about it...Obama spins and lies!!!!

Time line of lies!

Obama's Benghazi Lies - Home

Destroys Obama's case. It wasn't about a fucking terrorist attack, BUT the protest over our freedom of speech.

On the 13th he was talking about the protest when he said terrorized.

Susan Rice said on the 16th that this wasn't a pre-planned attack. LIES

On the 18th Obama went on the letterman show and blamed our first amendment for the attack. LIES!!!

If the terrorized was supposed to mean a terrorist attack. Well, Obama sure inserted his foot in his ass.

Clinton on the 21st was the first to say it was a Terrorist attack. SPIN!

Obama on the view on the 25th said it was about the fucking video! Spin some more!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD4a9GHBF_U&feature=related]Carney maintains Libya attack was not preplanned - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPzjayOh-PU&feature=relmfu]Who is responsible for the attack in Benghazi? - YouTube[/ame]

O'shit did Obama fuck up on security?

Biden blatantly lied about Chris Stevens wanting more Security
The Fact Checker

“We weren’t told they wanted more security there. We did not know they wanted more security.”

— Biden, speaking of the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya

Biden’s bold statement was directly contradicted by State Department officials just this week, in testimony before a congressional panel and in unclassified cables released by a congressional committee.

“All of us at post were in sync that we wanted these resources,” said Eric Nordstrom, the top regional security officer in Libya earlier this year. A Utah national guardsman who led a security team, Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, said: “We felt great frustration that those requests were ignored or just never met.”
Romney edged Obama. Obama gave some huge lies.

Romney could have been better style wise. Obama was alot more energetic than the last debate.

Obama needed to crush Romney tonight. he didn't.

No he didn't need to crush romrom...god you get everything wrong when you try to analyze things. You are so completely bias its not even funny.
An international Crime scene. A diplomatic effort. An enemy intent to divide and conquer.

WHY oh why would there could there ever be a Minor public information gap??
Wait, what? Are you saying Mitten wants to divide and conquer?

I know you aren't but that is certainly what Mitten's words imply. I never thought I'd say this, but George W. Bush was a more honorable man than Mitt Romney.
An international Crime scene. A diplomatic effort. An enemy intent to divide and conquer.

WHY oh why would there could there ever be a Minor public information gap??
Wait, what? Are you saying Mitten wants to divide and conquer?

I know you aren't but that is certainly what Mitten's words imply. I never thought I'd say this, but George W. Bush was a more honorable man than Mitt Romney.

the president actually pointed that out last night.

i never thought dubya was a bad person... i just thought he was a bad president.

now cheney on the other hand....
An international Crime scene. A diplomatic effort. An enemy intent to divide and conquer.

WHY oh why would there could there ever be a Minor public information gap??
Wait, what? Are you saying Mitten wants to divide and conquer?

I know you aren't but that is certainly what Mitten's words imply. I never thought I'd say this, but George W. Bush was a more honorable man than Mitt Romney.

the president actually pointed that out last night.

i never thought dubya was a bad person... i just thought he was a bad president.

now cheney on the other hand....

I never thought jimmy carter was a bad person, just a really awful president. :D

Obama on the other hand is despicable
Love the fact that this poll shows the right/left demographics of this posting board.

Lots more righties than lefties posting here.

Can't say I'm surprised though.
Love the fact that this poll shows the right/left demographics of this posting board.

Lots more righties than lefties posting here.

Can't say I'm surprised though.

I actually think it is indicative of our country as a whole
Wait, what? Are you saying Mitten wants to divide and conquer?

I know you aren't but that is certainly what Mitten's words imply. I never thought I'd say this, but George W. Bush was a more honorable man than Mitt Romney.

the president actually pointed that out last night.

i never thought dubya was a bad person... i just thought he was a bad president.

now cheney on the other hand....

I never thought jimmy carter was a bad person, just a really awful president. :D

Obama on the other hand is despicable

actually, i dislike jimmy carter for a lot of reasons. :)

disagree with you about the president. and, honestly, i don't think much of the obama deranged. i think a good chunk of the insanity surrounding the right's hatred of him is based in some true ugliness.

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