Official USMB What is a Wall? Why a Wall?

Ouch. Or not...

Department of Homeland Security testing of a steel slat prototype proved it could be cut through with a saw, according to a report by DHS.

A photo exclusively obtained by NBC News shows the results of the test after military and Border Patrol personnel were instructed to attempt to destroy the barriers with common tools.

Steel prototype for border wall cut through with saw, photo shows
NBC = fake news
Poor snowflake :itsok:
/----/ Libtards - take the challenge and put your money where your mouth is.
WTF do you think the Texas border looks like?

It's miles of desert
This is possibly the most irritating misconception of the State of Texas.

El Paso is in the Chihuahuan Desert, but from Big Bend through The Rio Grande Valley (aka "The Valley") it is prairie land, much like the rest of Central and South Texas. The Valley is the worst spot for illegal border crossings because it is so far South and not desert.
The bottom line is that 5 billion isn't going to build a wall

It's a number picked out of a hat.

You want border security...then show what you want to spend it on. You'll probably find that most if not all of the money needed for that has already been appropriated

Trump is playing fucking GAMES here
/----/ You can use a ladder to climb up but then how do you get down on the other side?

What would you do if you're in that position?
/----/ I wouldn't be in that position because I'd enter the US legally. But I understand your question. Assuming I could heft the ladder up and pass it over the top to the other side so I could climb down leaving it for others to use. The the other wet backs would only need one more ladder to get up. But the whole notion is stupid.

True, but they'll use whatever works for them.

That's why we don't need a fence, we need a wall. Full blown, 40ft high concrete wall.
If it makes those on the left happy, we'll even call it a fence.
No free people ever begged to be walled in by concentrated wealth and power.
/----/ Funny you should say that.

Exactly the same isn't it, it’ll be our own little gated community and we’ll be with the rich white folk who look out for us, all safe and snug.

Your police have been militarized and are trained/are undergoing training by the Israeli military in societal subjugation and population control. Prepare to be Palestinianized, that’s your future, the police are already murdering unarmed nonthreatening citizens in the streets, on the job, and even in their own homes now, with impunity. Your expansive incarceration system dwarfs anything humanity has ever known, has locked down 25% of the world’s imprisoned, and it has a for profit component; we trade in bondage “again”. The entire population is under constant corporate state surveillance. The empire has 8 generational (your military’s term for it) war-without-end hot shooting wars up and running with more on the drawing board. No empire has ever occupied more territory with installations/bases all over the globe - not for defense, but to “manage” the planet’s resources and wealth extraction while funding it economically cannibalizes “the homeland”. We support ¾’s of the world’s military dictatorships. We just stood by an ally that liquefied a journalist and routinely holds public square beheadings. We’ve seen the internal war games at OCCUPY, Ferguson and DAPL.

And now our brave and free exceptional people beg to be walled in by concentrated wealth and power. This is not a free and open society or people. This is a people duped into cooperating with and participating in a colonial-based predatory economic system that eventually enslaves all because it must constantly expand and feed, extract, concentrate and redistribute wealth both societal, and from the natural world. It’s economic cannibalism. You watched as it devoured others as you believed your privilege would spare you. And understand, my use of “you” here is “us”. All of “us”. We did all of this to ourselves, we all participated, and by and large we still are, fawning over the aristocracy begging them to save us from our anxiety.

Historically any society that enjoys this level of corruption, predation and wealth/income disparity eventually devolves into either a police state or open rebellion. Your power structure understands that and knows full well it has lost all semblance of legitimacy. They are preparing for the backlash they know is coming and you are no longer off the menu. Any for profit internment camps they build for your scary brown people can be used to hold you as well. We would all do well to revisit the history of groups of people(s) this power structure decided it no longer required for revenue generation or found to be in the way of “progress”.
The bottom line is that 5 billion isn't going to build a wall

It's a number picked out of a hat.

You want border security...then show what you want to spend it on. You'll probably find that most if not all of the money needed for that has already been appropriated

Trump is playing fucking GAMES here

He is, of course. But the entire system is a game. The People had better get clued up on all of it, Don is a side show and the "two" parties work in tandem to fuck The People.
So what? You could cut up a freaking aircraft carrier with the right saw and with enough time but it ain't gonna happen with sensoring devices and patrols. The point of course is that a steel slab will stop the almost casual entry into the U.S. that the Border Patrol has been plagued with for a quarter century.
WTF do you think the Texas border looks like?

It's miles of desert
This is possibly the most irritating misconception of the State of Texas.

El Paso is in the Chihuahuan Desert, but from Big Bend through The Rio Grande Valley (aka "The Valley") it is prairie land, much like the rest of Central and South Texas. The Valley is the worst spot for illegal border crossings because it is so far South and not desert.

So what? You could cut up a freaking aircraft carrier with the right saw and with enough time but it ain't gonna happen with sensoring devices and patrols. The point of course is that a steel slab will stop the almost casual entry into the U.S. that the Border Patrol has been plagued with for a quarter century.

the dems agreed to pay for high tech and more agents .. Trump wont say WTF he wants other than a blank check - THAT AINT GONNA HAPPEN

Ouch. Or not...

Department of Homeland Security testing of a steel slat prototype proved it could be cut through with a saw, according to a report by DHS.

A photo exclusively obtained by NBC News shows the results of the test after military and Border Patrol personnel were instructed to attempt to destroy the barriers with common tools.

Steel prototype for border wall cut through with saw, photo shows
NBC = fake news
Poor snowflake :itsok:
/----/ Libtards - take the challenge and put your money where your mouth is.

Please remove the walls as well, really oppressive those things. Open doors and no walls, everyone live together happily ever after.
The Fake News is actually helping the ideas in making a strong wall. We might actually have to thank them for helping resource better wall options.
The bottom line is that 5 billion isn't going to build a wall

It's a number picked out of a hat.

You want border security...then show what you want to spend it on. You'll probably find that most if not all of the money needed for that has already been appropriated

Trump is playing fucking GAMES here

Trump should have stayed on original $25B price tag.

For every day Democrats refuse to negotiate, Trump should demand additional $1B for the wall.
The bottom line is that 5 billion isn't going to build a wall

It's a number picked out of a hat.

You want border security...then show what you want to spend it on. You'll probably find that most if not all of the money needed for that has already been appropriated

Trump is playing fucking GAMES here

Trump should have stayed on original $25B price tag.

For every day Democrats refuse to negotiate, Trump should demand additional $1B for the wall.

yeah, that'll work .. go with that one

To objectively address the thread's title, we need to review Trump's campaign mantra.....

Trump promised his loyal base a wall (never mind the moronic assertion that Mexico would pay for it; THAT was just demagoguery.)

Trump also knows that if a wall is NOT built, his chances of re-election are about as probable as Jill Stein's in 2016

Then we have the made-up DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted until he or she is out of office and Trump well knows that there are a ton of legal quagmires awaiting him AND his family in 2021 were he out of office.

Finally, the only viable defense that Trump may have in facing these legal issues, is to rely on the statutes of limitation to save his hide.

Sooooooo, the real reason why Trump NEEDS a wall to be built, is NOT because of a made-up "national crisis"........but simply, to keep his fat ass out of bankruptcies, shame and even possibly out of prison.
Trump promised his loyal base a wall (never mind the moronic assertion that Mexico would pay for it; THAT was just demagoguery.)
Hope and Change:
Government reforms, fiscal discipline, transparency

So, how did that hope and change work out for you?

April 2009:

"All across America,
families are tightening their belts and making hard choices.
Now, Washington must show that same sense of responsibility."

"It’s time to fundamentally change
the way that we do business in Washington.

...we need to reform our government
so that it is more efficient, more transparent, and more creative.
That will demand new thinking and a new sense of responsibility
for every dollar that is spent."

"cut what doesn’t work."

"I’m announcing several steps
that my Administration will take in the weeks ahead
to restore fiscal discipline"

"so that government acts the same way
any responsible family does in setting its budget."

"We cannot sustain deficits
that mortgage our children’s future,
nor tolerate wasteful inefficiency.

Government has a responsibility
to spend the peoples’ money wisely,
and to serve the people effectively.

I will work every single day that I am President
to live up to that responsibility..."
Sooooooo, the real reason why Trump NEEDS a wall to be built, is NOT because of a made-up "national crisis"........but simply, to keep his fat ass out of bankruptcies, shame and even possibly out of prison.
For real...take your meds!
For real...take your meds!

When a Trump ass this idiot above......CANNOT address the thread's topic, she of course reverts to attacking Obama.........

Desperation and deflection among Trump Cult Members is kind-a cute........LMAO

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