Official USMB What is a Wall? Why a Wall?

President Trump aka Liar in Chief will hoist his flag of surrender by declaring his lie about a wall paid for by Mexico. He will try to declare the wall necessary for National Security and attempt to make the military pay for it.

When the case for a wall is lost in the courts as it surely will, Trump will have plenty of excuses for not getting his big beautiful concrete wall but make no mistake, Trump is surrendering.
Walls work.


Debate me.
President Trump aka Liar in Chief will hoist his flag of surrender by declaring his lie about a wall paid for by Mexico. He will try to declare the wall necessary for National Security and attempt to make the military pay for it.

When the case for a wall is lost in the courts as it surely will, Trump will have plenty of excuses for not getting his big beautiful concrete wall but make no mistake, Trump is surrendering.

When it gets to the Supreme Court, Trump will win the case there. He has broad powers under declaring an emergency. And I hope if they force him into that position, we get a 35 billion dollar wall the Democrats can never tear down.
President Trump aka Liar in Chief will hoist his flag of surrender by declaring his lie about a wall paid for by Mexico. He will try to declare the wall necessary for National Security and attempt to make the military pay for it.

When the case for a wall is lost in the courts as it surely will, Trump will have plenty of excuses for not getting his big beautiful concrete wall but make no mistake, Trump is surrendering.
Funny how Rush Limbaugh predicted this from you dumbass liberals at 1pm today. You guys are so predictable.
I think Trump's a triple winner here.

1) He's doing his best to fulfill a campaign promise---and its one that may well have gotten him elected;

2) If he can get it done, in spite of the hate and spite from Democrats, he will be protecting U.S. Citizens in many ways---which is his job; and

3) The Democrats, even with the New York (Pravda) Media behind them, look like complete fools for opposing something they only recently supported, all because they personally don't like the duly elected President.

The smart Liberal/Marxist would stay away from this post, as there is no rational response.

But, I have been reading this board for several years now and I have not seen a single intelligent well-reason comment by a Liberal/Marxists yet.

But we'll see. .
The smart Liberal/Marxist would stay away from this post, as there is no rational response.

But, I have been reading this board for several years now and I have not seen a single intelligent well-reason comment by a Liberal/Marxists yet.

But we'll see. .

Yes, they are quite good at admitting defeat before the match has even started.

For example, one commented that "we can't possibly build the wall, because it's impossible to maintain a wall in the desert". A other one "A wall can't possibly cross a river".

Just imagine if these losers were in control of the country. Their plan is to wave the white flag and let Mexico and the 3rd world alien horde just take over.
Here's something to think about...................Trump wants to pull 5.1 Billion dollars from the military budget and use it to build his wall.

Well, because most of you have calculators on your phones or computers, and can do the math yourselves, I'm simply gonna tell you what some things in the military cost, and then you can decide if the wall is worth what the military is gonna give up for it.

Example...................An FA-18 fighter jet costs 70.5 million. 5.1 billion divided by 70.5 million is 72,340, which means over 72,000 jets.

F-35 jet, 80 million
B52 stratofortress, 14.43 million

Abrams M1A2 tank, 6.2 million

MRAP vehicle (the kind that protects our troops), 500,000 to 1 million each

Current Arleigh Burke warship, 1.7 billion each

Cost for operating a US Navy carrier with full air wing, 2.5 million per day

Now, this is just a couple of things that the military has, as well as uses every day. Do the calculations yourself, and you can see how much of a negative impact giving 5.1 BILLION dollars to fund the wall from the military budget will have.
Walls work.


Debate me.

Isreal is the size of postage stamp . We have more wall already than isreal.

I ask you : why no demand for a wall on the Canada border .

Oh no. I am defeated. How can we possibly overcome this?

Just kidding. Guess what the obvious answer is?

We build a bigger wall!

Again an UTTERLY STUPID leftist response. The border wall of Israel is about 200 miles (and when completed is supposed to be 400 miles). Our border is about 3000 miles. Yet we have 315 million people, they have 9 million people. You would need a telescope to find the 5 billion dent in the massive federal budget.

Why not build a wall on the Canada border? Because almost no illegals come from there, DUH! Maybe if it starts to be a problem we will build one.
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President Trump aka Liar in Chief will hoist his flag of surrender by declaring his lie about a wall paid for by Mexico. He will try to declare the wall necessary for National Security and attempt to make the military pay for it.

When the case for a wall is lost in the courts as it surely will, Trump will have plenty of excuses for not getting his big beautiful concrete wall but make no mistake, Trump is surrendering.

When it gets to the Supreme Court, Trump will win the case there. He has broad powers under declaring an emergency. And I hope if they force him into that position, we get a 35 billion dollar wall the Democrats can never tear down.
You think democrats don't own backhoes?

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