Official USMB What is a Wall? Why a Wall?

Hey dumbasses...if you think it's of use to build walls in the desert...obviously someone is going to try to breach them. That means that you have to defend 2000 miles of mostly desolate desert fencing or ignore the breaches.

When the cost starts mounting, guess which of those choices will happen (assuming the boondoggle ever got built in the first place)...

Yup...more and bigger gaps start popping up. Fix one and five more pop up..

Great idea.

Does that mean that we shouldn't have drones and sensors and walls where they make sense?

Of course not...but a 30 billion dollar wall is an absurd boondoggle
Hey dumbasses...if you think it's of use to build walls in the desert...obviously someone is going to try to breach them. That means that you have to defend 2000 miles of mostly desolate desert fencing or ignore the breaches.

When the cost starts mounting, guess which of those choices will happen (assuming the boondoggle ever got built in the first place)...

Yup...more and bigger gaps start popping up. Fix one and five more pop up..

Great idea.

Does that mean that we shouldn't have drones and sensors and walls where they make sense?

Of course not...but a 30 billion dollar wall is an absurd boondoggle

And why would we need to build the wall on the desert? Why can't we build the wall around the desert?

Oh of course, it's impossible because... reasons... securing the border is impossible, can't you see? IMPOSSIBLE! Just better not have a border and let in all the aliens because it's all impossible anyway.
Congress gave Goldilocks $1.6 billion for a steel fence - maybe that old prick should read the budget HE SIGNED.
Funny, I remember when you lefties Party Line was the Trump would never even try to do it.

And now your line is that you will stop him from doing it.

And yet, at no point, did any of you admit that you were wrong initially.

YOu libs are like that.
I can’t speak for other “Libs” but I always saw Trumps wall campaign as unrealistic and full of hot air. The “wall” is now evolving, like most campaign ideas do... but as far as building a new coast to coast “Great Wall of Trump” that Mexico is paying for like he advertised, not going to ever happen. Now for repairing existing fencing and adding walls/fences where neccessary like we have done for decades. Yes of course that is reasonable and will happen. Just gotta get beyond all this political squabbling nonesense

1. If the end result of Trump's Wall is the status quo, that is a failure.

2. There is no reason that we cannot have all the reasonably accessible routs into the country, walled.

3. Who pays for it, is FAR less important, than there being a radical transformation of the border resulting in a massive decrease in the illegal population in this country.
If Trump was interested in unity rather than a divisive fight then he could have gotten the wall by focusing on the shining gates. If it wasn’t a “keep out” brand and if it was more of a Statue of Liberty brand then many more liberals would be supportive.

The Goal is a policy the protects and advances American interests.

If one side of the political divide is against that, then "Unity" would be a bad thing, as we have to compromise with people who want policies that are bad for America.
If the goal is to improve border security then you need unity and collaboration to get there. When you demonize the people you need to get legislation passed and when you brand your campaign in a way that goes against your political opponents values then you aren’t going to get anywhere.

you just described Pelosi and Schumer.

Ouch. Or not...

Department of Homeland Security testing of a steel slat prototype proved it could be cut through with a saw, according to a report by DHS.

A photo exclusively obtained by NBC News shows the results of the test after military and Border Patrol personnel were instructed to attempt to destroy the barriers with common tools.

Steel prototype for border wall cut through with saw, photo shows
/-----/ Why didn't you post this accompanying piece?
Number of sick kids soars at border; tuberculosis, flu, infections land migrants in hospitals
If you want to start a conversation about the total incompetence at the border by the Trump administration, please make your own thread.
Hilarious watching you Leftards screaming for open borders and defunding ICE as 2020 kicks off.
Not as hilarious as watching you rubes erupt in raucous applause because Mexico was going to build the wall for you :laugh:
Even more hilarious when the minority Democrats watch Trump make Mexico pay for the completed wall by cutting aid.
Of course, that only means WE are paying for the wall. Not Mexico :itsok:
I can’t speak for other “Libs” but I always saw Trumps wall campaign as unrealistic and full of hot air. The “wall” is now evolving, like most campaign ideas do... but as far as building a new coast to coast “Great Wall of Trump” that Mexico is paying for like he advertised, not going to ever happen. Now for repairing existing fencing and adding walls/fences where neccessary like we have done for decades. Yes of course that is reasonable and will happen. Just gotta get beyond all this political squabbling nonesense

1. If the end result of Trump's Wall is the status quo, that is a failure.

2. There is no reason that we cannot have all the reasonably accessible routs into the country, walled.

3. Who pays for it, is FAR less important, than there being a radical transformation of the border resulting in a massive decrease in the illegal population in this country.
If Trump was interested in unity rather than a divisive fight then he could have gotten the wall by focusing on the shining gates. If it wasn’t a “keep out” brand and if it was more of a Statue of Liberty brand then many more liberals would be supportive.

The Goal is a policy the protects and advances American interests.

If one side of the political divide is against that, then "Unity" would be a bad thing, as we have to compromise with people who want policies that are bad for America.
If the goal is to improve border security then you need unity and collaboration to get there. When you demonize the people you need to get legislation passed and when you brand your campaign in a way that goes against your political opponents values then you aren’t going to get anywhere.

you just described Pelosi and Schumer.
Agreed both sides are guilty of the same tactics. Both are responsible. I place more responsibility on the president to set the tone.
If you want to start a conversation about the total incompetence at the border by the Trump administration, please make your own thread.
Hilarious watching you Leftards screaming for open borders and defunding ICE as 2020 kicks off.
Not as hilarious as watching you rubes erupt in raucous applause because Mexico was going to build the wall for you :laugh:
Even more hilarious when the minority Democrats watch Trump make Mexico pay for the completed wall by cutting aid.
Of course, that only means WE are paying for the wall. Not Mexico :itsok:
We are paying for not having the smart fence the President wants now.
And some of that for more agents to patrol the wall. Gotta do both. Have to.
Maybe not. It will be a smart fence that will have sensors and cameras that will instantly report the location any attempt to breach of damage the fence and allow rapid response teams to intercept them so fewer patrols will be necessary.
If you want to start a conversation about the total incompetence at the border by the Trump administration, please make your own thread.
Hilarious watching you Leftards screaming for open borders and defunding ICE as 2020 kicks off.
Not as hilarious as watching you rubes erupt in raucous applause because Mexico was going to build the wall for you :laugh:
Even more hilarious when the minority Democrats watch Trump make Mexico pay for the completed wall by cutting aid.
Of course, that only means WE are paying for the wall. Not Mexico :itsok:
0.01% of the budget. Don’t Fund half the crap I posted.

Ouch. Or not...

Department of Homeland Security testing of a steel slat prototype proved it could be cut through with a saw, according to a report by DHS.

A photo exclusively obtained by NBC News shows the results of the test after military and Border Patrol personnel were instructed to attempt to destroy the barriers with common tools.

Steel prototype for border wall cut through with saw, photo shows

They could have use jet fuel...
/----/ Two weeks ago Libtards said the Mexicans could buy thousands of ladders and use them to climb over the fence. Libtards got all the angles covered.

Ouch. Or not...

Department of Homeland Security testing of a steel slat prototype proved it could be cut through with a saw, according to a report by DHS.

A photo exclusively obtained by NBC News shows the results of the test after military and Border Patrol personnel were instructed to attempt to destroy the barriers with common tools.

Steel prototype for border wall cut through with saw, photo shows

They could have use jet fuel...
/----/ Two weeks ago Libtards said the Mexicans could buy thousands of ladders and use them to climb over the fence. Libtards got all the angles covered.
Of course they can. Is this so hard for you?

Ouch. Or not...

Department of Homeland Security testing of a steel slat prototype proved it could be cut through with a saw, according to a report by DHS.

A photo exclusively obtained by NBC News shows the results of the test after military and Border Patrol personnel were instructed to attempt to destroy the barriers with common tools.

Steel prototype for border wall cut through with saw, photo shows

They could have use jet fuel...
/----/ Two weeks ago Libtards said the Mexicans could buy thousands of ladders and use them to climb over the fence. Libtards got all the angles covered.
Of course they can. Is this so hard for you?
/----/ You can use a ladder to climb up but then how do you get down on the other side?

Ouch. Or not...

Department of Homeland Security testing of a steel slat prototype proved it could be cut through with a saw, according to a report by DHS.

A photo exclusively obtained by NBC News shows the results of the test after military and Border Patrol personnel were instructed to attempt to destroy the barriers with common tools.

Steel prototype for border wall cut through with saw, photo shows

They could have use jet fuel...
/----/ Two weeks ago Libtards said the Mexicans could buy thousands of ladders and use them to climb over the fence. Libtards got all the angles covered.
Of course they can. Is this so hard for you?
/----/ You can use a ladder to climb up but then how do you get down on the other side?
Pull the ladder over or let down a second ladder. This isn’t hard, dude.
Trump's use of hyperbole, and the way it confuses some people but not others, was extensively discussed during the campaign.

YOu are acting like you have not considered this issue before.

That is not credible.
I consider hyperbole from the president of the United States to be the same thing as propaganda. That office and running for that office should hold higher standards. Obama should have been held accountable for the doctor plan promise and Trump should be held accountable for the Mexico will pay for it promise, amoungst the many other “hyperbolized” promises he made. You shouldn’t be making excuses and accepting that shit as par for the course. IMO

1. Hyperbole and propaganda are two distinct forms of communication. They can overlap, but pretending that they are the same, is, ironically, as dishonest as you are claiming that Trump is.

2. You believe that the Office of the President should be held to a "higher standard" that does not include regular use of hyperbole. That is a fine opinion. The nation as a whole, disagreed when they elected Trump. Your disagreement with US, does not change the fact that hyperbole is part of Trump's communication style.

3. I agree that Obama should have been held accountable for his lie on the doctor plan.

4. Trump, imo, should be held accountable he makes a strong, very strong, good faith effort to build a Wall, or a "wall" that is highly effective in vastly reducing the number of illegal border crossings.

5. Making Mexico pay, always struck me as far less of a serious commitment. I don't know how to explain to you how to distinguish between the two, but trust me on this. Though I would love it, if he did manage it.
First off, just because somebody is elected does not mean the majority of America accepts and supports everything that they do. There were two choices to choose from. Two horrible choices if you ask me.

Second, couldn’t I say the same thing about Obama that you are saying about Trump? He just wanted to fix our healthcare system so more people would be covered so he did everything he could to move the ball.... see, same argument

Lastly, please explain the difference between Trumps hyperbole and propaganda, cause I don’t see a difference.

1. Trump's hyperbole is part of the political landscape for now. You can dislike it all you want, but don't pretend to not know that.

2. Having a good reason to lie, is not the same as knowing that you are know for using hyperbole, and using hyperbole. It is not the same thing. Pretending it is, is not reasonable.

3. Sure, propaganda is information used to promote a particular cause or point of view. Hyperbole is exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. Propaganda can be true, and good, while hyperbole can be used to make a completely true point. If you tell your wife that your love for her is deeper than the ocean, that is not a literal statement, but the point that it makes, ie, that you love her a lot, could very well be true.

Propaganda is defined more by WHAT the goal of a statement is, while hyperbole is more about style.

It is strange that I have to explain this.
Well you have more to explain because what you said isn’t applocable to this situation. If you are calling hyperbole exaggeration like “my love is as deep as the ocean” and propaganda as exaggeration and dishonesty to meet a political goal then much of Trumps rhetoric would fall into the propaganda category.

Locking her up was not an exaggeration. No contact with Russia is a straight up lie. Providing quick and affordable healthcare for all was not an exaggeration or a reality, Mexico paying for a wall was not an exaggeration or a reality. These were statements made in an attempt to stir emotions and gain the public trust so he could win an election. That’s propaganda.

Obama had the goal to reform healthcare and get more people in the country covered. He made a promise that he couldn’t keep as far as doctors and plans but he got the bill passed. So if Obama is a liar then Yrumpnos right there with him. Call it both ways. Trump has done the exact same thing with several issues except of course he has not followed through with quick and affordable healthcare or building his wall.

1. Propaganda does not have to be dishonest.

2. Much of any politicians communication is designed to met a political goal. Using that definition, EVERY politician is guilty of using propaganda.

3. "Locking her up" was somewhat hyperbolic as the reality of the policy would have been to launch, or redo, serious investigations of Hillary's alleged crimes, with the quite plausible goal of jail time.

As Trump did not do that, calling that a lie, is reasonable, though it is possible he meant it when he said it, and only reconsidered once in office, and exposed to more reasonable advice.

Though in that case, he really, really should have explained that to his supporters.

4. Mexico paying for the Wall, was in my opinion, hyperbole, not meant to be taken literally, but an indication of a very strong and hostile position with regard to Mexico, and the massive problem of illegal immigration.

5. Trump certainly should have started on the Wall far before now. It is likely that he was planning on that being a lie, until the mid terms and he realized that his supporters support, is conditional on him doing a good job.

It is not too late for him to redeem that promise.

Ouch. Or not...

Department of Homeland Security testing of a steel slat prototype proved it could be cut through with a saw, according to a report by DHS.

A photo exclusively obtained by NBC News shows the results of the test after military and Border Patrol personnel were instructed to attempt to destroy the barriers with common tools.

Steel prototype for border wall cut through with saw, photo shows

They could have use jet fuel...
/----/ Two weeks ago Libtards said the Mexicans could buy thousands of ladders and use them to climb over the fence. Libtards got all the angles covered.
Of course they can. Is this so hard for you?
/----/ You can use a ladder to climb up but then how do you get down on the other side?

What would you do if you're in that position?

Ouch. Or not...

Department of Homeland Security testing of a steel slat prototype proved it could be cut through with a saw, according to a report by DHS.

A photo exclusively obtained by NBC News shows the results of the test after military and Border Patrol personnel were instructed to attempt to destroy the barriers with common tools.

Steel prototype for border wall cut through with saw, photo shows

They could have use jet fuel...
/----/ Two weeks ago Libtards said the Mexicans could buy thousands of ladders and use them to climb over the fence. Libtards got all the angles covered.
Of course they can. Is this so hard for you?
/----/ You can use a ladder to climb up but then how do you get down on the other side?
Pull the ladder over or let down a second ladder. This isn’t hard, dude.

Or just torch the slats with jet fuel. :D

Ouch. Or not...

Department of Homeland Security testing of a steel slat prototype proved it could be cut through with a saw, according to a report by DHS.

A photo exclusively obtained by NBC News shows the results of the test after military and Border Patrol personnel were instructed to attempt to destroy the barriers with common tools.

Steel prototype for border wall cut through with saw, photo shows

They could have use jet fuel...
/----/ Two weeks ago Libtards said the Mexicans could buy thousands of ladders and use them to climb over the fence. Libtards got all the angles covered.
Of course they can. Is this so hard for you?
/----/ You can use a ladder to climb up but then how do you get down on the other side?



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