Official Who Ignored Request for Water During Maui Inferno: 'Water Requires Conversations Around Equity'

That's because global warming is responsible.

As for going to China, and complaining about what they're doing in China or India, first world nations like the the USA, the EU, and Canada moved all of their manufacturing to Asia precisely BECAUSE they had no environmental regulations whatsoever, and they could pollute freely.

The first nations of the world encouraged these nations to increase energy production, by any means necessary. As long as they got cheap goods.

This is like everyone throwing all of their trash into the neighbour's yard and then sending the county over to tell them to clean up their yard.

Last but not least, waiting or expecting someone else to do something before you do, is truly stupid. But that American conservatives for you. Stupid and stiff necked. No matter how much anyone else does, you still have to do your share, and the sooner you start, the better off you'll be.
That's because global warming is responsible.
So who told you this?
Bodies still being discovered and I want to know who’s determined this is the root cause. I want to see the data. You know, SCIENCE.
China puts out more CO2 than all developed nations combined, and no shock you’re defending the ChiComs.

BTW - under Trump the US lowered its CO2 and was the ONLY nation to meet the Paris Accord targets.

And that's a lie:

From the New York Times, November 08, 2022:

None of the world’s biggest emitters — China, the United States, the European Union and India — have reduced their emissions enough to meet the Paris Agreement goals. Together, the three countries and the European bloc account for more than half of historical emissions of planet-warming gases, which include carbon dioxide and methane. The United States is the largest historical emitter, and China is the largest current emitter. Their policies have an outsize impact on the future of Earth’s climate.

Pointing out the fact that China IS reducing emisions and doing a lot toward doing so, even cancelling construction of coal fired plants, but that the US was doing nothing even as climate related weather disasters have increased in size and cost every year, isn't defending China.

American conservatives have a whole array of lies and excuses for doing nothing, but American conservatives are best at blaming someone else for the problems they've created.

The City of Yellowknife, in the NWT, population 200,000, is under a full evacuation order. Evacuation is nearly complete. Kelowna, BC is also under an evacuation order as the fire jumped the lake, homes are now burning. I was reading this news as a tourism commercial for beautiful Kelowna played on my TV.

Heat related deaths are spiking - more than 1500 deaths in 2022, and likely to go even higher in this year's record heat. If the heat doesn't get you, the smoke from the wild fires will.
So who told you this?
Bodies still being discovered and I want to know who’s determined this is the root cause. I want to see the data. You know, SCIENCE.

Then google it, asshole. Stop waiting for people to do everything for you that you're than capable of doing for yourself. Start finding your own answers instead of waiting for people to tell you what to think.
Leftism on full display. Hawaiians get everything they deserve for voting Democrat on everything.
Only God knows how many were burned alive because of his wokeness.

During the inferno that devastated part of the island of Maui, wiping entire towns off the map and possibly killing more than a thousand people (once a full assessment can be made), people on Maui begged state officials to allow West Maui stream water to be diverted to fill up reservoirs for firefighting. That request went to M. Kaleo Manuel, Deputy Director of Hawaii's Commission on Water Resource Management, and he delayed approval of that water for five hours - five hours in which the once-contained fire exploded. By the time the approval was received, workers were unable to reach the siphon release so that the water could be diverted. Now we're learning that Manuel, an Obama Foundation Leader for the Asia Pacific Region, is a climate change activist and DEI devotee who's said, "Like, we can share [water], but it requires true conversations about equity."

What you are witnessing is failure of the leftists agenda in plain sight
Then google it, asshole. Stop waiting for people to do everything for you that you're than capable of doing for yourself. Start finding your own answers instead of waiting for people to tell you what to think.
Ah! I’m supposed to believe everything on the internet like you!

Dumbass parrot.
And that's a lie:

From the New York Times, November 08, 2022:

Pointing out the fact that China IS reducing emisions and doing a lot toward doing so, even cancelling construction of coal fired plants, but that the US was doing nothing even as climate related weather disasters have increased in size and cost every year, isn't defending China.

American conservatives have a whole array of lies and excuses for doing nothing, but American conservatives are best at blaming someone else for the problems they've created.

The City of Yellowknife, in the NWT, population 200,000, is under a full evacuation order. Evacuation is nearly complete. Kelowna, BC is also under an evacuation order as the fire jumped the lake, homes are now burning. I was reading this news as a tourism commercial for beautiful Kelowna played on my TV.

Heat related deaths are spiking - more than 1500 deaths in 2022, and likely to go even higher in this year's record heat. If the heat doesn't get you, the smoke from the wild fires will.
79 degrees high today in mid August Virginia since you once again use weather as climate.
Once again, you reveal your stupidity and ignorance. The Canadian government sent all of the money donated to the “truckers” back to the donors.

Unlike the USA, we don’t allow con artists, and grifters to fleece the general public with donations to fake political causes or phony demonstrations.

We protect our citizens from liars and thieves.

We also don’t allow liars to go on the air and saying election was stolen when it wasn’t
You're so full of shit the air around you is brown.

You dumb fucking assholes are perfectly happy with a fop in charge.

Tell ya what, you try stealing peoples' money in America you'll be dead in days.

We don't take kindly to that kind of Stalinist bullshit.
EVIDENCE that this man is a Democrat, Flush, or are you just making unfounded allegations based on your hatred of your fellow Americans???

The Democrats aren't "filth", Flush. They're Americans. They've never crashed the economy, nor have they allowed a pandemic run wild and kill a million Americans. They've never tried to overthrow the country or elected a known criminal president.

So take your lame ass insults and conspiracy theories and start coming up with proveable facts and data. We're done with you hated fuelled idiots who don't know their asses from a hole in the ground.
You're way too stupid to be done with anything.

You're still posting, aren't you?
8 pages later and we are still faced with the same question from the idiots complaining the right is calling out the left for the 'equity' call that prevented the fire department from getting water but somehow were, and are, just fine with the exact same political messaging used after Flynt and every single major shooting in the last decade.

Good for me but not for thee.

They should be called out for this idiocy. It honestly sounds like they picked a line directly out of atlas shrugged. That was SUPPOSED to be fiction.
CA allowed the entire town of Paradise (how ironic) to burn completely (many elderly retired) >90 humans died?

How can you spin GW without creating crisis? Notice they seem to pick and choise where “crisis” is allowed to occur?
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Leftism on full display. Hawaiians get everything they deserve for voting Democrat on everything.
Only God knows how many were burned alive because of his wokeness.

During the inferno that devastated part of the island of Maui, wiping entire towns off the map and possibly killing more than a thousand people (once a full assessment can be made), people on Maui begged state officials to allow West Maui stream water to be diverted to fill up reservoirs for firefighting. That request went to M. Kaleo Manuel, Deputy Director of Hawaii's Commission on Water Resource Management, and he delayed approval of that water for five hours - five hours in which the once-contained fire exploded. By the time the approval was received, workers were unable to reach the siphon release so that the water could be diverted. Now we're learning that Manuel, an Obama Foundation Leader for the Asia Pacific Region, is a climate change activist and DEI devotee who's said, "Like, we can share [water], but it requires true conversations about equity."

He should at a minimum get fired. Probably should be criminally prosecuted. He refused water to firefighters! But no, he got reassigned.

The state Department of Land and Natural Resources said late Wednesday that a top deputy on the water commission has been transferred to another position following news reports that he declined to release water to fill reservoirs in the Lahaina area until the fire was well underway and it was too late for the water to get to Maui firefighters.

That state is fucked. It's like liberals are on a mission to ruin all of the most beautiful areas of the country.

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