Officials announce proposal that would establish California as separate nation

Take a good look at a road map.

Very few East-West links between California and America.

Consequently very few customs/immigration stations need be built. In fact a great deal of the terrain is sufficiently forbidding that it won't even be necessary to build a wall to contain the madness that is endemic to California.
Yes, Americans are allowed to hold beliefs that are not popular. Including facists, Nazis and white supremacists. Accepting freedom of beliefs is American.

Another poor job at spin rich, your claim is that they are pro-American beliefs...go back and check

People may have a negative view, but no one with true American beliefs would deny them their beliefs or say that they were anti-Americans.

So are those beliefs pro-American? or are you just trying to walk back that claim now? pretending that is what I said is just a lie, please cut and paste my post that makes the above claim you say I posted...lest that stand as an intentional lie needed to make and/or bolster your weak claim that I said it.

The only true anti-Americans are those who say that people that only people who have similar beliefs are pro-American and those who have different beliefs are anti-American

The very definition of left wing political correctness rich

..setting the stage for political persecutions.

see: racism, misogyny, xenophobia and the many many Americans who have fallen victim to this kind of persecution


Few truer words have ever been spoken
Yes, Americans are allowed to hold beliefs that are not popular. Including facists, Nazis and white supremacists. Accepting freedom of beliefs is American.

Another poor job at spin rich, your claim is that they are pro-American beliefs...go back and check

People may have a negative view, but no one with true American beliefs would deny them their beliefs or say that they were anti-Americans.

So are those beliefs pro-American? or are you just trying to walk back that claim now? pretending that is what I said is just a lie, please cut and paste my post that makes the above claim you say I posted...lest that stand as an intentional lie needed to make and/or bolster your weak claim that I said it.

The only true anti-Americans are those who say that people that only people who have similar beliefs are pro-American and those who have different beliefs are anti-American

The very definition of left wing political correctness rich

..setting the stage for political persecutions.

see: racism, misogyny, xenophobia and the many many Americans who have fallen victim to this kind of persecution


Few truer words have ever been spoken

there is a difference between pro-American beliefs and a person being pro-American. Years ago, when I lived down south and played in a country western band, I knew people who were in the KKK. I would not say that their beliefs were pro-American, but I would not say they as people were anti-American. They were very pro-American people...they just had different beliefs than I do, and a very different idea of America.

You seem to have a very monolithic belief in what is American and what is not American and anyone who holds contradictory beliefs is not pro-American.
there is a difference between pro-American beliefs and a person being pro-American. Years ago, when I lived down south and played in a country western band, I knew people who were in the KKK. I would not say that their beliefs were pro-American, but I would not say they as people were anti-American. They were very pro-American people...they just had different beliefs than I do, and a very different idea of America.

Your bio is duly noted rich, now, is it still your claim that Fascism, anti-semitism etc. are pro-American views

You seem to have a very monolithic belief in what is American and what is not American and anyone who holds contradictory beliefs is not pro-American.
No rich, if that were my belief you would be able to post my quote making that claim, that is just your spin on "the left is every bit as anti-American as the right is racist" [and all those other left wing labels of love and tolerance] cannot refute that claim so you reword it and then actually make the case for my claim without understanding that is what you are doing...claiming americans are racist or misogynist or xenophobic because they do not fall in line with the lefts beliefs is what you said is the only true anti-american...would you agree?, or would you like to walk that claim back by rewording it as well.
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A proposal in California has been submitted to the Secretary of State’s Office on Thursday campaigning for the state to secede from the United States.

The proposed “Calexit” initiative would ask voters to repeal part of the state constitution that declares California an inseparable part of the U.S.

A recent poll suggested that one in three California residents would support a possible secession from the U.S. due to their opposition to President Donald Trump. No mention has been made of the president in the proposal.

If the proposal qualifies for the ballot and is approved by voters, it could be a step to a future vote on whether the state would break away from the rest of the nation.

Secretary of State Alex Padilla said the group behind the proposal, Yes California Independence Campaign, was cleared to begin attempting to collect nearly 600,000 voter signatures needed to place the plan on the ballot.

The Los Angeles Times reported that the supporters of the proposal have said California does not share the same cultural ideas as the rest of America.

Officials announce proposal that would establish California as separate nation

So is this what those actors meant when they said they would the country if Trump was elected?

I've been thinking, this might work out for everyone.
1)Republicans will win elections easier.
2) it means their open borders we can dump all the illegals and drug addicts there.
(Wait, a majority already are.)
3)we won't have to worry or deal with N.Korea threat since the farthest they can reach is Cali.
4)Sharknado series and Pineapple Express won't be labeled or attributed as American movies any more.
5)Surrounding States will no longer have to ration off it's scarce drinking water to those pool water hogs.
6)our health care system will not be burdened with Michael Moore, Lena Dunham, or Amy Schumercs tripple heart bipasses or health issues related to their indulging eating habits.
7) less serial killers attributed to the U.S.
8) Higher national avg SCHOOL SCORES.
9) U.S. home price avg will become more rational and normal.
10) Property Insurance rates come down without having to help insure the Population who lives with risky earth quakes, mudslides etc.
11)we get to see property values crash in Cali when the state turns into a Barrio.
12)Crypts vs the Bloods becomes the number 1 rated TV show for those not choosing to live there.
13) the author of this proposal to be free from the States ends up having a family of 12 move next door playing music all day whereby they had to call the cops 10 times a month on. THE Cops to busy throughout the State to respond means the author is now surrounded by bars on his window and doors and a divider wall in his yard.
Go figure!
A proposal in California has been submitted to the Secretary of State’s Office on Thursday campaigning for the state to secede from the United States.

The proposed “Calexit” initiative would ask voters to repeal part of the state constitution that declares California an inseparable part of the U.S.

A recent poll suggested that one in three California residents would support a possible secession from the U.S. due to their opposition to President Donald Trump. No mention has been made of the president in the proposal.

If the proposal qualifies for the ballot and is approved by voters, it could be a step to a future vote on whether the state would break away from the rest of the nation.

Secretary of State Alex Padilla said the group behind the proposal, Yes California Independence Campaign, was cleared to begin attempting to collect nearly 600,000 voter signatures needed to place the plan on the ballot.

The Los Angeles Times reported that the supporters of the proposal have said California does not share the same cultural ideas as the rest of America.

Officials announce proposal that would establish California as separate nation

So is this what those actors meant when they said they would the country if Trump was elected?

Leader of the campaign lives in Russia.
Russia is invested in disrupting America.

So far Russia is doing a bang up job.
Reality hurts my friend...

really? a cliche? are you hurting from reality? if the answer is no does that mean you don't recognize it? or just don't live in it?...jeez
sorry but you are wrong.

Can you provide a link that shows Texas is the leader in secession talks, unless of course "flirting" with it is considered ahead of applying for it in your version of reality

Shit comes from both the left and the right.

I am a registered democrat who didn't vote for either because I recognize that sometimes it comes from both at the same time...unless you can make the same claim I would refer that statement back to you as a homework assignment...and enough with pseudo-intellectual posts, there is nothing witty or informative about them...just left wing drivel
I just provided a link. I don't need to waste time trying to prove Texas was the "leader" it doesn't really matter. I said that because they were the ones most commonly known For succession talks before this recent election. But if you want to make the "leader" thing the main issue then I'll concede that point, it's insignificant to my argument. Regardless they did the exact same thing California is now doing but it was GOP lead. That was my point. It isn't just the left trying to tear apart America like you are claiming.

The secession was just a small part of my claim that the left has been trying to tear apart America and was just another of many examples of that, [and most us don't need that explained to them]... while the "GOP lead" Texas' secession movement is the only example you have in claiming Texas was trying to do the same...hardly the leader, and Texas now seems fine with staying...California? you tell me
It's not rocket science... Texas wanted to leave under Clinton and Obama... California wants to leave after Trumps election... see what's happening here??
Let them go. When The Big Shakey hits, and it will, they'll be all on their own - just like they wanted. That's a double win.

Exactly...when the San Andreas snaps them off into the Pacific Ocean we won't have to look for survivors (not that there will be any).

A proposal in California has been submitted to the Secretary of State’s Office on Thursday campaigning for the state to secede from the United States.

The proposed “Calexit” initiative would ask voters to repeal part of the state constitution that declares California an inseparable part of the U.S.

A recent poll suggested that one in three California residents would support a possible secession from the U.S. due to their opposition to President Donald Trump. No mention has been made of the president in the proposal.

If the proposal qualifies for the ballot and is approved by voters, it could be a step to a future vote on whether the state would break away from the rest of the nation.

Secretary of State Alex Padilla said the group behind the proposal, Yes California Independence Campaign, was cleared to begin attempting to collect nearly 600,000 voter signatures needed to place the plan on the ballot.

The Los Angeles Times reported that the supporters of the proposal have said California does not share the same cultural ideas as the rest of America.

Officials announce proposal that would establish California as separate nation

So is this what those actors meant when they said they would the country if Trump was elected?

A few years ago California decided to boycott Arizona because of a law the state passed. Arizona said okay. Lights out. Cali gets its electricity from Arizona. That ended the boycott.

Secession would end the same way.
Once desal technology gets cheaper and more energy efficient we will have an endless supply

Considering the greens will shut down all your nuke plants, and you will have to pay across a border for Nevada's river power, good luck with that.
I feel like we are playing a game of fantasy risk. You realize none of this is real, right? It's all just political posturing and we are the mindless fish eating all the bait just for talking about it. Keep talking shit about California if it makes you feel better, I don't really care, it's always going to be an amazing place in my eyes, regardless of what people like you think.

Unless the rest of the Country gets so sick of them, yes, it's all theoretical. But in theory California is more dependent on its neighboring States than it realizes.
Well we are thankful to have you to tell us what we realize. Much appreciated

Being an ass about a discussion on a discussion board is poor form, dingleberry.
You are right, my apologies.
Reality hurts my friend...

really? a cliche? are you hurting from reality? if the answer is no does that mean you don't recognize it? or just don't live in it?...jeez
sorry but you are wrong.

Can you provide a link that shows Texas is the leader in secession talks, unless of course "flirting" with it is considered ahead of applying for it in your version of reality

Shit comes from both the left and the right.

I am a registered democrat who didn't vote for either because I recognize that sometimes it comes from both at the same time...unless you can make the same claim I would refer that statement back to you as a homework assignment...and enough with pseudo-intellectual posts, there is nothing witty or informative about them...just left wing drivel
I just provided a link. I don't need to waste time trying to prove Texas was the "leader" it doesn't really matter. I said that because they were the ones most commonly known For succession talks before this recent election. But if you want to make the "leader" thing the main issue then I'll concede that point, it's insignificant to my argument. Regardless they did the exact same thing California is now doing but it was GOP lead. That was my point. It isn't just the left trying to tear apart America like you are claiming.

The secession was just a small part of my claim that the left has been trying to tear apart America and was just another of many examples of that, [and most us don't need that explained to them]... while the "GOP lead" Texas' secession movement is the only example you have in claiming Texas was trying to do the same...hardly the leader, and Texas now seems fine with staying...California? you tell me
It's not rocket science... Texas wanted to leave under Clinton and Obama... California wants to leave after Trumps election... see what's happening here??
Not Rocket science?...LOL, It isn't even your abc's...California is behaving the way it has been since at least the sixities, like a spoiled entitled child, daddy said stop that and now they are crying and threatening to run away from want to pretend Texas is leading the way and is as bad as California go ahead, you got it, make the argument against them all you want...but if you are really a liberal you don't care if they are leaving, it would just be another feather in the liberal hat, wouldn't it?
We would have to make a much longer border wall. Small price to pay to get the hollyloonies out of this nation.

The socialist republic of California. Can't wait. The entire state would look like the ghettos of Detroit.
Reality hurts my friend...

really? a cliche? are you hurting from reality? if the answer is no does that mean you don't recognize it? or just don't live in it?...jeez
sorry but you are wrong.

Can you provide a link that shows Texas is the leader in secession talks, unless of course "flirting" with it is considered ahead of applying for it in your version of reality

Shit comes from both the left and the right.

I am a registered democrat who didn't vote for either because I recognize that sometimes it comes from both at the same time...unless you can make the same claim I would refer that statement back to you as a homework assignment...and enough with pseudo-intellectual posts, there is nothing witty or informative about them...just left wing drivel
I just provided a link. I don't need to waste time trying to prove Texas was the "leader" it doesn't really matter. I said that because they were the ones most commonly known For succession talks before this recent election. But if you want to make the "leader" thing the main issue then I'll concede that point, it's insignificant to my argument. Regardless they did the exact same thing California is now doing but it was GOP lead. That was my point. It isn't just the left trying to tear apart America like you are claiming.

The secession was just a small part of my claim that the left has been trying to tear apart America and was just another of many examples of that, [and most us don't need that explained to them]... while the "GOP lead" Texas' secession movement is the only example you have in claiming Texas was trying to do the same...hardly the leader, and Texas now seems fine with staying...California? you tell me
It's not rocket science... Texas wanted to leave under Clinton and Obama... California wants to leave after Trumps election... see what's happening here??
Not Rocket science?...LOL, It isn't even your abc's...California is behaving the way it has been since at least the sixities, like a spoiled entitled child, daddy said stop that and now they are crying and threatening to run away from want to pretend Texas is leading the way and is as bad as California go ahead, you got it, make the argument against them all you want...but if you are really a liberal you don't care if they are leaving, it would just be another feather in the liberal hat, wouldn't it?
I wouldn't say I'm a liberal or a conservative as I support both sides depending on the situation. You seem to have blinders on, and are fixated in the "leading" word which I already dismissed. Fact is, if California Liberals are "spoiled entitled children" as you say, then the same can be said about Texas conservatives who have been doing the exact same thing. At least try to be a little objective.
really? a cliche? are you hurting from reality? if the answer is no does that mean you don't recognize it? or just don't live in it?...jeez
Can you provide a link that shows Texas is the leader in secession talks, unless of course "flirting" with it is considered ahead of applying for it in your version of reality

I am a registered democrat who didn't vote for either because I recognize that sometimes it comes from both at the same time...unless you can make the same claim I would refer that statement back to you as a homework assignment...and enough with pseudo-intellectual posts, there is nothing witty or informative about them...just left wing drivel
I just provided a link. I don't need to waste time trying to prove Texas was the "leader" it doesn't really matter. I said that because they were the ones most commonly known For succession talks before this recent election. But if you want to make the "leader" thing the main issue then I'll concede that point, it's insignificant to my argument. Regardless they did the exact same thing California is now doing but it was GOP lead. That was my point. It isn't just the left trying to tear apart America like you are claiming.

The secession was just a small part of my claim that the left has been trying to tear apart America and was just another of many examples of that, [and most us don't need that explained to them]... while the "GOP lead" Texas' secession movement is the only example you have in claiming Texas was trying to do the same...hardly the leader, and Texas now seems fine with staying...California? you tell me
It's not rocket science... Texas wanted to leave under Clinton and Obama... California wants to leave after Trumps election... see what's happening here??
Not Rocket science?...LOL, It isn't even your abc's...California is behaving the way it has been since at least the sixities, like a spoiled entitled child, daddy said stop that and now they are crying and threatening to run away from want to pretend Texas is leading the way and is as bad as California go ahead, you got it, make the argument against them all you want...but if you are really a liberal you don't care if they are leaving, it would just be another feather in the liberal hat, wouldn't it?
I wouldn't say I'm a liberal or a conservative as I support both sides depending on the situation. You seem to have blinders on, and are fixated in the "leading" word which I already dismissed. Fact is, if California Liberals are "spoiled entitled children" as you say, then the same can be said about Texas conservatives who have been doing the exact same thing. At least try to be a little objective.

one big difference, Texas is not broke, California is.
I just provided a link. I don't need to waste time trying to prove Texas was the "leader" it doesn't really matter. I said that because they were the ones most commonly known For succession talks before this recent election. But if you want to make the "leader" thing the main issue then I'll concede that point, it's insignificant to my argument. Regardless they did the exact same thing California is now doing but it was GOP lead. That was my point. It isn't just the left trying to tear apart America like you are claiming.

The secession was just a small part of my claim that the left has been trying to tear apart America and was just another of many examples of that, [and most us don't need that explained to them]... while the "GOP lead" Texas' secession movement is the only example you have in claiming Texas was trying to do the same...hardly the leader, and Texas now seems fine with staying...California? you tell me
It's not rocket science... Texas wanted to leave under Clinton and Obama... California wants to leave after Trumps election... see what's happening here??
Not Rocket science?...LOL, It isn't even your abc's...California is behaving the way it has been since at least the sixities, like a spoiled entitled child, daddy said stop that and now they are crying and threatening to run away from want to pretend Texas is leading the way and is as bad as California go ahead, you got it, make the argument against them all you want...but if you are really a liberal you don't care if they are leaving, it would just be another feather in the liberal hat, wouldn't it?
I wouldn't say I'm a liberal or a conservative as I support both sides depending on the situation. You seem to have blinders on, and are fixated in the "leading" word which I already dismissed. Fact is, if California Liberals are "spoiled entitled children" as you say, then the same can be said about Texas conservatives who have been doing the exact same thing. At least try to be a little objective.

one big difference, Texas is not broke, California is.
That has nothing to do with the conversation
The secession was just a small part of my claim that the left has been trying to tear apart America and was just another of many examples of that, [and most us don't need that explained to them]... while the "GOP lead" Texas' secession movement is the only example you have in claiming Texas was trying to do the same...hardly the leader, and Texas now seems fine with staying...California? you tell me
It's not rocket science... Texas wanted to leave under Clinton and Obama... California wants to leave after Trumps election... see what's happening here??
Not Rocket science?...LOL, It isn't even your abc's...California is behaving the way it has been since at least the sixities, like a spoiled entitled child, daddy said stop that and now they are crying and threatening to run away from want to pretend Texas is leading the way and is as bad as California go ahead, you got it, make the argument against them all you want...but if you are really a liberal you don't care if they are leaving, it would just be another feather in the liberal hat, wouldn't it?
I wouldn't say I'm a liberal or a conservative as I support both sides depending on the situation. You seem to have blinders on, and are fixated in the "leading" word which I already dismissed. Fact is, if California Liberals are "spoiled entitled children" as you say, then the same can be said about Texas conservatives who have been doing the exact same thing. At least try to be a little objective.

one big difference, Texas is not broke, California is.
That has nothing to do with the conversation

Mmmm, it means that Texas could be a viable State by itself, while California could not.

That is relevant to judging the people behind both movements.
The secession was just a small part of my claim that the left has been trying to tear apart America and was just another of many examples of that, [and most us don't need that explained to them]... while the "GOP lead" Texas' secession movement is the only example you have in claiming Texas was trying to do the same...hardly the leader, and Texas now seems fine with staying...California? you tell me
It's not rocket science... Texas wanted to leave under Clinton and Obama... California wants to leave after Trumps election... see what's happening here??
Not Rocket science?...LOL, It isn't even your abc's...California is behaving the way it has been since at least the sixities, like a spoiled entitled child, daddy said stop that and now they are crying and threatening to run away from want to pretend Texas is leading the way and is as bad as California go ahead, you got it, make the argument against them all you want...but if you are really a liberal you don't care if they are leaving, it would just be another feather in the liberal hat, wouldn't it?
I wouldn't say I'm a liberal or a conservative as I support both sides depending on the situation. You seem to have blinders on, and are fixated in the "leading" word which I already dismissed. Fact is, if California Liberals are "spoiled entitled children" as you say, then the same can be said about Texas conservatives who have been doing the exact same thing. At least try to be a little objective.

one big difference, Texas is not broke, California is.
That has nothing to do with the conversation

tell that to the fool who tried to create an analogy between Tx and Ca.
It's not rocket science... Texas wanted to leave under Clinton and Obama... California wants to leave after Trumps election... see what's happening here??
Not Rocket science?...LOL, It isn't even your abc's...California is behaving the way it has been since at least the sixities, like a spoiled entitled child, daddy said stop that and now they are crying and threatening to run away from want to pretend Texas is leading the way and is as bad as California go ahead, you got it, make the argument against them all you want...but if you are really a liberal you don't care if they are leaving, it would just be another feather in the liberal hat, wouldn't it?
I wouldn't say I'm a liberal or a conservative as I support both sides depending on the situation. You seem to have blinders on, and are fixated in the "leading" word which I already dismissed. Fact is, if California Liberals are "spoiled entitled children" as you say, then the same can be said about Texas conservatives who have been doing the exact same thing. At least try to be a little objective.

one big difference, Texas is not broke, California is.
That has nothing to do with the conversation

Mmmm, it means that Texas could be a viable State by itself, while California could not.

That is relevant to judging the people behind both movements.
That's a completely separate debate. My point was very simple. If the OP was calling California liberals "spoiled entitled children" because a group petitioned for succession after Trumps win... the. It is only far to say the same thing about Texans when they did the exact same thing in past years.
It's not rocket science... Texas wanted to leave under Clinton and Obama... California wants to leave after Trumps election... see what's happening here??
Not Rocket science?...LOL, It isn't even your abc's...California is behaving the way it has been since at least the sixities, like a spoiled entitled child, daddy said stop that and now they are crying and threatening to run away from want to pretend Texas is leading the way and is as bad as California go ahead, you got it, make the argument against them all you want...but if you are really a liberal you don't care if they are leaving, it would just be another feather in the liberal hat, wouldn't it?
I wouldn't say I'm a liberal or a conservative as I support both sides depending on the situation. You seem to have blinders on, and are fixated in the "leading" word which I already dismissed. Fact is, if California Liberals are "spoiled entitled children" as you say, then the same can be said about Texas conservatives who have been doing the exact same thing. At least try to be a little objective.

one big difference, Texas is not broke, California is.
That has nothing to do with the conversation

tell that to the fool who tried to create an analogy between Tx and Ca.
I made a simple point, prove that Texas didn't petition to do the same thing and you can prove me wrong, but changing the subject to bank accounts is irrelevant to my point and a different debate

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