Officials announce proposal that would establish California as separate nation

A proposal in California has been submitted to the Secretary of State’s Office on Thursday campaigning for the state to secede from the United States.

The proposed “Calexit” initiative would ask voters to repeal part of the state constitution that declares California an inseparable part of the U.S.

A recent poll suggested that one in three California residents would support a possible secession from the U.S. due to their opposition to President Donald Trump. No mention has been made of the president in the proposal.

If the proposal qualifies for the ballot and is approved by voters, it could be a step to a future vote on whether the state would break away from the rest of the nation.

Secretary of State Alex Padilla said the group behind the proposal, Yes California Independence Campaign, was cleared to begin attempting to collect nearly 600,000 voter signatures needed to place the plan on the ballot.

The Los Angeles Times reported that the supporters of the proposal have said California does not share the same cultural ideas as the rest of America.

Officials announce proposal that would establish California as separate nation

So is this what those actors meant when they said they would the country if Trump was elected?
I don't know if the morons have noticed or not, but seceding would take longer than Trump will be in office, which makes doing it because he's president really stupid. Does anyone really think they could pull that off in less than 8 years?
A proposal in California has been submitted to the Secretary of State’s Office on Thursday campaigning for the state to secede from the United States.

The proposed “Calexit” initiative would ask voters to repeal part of the state constitution that declares California an inseparable part of the U.S.

A recent poll suggested that one in three California residents would support a possible secession from the U.S. due to their opposition to President Donald Trump. No mention has been made of the president in the proposal.

If the proposal qualifies for the ballot and is approved by voters, it could be a step to a future vote on whether the state would break away from the rest of the nation.

Secretary of State Alex Padilla said the group behind the proposal, Yes California Independence Campaign, was cleared to begin attempting to collect nearly 600,000 voter signatures needed to place the plan on the ballot.

The Los Angeles Times reported that the supporters of the proposal have said California does not share the same cultural ideas as the rest of America.

Officials announce proposal that would establish California as separate nation

So is this what those actors meant when they said they would the country if Trump was elected?

This is no surprise, the left has been trying to break America apart since the 60's, now they have resorted to their favorite tactic, playing the victim and all that entails [actually staying in America, demanding money for all the self inflicted damage, separation pay] when they could just leave and find a better life somewhere else [the pretend thing again]...Next they will target Hawaii.
Uhh, hasn't Texas, the lone star state, been the leader in the sussession talks? Are you saying that was led by the left?
No, California has been the undisputed leader since the 60's, and check the political history of texas...from johnson to richards a democratic state who is now glad to still be a part of a pro-American movement in this country

You do realize that the belief that some part or some of the people in America are pro-American is extremely anti-American.

There are lots of Americans with different points of view and ALL OF THEM ARE PRO-AMERICAN.

Your belief that whoever agrees with you is pro-American and the others are not, shows your intolerance for democracy and for individual rights. YOU are anti-American.
A proposal in California has been submitted to the Secretary of State’s Office on Thursday campaigning for the state to secede from the United States.

The proposed “Calexit” initiative would ask voters to repeal part of the state constitution that declares California an inseparable part of the U.S.

A recent poll suggested that one in three California residents would support a possible secession from the U.S. due to their opposition to President Donald Trump. No mention has been made of the president in the proposal.

If the proposal qualifies for the ballot and is approved by voters, it could be a step to a future vote on whether the state would break away from the rest of the nation.

Secretary of State Alex Padilla said the group behind the proposal, Yes California Independence Campaign, was cleared to begin attempting to collect nearly 600,000 voter signatures needed to place the plan on the ballot.

The Los Angeles Times reported that the supporters of the proposal have said California does not share the same cultural ideas as the rest of America.

Officials announce proposal that would establish California as separate nation

So is this what those actors meant when they said they would the country if Trump was elected?

This is no surprise, the left has been trying to break America apart since the 60's, now they have resorted to their favorite tactic, playing the victim and all that entails [actually staying in America, demanding money for all the self inflicted damage, separation pay] when they could just leave and find a better life somewhere else [the pretend thing again]...Next they will target Hawaii.
Uhh, hasn't Texas, the lone star state, been the leader in the sussession talks? Are you saying that was led by the left?
No, California has been the undisputed leader since the 60's, and check the political history of texas...from johnson to richards a democratic state who is now glad to still be a part of a pro-American movement in this country
Reality hurts my friend... sorry but you are wrong. Shit comes from both the left and the right.

Texas GOP Flirts with Secession in Tense Floor Debate
Texas even had a governor take it seriously......Tho, honestly the U.S. would miss CA way more than it would miss TX.
California is the 6th largest economy in the world now, nitwit. You ready to go down to a standard of living that even a Haitian doesn't endure?

California surpasses France as world's sixth-largest economy
BUSINESS NEWS | Fri Jun 17, 2016 | 9:17pm EDT
California surpasses France as world's sixth-largest economy

Kalifornication gets credit for goods passing THROUGH the State to be exported. Remove that and they're not what you think they are

Same with New Yawk and New Joisey.

It's complicated so I'm not even gonna try to explain it to you

As a long time New Yorker, I heard "New Jersey" or "Joisey." I never heard "New Joisey." Just FYI

I lived in NY and NJ for 15 years and never ever heard anyone say Joisey. Now Boston, NH, and Maine those people are difficult to understand. What's funny is, they all make fun of how the other talk lol.

I never heard anyone say it live either. My friends from New Jersey hate the Jersey accent. They get annoyed whenever anyone tries to tease them about it.

One question I'm curious though. I never lived in New Jersey. I lived and worked in The City, Winchester county and Fairfield county, to the north side. In all those places "The City" means specifically Manhattan. Someone from New Jersey told me in New Jersey "The City" is all of NYC. I was like WTF? That just didn't sound right to me. What do you think?
Reality hurts my friend...

really? a cliche? are you hurting from reality? if the answer is no does that mean you don't recognize it? or just don't live in it?...jeez
sorry but you are wrong.

Can you provide a link that shows Texas is the leader in secession talks, unless of course "flirting" with it is considered ahead of applying for it in your version of reality

Shit comes from both the left and the right.

I am a registered democrat who didn't vote for either because I recognize that sometimes it comes from both at the same time...unless you can make the same claim I would refer that statement back to you as a homework assignment...and enough with pseudo-intellectual posts, there is nothing witty or informative about them...just left wing drivel
So your view is that if California seceded they would stop trading with us? That's just stupid, even for you

Simple minded people tend not to recognize irony.

That was terrible irony. You switched illegal immigration for trade which is a false equivalency and then made Mexico the only reason California is leaving which is way weak. You suck at irony.

Here's a tip, when you try to convey partisan talking points into irony, it's probably not going to come off

No. Your just feeble-minded. There was nothing wrong with my statement. Intelligent people would have seen it as a joke. Especially with the emoticon banging his head against a wall...perhaps you should try that. It would probably improve your cognitive abilities.

Anyone who likes the DNC talking points would think it's funny. The problem with it was it had no basis in reality and it's based on DNC partisan views, which are not good bases for irony. It's more like you're Bevis and liberals laughing with you are Butthead

So your saying that we do not get lot's of produce from Mexico?

Um ... no ... that's not what I said ... So we've gone back and fourth like four times and you didn't even understand what we were talking about? Amazing
Officials announce proposal that would establish California as separate nation

Disgruntled liberal fanatics always bring this up when they get clobbered in an election.

It'll blow over soon, as it always does.
Simple minded people tend not to recognize irony.

That was terrible irony. You switched illegal immigration for trade which is a false equivalency and then made Mexico the only reason California is leaving which is way weak. You suck at irony.

Here's a tip, when you try to convey partisan talking points into irony, it's probably not going to come off

No. Your just feeble-minded. There was nothing wrong with my statement. Intelligent people would have seen it as a joke. Especially with the emoticon banging his head against a wall...perhaps you should try that. It would probably improve your cognitive abilities.

Anyone who likes the DNC talking points would think it's funny. The problem with it was it had no basis in reality and it's based on DNC partisan views, which are not good bases for irony. It's more like you're Bevis and liberals laughing with you are Butthead

So your saying that we do not get lot's of produce from Mexico?

Um ... no ... that's not what I said ... So we've gone back and fourth like four times and you didn't even understand what we were talking about? Amazing

My original statement simply said that we get lot's of produce from Mexico...and had an emoticon banging it's head against a wall Nothing more, nothing less.

Perhaps you should reread the seem to have read a whole lot more into that statement than was actually there.

Perhaps you have delusional tendencies?
Reality hurts my friend...

really? a cliche? are you hurting from reality? if the answer is no does that mean you don't recognize it? or just don't live in it?...jeez
sorry but you are wrong.

Can you provide a link that shows Texas is the leader in secession talks, unless of course "flirting" with it is considered ahead of applying for it in your version of reality

Shit comes from both the left and the right.

I am a registered democrat who didn't vote for either because I recognize that sometimes it comes from both at the same time...unless you can make the same claim I would refer that statement back to you as a homework assignment...and enough with pseudo-intellectual posts, there is nothing witty or informative about them...just left wing drivel
I just provided a link. I don't need to waste time trying to prove Texas was the "leader" it doesn't really matter. I said that because they were the ones most commonly known For succession talks before this recent election. But if you want to make the "leader" thing the main issue then I'll concede that point, it's insignificant to my argument. Regardless they did the exact same thing California is now doing but it was GOP lead. That was my point. It isn't just the left trying to tear apart America like you are claiming.
For those who want to leave, there are ways, of course.

Carve out a section taking in everything within 10 miles of a triangle from San Francisco to Santa Cruz to Sacramento, and within 10 miles from another triangle from Santa Barbara to Long Beach to Pasadena. Those two sections can be names North Hysteria and South Hysteria, respectively. The rest can remain as California. North and South Hysteria can join together politically if they want, or remain two separate states.

For three years after they separate out, people can come and go across their borders freely. After that, North and South Hysteria can put in place their own immigration laws and restrictions. California certainly will.

That should be long enough for all the whiners, criminals, jihadis, and welfare leeches to crowd into North and South Hysteria to get the free benefits and hide from the law; while allowing time for the new California to eliminate most of their own welfare programs and straighten out their schools.

And we'll all live happily ever after. Or California will, anyway.
Last edited:
You do realize that the belief that some part or some of the people in America are pro-American is extremely anti-American.

There are lots of Americans with different points of view and ALL OF THEM ARE PRO-AMERICAN.

Your belief that whoever agrees with you is pro-American and the others are not, shows your intolerance for democracy and for individual rights. YOU are anti-American.
Geez richie, that's deep, far out even, lets see how that plays:

"You do realize that the belief that some part or some of the people in America are pro-American is extremely anti-American."

You do realize that the belief that some of the people in America promoting race is extremely racist

"There are lots of Americans with different points of view and ALL OF THEM ARE PRO-AMERICAN."

Including fascist points of views? anti-semitic views? white supremacy views? ALL OF THESE ARE PRO-AMERICAN RICHIE?

"Your belief that whoever agrees with you is pro-American and the others are not, shows your intolerance for democracy and for individual rights. YOU are anti-American"

You need to brush up on your "liberal indoctrination" classes richie if you hope to pull off spin like that...very weak, right now every liberal on this board is probably cringing hoping I don't respond to and all the white liberals are just as Anti-American as the right is fascist, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic and all the rest of the words of tolerance and love and peace that were on display by the left this past week...every bit

thats how that plays rich
Too bad a lot of their water comes from outside the State, at least the Southern part of it.
Once desal technology gets cheaper and more energy efficient we will have an endless supply

Considering the greens will shut down all your nuke plants, and you will have to pay across a border for Nevada's river power, good luck with that.
I feel like we are playing a game of fantasy risk. You realize none of this is real, right? It's all just political posturing and we are the mindless fish eating all the bait just for talking about it. Keep talking shit about California if it makes you feel better, I don't really care, it's always going to be an amazing place in my eyes, regardless of what people like you think.

Unless the rest of the Country gets so sick of them, yes, it's all theoretical. But in theory California is more dependent on its neighboring States than it realizes.
Well we are thankful to have you to tell us what we realize. Much appreciated

Being an ass about a discussion on a discussion board is poor form, dingleberry.
Officials announce proposal that would establish California as separate nation

Disgruntled liberal fanatics always bring this up when they get clobbered in an election.

It'll blow over soon, as it always does.
just like it has in all the years i lived there.......
Officials announce proposal that would establish California as separate nation

Disgruntled liberal fanatics always bring this up when they get clobbered in an election.

It'll blow over soon, as it always does.
just like it has in all the years i lived there.......
California is the 6th largest economy in the world now, nitwit. You ready to go down to a standard of living that even a Haitian doesn't endure?

California surpasses France as world's sixth-largest economy
BUSINESS NEWS | Fri Jun 17, 2016 | 9:17pm EDT
California surpasses France as world's sixth-largest economy

Kalifornication gets credit for goods passing THROUGH the State to be exported. Remove that and they're not what you think they are

Same with New Yawk and New Joisey.

It's complicated so I'm not even gonna try to explain it to you

As a long time New Yorker, I heard "New Jersey" or "Joisey." I never heard "New Joisey." Just FYI

I lived in NY and NJ for 15 years and never ever heard anyone say Joisey. Now Boston, NH, and Maine those people are difficult to understand. What's funny is, they all make fun of how the other talk lol.

I never heard anyone say it live either. My friends from New Jersey hate the Jersey accent. They get annoyed whenever anyone tries to tease them about it.

One question I'm curious though. I never lived in New Jersey. I lived and worked in The City, Winchester county and Fairfield county, to the north side. In all those places "The City" means specifically Manhattan. Someone from New Jersey told me in New Jersey "The City" is all of NYC. I was like WTF? That just didn't sound right to me. What do you think?

Prejudice is rampant. NYC, Manhattan, Yonkers, Long Island, Newark, Brooklyn, etc. they are like warring tribes. California liberals are NOTHING like North East liberals. If California liberals tried to pull their west coast liberal crap in the North East, they would get beat up and dumped in the east river.
You do realize that the belief that some part or some of the people in America are pro-American is extremely anti-American.

There are lots of Americans with different points of view and ALL OF THEM ARE PRO-AMERICAN.

Your belief that whoever agrees with you is pro-American and the others are not, shows your intolerance for democracy and for individual rights. YOU are anti-American.
Geez richie, that's deep, far out even, lets see how that plays:

"You do realize that the belief that some part or some of the people in America are pro-American is extremely anti-American."

You do realize that the belief that some of the people in America promoting race is extremely racist

"There are lots of Americans with different points of view and ALL OF THEM ARE PRO-AMERICAN."

Including fascist points of views? anti-semitic views? white supremacy views? ALL OF THESE ARE PRO-AMERICAN RICHIE?

"Your belief that whoever agrees with you is pro-American and the others are not, shows your intolerance for democracy and for individual rights. YOU are anti-American"

You need to brush up on your "liberal indoctrination" classes richie if you hope to pull off spin like that...very weak, right now every liberal on this board is probably cringing hoping I don't respond to and all the white liberals are just as Anti-American as the right is fascist, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic and all the rest of the words of tolerance and love and peace that were on display by the left this past week...every bit

thats how that plays rich

Yes, Americans are allowed to hold beliefs that are not popular. Including facists, Nazis and white supremacists. Accepting freedom of beliefs is American.

People may have a negative view, but no one with true American beliefs would deny them their beliefs or say that they were anti-Americans.

The only true anti-Americans are those who say that people that only people who have similar beliefs are pro-American and those who have different beliefs are anti-American..setting the stage for political persecutions.

Good lucky small fries.

Texas vs White requires:
2/3 House 2/3 of Senate to BOTH approve. Then 38 state legislatures have to approve.

This would bipartisanly shot down. Liberals would want to ensure Republican President for the foreseeable future and the GOP wouldn't want to cede land or start a snowball effect that would led to a civil war

Sent from my iPhone using
Reality hurts my friend...

really? a cliche? are you hurting from reality? if the answer is no does that mean you don't recognize it? or just don't live in it?...jeez
sorry but you are wrong.

Can you provide a link that shows Texas is the leader in secession talks, unless of course "flirting" with it is considered ahead of applying for it in your version of reality

Shit comes from both the left and the right.

I am a registered democrat who didn't vote for either because I recognize that sometimes it comes from both at the same time...unless you can make the same claim I would refer that statement back to you as a homework assignment...and enough with pseudo-intellectual posts, there is nothing witty or informative about them...just left wing drivel
I just provided a link. I don't need to waste time trying to prove Texas was the "leader" it doesn't really matter. I said that because they were the ones most commonly known For succession talks before this recent election. But if you want to make the "leader" thing the main issue then I'll concede that point, it's insignificant to my argument. Regardless they did the exact same thing California is now doing but it was GOP lead. That was my point. It isn't just the left trying to tear apart America like you are claiming.

The secession was just a small part of my claim that the left has been trying to tear apart America and was just another of many examples of that, [and most us don't need that explained to them]... while the "GOP lead" Texas' secession movement is the only example you have in claiming Texas was trying to do the same...hardly the leader, and Texas now seems fine with staying...California? you tell me

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